Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2973 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2073 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
It's all about score, you have 15 moves to score as many points as possible. The score isn't too much of a problem as there are lots of bombs which give you the best scores, the problem is getting rid of the bombs before they count down to zero.
You need a bit of luck as always when there are mystery candies involved, but the mystery candies will win the game for you, or not!
Don't worry too much about switching the bombs, this will waste moves and you won't be able to clear many this way, concentrate on matching the mystery candies in the middle of the board and hope for colourbombs to clear the bombs with.
Switch colourbombs with stripes or wraps to keep the bombs under control and once the countdown on the lowest bomb is more than the moves you have left you can forget about them altogether.
You will definitely get enough points whatever you do.
It's all about score, you have 15 moves to score as many points as possible. The score isn't too much of a problem as there are lots of bombs which give you the best scores, the problem is getting rid of the bombs before they count down to zero.
You need a bit of luck as always when there are mystery candies involved, but the mystery candies will win the game for you, or not!
Don't worry too much about switching the bombs, this will waste moves and you won't be able to clear many this way, concentrate on matching the mystery candies in the middle of the board and hope for colourbombs to clear the bombs with.
Switch colourbombs with stripes or wraps to keep the bombs under control and once the countdown on the lowest bomb is more than the moves you have left you can forget about them altogether.
You will definitely get enough points whatever you do.
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The only way one can win on this level is to keep playing until you get a lucky board. There is no strategy to playing this! Other than it is almost impossible!!!
I really think there is a glitch in this. Every time I get close to the 100,000, all of a sudden the board freezes. One of the candies starts to flash and nothing else happens and I have to end the game.
Any suggestions?
This board's glitched on me twice, after I've reached 100,000. A bomb at the top continuously explodes and the screen freezes.
You know, I've tried and failed at this level like 50 times, and still, I love it.
Isn't this how hard the game should be after 2000 levels?
mine's glitching too
Got it after about ten tries but ugh
I have tried this level probably around 100 times. The closest I have come is around 500,000. I am an elderly person and my eyes cannot identify matches that quickly. I cannot even scan the whole board in 12 seconds. Once I find a match there is not enough time left to execute it. Any Suggestions?
Sorry.....The above post should say 50,000 not 500,000. These old eyes put in one to many 0's.
I see the same bug. One candy at the top of the board just flashes non-stop
Yep, there's a glitch alright. Same candy on top of board flashes and locks up the level. Boy, between subtracting moves on some of the recent levels making them unbelievably frustrating time-wasters and now this game-freeze, with only 12 seconds too? Not cool at all.
To the "elderly" person above....you've made it this far....you are ROCKING it !!! = )
I got lucky! I got it on the 5th attempt 110,000 points without boosters (it's useless to use them, anyway.) Concentrate on matching the mystery candies because some of them turn into color bombs which will boost your score. I think I got 3 or 4 of them. You can match +5 candies in the perimeter to buy some time if necessary but you won't go over 12 seconds. The +5 candies turn into wraps and explode to increase your score when time runs out but you have to be close to 100,000 to go over it.
Are you kidding me! 12 seconds. This might be my downfall
stupid level! The time runs out while you are waiting for a cascade to complete that only scores a couple of thousand points anyway! Waste of time round. If you get anywhere near it freezes at the top.
It's no glitch, it's on purpose. Pointless
After many,many tries and always getting between 33,000 and 60,000 points finally got a lucky board. Lots of extra +5 candies and chocolate sprinkles. It was like fireworks. Got 186,300 points but still only one star. Just glad to be finished with it.
I started with a color bomb and it did the trick!
Loved this level and loving this episode...we all get free boosters...use them!!!
Work the middle board and you can past with at least 1 star without booster
Hate this level, impossible for those of us who are partially colour blind.
I found the glitch too. Got over 100,000 points but it froze with 12 seconds remaining and stopped saying no possible switches? What??!! I'll keep trying ��
The person who designed this one has no respect for handicapped people. One of the few games people with poor eyesight and crippled fingers can play because it's not time oriented. Now it's almost normal to have them. Not to take away from the others, playing with having to use a certain amount of moves lets us all play.
