Candy Crush Saga Level 2165 Cookies tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2165 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Score 45,000 points in 25 moves to complete level 2165 Candy Crush Saga.
First try to open up the board by clearing blockers, although your moves are going to be very restricted at the start clearing some of the blockers will give you a better chance to make special candies.
The bombs that will fall from the dispensers each side will give you the scores you need, but it's important that you clear them whenever you get the chance because they will kill your game if you don't.
With 6 colours on the board it isn't easy to make special candies, but you really need to look carefully if you are to get a good score. Although simply clearing as many bombs as you can will do the job.
Video below from YT
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Anonymous said...

The key to complete episode is BOOSTERS BOOSTERS


Anonymous said...

after 2165 level there is no tips and vidio????????

Helpme said...

Starting with a color wrap and bomb combo then you will have to reset until it's a bomb and wrap. After that it's easy. I used 2 hammers at the end on 2 bombs I had the score but still had 6 moves left

Rick said...

My Android calls for only 10,000 points in 35 moves.
This is a strange episode. I don't know if the other Android players have the same experience. It looks like this episode is a "Christmas gift" for Android users. (I cannot comment on the IOS version because my iPad mini keeps on crashing on me when I point to a level or the Start and I was not able to use it at all in this episode). Did Google and King connived on this episode? Most levels have 50 moves and/or required much less points (mostly 10,000) than the PC versions. I used very few boosters and completed almost all the levels in one try. The only level that gave me difficulty is level 2159 which I would say is impossible on Android even with boosters. That one I played on PC and passed it on the 1st try.

Rick said...

I reviewed the comments on the previous levels and some Android users are saying that they have less than 50 moves on the previous levels while my Android has 50 moves. My table is Samsung. I don't know what device you are using. The number of moves might be different depending on the device although they are all powered by Android. If that is the case, maybe the connivance between Google and King includes Samsung (speculation and joke only).

Anonymous said...

25 moves for 45,000 points. This episode was mostly ingredient or point levels unlike the last episode that was mostly jelly levels. I didn't use as many boosters this epiisode even though there seemed to be a huge discrepancy in the amount of moves and required points between Android devices. I play on two Samsung Galaxy S tablets and a Samsung Note 4. Still, I didn't get stuck for long on any one level this time. Even finished the timed level first try. Till next Wednesday.

Bill. said...

Some levels quite good fun but you need boosters.
See you Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

The points were not a problem. Staying alive until all moves were used took some fancy dancing and a hammer. First try.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so strange goings on in the world of Candycrush.......just passed the last 6 levels of Pastry Peaks without achieving any of the targets!!! Did it on an iPad with 3 stars in 4 of the levels......very odd ....

Anonymous said...

Just finished the final four levels of this episode on first try every time. What's up with that?

Anon lafy said...

Took me a few tries, but I was determined not to use any boosters on this level, and I was lucky to get through it eventually. It is a question of try, try, try again. No strategy, just encouragement to anyone struggling with it.

I only have my iPad to use, no PC, so I am stuck with whatever King allows us 'lesser mortals'.

Unknown said...

Sorry for my stupidity, can someone please explain to me how this level has postings on the 8th Dec? I've never played on anything other than Android. Do some people get levels quicker than others? Many thanks in advance. Nik

Me said...

PC levels come out earlier.

For those of us who are waiting until Wednesday, are there any good levels to earn boosters after 1476?

Annoyed said...

I've completed level 2165 with 3 stars why can't I move on to next level ??? There's nothing after this level on my iPad or iPhone !!

Anonymous said...

I also have the problem of not being able to move beyond 2165 on my iPhone 6. I went to the App store and tried to update the game, but no results.

Unknown said...

Thank you ME! :)

Anonymous said...

Mobile device players. A new episode with 15 levels is released every Wednesday. PC players get new episodes two weeks ahead. Do not update your candy crush app or you run the risk of losing all of your boosters.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Now here's a level for the constant whingers who haven't got the brains to use their boosters :-D

Anonymous said...

First attempt had the points but with 6 moves to go couldn't get to a 1 count bomb. Got it second time with three stars.

Anonymous said...

Just posting for luck. If you don't have a lot of hammers you aren't going to pass this level. Too many bombs.

Anonymous said...

Avoid releasing the bombs until you have 10 moves to go.
I got it 2nd try, using one hammer on an early bomb.
Not a high score but at least I get to move on.

liloldlady said...

How Come we get to Play différent games according to our type of devices?

liloldlady said...

Will really need a lucky board many bombs!

Anonymous said...

Luck and boosters are the only way of getting through this level! No boosters no luck!!!! ��

Nancy said...

I can get the points, but not the bombs, certainly isn’t a good or fun. Not playing as much as usual

Alessandra said...

Damn bombs
Waste of time BS level- yet again 👎👎👎

Can’t be bothered - again

1 hour free colour bomb wasted- again

Oh well plenty of stuff needs doing so will not be crushing today but doing more productive things

And Netflix
More fun & no stress.

snow said...

done 1st try was nice and enjoyable for a change just go after bombs the rest takes care of it self