Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1810 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie
At the start of the game you will get a colour bomb, save it for a few moves if you can while you open up the middle of the board a little.
Use a colour bomb on a timer bomb if you can to increase the score as much as possible.
The priority has to be to get the bombs cleared before they count down, although this is a score level it doesn't matter how many points you have scored if the bombs count down to zero you will lose the game. You have to use ALL the moves to complete the game.
The best way to clear the bombs quickly is to switch a colourbomb with a stripe or a wrap, especially if there are some bombs the same colour as the wrap.
Remember, the bombs count down only when you make a move, so there is no hurry, take your time and think carefully about every move.
Video below
At the start of the game you will get a colour bomb, save it for a few moves if you can while you open up the middle of the board a little.
Use a colour bomb on a timer bomb if you can to increase the score as much as possible.
The priority has to be to get the bombs cleared before they count down, although this is a score level it doesn't matter how many points you have scored if the bombs count down to zero you will lose the game. You have to use ALL the moves to complete the game.
The best way to clear the bombs quickly is to switch a colourbomb with a stripe or a wrap, especially if there are some bombs the same colour as the wrap.
Remember, the bombs count down only when you make a move, so there is no hurry, take your time and think carefully about every move.
Video below
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 368 of 368I am in this level from the beginning of this month. Daily playing but never got near. First time I am struggling like this. I think everyone passed out. That is why no comment coming. Will I get through. It is in the hands of the kings lucky board.
Horrible horrible horrible level - I never run out of time as I get stranded bombs that explode after constant reshuffles :-(
They may have made this level "easier" but it is still a "LUCK" Board - obviously CC has run out of ideas and have a horrible Marketing person. You think a company which wants you to "buy" or earn boosters would have levels that boosters help, this level Boosters hinders you. You must wait for your lucky board.
Advice to marketing director - sell advertisements, great income when you have people stuck on stupid, timed, LUCKY board levels....guess I am on to Pokeman
Sadly,I've been stuck on this level for six days on my iPad. I have no other option either. If they have fixed this game, I'm doomed. Several times, I've had scores ranging between 170,000 and 185,000 points, but no cascading that pushed me over the top! I am SO frustrated since if these were my 'lucky' boards, they were nowhere near lucky enough!! Please help King!
After playing about 200 times, saw advice here, play fast, try to clear center first, lucky board, thought I was doing great, looked, score at 280K, let the timer run out before a bomb went off and done. Previous game used a few hand switches to line up 2 coco balls but not the huge points I expected...maybe too early in the game? 1811 another difficult level. Good luck to all
I've been stuck here for at least a week and made numerous attempts. I've only got an iPad too. If this level has been fixed, I'm in big trouble. Quite a few times I've gotten between 170,000 and 185,000 points but no ending cascades to push me over the top. If these were my 'lucky' boards, not nearly lucky enough. Several times, I've had at least four shuffles as the time ticks away. Colour bombs have been very few and far between. This is the very first level where I have felt so frustrated.
Why are all comments since July 12th being removed???
This is 15 July 9.24 pm. Today the lucky board appeared and suddenly l looked the score was 285000. King decides for me. Wait those who are stuck you will pass out like me.
Once again a level that makes you want to scream!!!! The bombs are ridiculous, I've wasted many boosters because they are useless on this level..... I kept trying with them thinking I just might get lucky!!! No such luck! I guess I'll just wait till this level is tweeted AGAIN, because playing now is a waste of time & boosters!!
These are the 2 really, really good tips for this level and others.
1 - read the blog before you play any level the first time. The first play is frequently easier but I don't always know what strategy to use and the advantage is lost.
2 - play on your laptop. Games that seem impossible - like 1810 - can be won on a laptop. I played this game for 3 solid days on my iPad without success. Just two tries on the laptop.
I wish that I was not addicted to this game! I'm not certain why I feel compelled to keep trying, but my perpetual lack of success with this level has seriously made me not even want to play out my 5 lives. Need to have many bombs of the same color and chocolate sprinkle ball next to that color. Yup, that would do it - just not happening. Boredom starting to win out over addiction. Must go read a book.
Has anyone noticed or knows why the 'hard level' symbol has gone and all levels are round not hexagonal ?
I am having difficulties also.
Have they updated /fixed this yet ??