Need the lucky board
Should have looked here before I played. Couldn't understand why all my matched 5 second candies weren't tallying up . Thought there was an issue. Not sure how I did it as I'm not usually so good on the timed levels, but passed on 3rd try, no boosters. All I can suggest is to play equally the middle and the outer board. Seemed to work for me. Good luck.
Lucky board i think, pazsed 3rd go once i realised the clock doesnt go above 12 seconds! My tip is to play the middle of the board but when cascades are falling keepnan eye on the timed candies around the board and be ready to match for more time.
So last week my phone died and I lost all my free boosters and lives that friends have given me. I had 98 lives, over 400 check mark boosters, almost 400 coconut wheels, 43 color bombs, 40 hammers,etc. I only play on my phone and I've never purchased any boosters so 4the restore purchases function didn't work. I had start completely over. I know that's not relevant to this frustrating level, but it'd sure be nice to have all those color bombs and striped/ wrapped combos back. I've played this 3 times now with no boosters and the best I've done is 61,000. Too addicted to stop.My cool down period for sugar drops will end during the night, so I'll be playing sugar drops before I go to work and hoping to get lots of striped/wrapped candies and color bombs!
Definitely a sprinkle ball with a timed candy to get high score
I hate hate hate timed levels but I've only gone and done it!!! Only after 5 attempts too and no boosters so I guess my lucky board came early on. Does anybody think that this episode hasn't been as much fun at all?
Very doable. Got it on the second try. Worked in the centre board for a couple of seconds, then used timed candies to get more time, worked in the centre board again, etc. My game lasted more than a minute.
Mine also stuck three times, as passing with over 100,000. One of the wraps just keeps pulsing. King needs to get with it. This is stupid. No point to playing.
What billyrabbit said. The blue and purple eggs look the same to me. I cant do it.
Me too!!! Finally a level of fun explosions and chaos :) I hope I don't win it too quickly because it's more fun trying this level than some of the others.
Just wanted to thank this site and Cookie.... with all the negative comets , she continues to guide us as best as she can and I appreciate it. I come here everyday to read everyone's advice and I'm this high in levels because of this site and all your player comments. Sometimes the hateful "I quit" comments make me giggle because I'm right there with yall. I understand your pain, the struggle is REAL! Lol but I keep playing I love it... and thank you candycrushsagaallhelp... I appreciate ya!! *keep on crushing* this level is fun
I haven't gone backward to play for sugar drops until recently... I didnt realize there was a "cool down" period... can you explain that to me?? Is it after you've gotten to the 180 or whatever??
Also... do u go back to level 1 and just play all with the sugar drop icon? Or are there certain "go to" levels?
Also... do u go back to level 1 and just play all with the sugar drop icon? Or are there certain "go to" levels?
I haven't gone backward to play for sugar drops until recently... I didnt realize there was a "cool down" period... can you explain that to me?? Is it after you've gotten to the 180 or whatever??
Just wanted to thank this site and Cookie.... with all the negative comets , she continues to guide us as best as she can and I appreciate it. I come here everyday to read everyone's advice and I'm this high in levels because of this site and all your player comments. Sometimes the hateful "I quit" comments make me giggle because I'm right there with yall. I understand your pain, the struggle is REAL! Lol but I keep playing I love it... and thank you candycrushsagaallhelp... I appreciate ya!! *keep on crushing* this level is fun
Just over 100,000 points, 3 times in a row and facing the freeze of the game.
What's King's point in this?
Posting for luck.
This level must be CC's revenge on me for all the recent hard levels that I got first few tries. Every time I'm doing good,I get the eternal flashing +5 glitch. It appears that when a +5 drops from a dispenser, between two candies the color that it is, it goes off right away and the cycle repeats forever.
Posting for more luck.
Got it on my 83rd try. No boosters. The board just started producing an unusual Qty of color bombs. Just barely made one star. Thank God that's over with.
