Candy Crush Saga Level 2306 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2306 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
This level is all about timing, you need to clear a path for the ingredients at exactly the right time to get them through the teleports.
You can almost forget about the jelly, it will be cleared as you work on getting the fruit down the board.
First clear the blockers and get the first ingredient onto the conveyor, while it is moving along the bottom see if you can make a colourbomb and save it until the ingredient is over the portal. When the ingredient is over the portal use the colourbomb to remove at least one candy from the top columns where the exits are. The left portal leads to the top left and the right portal leads to the top right.
Once you have the ingredient in the top section look for a combo that will clear the column and let it drop out. A double stripe combo on the conveyor can be switched as it is under the exit, or a colourbomb/stripe may work, although this is not guaranteed.
The second ingredient will drop when the first is off the board but is much easier to collect as the blockers will be gone.
Video below by Skillgaming
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Anonymous said...

awful rotten level. i can't get anywhere

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great tips! I was able to pass this on my first try with no boosters.

lala said...

I come to this place t get some advice on tough levels but this is probably one of the most frustrating ones. I feel like if there were five more moves I'd have a remote chance. But nothing seems to get me anywhere. I guess I will just have to wait until i find the ever elusive magic board

lala said...

Ok so maybe posting for good luck works. I finally broke down and used the only boosters I own, a color bomb and a fish. I had one move left, i had a color bomb and used it on a color that made the columns all be the same color, thereby clearing the right column on the last move. This was awful, not fun, frustrating, and left me wondering, as many do, why oh why do we prevail? I guess it's because I have today off!

Anonymous said...

this one seemed super painful...only playing on FB, episode not up my android yet, so can't keep (going back) and trying to get a good board. But only played on n off for about a day, got a nice 'magic board' as someone else coined it..just got through woohoo! keep going, they are all possible..we got this far right?? the tips on this page were helpful, although at levels this high, we should all pretty much be able to figure out what to do:) just comes down to recognizing the opportunities, and some seriously dumb luck lol

Gil said...

Color bomb from the magic helmet + color bomb from my boosters, switch...
After that, it is almost straight forward.

Anonymous said...

got rid of the first cherry with 10 moves left, I'm thinking great... 2nd cherry never fell!!!! What a bad level! CC please fix this!

Van5 said...

Finally used 3 hammers to get the last cherry down. Ugh. Brutal level! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Just did update on mobile and blockers on the two sides are gone. Yea!

Ness said...

Got all the way but 2nd cherry never dropped!

Rosalye said...

This tip is for mobile users. When you have magic helmet boosters and get down to 1 move and know you can't win click out of the game, reboot and launch the game again. You lose one life, which you'd lose anyway, but keeps you from having to go back to 1 and earn the helmet boosters again. Thanks to all who give tips here, without complaining and cursing!

Lisa said...

this level bites...

Lisa said...

I don't know what it is about posting here and then passing a level but I thank the candy crush gods for helping me pass. For some reason I was lucky enough to have 4 of the same color in both the side bars to start with! woo hoo, that gave me vertical stripes to start with. I got the first cherry on the conveyor belt quickly, had luck to get a color bomb, switched it to set off one of the stripes, and out went that cherry. Got the second one down, luckily had the colors in the side bar to match my stripe and got that one out with 8 moves left, 6 jellies left to clear and moving on...

Anonymous said...

PlAying on kindle. First cherry dropped with 18 moves left. 2nd fruit never drops

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible

Diana C said...

Another level for me to hate!!

Anonymous said...

Stupid F'n level!!!!

Anonymous said...

F'n level

CC from vero😎 said...

Hideous level! Used all three boosters and a few hammers. Not even worth it!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! I am not getting anywhere 😱

Anonymous said...

I played this many times. I would reset until I could see several moves to start with. I tried to avoid setting off the 3 matching colors on the left. In the game I finally won, when the fruit got to the drop area, I switched the 3 oranges. Then I got lucky with a color bomb next to a red stripe, which was the color under the fruit. Switching the color bomb and the stripe got the first fruit off the board plus a lot of jelly. The second fruit was easy to get to the conveyor belt. Omg my senior memory can't remember how I got that fruit out, but I managed somehow with a little bit of luck. Lol

Anonymous said...

This level is easier on the PC if you can avoid a reshuffle. On the PC the exit columns always have three matching colors with no blockers so if you can switch other candies at first and save them til the fruit is over the portal, you just have one candy left to hot with a stripe. You even have time to use the right exit with the second fruit.

susieq said...

I'll try that. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Cannot pass this level.Over it.Finally the level to break my addiction Goodbye CC

Anonymous said...

