Candy Crush Saga Level 2091 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2091 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to reach 125,000 points in 20 moves! this is a very high score for so few moves so you need careful planning to make it to the score.
Because of the layout of the board you can't make colour bombs so you will have to use other means to get the score needed.
The good thing is that there are countdown bombs on the board which will give you 3,000 points each when you clear them.
The bombs are the only way you can get to the score needed, so clear them as much as possible.
Keep the licorice under control as this will allow more bombs to fall and more bombs means higher scores.
Hitting the bombs with stripes, wraps or combinations of the two will give the best scores as more bombs will be cleared with each move.
Use the conveyors to get your combos together, but don't waste moves waiting too long for them to get together, use the special candies fairly quickly and look for more.
Video below by Skillgaming
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lala said...

wow, an easy one for the first time in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Android is only 18 moves for 200,000 points.

Lorraine said...

200,000 points and 18 moves here too. But i got it first time. Can't remember when i had a pass first try lol. Nice for a change after that last episode. I just concentrated on one side of the board so you dont have too many bombs to contend with and look for stripes and wraps. Good luck everyone.

jackluver said...

you know what I thought this was fun. Yea it had bombs but they were easy to control and were useful for scoring big points. Level 2092 is fun too. FINALLY!!! I am hoping the fun has been put back into this game and that after 2093 it won't return to one horrible level after another. We deserve a HUGE break after that nightmarish shaky shire!!

Brux said...

Same here! Just check the number of moves vs bombs, and you'll manage.

Anonymous said...

I thought this level was fun, and very easy if you start with a color bomb from your booster stockpile. Just clear some licorice to make bomb room and wait for your color bomb to get next to a time bomb that has a lot of friends its color. Had three stars after seven moves. You just have to make sure you don't get killed by a bomb before using up all of the moves.


Anonymous said...

Neither easy nor fun. Another bullshit level after the hell I had finally just escaped

Unknown said...

I agree with the others for this easy level for a change. I just don't understand the comment of the person before me Dec 13.

Mad Man said...

2nd try, decided I could spare a sprinkle booster, got to 177K by the second move! Easy from there, didn't disturb the licorice in two of the quadrants in order to make bomb management simpler.

liloldlady said...

Sounds like fun for a change. Nice!

snow said...

done 1st try , wow what a nice easy and fun level for a change. start with a color bomb and wait till you have at least 3 or more of the same color and you will have all your points. The bombs are not hard to control.