Instead of just 'fixing' this game as King has promised, I hold out little hope that I will benefit on my iPad. Why doesn't King just pull this one ridiculous game that has frustrated so many and replace it with a different one??? There must be a simple solution to this misery that would renew our enthusiasm to play Candy Crush in the future. I would never download another King game after this miserable experience.
Hope this helps someone, played this board about 10 times and just passed it. I only played one side of the board for as long as I could so bombs would only come down one side, I didn't rush it managed to get two stripe wrapped combo I had 169,000 so used the play on as I could see two ways of making a chocolate sprinkle which got me over 360,000. J
Oh my......the most notorious of all levels !!! Breathe.......
Oh dear these bombs are killing me..no pun....can expect to be here forever and a year
IT'S FIXED!!! Just got through this level on the third try on my iPad. The bombs are so much easier to hit and colour bombs were easier to make. Even in my first two attempts, I had scores in the lower 100,000 points! At long last, the monkey is off my back. Thank you King for listening! It just seemed noticeably improved!
I have burned maybe 10 lives on this level. The new design is not helping (enough).
Couldn't come close on iPad ....but managed to pass on pc ....for some reason you get more points on pc
Finally!!! After 2 weeks and hundreds of lives I got past this horrible evil level. I have no told what so ever. You are at the mercy of waiting for that lucky lucky board. It is ridiculous
Level 1810??? Wondering why I still am playing CC... It's Summertime, Sunshine, and good times,, plus break time cause this is just a lucky board time.. I prefer the levels where we use stragety.... Lot's of luck to those that continue!!
Played forever on iPad. With and without boosters. Went to PC. Used five lives twice. Third day I tried it and got well over the required points with my third try. No boosters. Always had way more points each try on PC compared to iPad.
I have read and watched the help blogs for this level, they have no bombs!!! Really!!!
Every other move I make is a bomb!!! Really!!!
not fun at all...playing games for candy drops and boosters...ready to quit...King needs help making this level something I want to play..
Have just updated hoping it would get easier and now can't control the bombs! Feels pretty much impossible
Impossible ready to PACk in
I guess I finally got my lucky board on my PC. Otherwise I don't know how I passed it.
Do I give up?
So this is supposed to have been made easier. I have not got more than 65,000. After taking weeks to pass level 1808 I thought it would get easier. Not cool King. I'm happier doing Crosswords once more. This is just a stupid waste of time. There is no skill involved other than rapid pointer movement. If you want my money, at least give me a reason.
Worst level ever. Why bother to play. Closest I have come is 100,000. Ridiculous. No challenge. Just frustration. King, give people a chance. Why would they buy boosters when nothing on this works. Come on now, let's get real.
Impossible level no way can I beat this one will be leaving bye
Bye bye cc no way you can win this level
Please let me pass this vile level.
Please let me pass
So I have been on this level for a week on iPad. Have been close 2 times, I used my precious gold bars for extra time and ended up 800 points short. Other than that. I have not even come close. There is no escape. Has anyone passed this on iPad? Please comment.
Please King. I'm asking nicely. May I pass ? It's been over 10 days.
Well, you have done it. Broken me of my CC habit. 1818 beat me. I'm done. Bye
Biggest tip - switch colour bombs with either timer bombs or +5's. This gives you much, much bigger scores. It's something manyou people don't know.
This is the trick to winning this level. It still took me a while once I'd remembered but having a 2-hour infinite lives from a chest helped! Once I remembered I got it done about 15 or so games later.
You've got this far - it's doable!
This level is WANK and I have continuous play from the treasure chest! Well looks like I won't get the 3rd chest and the goodies wtf!
Thanks for the tip. This is the only one I've seen. Will go try it now as I have 2 hours free play.
Heads up guys....played countless games on my iPad and game started with a wrap bomb. Absolutely non-doable. Is absolutely impossible to get the points. Played on my phone and game starts with colour bomb and has timed bombs and have actually made progress. I couldn't understand why some people mentioned bombs as game on my iPad did not have any bombs. Well, I will now try and hit a colour bomb with timed bombs and added time candies as this gets high points according to comments on here. The only saving grace is that I have had 2 hour play on both iPad and phone. Good luck all!!