Got this one done on about my 5th try. I was going to give up on the PC because my mouse is a bit rubbish, but in the end got 150K.
No real tactic except make as many matches in the middle. Leave the +5s to themselves.
The only time I went to the +5s was when there was no match in the middle, so you have to do all the +5s to get a reshuffle. Then carry on.
Wow! I beat it my 3rd try! This is the first time ever I beat a timed levels without trying 500 times or so. Either King made this level easier now or I simply got a lucky board quick. If this old lady can do it, y'all can do it! Wishing everybody a lucky board and fast win!
I have been stuck on this level for weeks. Not because it's that difficult, once you get a lucky board... but because every time I reach 100k pts,, and the clock runs out, the script hangs on the final wrapped explosions. I've beat this level numerous times to no avail whatsoever. What's the point in continuing to play, if you win and don't advance??? King must know by now there's a glitch in this level. So why don't they fix it? About to quit CC for good, out of frustration.
Wow the more I play the lower the score. Very frustrating. Wish me luck.
while you are playing in center, your eyes should always search on 4 sides for a match, especially during cascading in center, leave the match until you have only 5 seconds left, then use it to prolong game time. Keep updating outside escape because the match is often destroyed by center stripes. If you got a color bomb, try to hold as long as you can, it is best if you can use it on timed bomb color, but any color will give you full 12 seconds again. This is not a terrible difficult level, you do need to keep calm for about 60 seconds(4~5 refills are needed to get enough points) -PH
There's a glitch in this level. When I reach 100k pts, candy on top of board flashes and the screen freezes. King, fix it !!!!
hey Cat, crummy comment you made, rude. Anyway i am going to try one more time to get past this level and if i don't i am done with CCS.
This level is a shit level. I give it just ONE day, After that I quit the game and go for another game, but no King anymore.
There's a glitch in this level. When I reach 100k pts, candy on top of board flashes and the screen freezes. King, fix it !!!!
First go 70k, second was 28k, the next two attempts I was too slow and the times ran out when I had only scored around 6k but it went up to 35k both times. Made it on the fifth try. Just with 101k.
Cat, you are really an asshat. Go F yourself for that rude comment. Posting for luck, too!
Need to be very quick for this level.
Do not like timed levels.
You don't need to collect the full 100,000 before time runs out. I had around75k but the times candies turn into candy wraps and I ended up with over 125k. Hang in there. You can do this.
12 seconds? Seriously? Just posting for luck and to tell Cat her comment was disgusting and uncalled for. Shame on you. Good luck everyone.
I played for about two weeks before I got to about 70000 at the end. I paid gold bars to play on and the time then changed to 15 seconds. That made it so easy I finally let the time run out at about 150,000. It was worth the gold bars to pass this one - I would have paid cash!!!
@ angellashelle
I do the sugar drop levels as often as I can. Once you've maxed out there is an 8 hour cool-down period till you can do it again. I NEVER pay for bonus stuff anymore. 1476 is my favourite level but there are many more. 281, 666, 654, 511, 1003. If you google "best sugar drop levels" you'll find a few lists that people have compiled. Keep on crushin! Penny
Posting for luck and to tell Cat the comment made was RUDE, and I think it should be taken off the site! Thanks for all you do, Cookie!
I was getting depressed on the last level but eventually using a move and a hammer after a lot of thought I beat it. As a pensioner there is no way I can think this one. I will have to just have to click as fast as possible and hope for a lucky board.
Anonymous said...
So last week my phone died and I lost all my free boosters and lives that friends have given me. I had 98 lives, over 400 check mark boosters, almost 400 coconut wheels, 43 color bombs, 40 hammers,etc. I only play on my phone and I've never purchased any boosters so 4the restore purchases function didn't work. I had start completely over. I know that's not relevant to this frustrating level, but it'd sure be nice to have all those color bombs and striped/ wrapped combos back. I've played this 3 times now with no boosters and the best I've done is 61,000. Too addicted to stop.My cool down period for sugar drops will end during the night, so I'll be playing sugar drops before I go to work and hoping to get lots of striped/wrapped candies and color bombs!
