Candy Crush Saga Level 2163 Cookies tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2163 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2163 is a timed level, you need to score 45,000 points in 45 seconds to beat it.
If you are good at timed levels you should be able to pass this, but if, like me you struggle with them you are going to need quite a bit of luck to complete level 2163.
You will need to look for special candies from the first move as you need them both to collect the extra time candies and also to clear the blockers and marmalade in the bottom half of the board.
Although there is not much time to spare it is crucial that you take a couple of seconds to scan the board for colourbomb patterns because this is the only way you will get the score needed.
When you get a colourbomb use it to collect extra time candies whenever possible.
Starting the game with a colourbomb booster is unlikely to help very much so don't waste your precious boosters, it will help by unlocking marmalade, but won't give many points at the start. I completed it using a colourbomb booster but could have done it without as it happened.
Video below from YT.
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Anonymous said...

I I would just being a fool to continue with this dumbness.

Anonymous said...

I'm quitting too !! This whole episode has been a booster sucking, epic, failure, and it's ridiculous !! Never been so pissed in my life, and from what I understand, they "tweaked" it this way. After dealing with the worst levels ever 2159, and 2160,before they were tweaked, God forbid us get a kind of easy timed level !! Looks like a big fat FU from CCS to their top players, just in time for Christmas !!

Anonymous said...

I guess I am too addicted to quite having come this far! But I agree that this whole episode has been undo-able without the use of multitudinous boosters. It seems that King just doesn't what to give us boards which challenge our strategy skills, just leaving us to rely on a 'lucky board' every time. Shame on King! I shall keep persevering though................

anonymous said...

How do we get King to change this level 2063 back to what it was before? I agree with all of you. I am going to quit candy crush also!

Anonymous said...

I got three color bombs and still could not get 45,000 points.

Anonymous said...

I really thought that they would nerf it when they added the new boards this morning (Wednesday). Nope. I'm done. Maybe I'll check back in a few days/weeks to see if they've done anything, but I am going to find something else to do with my spare time.

You blew it King. Not only did I play, I got many others to play. Not any more.

Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of the lower section of candies in the marmalade? There is no time to even look down there to see if there is a move to make. Also by moving any of these candies the top candies do not move to help to destroy an extra time candy. The whole bottom section is worthless. As a matter of fact the whole level is worthless and impossible. Screw candy crush!

Anonymous said...

Keep on trying fellow crushers: you will eventually get a 'lucky' board. I know it is boring, but that 'lucky' board will eventually come, as it did for me!............................

Anonymous said...

candy crush saga level 2163
3 days now and still not been above 7000 points
45000 points in 45secs. IMPOSSIBLE. can hardly make any special candies never mind colour bombs or break the marmalade at the bottom
getting really annoyed with this whole episode. been forced to use all my boosters. maybe that's kings goal so that you have to spend money. heres me thinking games were all about fun and not cash machines. at least dick turpin wore a mask when he robbed you.
FIX THIS LEVEL NOW or risk losing more gamers. pay attention to all the other posts that are saying the same thing

Anonymous said...

Okay, go ahead and give it another try. The level's been changed, and it's definitely doable now. Still just 40 seconds, but you have to get 90,000 points. However, there's a row of color bombs (in licorice) at the bottom and it's also easier to make specials. I got it my third try, three stars (and could have gone longer if I'd felt like it).

Anonymous said...

Much better now and more fun.

Anonymous said...

yep another level that is disgusting.

Dave said...

Come back, folks - they've fixed it! Three stars on my first attempt and I'm no speed-merchant. Pleasant and quite easy now, you'll be pleased to hear. As opposed to other levels in this batch, which they made MORE difficult - I don't see what they can possibly gain by doing that when people wuit if it gets too hard...

Anonymous said...

Had to score 90,000 points and I scored 163,000 points. No boosters, three stars. It can be done. Of course, you'll need a lucky board. Got two sprinkles next to each other and that opened up all the other sprinkles. More sprinkles came during the game. Keep using the sprinkles to clear timed candies. Keep trying.

Cher said...

I had no extra time candies and still passed first try. Just a very lucky board. Just made one sprinkle, got some of the marmalade with stripes, but couldn't open the sprinkles at the bottom. When time was up, the board went crazy, uncovered one sprinkle at a time and set it off until the board was clear. Was amazing and was happy with what seemed like a glitch in my favor!!!

Rick said...

I don't know what's going on but on my Android, I need only 10,000 points in a whopping 2 minutes!. I let the time expire when I reach 36,000 points which already passed the level.

Anonymous said...

45 seconds for 45,000 points on my Android for this one.

CHunger said...

90,000 in 40 seconds on iPad. Only doable by using extreme pausing, and a few hammers/ hands.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'll be here a while. Anybody mind if I unroll my sleeping bag over in the corner?


Anonymous said...

SHOCK ! Got it. No boosters. was lucky enough to get a color bomb next to a wrap which opened up all but one of the color bombs at the bottom. Still, just barely 1 star.


Anon lafy said...

Oh my goodness - I got this FIRST time - it really did itself. I did not use any boosters. I can't give any advice except to keep trying, as I am useless at timed levels. If it worked for me, it will work for you, too, so don't give up.

Anonymous said...

Just like the 2 comments above, I got it first try, no boosters using my iPad! Couldn't believe how everything clicked right in.

Michelle said...

don't hate me.. 1st try and beat it ..
Color bombs everywhere... Matched to timed candies then switched 2 together.
It was over a few seconds...
Good luck all check tor updates....

Michelle said...

don't hate me.. 1st try and beat it ..
Color bombs everywhere... Matched to timed candies then switched 2 together.
It was over a few seconds...
Good luck all check tor updates....

Anonymous said...

This must be a Xmas present from King to us faithful (or addicted?) players! Like many posters above it just played by itself and gave me 3 stars too! Magic! It never happened to me before. Thank you!
iPhone/no booster/3 stars

Anonymous said...

I don't know what everyone is whining about. So far I think it's been a great episode and this has to be one of the easiest timed level ever. You couldn't even tell it was timed - no stress.

Anonymous said...

Agreed! I wish the whingers would bog off!

Anonymous said...

100,000 points in 30 seconds on PC. Is it even possible?

Anonymous said...

It is possible. I got it first try with three stars.

I thought it might be game over early on but with 2 seconds to go I matched a stripe with a wrap which gave me more time and it was easy from there.

Unknown said...

I wasn't doing so well my first try on iphone and only had about 28k when sugar crush came but to my surprise the sprinkles down at the bottom, even though they had licorice on them, exploded one by one and got me enough points.

Anonymous said...

I'm in total shock! Passed a timed level on first try. Hoping I'm not dreaming 😄

liloldlady said...

Timed levels are not my forte....hoping for the best

Anonymous said...

on my mac it is 100000 points in 30 seconds.!!!!!!! i see 45000 in 60 sec and 10000 in 120 sec. What gives with my mac?