ME AGAIN....Looks like posting here is luck or King is tracking.....I'm off this awful level. Colour bomb plus timed bombs give 250,00 points or more.
just playing every now and then...very frustrating...getting nowhere
created 3 sprinkles in addition to the one provided...still not good enough
Still here. It's been a month now. I was 450 points away and no way to pass.
I see that many players moved on but here I am still stuck. Help please?
I've been on this for over a month. Usually don't even break 100,000. Not cool. I've read all the hints, blogs, tried boosters, gold bars , switches, hammers. Just not getting anywhere.
I have never seen so many posts just goes to show how awful this level is. Please update this is not a game anymore, just wasting my life on one awful level after another. Sprinkle no good as no moves to be made so have to use it straight away and too many bombs and too close to sides to kill them. Bored now.
Have had enough of these timed levels in every episode. Techs really have done a great job of ruining a game that used to be challenging, but at the same time fun....disgusted!
It's.so apparent that you are trying to get rid of players with all these impossible timed levels, KING. If this is the case, why not end the game totally! Ever since the new owners took over, this game is no longer fair.
Just another impossible boring timed level.
Guess I will go do some laundry. Has to be more exciting than this level which eats up lives in no time at all.
No way of beating this one unless you send me a lucky board KING,
Guess I am not going to bother playing as much since i can't even reach 100,000 no less than 200,000... Too frustrating!
What a joke this level is!
Another boring day on this dreadful level!
This is ridiculous. Reshuffles when there is clearly moves i could have made. Been trying for days can't even get close. Seriously King you need to fix these glitches or you going to lose alot of players including me.
This must have been hideous before! Using tips but not getting anywhere. Anyone find any boosters helpful?
If the game wants you to will you will win.
I used my first 5 lives very quickly with max score of 76 K. I did not
manage to form any new color bomb myself.
After few hours break, on my 6th try, I have managed to form one new color
bomb I tried to switch it with timer bomb with no luck and I had one timer
bomb countdown to 1, so I thought of hummer it, but I saw that I only score 23 K and left with only 9 second so I gave up and let the time run out.
Wonder of wonders, the color bomb explosion brought me up to 189 K and the cascades followed landed me on 204 K.
Bottom line, I won with a lousy game, only one star but moving forward.
My tip, if you formed a color bomb and have no way to switch it with timer bomb, leave it on the board for the sugar crash.
I wish I could be posting how I passed this game, but alas, I am stuck and no where near the 200,000 required points! There are times when I feel I made a lot of good combos, but then the score is way below 100,000, let alone 200,000! Either I will get the lucky board or King will take pity on us and lower the required points to pass or decrease the number of timed bombs.
After playing for several days, hoping for the winning cascade, it finally came after I had 2 sprinkles on the board when time ran out. Ended up with 233700! So glad I can move on.
1810 is the end for me. Impossible. Thank you King for setting me free! I needed my life back anyway!
Waiting as long as possible before using the chocolate ball worked for me after 5 tries
I have been playing this level for 2 days. My top score was 179000. Posting for a lucky board. Really hate time levels!
Late start. Had a lot of trouble until I just focused on one side only so I only had to worry about the bombs over there. Didn't have much trouble at all after I figured that trick out. Good luck. -aps
Twice I have gotten 250,000 points, was excited, thinking I passed it. I'm assuming if you have a bomb that is going to run out, just let the time run out? Seems odd, I guess you have to use all of the time up as well?! I'll have to check score, when I eventually go get 200,000 again, I'm going to let time run out and see if that works? Definitely still a hard level, have tried it a lot of times and only reached target score twice!
What I really detest about timed games is that you really can't strategize. It's very frustrating and boring when you have such limited choices. I wish they would do away with all timed games. Level 1810 is too frustrating and totally boring. Thanks to everyone who posted their ideas for passing this, but I know it's just a matter of time before you get a lucky board. Sadly, I don't have time to waste on games like this anymore.
This timed level totally sucks. All timed levels suck. I play this game for relaxation not frustration. Can't even get close to 200,000! Don't even feel like playing anymore. After approximately 3 years I think it's time to say, "good bye candy crush"!
Same here. Over 300,000 and didn't pass level. I'm fed up
So sick of these bulls..t timed levels. 1803 was bad enough but now 1810 is ridiculous. after over 2 years of play I'm calling it quits. Goodbuy and oh by the way, FU King.