Waiting for lucky board, using boosters is waste. These boring levels have near cured my addiction!

Liz said...

I can see exactly what needs to happen but it's just not happening! Managed to get one ingredient through and the second one only blocked by one candy but no hammers left (have used them all on the other impossible levels)!

Liz said...

I can see exactly what needs to happen but it's just not happening! Managed to get one ingredient through and the second one only blocked by one candy but no hammers left (have used them all on the other impossible levels)!

Anonymous said...

I need some help here it's so hard

jackluver said...

after suffering through the past horrible episode another NASTY, fun free episode.

Anonymous said...

Was getting nowhere with this on the PC and after using five lives twice I tried on the android and passed first go with three stars.

It's easy to say how it should be done. Save the match on the left and right sides until the fruit is over the teleport. That isn't too hard unless there are no moves remaining on the main part of the board. Getting the jelly to let the fruit drop off is the hard part. Then it's the same process with the second fruit. I was fortunate to get a stripe in the right position to get the first fruit off but it spoilt the potential match on the other side. I was lucky enough to make a couple of sprinkles. One was used to get the second fruit through the teleport and then I matched the second with a stripe. Typically most went the wrong way and the fruit did drop down one but not off the board but another sprinkle formed and that cleared the final fruit.

Joanne C said...

I really need a lucky board on this one!

Anonymous said...

How do I get the fruit off the conveyor. I have tried everything.

Anonymous said...

Hate, hate, hate! The board forces you to use the matching candies in the vertical teleports so you can't save them. Then it fiendishly ensures any candy bomb is nowhere near a striped candy AND no where near the color you need to get the fruit to drop. AND fish are no use whatsoever. I thought that at least one would nab a candy in the teleport, but no--just ate candies on many board even though no jelly was left!! Aaaaaaaargh!

Anonymous said...

Fab! Thanks! Penny

Anonymous said...

Posting for my lucky board. Can't get close. Good luck everyone ( except for the potty mouths).

Anonymous said...

33 moves on iPad...posting for luck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guess I am going to be here for a while unless I get a CC miracle 😕

Anonymous said...

This level should be labeled SUPER HARD.

Anonymous said...

Ugh...hate this one. Can't get close.

Anonymous said...

Just wasting boosters on the sick level.

Anonymous said...

UGH....I give up....too frustrating.

Anonymous said...

This level is no fun at all. No skill required. Posting for a lucky board.

Unknown said...

Stupid level, not even close to getting this one

Gabsgran said...

Who comes up with these terrible levels. Why not try to keep Candy Crush a fun pastime instead of frustrating?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Can't seem to master this one. Posting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Posting for help

JC said...

Candy Crush Gods, can you cut us some slack!?!? Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I need help! Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

This is getting monotonous. Posting for luck.

Cmp said...

Time to post for luck :(

Unknown said...

Nearly got it the first time but struggling like a lunatic ever since. If only I’d used a lollipop hammer that first time 😢😢 send me a lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Wow this is more than just hard. I'm not getting anywhere and it appears that a lucky board is the only way to win...

Anonymous said...

If you have to make a match on the right or left columns early - may as well call it quits. This level sucks

Anonymous said...

This is a super hard level in my book. I am getting no where at all. I think there should be twice as many moves as is given. Wow! I doubt I get off of this one any time soon. I need all the help I can get and pray that a lucky board is in my near future. Please be in my near future lucky board.

Denise said...

This level needs more than luck, this is a horrible level! Need God for this one!

Judy said...

I've come very close but just can't get 'er done. Horizontal stripes are very difficult to get. I can get magic helmet boosters but they all get used just getting the first fruit down. Maybe I need to play lower levels for a few days and collect some hammers.

Denise said...

I can’t even get close on this one. I was doing really good with the previous levels but this one is very hard. Need a lucky board!

Denise said...

The video look so easy but I’m not good at these types of levels. I don’t know how to time it like that. I guess it’s the end for me after getting this far. So good bye CC. King you lost a good player.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely HORRID level! Leaving this game!!

Anonymous said...

Been here forever tried everything possible, posting for luck please

Anonymous said...

I have never posted for luck before but now I am begging. ....come on lucky board. !!

Anonymous said...

I need luck

Marwanjo said...

What do i have to do by this fucking level? Sorry no fun, not much internet to play but i dont care, its Too boring.

Marwanjo said...

I Am glad to know that most players left this game, most comments are from one year ago, So most player Saïd goodbye to cc, So i dont worry. I also done with iT, Seems i came farther than most players.

Anonymous said...

Oo com on hate this level too hard::: help,,,

Anonymous said...

Tough one.

