Candy Crush Saga Level 1669

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1669 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by cookie
You need to collect 60 green candies in only 15 moves!
Although not classified as a hard level, level 1669 can be really tricky because of the small board and lack of moves.
You will not be able to collect enough green candies with matches of three. Even special candies and combos will be hard work. What you need are cascades, which you will only get by using stripe/wrap combos, wrapped candies and colour bomb combos.
You will need to play very carefully to get the cascades moving and you will also need a little bit of luck.
You can almost forget about the greens and just concentrate on making combos, work at the bottom to get those cascades going and use colour bombs on any colour, or another special candy.
Level 1669 is very possible without boosters, but starting the level with a colour bomb booster may help a lot.
Video below

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Anonymous said...

my advice :
1. make combo as many as possible;
2. try to make the move at bottom;
3. need a lucky board!

this level is possible but its not a hard level as others.

Bill. said...

I don't know why Ms Cookie says it's not classified as a "Hard" level as my mac is telling me it is definitely a "Hard" level. There are only 3 hard levels in this episode, 1656, 1658 and 1669 and this level is definitely the hardest of the three. Too few moves and need too many greens.... oh well, I sailed through the rest of the level I guess my sailing had to come to an end sometime! I will carry on and wait for that lucky board....

Anonymous said...

It is a hard level but
only because you have few moves to chose from and there are never enough greens on the board. Often none appear to replace those destroyed. Awaiting the lucky board. No skill required so very boring.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else having trouble with games freezing upon completion? Happens with sugar drop games and the new episode games, both on and offline. I have to reboot and lose any sugar drops earned and any boosters I used. No use playing anymore. Froze on me 5 times already today. King has sure gone downhill.

Anonymous said...

Got it after a few tries. Tick booster helped.

Catgirl said...

Maybe you need to install latest version of game and update the browser or device you're playing on

English Steve. said...

Really quite funny watching these videos. I've never seen that many green candies in 10 boards,never mind one!!

Unknown said...

Not even getting close

Anonymous said...

Yes, on my Android, the game would just shut down after the last move several times, so had to play those levels on my computer. May be time to upgrade my phone.

Bill. said...

Real Bill. 1st try got the greens. Straightforward and elementary level. Create combos.

didueverdoubtme said...

Maybe you have a crappy internet connection! Don't have any issues ever!

Mariellen Jordan said...

Thanks everyone. First try after coming here for help. Cascades work.

Newme07 said...

It happened to me too. I completed the level and it froze up on me and took me completely out. Now I have to start the level over. So irritating.

Anonymous said...

How to even reach the Green targets when the board doesn't produce enough Green to clear? Lucly board time.

cherylb said...

I'm really having a hard time with this Is classified as hard on my iPad time I needed one more green and won't buy extra moves....but I could have used a hand switch and didn't think of it soon enough...damn....used up 4 free hrs of lives and still can't come close again...I hate this episode

Julie d said...

This is classed as a hard level on iPad, yet I passed 1st go . I don't know why , but. I seem to find some of the "easy" levels harder. Maybe I just got a lucky board. Don't know if it's just me but I usually find the first go on a level is like a tester, second go much easier. If I don't pass 2nd go I know it's going to be tough.

Michelle said...

I cannot get even get close.... hate this waiting for the "board" crap

Bill said...

Shive shive shivery shiverster!!! Hard!!!!!!

Billbillbill said...

Real bill and his wife bill here, our kids bill bill bill and Bill and me (bill) and my wife (bill) are all stuck on this level. But my neighbour bill Billyson has done it, he got a tip from really real bill.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I was having a tough time finding enough green candies, but just before frustration set in I got a mystery candy chocolate ball w/ a green wrap combo which did the trick!!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable stupid level !!! Eatten up all my boosters n frustration to top it all ..., baldy King n a half !!!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable stupid level !!! Eatten up all my boosters !! Stupid King should not do these levels !!!!

Anonymous said...

Was really say after reading this, two combo striped and wrapped and one wrapped with another wrapped. Worked perfectly

Lena said...

This one is impossible, i´m sick of this level after 3 days

Nineteeneightyfourr said...

Good advice mentioned above - work low and make combos. Stripe/wrap combos I found the best. Mostly a lucky board and dependant on the mystery eggs (on several tries I ended up with chocolate and blockers!!) finally onward.

Anonymous said...

First attempt chocolate ball...pact with Satan

Anonymous said...

