Candy Crush Saga Level 2090 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2090 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina
You get 30 moves to clear 57 jellies. Most of the jellies are fairly easy to get to...
The end cap ones are tricky so make sure to get them any chance you get. You want to focus on getting rid of the popcorn and multi hit blockers early on so you have a larger play area. Not too difficult a level and with 5 colour candies you should be be able to make some special candies and combos to reach those hard to get places.
Use wrapped candies to grow the popcorn and a colour bomb/wrap is especially good for this job.
Video below by Skillgaming
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Anonymous said...

Only 23 moves (not 30) for the new release of this level. Had to use a color bomb/wrap combo to start with, plus a couple of hammers to finish the job. Not very happy about it. It is quite clear that with every new release, it is now getting harder for the late comers to finish any new levels without the use of boosters. On the other hand, I guess that is what the boosters are for, and fortunately, there are ways to collect them in preparations for each new battle.

Rick said...

I agree with the above comment. I did also the same to start this level. The levels are getting ridiculously harder and harder and cannot be competed without using any boosters. Skill is no longer nequired but ingenuity in using boosters. As I mentioned last week, I lost about a hundred each of hand switches and lollipops on my Android tablet. It's a good thing I was able to stockpile enough boosters to get by this episode. I need to replenish them for next Wednesday's new episode.

Anonymous said...

Overall not a bad episode. As usual had to use a few boosters but no gold bars. Even the
timed levels were okay. Til next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Actually the timed levels are becoming the only ones doable without boosters.
I started to look forward for them ��
Add to those who constantly complain about the levels: do you really expect King to create fun for you for free? Just because you came this far it gives you/us the right to request the game to be just the way we want it?
For free?

Anonymous said...

Actually, we all know by now that one can play this game for free. In fact, the game has several legit built-in paths to enable one to get as many free boosters as possible. With proper allocations of the boosters, one can always pass any level easily (except perhaps for some of the timed levels, which may need many tries and/or skill, or a lucky board). The complain about the new levels is not a desire for a free or easier game, but in my opinion, is just one's ego that is in play here, namely, why can't I pass these levels now without using boosters? Is my skill (after coming this far) really a notch or two lower than that of those who don't need boosters?

None said...

I see King is posting here again, claiming these are good episodes, and that we expect fun levels for free? Really?

carlton said...

So this was my week to lose all of my boosters again. I completed this episode on Wednesday. .Played all the various challenges and sugar drops trying to build my boosters back up as I had just lay all of my boosters 2 weeks ago and then today again the same thing. This is at least the fourth time. I read other players comments so I know that I am not alone. I just want to know why. It never affects my gold bars or extra lives just boosters. But it is very discouraging to play hours and hours to obtain boosters and then to see them disappear in one fell swoop. Does it only happen on Android? What is the solution ..has anyone contacted King ..did they respond. .I really enjoy CC and I enjoy reading this blog but this is very frustrating

carlton said...

No the complaint is about levels that are indeed impossible without boosters with minimal moves relying very little on skill and strategy.Even the authors of this blog are now suggesting the use of boosters on certain levels. At this level of the game the levels should be difficult but there is a difference between challenging and impossible ...without boosters or the infamous lucky board and it has nothing to with ego as it's only a game and if sharon or Rick completes the episode before me it's ok

Helpme said...

Happens to me all the time very fus rating yes I have donated king most of the time they give me a few to replace what I loose. It is not everything but it's better than nothing. The last few times I have lost them right in the middle of playing. Not sure why this happens and I'm not sure if they know why either.

Helpme said...

Happens to me all the time very fus rating yes I have donated king most of the time they give me a few to replace what I loose. It is not everything but it's better than nothing. The last few times I have lost them right in the middle of playing. Not sure why this happens and I'm not sure if they know why either.

Unknown said...

I have done the level 2090
I want to know how can I check the list of players which also completed the first

Van5 said...

Having a tough time with this. Not even coming close to getting all the popcorns. Only 23 moves on iPad. If I start with a colour bomb, I end up losing it having to waste it. Frustrating. Oh well, on we go. Hoping for a lucky board soon.

Anonymous said...

I finished this episode within a few days & the new episode will begin this evening. Since King announced that it no longer supports older devices ( I play on an IPad 2 ) it's getting increasingly harder to play when the game continually crashes. I feel this next episode may be my last as it's become increasingly frustrating to play. Each update brings a new set of problems. I'm disappointed that in order to continue playing, I have to update my device. I imagine there must be many disgruntled players like myself with older devices, who have invested so much time & money would be feeling pretty p****d off right now.
Cheers Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Levels are harder, no fun anymore CC, you just want us to spend more, bye bye

Sue said...

Where do you all play to get so many boosters?

Anonymous said...

This is bullshit. Can't even get close. King is really making these levels impossible to pass. No wonder so many people a quitting. Much more of this bullshit i will be saying goodbye too.

gofer said...

Less moves, 23, and lot more blockers on Kindle. Number of moves is ridiculous. How can they put up more blockers and 7 less moves and expect to pass?

Anonymous said...

Been on this one forever, not even getting close.

Anonymous said...