I will never quit! The lucky board always comes after I post here.

Hunter MacLean said...

Guys, I'm pretty sure there is not a causal relationship between posting here and getting a "lucky board".

Anonymous said...

Looking for a lucky board please!

Susan said...

Thanks! I did not know that.

Anonymous said...

Another ridiculous level, mainly concerning the two side columns. Either the game has no other moves but to use the three colours in them way before you need them, or even when the fruit is ready, missing them does it explod enough candies to ge5 it all the way down. On top of that, the game doesn’t create horizontal stripes in the right place to get the last candy remaining (assuming it hasn’t exploded them itself due to unplanned stripes hitting them.

Anonymous said...

I hate levels that demand exact timing because my timing in life is as lousy as my timing at cc. I can't get the second nut thing lined up for the life of me.

Nancy said...

Not a good time for me! I have used lots of boosters, still no luck!
Not sure if worth the trouble to continue

Susan said...

Posting for luck, help!! Ugh!

Susan said...

Horrible posting and now begging for a lucky card :(

Anonymous said...

God awful level!! Can manage the first fruit and jelly quite often but the second is a no go!

Anonymous said...

Yeah horrid level cc haven't bèen throu enough give us a break why is the fun gone

Silverdollarbill said...

Finally got it after playing almost 2 weeks, NBU. Did use a hand switch to get the ingredient out of the top left column though. Seems you can't win if you have to switch candies in the side columns, or hit a candy with a striped before you get the ingredients out. For the top right column I was lucky enough to have made a CB to match up with the right color. On the last move I used a horizontal striped to get the last jelly in bottom right corner.

Spike said...

Sounds like great tips, thanks much and best of luck !!!

Anonymous said...

Always remember . . we made it this far, sometimes screaming and yelling . . Ahhh 😠😡 only to have conquered ! Good luck to us all and trudge on . .

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips y’all...

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! ��

Anonymous said...

Portals are missing from laptop...presumably there just not shown...Good job CC

Anonymous said...

I noticed while playing tonight that my version does not show the portal drop holes that are in the video at the bottom. I have cleared the jellies several times but cannot figure how to get the first ingredient to drop so I can try for the other one. I think I'm about to call it quits and make better use of my time. Most of my friends gave up a LONG time ago.

Candy Thompson said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

no portal.

Carole said...

Another one based on luck

Unknown said...

Also posting for luck. Cherry doesn't want to fall off into portal so getting nowhere fast

mr said...

Thank you Cookie and all commenters that have helped me get this far Could not have done it without you. Do not seem able to pass this one. Guess I am posting for luck as any of you have said works. Good luck all!

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely struggling with this level I get the gist of the game but I get very very few bombs at all please help or give me a lucky board

Lizbuff44 said...

This is the most pointless level ever once you have to use the side candies because there’s no other moves your game is over

Tammy Caison said...

I havent been able to save a sprinkle as cookie suggests as I end up having to use it when I get cruddy luck on what's drops down leaving no matches. Sigh, I need a lucky board! Please!

Tammy Caison said...

Omg, I just got the lucky board and I accidentally swiped my candy wrong causing a loss, argh!

Anonymous said...

OMG,another bullshittery level,no colourbombs coming my way,on the video she gets 6or7,can’t even get the fruit to the conveyer.yuck,I hate this. Been here for awhile,

Anonymous said...

Cannot figure out how to get the fruit to crop off the conveyer belt. It has happened a couple of times but I didn’t know why. And I wish people would stop saying things like “There are only five colors in this game so making combos should be pretty easy, and “Well you got this far so you should be able to figure this out”. You might as well add “or you’re stupider than I think” because that’s what it sounds like. Rude.

snow said...

Got this 1st try first watch video , if the fruit is on the conveyor on the left side porthole you have to put it down the top left side and the same for the right the right bottom port hole has to be put down the top right side. I used a hammer to get the right side fruit down and a hand switch to put a stripe/wrap together to clear the top left column to put last fruit down

Babsy said...

Stupid frickin level! Unbelievable. I've used all boosters. Nothing left.

Lorraine said...

My boosters aren’t helping me either so that’s it I guess . I can’t seem to get past this one . No tips are helping either . Sigh ....

Robin said...

The only way to get my ingredients after using choc and wrapped didn't work, I ended up using hammers which worked at the end on each side

Lolo said...

Like everyone else posting for luck! Don't make a move on the left and right coloums too early otherwise it's game over......

Martyn said...


cvbcb said...

Posting for luck!

cvbcb said...

This level has changed, it’s UCB easier in 2021

paninicat said...

I have been on this level for about a month. HELP! It’s impossible!