In reply to your post - how in heavens name do you manage to accumulate 98 lives ???!!! I play through face book on my laptop and even if it shows there are for eg 8 lives waiting for you, there is never that many when the game actually starts up. Plus, when you exit the game, thats it, any lives that were there are automatically swiped, they never carry over to the next session. And , I have never gotten a jackpot prize spin either.........
I agree with the 2/1 comment to Cat.....wait until you are older. You will then know how your reflexes slow down. I agree....it was very RUDE of him.
Seriously, 12 seconds! Why bother!
Oh wonderful....5 lives gone in a matter of a minute. Yeah....this is fun...NOT!
Is this a KING prank?
With only 12 seconds to play it takes just ONE MINUTE to go through all 5 lives!! Well, at least I wont be wasting too much time trying to pass this level! Posting for luck :) Karina
Fix the glitch. 2 weeks finally passed it ..twice..and that flashing candy took over ... put me through to the next level or fix it !!!!!!
Best I've done is 55,000. I can barely make 3 or 4 moves in 12 seconds!! I haven't tried a choco bomb booster yet because I think it just might be a total waste. Please King, give us a break!!!!
still a glitch. this one at the top flashes and the game freezes. oh well sos
Same thing just happened to me on pc. It's late February so glitch is still on.
1st of March and the glitch is still there!!! I wonder should I keep trying? is the glitch going to be fixed??
Anon, Feb.3, you should try playing on a mobile device like phone or tablet, lots of perks. When friends send you lives they accumulate and are there day after day until you use them.. I have over 200. Also on mobile you can reset the board if you don't like it (not on timed levels) by exiting before you make a move and you don't lose a life or boosters.
So I see that King has made a change and that helped me get past this... while you start with 12 seconds now you can go up to 27 when you add the extra time candies... before it would not go past 12 seconds.
I score more if I don't even make a play and just let the timer run out. lol
2 weeks and still trying.....give me that lucky board PLEASE.
Susie O mentions being able to use candies to get up to 27 seconds. Not on my ipad. I can't go past 12 seconds and the games mechanics often take that long to register my last move.
Am hating this level don't like time levels anyway but this one is a nightmare. My 5 games finish in less than 3 minutes and haven't managed to get more than 50000 points. Usually these blogs give really helpful advice but am struggling here.
3 weeks on this and still not even close. Would be grateful for a luck board.....please.
I do have passed the 100000 points only to have the board freeze, ready to give up
There is still a glitch on this level - MONTHS after others have commented on it. So guess it's game over literally as even when you get the score you can't move on because of board freezing. If they haven't fixed it by now then guess they aren't going to. This is playing on the PC
It's not too bad. I don't like timed levels but this was quite easy. Got it second attempt with just two stars because I had to let the time run out because blockers in the centre stopped me from getting at a bomb from a mystery candy.
Love, love, love this level. Fast and full of bombs. Brilliant. Thanks King. Finally a level with some excitement instead of just plodding along!
Somewhere way ahead of me Angelashele(?) asked if there are any "Ho to" levels for boosters when you go back to lower levels for sugar drops. I have a few that have been good - level 1476 always, 1256, 281 for green, 99 for red, 128 for red, 666 for blue, 268, 932, 928, 906. I go back when crazy levels make me want to give up.
My board stops and a candy continuously explodes and wrecks the game. Cant win at this..
When I match 3 +5's I expect to get 15 seconds, but nope.. 5 seconds only. I may have found the level that causes me to quit. BTW. The color bomb.... no matter how many +5 it takes out,only adds 5 seconds .
Has anyone else had a problem with the treasure chest reward freezing? A huge reward popped up and said to claim it, but the screen froze and I had to start the game over again to be able to go forward with my play. Of course by then the chest was gone along with the rewards! What should I do?
Shall need luck. Timed levels are really hard for me.
this level still has the glitch, discouraging to almost get it and then the site freezes. time to take a break!