Most boring level in quite a while. Not getting near enough green candies, even with cascades. Will hope for a lucky board.

CCAddict said...

Lmao...yes they have tooo many monthly bills

Anonymous said...

Where are the green candies?? Not enough unless you get a good board. Don't be so stingy.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level, getting nowhere near ��

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level.Not enough greens and so boring.Hopefully lucky board comes soon before I give up.

Unknown said...

Couldn't do it without boosters. Got it first try with a sprinkle bomb and a check. Always set off colors other than green. Just look for any combos, finally I had one move left, only needed one green, it was worth the lollipop hammer.k

Anonymous said...

It is classed as a hard level. At least on PC.

Unknown said...

Not enough green candies on the board. Used some boosters but not very helpful. Ugh!!

Anonymous said...

I think they've cut down the number of green candies available

Anonymous said...

I just came to say hi to Bill. Hi bill.

Anonymous said...

Sprinkle/wrapped on the third move took out quite a few greens. Didn't match greens and let them build up. Super easy level completed with 5 moves remaining.

Anonymous said...

As usual "Ms Cookie" showing us how clever she is doing it on an easier board than we get! All those greens Ms Cookie? Really?

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the needed # of greens if i added up 50 games let alone one game. No boosters will help if u don't have rge needed color. I have ended games using all moves & only seem 12 greens the whole game.

Unknown said...

another sucky level. gotta wait for that lucky board where the cascades keep rolling and collecting greens. color bomb sorta helped.

Anonymous said...

Passed second time.

Played at bottom of board and just made combos.

Luck Factor:
First time I played all the mystery candies were blockers, bombs, licorice - meh.

Second time - the mystery candies were kind.

So just luck.

Anonymous said...

Love the way I'm the video when the sprinkled choc is matched with a colour other than green a pile of greens appear yet when I do it it always some of the other colours appear. Luck no skill required... just have to sit it out and wait, boring

Anonymous said...

Waiting for a lucky board 😳

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the luck to sprinkle down on me.

Anonymous said...


It should be possible to complete every level with in the moves or time allowed. Granted some boards will be harder than others.

However this level does not even give you the chance to collect all greens as not enough drop. Been playing this level for days now and lowest I have got to is 14 left. All boosters gone.

This is far from fun cos within 5 mins all 5 lives are gone. Joy!

Anonymous said...

It is all about a lucky board .... drives me nuts when people give the tip to make combo's , wtf , we already know that , if we got this far we already know to use combo's and sprinkle chocolate ball ... you think we are just going to ignore that stuff .... the thing is we are not getting the chance to even make combo's ..... geeze !!!

Anonymous said...

This is marked Hard on Pc .... You have absolutely no control of this board , and to the people that say it is an easy board , only you got lucky ! Can't do much with hardly any greens on the board , and nothing else to make . I would have to say this is the worse one yet , how long do I have to wait for a lucky board , so boring . Forget about your tips they are BS . You only got through cause you got a lucky board and that is it , so stfu ...

Gigi said...

Thank you Lisa. Completed level with a color bomb and a check booster. Reset board to have a few greens showing. Worked at the bottom of the board also.

Anonymous said...

This is impossible!!! Tried all the hints and still no luck!!

Glory said...

Used dozens of boosters to no avail. Played hundreds of times.
Finally I was down to needing 6 greens. I gave in and used 5 more moves with my gold bars saved. So happy to have finished this boring level.

Unknown said...

I haven't tried everything, not enough green candy ever on board! This is ridiculous!

Tammy Caison said...

Come onnn lucky board!

Tammy Caison said...

No green on board after first hits are made. There is no way to reset to a good board as you dont know what will come from the cascades you create. Its a luck only board, sigh

Tammy Caison said...

Played it 37 times, still on it. My board never replenishes with dozens of greens like the example. Total bs board

Chrissy said...

So fed up with this boring level, just can't get enough greens or combos, cant waste another day, frustrating silly level.

Unknown said...

This level is impossible. I guess I now done with Candy Crush Saga. I've tried multiple times through 5 live and this is a stupid level. You may get 8-10 greens and plenty of the other colors. I've had more than enough extras available and I still can't get through this level.

khaldrogo said...

it is a piece of cake now with the new colormaker.Make 4 times uses of green and the green color pops up enough for 60 in 2 tries.

Cmitch said...

Having difficulty. Need luck