I'm convinced there is no way to win this level without buying your way out. I'm embarrassed to say that's what I did. Even with that and a score of over 260,000, I only got one star. I don't really care about stars but am getting tired of these impossible timed events. I'm close to saying goodbye to King forever.
Hey guys! Don't give up hope! You will get your lucky board! I tried over50 times with boosters with no luck! Lucky board gave me three stars with over 36k!
Got nowhere on iPad or Android so gave it a try on my laptop, not normally very quick. Third time I had two sprinkles and a couple of other candies on the board when my time ran out, next moment pandemonium and the score went up from 20,000 to 285,000 I guess this was the "lucky board".
Bull crap...you have not made this easier....I have spent not one day but days on this level...I don't mind a challenge, but over a week. Is there just one combination and if you don't get it on the first play then you just sit here and moving crap around. I don't need this I can take my life back and get things I have let go for this stupid game accomplished.
Bull crap...you have not made this easier....I have spent not one day but days on this level...I don't mind a challenge, but over a week. Is there just one combination and if you don't get it on the first play then you just sit here and moving crap around. I don't need this I can take my life back and get things I have let go for this stupid game accomplished.
Can't get any extra time candies to drop. Only the ones already on the boatd and once they are gone - nothing!! Ugggg
Ridiculously hard. Never got more than 90,000 in hundreds of tries. Fed up with the whole thing now.
I passed first time on the PC after several poor attempts on my phone. My tactic was to work down through the board without releasing the time bombs. Then a couple of combos started to release the +5s. I got a bit lucky with an unplanned colour bomb, but I used it wisely and created a couple more. I allowed myself a quick glance at the score and I was on about 250k with still 25s remaining. I didn't try to be clever - I just let the clock run down.
Another tip - even though this is a timed level, I've been playing it fairly slowly - don't miss the chance of a colour bomb (or the time bombs sneakily counting down!)
After days on iPad and iPhone, passed it on a PC - over 300,000 points 3 stars.
No advice here. Just wondered how people were getting on. Took a look at the next few levels and there are very few comments which either means they are easy or most people gave up at this level.
Ridiculously hard level. Suspect the latter might be the case.
As everyone has been saying, impossible level on iPad. Been on this level for a long time and so frustrating. Don't want to quit but unfortunately I think it is finally good bye to candy crush. They don't play fair, giving less tries than on videos, making it harder or impossible on iPad and iPhone than pc, frozen screens so you don't get earned boosters, etc.
Hope these glitches would get fixed but I don't think they will, seeing all these negative blogs and nothing happening.
Might try it on PC as judging from comments that appears to be easier. Can't get my head round the fact that it's the same game but apparently the difficulty varies per device. Can't get close on Android. Like above I don't want to quit but I am getting the right hump with this level.
Day two on this level and I've had scores ranging from 8k (yes really) to 198k. It seems to be a matter of luck. If I can't get to a bomb in one of the top corners it's game over very quickly. Sprinkles match with a bomb colour seems to give the greatest number of points. I need more of them, and a bit of luck, to get past this.
Two days later and I've scraped through with 230k. Don't blast the board open as that gives very few points. Try to make sprinkles and match then with the same colour as a bomb. Patience and persistence needed.
I know the levels get harder as we move on. I've gotten up to 146,000 or there about. There's no way I can get more points without a lucky board. I'm trying, but I'm just not good on timed levels. CC sure could use your help. Thank You.
Thank You!
Finally scraped through after 2 weeks of trying.
Bombs are your friend on this level. Try to save the colour bomb till you have at least 2 Bombs of the same colour on the board then switch it with another candy the same colour. Score rockets up. In between try to match 3 or 4 with Bombs included. Once I learnt this my scores started increasing until I got 195K. Used 10 bars to buy 15 extra seconds and job done. Boosters are useless and if you can't save the colour bomb at the start I would just give up. Good luck.
Posting for sheer luck! This is pants!
Boosters no help at all! Waiting on lucky board:(
Tired of the timed levels! No booster alone or working together is working! Guess I will be stuck until King gives me a lucky board.
If you're stuck watch a few of the videos of the level being completed. You will see someone setting off a colour bomb with 17 normal green candies and getting about 120,000 points for that one shot. It took me about 20 minutes to pass the level by setting off a few colour bombs with the most common candy on the board.