Used all 3 boosters, reset until I had something to work with, BAM! all over! Some easy episodes coming up, hang in there!

Unknown said...

Used all 3 boosters, reset until color bomb and candy wrap were next to each other to pass this level.

Anonymous said...

Started with a color bomb and a fish. Got it on the third try. Only one star... oh well.


Anonymous said...

If having a hard time beating this level playing without boosters, go ahead and start with a color bomb and wrapped candy. Re-set until they are next to each other. That will do it right away! But it is very doable without boosters. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Really? No wonder I haven't been able to play on my iPad 2:( I was hoping the next update will solve the problem. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why King, why? (Tears)

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that I really enjoyed (tho they were hard) this episode like the old time:) Thank you, King for going back to the basic:) And thank you, Cookie for this site to help me out:)

Anonymous said...

A fun level - hooray!!

Rob said...

I surely want to see that list of players that came this far too. Or at least the number of players. Names are not important.

Anonymous said...

Started with all 3 boosters - tried to get sprinkle/wrap together but got bored resetting, so played a board that looked good at the start. Used 1 hand switch to get sprinkle next to a stripe, and one lollipop to get the last jelly. 3 stars. I got lucky!

Mad Man said...

First try, no starting boosters, but used a hand switch and a couple hammers after reading comments here, seemed like a good board so I didn't want to regret taking the opportunity when it presented itself.

Really tough episode, I thought 2079 and 2089 were the worst levels since 1710, which was the worst ever in my book.

Anonymous said...

Tough level even using a fish.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping after the last level, this would be a little easier. Not so.

Anonymous said...

Hard level and boosters aren't hel.

Anonymous said...

Still no luck with this level. Little cascade effect. Running out of boosters.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Still a few whiners left. I have gotten this far without ever buying anything. For anyone who doesn't know how to accumulate boosters by collecting sugar drops, Google best levels for collecting sugar drops. JAS

Annonymous said...

I literally want to scream. Oh what fun. Not.

Anonymous said...

Okay King....I am about done. Day after day and still nowhere. Can get within 200 points several time then time runs out. No such thing as a lucky board on this level.

Anonymous said...

The last two post are mine...days and days of no luck...I think this level is my last...time to take my life back and quit spending days and days trying to pass one level. Letting too much go in my life....not like I am going to get anything for the aggravation I have put myself through. I don't think you guys even bother to read these post anyway.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Gold bars? Still just using a booster when needed and got this far, so maybe they are not all that important? :)

liloldlady said...

Hoping for a Lucky board after reading all these postings

Anonymous said...

Stuck on this level although it's really fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why there are so many complaints. Maybe the levels have gotten easier since the first comments but I got through this one and the last easily. For this one, I did start with a free sprinkle ball I got for winning the last level

Eileen said...

“It’s really fun” ?? Posting for luck please!!!!

Unknown said...

Can’t seem to master this one. Feel deflated right now. Just spent an hours free play in this level and barely progressed with each game. Please send me a lucky board 😢😢

Anonymous said...

I have to admit this level has gotten the best of me. I have tried to beat it without boosters because I only had a couple but couln't so I used what boosters I did have and I am still here. I need a lucky board to get past this one. Help me please lucky board.

Datura said...

Hmmm... Comments make this level seem okay, but I sure am not having any good boards. Very few matches, and almost no way of clearing things up in time. Guess I just need to wait for a lucky set-up. When I have tried to use boosters, they have been placed in worthless positions. At least from the comments, I know people are getting by...

Anonymous said...

Having a hard time with this one 😞 Can’t even come close 😢. Hoping for a lucky board soon 😊

Anonymous said...

Happy new year for all not playing CC

Anonymous said...

Well CC you did not much luck in the year of 2016, you Also did not have luck in 2017. What brings you CC on the year 2018? Mabey the end of your game? Good be the best for all your players.!

Anonymous said...

Waiting patiently for a fcking lucky board again seriously over these impossible levels arrhhhh why do I keep playing this game K.A

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to cry like a school boy.

Suck it up and hang in there!

Lucky board please, and soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah real hard suck it up wait a lucky board will come soon come on king you are just being mean

Anonymous said...

Looks easy but sure isn't another level king has cut amount of moves good one cc agree you are being mean

Carole said...

Looks easy but us another one.. waiting for a lucky board

Tammy Caison said...

I used all of my boosters...I need luck!

Tammy Caison said...

Time to break from cc, see ya all later

Tammy Caison said...

Time to find a new game, bye all...stuck for days on this level that only gives me boards with forced moves and reshuffles. Wish I couldve eventually gotten a board to actually play and pass with.

snow said...

done on my 2nd try i started with all 3 boosters that cc allows, then i mixed a fish with a color bomb. Then i made 3 color bombs and used 1 hammer

Cmitch said...

Having trouble getting popcorn. Frustrating

Cmitch said...

Lucky board please

TRE said...

Lucky board needed

Lb said...

HELP! Come on CC help me out with this level. I have tried and tried to get passed this level but I can't. I need a lucky board please!!! I have used up almost all of my boosters and I still can't pass this level! Can anyone help me out and tell me what the secret is? Need a lucky board please!