Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2308 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Collect 4 ingredients in 30 moves.
Level 2308 is all about timing, making the right move at the right time to get the ingredients where you want them.
All the ingredients are on the board at the same time so you just need to get them onto the conveyor first. It is better if you can keep them a few squares apart so that you can drop them off the conveyor at the bottom one at a time. You need to make a match under the ingredients so that they drop into the square directly over one of the portals.
Once the ingredients are over the portals use a colourbomb or a stripe/wrap combo to clear the candies in the exit squares.
The outer portal goes to the bottom exit and the inner portal goes to the top exit.
I used a hand switch to get the final ingredient in position as they had come down together so it was impossible for me to get them both over a portal.
Video below
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Another frustrating level..
The board has changed since this video was made, but the video was helpful to see how the portals actually work.
Maybe it's just me, but I liked this level. I've passed it, but wanted to backup to make a comment. Please note that the board is a little different now, also you have 18 moves (not 30) to get 2 ingredients(not 4) down the portal. Cheers....
On Android I have 18 moves, two ingredients, three popcorns and six white blockers.
On iPad there are 30 moves. I couldn't get a colour bomb to save my life and the fruit kept falling off the conveyor into the bottom. Finally got fed up, positioned the fruit over the exits and used 4 hammers to get past this horrific level! Good luck everyone!
I'm going to clean my apartment. That will be more fun than trying to pass this level. I read the comments, watched the video and do not understand this level at all. Time to give CC a long rest!
Wow, just passed with using a hand-swap to move one fruit over the portal. Glad I came here, first. It's relatively easy now that I found out that the fruit has to drop down to the bottom portals.
play at laptop only need 2 fruits.. using iphone 4 fruits.
laptop much easier. done on the second try
I used a coconut wheel and finished on the first try. Diane
Thanks Diane, used coconut wheel and reset until it was in a good position and passed on first try.
I enjoyed this level. I thought it was much easier than the video version looked.
Got it on my first try...purely luck.
Posting for luck.
My iPad is different and I only have 18 moves
I only have 18 moves. Why dont i have 30 like the others
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck.
I had a Colourbomb from the Helmet. I took a Coconut Wheel from my stash.
I was able to use the coconut wheel (on 1st move). It sent the cherry down onto the conveyor on the left side. I worked at moving the nut down to the bottom (right side) but did not use the Colorbomb. When both ingredients were sitting over the portals I used the Colorbomb. I was fortunate that both exit columns had the same colour, therefore, the candies exited.
On PC only one of each ingredient.
I got down to one the first play but didn’t have a hand switch to get the acorn over the portal, unhappy camper...
I can’t figure out how to drop the fruit so I can get credit and beat this level... I’m trying to play above as Cookie said but only by chance do I get thr fruit... any help or a lucky board... TIA
Another level where the portals are not displayed...Having to come on here to see the video just to be able to play the game...serious glitch
posting for luck
Based on just luck!!! Sigh!!!
Not enough moves! Another joke of a level.
Had a hard time with the ingredients being in the right spot, used one hand switch for the left side and a hammer, on the right side I used a hammer
It was my 4th time playing this level
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