I think I just realized that cc has become more of a stressor than fun. I'm sure there must be people who really like the timed levels but I just cannot do them. Maybe when I was younger (although I doubt it), but that is my excuse. You just do not something that you absolutely hate for fun. Hate,hate, hate timed levels. O.K. Rant over........Old Gran
Nice to hear people are completing this level but can't see me being one of them. So hard to even make 100000 just got to hope for a very lucky board
No extra time falls on iphone or computer!! Please fix it King!!! I never have given up up to this point. I play it once a day to see if it is fixed. Loyal players should not have to wait while you develop more levels. Put someone on fixing this level!!!!!!! Pleeeeeeeaasseeee!
Now been on this level for over a week and so fed up with it. Boring doing the same level and getting nowhere. Have noted all tips but no joy
Do yourself a favor and delete Candy Crush Saga when you get to level 1810 Anything short of a miracle will get you past this level.
Think all I want for Christmas is to pass this horrible level nearly 2 weeks now don't want to give up on CC but this could be where I bow out
This level is absolutely impossible! If you watch THEIR video, you will notice that there are NO numbered bombs that fall from the side 2 columns. I've been on this level for over a week now and can't get past 125,000. I give up! I'm done!! This in not fun anymore!!
So I just scored 214640 after struggling with this horrible level for days and it tells me I've failed, I did not reach the target score in time!!! Beyond frustrated, has this happened to anyone else?
I wonder what genius at King thinks that making your customers leave is a good strategy.
It is said at the beginning of this blog that extra time candies fall regularly. FALSE. I am getting zero extra time candies. Only uninterrupted strings of time bombs. And being colorblind and unable to distinguish between blue and purple bombs, I'm spending most of my time trying to match those bombs with the wrong-colored candies or bombs. After spending around 100 of my saved lives, it is starting to look like the end of the line for me....
Finally passed this level by a very lucky board no skill at all by me didn't even need any time candies. But after over 2 weeks on this level and almost giving up as got boring I am so happy to be moving on
Me too. And why so many times games? Seems like every 4th one is one of these pains. For the first time I can honestly say I'm ready to pack it in.
Not sure why there hasn't been any comments since July, this level is still very hard. I'm not even coming close. Also using boosters hasn't helped either.
How stupid is this?!?! Time to get my life back. Good riddance CC!
I'm having a cow mooooooo mooooooooo.been on this level for days not even close highest score 120,000 if I had another 90 seconds just maybe I would score this ridiculously hard level.......thanks for letting me play ant 😢
It is January and if this has been fixed why is it still impossible!! I cannot even get to 100000 much less 200000!! I have used all my boosters and feel like a real loser because I have really enjoyed this game until now. Maybe I will just go back to the beginning and play for fun and 3 stars like I used to. This is no fun and no stars. I have been loyal and even paid money and never threatened to quit but I am not having fun any more!
Been playing Candy Crush for a few years for enjoyment, but level 1810 is not fun, not relaxing, just drives blood pressure up. After trying for several days and using all my boosters, I'm ready to call it quits. :(
I'm on this level and not only can I not pass it but the game has used my saved booster sprinkle candys without my checking them and giving permission. Since it is a timed game I can't go back and stop it.
Out of desperation I started with a sprinkle booster thinking I would have two.. big mistake!! It appears as one of the 5 purple so you don't get the free one.
Hard level??? More like Impossible level!!! Why do you do this CC??
Hard level??? More like Impossible level!!! Why do you do this CC??
First time I have ever said this, but I am done! Used boosters, gold bars, never really came close. Good luck to the rest of you. This was not fun.Timed levels are always stressful, but this is ridiculous. Sorry, CCS, cannot take any more!
I have been on this level for over two weeks and the closest I came was 190,000. I've tried all of the hints suggested but to no avail. If I use the color bomb on a regular bomb my score does not significantly go up and it says that extra time candies fall down regularly but not on the version I'm playing which was just updated on my iphone on 2 Feb 17 version 1.93. Soooooo, have no idea what's up and I'm about ready to quit playing this game..
Playing in February 2017 so the glitch has been fixed and this level is supposedly doable. Do you know what? Screw you! I don't get any combos, any moves, which means you can't defuse the bomb's. This is harder than most timed levels. Started with a helmet that gave me a color bomb and a wrapped and striped. Couldn't even do anything with them. If I don't start with those, the game doesn't start with the color Bomb. It's just reshuffle, reshuffle, reshuffle. Taking all my time to reshuffle without their ever being any moves. Dammit!
