Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2324 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Although not yet classified as a hard level I think level 2324 will be eventually.
At present there are 50 moves to clear all the jelly, this may seem a lot but I have found this to be a very frustrating level.
You will need combos to unlock the chocolate but as soon as it is unlocked it will start to spread so you'll need more combos to clear it. The good thing is that once the chocolate is cleared it doesn't come back.
Take care when you are concentrating on the chocolate that the bombs on the left don't count down and kill the game while you're not looking! This happened to me a couple of times when I was having a good game.
A colourbomb/wrap combo is one of the best for clearing just about anything. Switching a colourbomb with a stripe will help but the stripes won't penetrate far into the licorice at the bottom.
Look carefully at the board before every moves as it's easy to miss moves if you are panicking about the chocolate or bombs.
Once you are into the bottom section life gets a bit easier if you can manage to make moves there.
Video below by Skillgaming
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stupid level as usual !
Tried for 2 days and couldn't get rid of the chocolate. Then, by chance, I got 2 sprinkles next to each other and then it was easy. All down to luck, obviously.
Good luck
I just cant understand why this is not classed as a difficult level !!! Got close once in heaven knows how many attempts, used all the boosters I had left in a good round and strangely they just didnt fall in the right place :-( horrible 'easy' level
i gave up and quit cc found myself another new game less stress !
Doesn't matter how many times I swap a fish with a strip or a wrap 2 out of 3 don't work. This level is impossible until CC is going to allow me to pass.
Seems every level can now only be passed when you are allowed, you don't play the game, it plays you.
Pretty pointless.
I have been playing this level for about 5 days now, and only got "close" a couple of times... it doesn't matter what booster I use, it doesn't seem to help. Please do something to make this level passable!!! We love this game and want to enjoy it, but when you play the same one over and over and over again and can't pass it, obviously, somethings wrong. Help, King!!!
Not a bit of fun in this level. Tired of waiting for the lucky board.
haven't even come close! over and over and over ... guess it all does come down to that lucky board! wish the mobile versions would catch up faster!!
Now classed as a super hard level.
I am sooooooo sick of this level. impossible............
I finally passed this miserable level by buying a flying saucer booster when I got down to 2 moves with 7 jellies left. That with 2 lollipops finished it off. Figured i wasn't going to get any closer. Couldn't be that close and not finish it off!
I can't understand the complaints about the difficulty of this level. Maybe I'm just lucky but this is the 1st level in this episode that I passed on the 1st attempt without any boosters. I want to finish this whole episode on the PC but it's 11 p.m. already and time to sleep. I'll play the rest of the levels on my tablets when it becomes available in a few hours.
It is now classified as a "super hard level"
This level is impossible to pass on PC. Much easier version on the iPhone.
I finally passed this level after a week of trying. I got down to 6 jellies with 10 moves left (the closest I've come). Two of the jellies were double-layered. I tried making a few moves, but couldn't get anything lined up to get those jellies. I had 6 lollipop hammers left, so I just hammered my way out. Thank goodness that's over. The next one, 2325, is just as hellish...
First time I've seen a "black thundercloud" over the number of a level. I guess that's their new symbol for extra hard levels? Two chocolate sprinkles together and a fish booster. Also used a lollipop hammer on a bomb about to explode. First try, a couple of moves left, one star.
I found a quick way to win the helmet is by replaying Level 606 a few times. This is the super easy level in which the frog first appears. Don't worry that the boosters don't show up as you play as you will still get the helmet!
Is is not known that you can even play level 1 to win the helmet? It's a bit of a pain to scroll back to it, but there's no way not to win. Just play and replay it five times; it shouldn't take more than a minute or two.
I played level 1 about 10 times and level 606 10 times on my android and I never got a magical helmit. Any advice?
Why the change in format as of 3/2??
You have to go to the CC invoice on the top right side envelope & trophy ✉️�� then click the Magic Dash info. Good luck!
Extremely annoying lvl this might just be the end of my CC addiction screw this game
No magic dash info on mine but thanks.
Yay! Won it without a magic helmet! But I did use a hummer at the end to position stripe/wrap to clear the last jellies. So happy. iphone/1 hummer/1 star
I enjoyed this level and only play 6 or 7 rounds. Got through using just two lollipops at the end. What I don't understand is the scoring. I got 455,000 points and two stars. My friends both got 1,400,000 points. That appears to be the minimum if you clear the board but don't reach one star. Can't figure out why I got two stars and so few points. Did they change the game?
Impossible....not even close. Time for a new form of entertainment.
I think playing level 9 is a lot easier. ..I know the scrolling is a pain but if you can reduce the size of your playing field or goes a lot faster
Thank you! I tried this and passed.
Getting nowhere! Posting for luck.
What,s the difference between 1 star 2 stars or 3 stars?
This really is hellish, started with all boosters and even made 4 sprinkles, even 2 side by side and still nowhere near!!!!! Posting for luck
Ridiculous level. Never even close. I guess I just have to keep plugging away. It's been 5 days, the longest I've been stuck in years.
BTW I've never seen a magic dash thing in the trophy area. I guess King hates me...
Paging for Lucky Board...
Strangest thing just happened.!? Went from having the licorice around the chocolate (just about impossible to clear) to just licorice? Passed it with no problem!
Two double wrap combos cleared nearly all licorice. One hammer on last jelly! Done
Beyond ridiculous as most levels of CC now are.Time for King to stop making new levels before all players quit.
Why would King stop making new levels "before" all players quit? Doesn't it make more sense in business to only quit "after" you don't have any business?
This is a hard level stuck for days, used loads of boosters, not doing it!
This level should be classified as a hard level. Really struggling with this level.
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck.
It comes down to getting a lucky board again. Really Boring!
Posting for a lucky board.
"The good thing is that once the chocolate is cleared it doesn't come back".
OK folks. Let's have a show of hands of those that were actually able to clear the chocolate.
That's what I thought.
I used my boosters and got no where. I have been able to clear the chocolate but still can't beat it. I am having no luck at all. I am in real need of a lucky board right about now. Please lucky board come my way.
Thought this would be easy with 50 moves but have been stuck posting for luck
Posting for luck please have been here forever !!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been stuck on this game for days now and still not getting any where near finishing. This will be my last day trying to get through this game if I do not achieve it I will be QUITTING CANDY CRUSH. I am not prepared to waste any more time on this game. PLEASE HELP CANDY CRUSH I NEED A BIT OF LUCK.
Posted for luck 3 times now posting for luck again can’t play this level much longer !!!!!
Need a lucky board.
Many of my levels don’t have any candy to collect including the first seven after I scrolled forever to get there... curious as to why some of my levels are restricted? Levels 2000, no candy, and 906, with candy are good to gain helmets... almost always a win...
Now I need a lucky board please.
Posting for luck
Waiting for a lucky board..
Another joke of a level.
JUST PASSED! I don’t know if this will help but it worked for me. I concentrated on the right hand side only of the board to get rid of all the chocolate, and once gone it didn’t come back. I ignored the left hand side as it immediately releases bombs but once the chocolate had gone I could concentrate on getting rid of the bombs as they appeared. It still took me a few goes but as I say it worked for me. Good luck.
What is driving me crazy about this level is I can get the chocolate and deflate the bombs, but finding it impossible to unlock the licorice. Anyone have any advice? I sure could use some. Help CC
I have 140 jellies to remove in 50 moves. Not 70, not fair!
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