This is impossible
I'm not getting hary any points once the ter runs out n the outside.+5.va dies explode
Don't think I'll ever have a chance of passing. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?....ugh! HELP CC
Yep. Same here. Happened after time ran out. Remaining would've reached the score but the glitch is still there. Looks like we HAVE to be done.
This may just be the end of the road for me. Over 200x and nowhere close. I play for fun and this is no longer fun, just waiting for a lucky board. Thanks, King, for ruining a fun, relaxing game.
Possible glitch - when the wrapped candies around the perimeter explode when the time runs out, zero points are added to the score.
Ridiculous level. Good luck. 12 seconds, rally. Timed levels are hard enough, but this is crazy. Takes all the fun out of it. To get this far, we all can play, but you have to be very lucky to get past this level. No skill involved.
Been on this level for almost a week. The closest I've come is 78.000. Posting for luck.
I'm having the same problem as Patricia Dennis - time runs out but no points are added for the +5 candies that turn to wraps. Impossible to pass until this is sorted. I'm using google chrome - is it the same on all browsers?
This is absolutely ridiculous and an insult to loyal players who have reached this level. I've been on this I think for nearly 2 weeks. A couple of times I've scored like 400 points! The time candies are absolutely useless and of no value if you don't have a move after to make a special scoring candy. By the time you can the board, time runs out. Pathetic level.
c/candycrush here.
I don't know why this isn't classed as a hard level-took me several days. It's glitchy as a couple of times I passed and it chose that moment to freeze & start flashing.
Don't waste boosters, just wait for a lucky board.
All you can do is try to see if there is a match around the outer edges, save it & make moves inside while you can but that doesn't always work out either.
Basically you need a board where you get a couple of easy combos & to be able to keep playing long enough. It'll happen-eventually.
This will be the end of what has been an enjoyable game..for us older people with arthrictic fingers that dont work too fast 12 seconds, reshuffling, time bombs and no time add moves it is impossible. Played 100s of times and nowhere near the required points...:(
After lots of wasted lives, I finish to get it ... using color bomb and striped/wraped booster and buying twice 5 moves more. Maybe Candy crush is becoming more boring for us but certainly more profitable for King !
Wow how I dread time games😢. Hoping for a lucky board before my eyes bug out 😳
Timelevels, only Good for the trolls of cc. I hate them, do i play them, NO, play i another game which is not connected to kingsize? YES!
If you are done with this game, now its the time. Fed up with this game, fed up with timelevels. NO FUN AT ALL!
12 seconds is insane. I can't even view the board in 12 sec.
A Lucky Board is the only way I'm going to get out of here alive.
Guess this is the end of the line for me and not by choice .I only can get in two moves and whamo it's over . I'm eighty plus and think I have done pretty darn good to this point . Guess the person that is the daddy of this level got a big raise . And to Cat ... I have been reading your comments all along and I had no idea you were a Bitch !!
12 seconds! 100,000 points! Just wow.
I'm elderly too, and very disabled, so I know exactly what your saying!!! But we've manage to come this far and I believe this is a great achievement!! BUT MAYBE THIS IS TIME TO MOVE ON TO ANOTHER GAME, CANDY CRUSH HAS BEEN FUN, BUT AFTER DAYS FAILING ON THIS ONE I GUESS ILL SAY GOODBYE.
Pure dread in playing this one :(
12 seconds! How much worse can it get!
Really Candy Crush????? 12 seconds??
Looking more forward to my Root Canal tomorrow, than playing this level one more time👀
Not a timed level anymore. Easy-1st try
Only 12 moves on my PC.
What worked for me here is getting a color bomb next to a stripe. You've got a decent chance of getting both from the mystery candies. If you can somehow get them next to each other, then wait until your remaining moves get below 10 and then swipe them together. Each of the sides and top and bottom should be wiped out with the stripes, getting you the points you need. The new bombs that fall will start over at 10 so should no longer be a threat.
done 1st try, make special candy's and hit the +5's only when you need them
Passed on first try used no boosters, just made specials on board. 😊
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