This level is supposedly now fixed and doable. Nope! Worse than most timed levels. There simply aren't any moves. No moves, no way to defuse the bombs. Why "fix" it and keep it impossible? Harder than the last 2 timed levels and more frustrating because it is supposed to be so easy now. Just F you.
Have tried pc & iPhone for days without even reaching 100000. So boring. This game is no longer any kind of fun or interesting. It just may be the end for me. Quoting from boredom
Does King really prefer to have us all throw in the towel and quit playing after having made this game a cash cow for them? You would think they would want to reward their loyal fans/customers instead by making more enjoyable levels instead of frustrating and torturous ones!!!! What's the point of making this level so impossible to pass ????
Looks like it's the end of cc for me. King clearly wants your money to get extra time on this one and boosters are useless.
I'm just about done with CC. It was fun but now only stressful. This is way too hard and the bombs get me every time!!
Like to thank Candy Chrush for this level as it's stupidity has cured me of my addiction to playing as I no longer enjoy it. Now playing Bookworm👎
Do you have to get all the extra time candies on the sides before others come down because I'm just not getting any, been on this level for weeks, cannot see me ever passing it, just what is the point of a level like this - really?
Just what is the point of a level in a game that is impassable and causes so many to leave the game?
So I understand they changed this level to add a color bomb at the beginning, and it's supposed to be easier to complete. What they don't show you is that they added a bunch of color bombs that, more than half the time can't be defused. Trading one hurdle for another isn't making it easier. God, I hate that stupid game.
Will I keep going? I've played twice a day for weeks and weeks. I'm ashamed to put my highest score down. Why give a colour ball at the start, when you have to use it on a piddling colour, because it's the only move. The people that passed this game, must have spent a fortune on extra rime! At least this game will end my addiction.
Agree Anonymous 12, nothing works, been on this for 2 1/2 days, unable to get 100000 let alone 200000!!!! Aggravating!!!
They only way to pass this level us to get two color bombs. Use the hand switch if you have to, to put them side by side.
Further to above, I also do not get extra time candy dropping down during the game....how the hell has this been changed to make it easier...that is just a joke!!!!!
Yet another timed board, I can't emphasis enough how much I hate these boards total life waster and time wasted. Not fun or entertaining just relief when finally passed!! Hope it's soon, please god.
This is a very hard level. I have been playing it for 3 days now and have not even been close. I guess the lucky board is the only thing that will help me here. I love playing the game but hate the timed ones.
Awful level , really awful .....I remember when Candy Crush was fun , but Im actually starting to think it's a chore ( a chore that I'm beginning to hate.....)..... I'm kinda of ignoring the app on my IPad now ....Candy Crush was a habit with me ...BUT I think it's time to get rid of the habit......
I'm finding this so boring, usually quite good at timed levels but this is proving to be impossible. Maybe time to quit, fed up waiting for 'lucky boards'.
Recommendations for other games with challenges would be highly appreciated.
On the video when it opens and the first candies fall the board opens up way more than it does on my iPhone. Hate timed levels not fun to play...
Hate timed levels. The board in the video opens up way more than on my iPhone after at the beginning... surely these games should be about fun and a bit challenging not mind numbingly boring..
This level is a punishment, what have I done to you Mr.King???
Oh great - give me a color bomb and set off yourself or no other move other than have to use it. Wicked level - have already started another game - probably done with crush now.
This is not fun anymore..games is for me to relax but this level is ugly..hoping for lucky board or its time to say good bye to cc..
I'm over it! Kudos to all of you for getting this far and good luck to you if you make it through.
How in the world are we suppose to beat this hard level? I can't even reach 10000 points much less 200000!!!!!!!! King you have to do better than this or else you are not going to have many players!!!!!
OMG THIS IS CRAZY!!!!! What in the world is wrong with King???? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Well since I see it is not getting better, I'm just going to delete CC all together!!!!
Virtually impossible & no fun at all - bombs always blow on the side killing the game & too many colours to make big switches. Think this will end my CC gameplay.
Never posted before, but this is impossible. Other really hard levels I could at least get close or see it as possible, not this one. May be the end for me!
Today, this level changed from 120 seconds to 45 seconds. Anyone else notice this change. Really impossible now!
My mistake in the previous comment...it changed from 1:30 to 45 seconds. Can this be right? No where near time enough to get 200,000 points!
This is yet another level completely controlled by algorithms. No skill or strategy is required. You will clear it when the game allows you to clear it.
There's sooooo many comments! No hints/ all bitching!!!
Hello CC... take a hint!!!!!
I WANT MY 90 SECONDES AND NOT 45 SEC!!!! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
Surprise, surprise...?I Made it in 40 sec! 237500 points. A miracle?
355 comments and the last person to post was July 2016. Yikes!
If this level has been made "easier" I shudder to think how difficult it was before. I haven't been able to get any more than 55,000 points.
Posting here for luck. MM Toronto
I played level 1810 for many, many days and reached the point of aggravation where I would only play it once in the morning and then I'd go back and play levels for Sugar Drops or to try to earn 3 stars. The day before yesterday I had 2 hours of free lives so I played it for an hour straight. Nada.
I just played it now and felt I was in the same situation. I had glanced quickly to the left and saw that the 'measure' was barely visible in the Counter Rack. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed a few moves happened on their own and the Score Rack shot up over 2 stars, almost to 3 stars.
Glad to be done with such a mindless, waste of time level.
The number of comments pretty much sums it all up. GL to all. MM Toronto
Been playing for over 3 weeks. Can't come close to 100000 let alone 200000. Have yet to see +5 other than what is on the board. Come on King, please.......let me pass this level.
Over a month now and still can't pass this level. Any other suggestions than using a candy ball with a bomb? King, please help me pass
My board starts with 45 seconds not 90 like the video shows. My boards also NEVER drop +5 candies to add extra time. Been playing for over a month, not sure if I will ever pass. Hope King gives me a lucky board soon.
I can’t believe Cookie actually says this is easy and running out of time is not an issue! Absolutely hate timed levels with impossible score to achieve.
Wow judging from the comments and cookies tips, this used to be much more difficult. I wouldn't have liked to try it a year ago then! I absolutely hate timed levels and this one is no exception. There's just not enough time. I was beginning to enjoy playing again after been stuck for ages on a previous level but now this again! Looks like another endless one here, sigh.
Here in 2017, level still terrible! Iris No Fun (which is why I play) to only get to 50,000 time after time! The fact that time runs out, makes it worse!
I just got 203,000 and did not get credit for passing the game! Whaaat???????
Finally got it after playing several days, NBU. Highest score I was getting was in the 90,000's. Playing on both my tablet and cell, switching back and forth when candy crush happened, to save time. Then when I looked back at my cell it said level completed!!
Finally got it after playing several days, NBU. Wasn't getting over the 90,000's. Was switching back and forth between my tablet and cell, during candy crush to save time. Then when I looked back at my cell it said level completed!!
I just beat level 1810! Here's how I did it: I added a color bomb and a striped candy, when the purple shapes dropped I wound up with two color bombs and a striped candy side by side. I combined the two bombs which cleared a lot of the board, after that it was fairly easy I wound up with about 260,000 points. Hope this helps.
Level 1810 is way too difficult for arthritic wrists. I love the challenge of most levels but hatethe timed ones. Plus only 45 seconds....ridiculous! I am getting very few sprinkle balls and the initial one is sometimes forced to be use! Help! Time te to find another game.
Very easy to figure out that CC has lost most of its players to the game in 2016. There are no more comments helping us players left playing any advise on how to pass a level since 2016. That should tell you something about trying to be more helpful to the suggestions from the players you have left.
After many unsuccessful attempts I decided to start with a sprinkle booster. Luckily the two sprinkles appeared together and I was able to clear the board a little. It is important to pay attention to the bombs. With candy crush activated at the end I achieved a mere 202,000 which I was very happy to receive. I hate timed levels as it makes me extremely nervous and not at all fun.
This level feels like if you have a foot injury or you're not very fit and you need to scale up a 12-foot wall to pass. That sort of analogy. Impossible. And you have arthritis. You should quit this game for good as you are doomed to stuck on this level for the rest of your life - the same way you can't scale up the 12-foot wall with an injured leg.
Very difficult to get close to the # of points needed. I hate bombs! Board too restricted.
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