Candy Crush Saga Level 2336 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2336 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to score 200,000 points in 25 moves to complete level 2336 Candy Crush Saga.
You need to unlock the bombs using a stripe/wrap combo as quickly as you can, this is usually not too hard to make.
Once the bombs are released try to work in the bottom part of the board to get them into a position where you can clear them.
The bombs are important as they will give you the score needed as long as you can keep them from exploding.
Look for chances to make colourbombs and use them on a colour that has a few bombs, this will give you a good percentage of the points you need.
Avoid using colourbombs on other special candies as this will not give many points, although it may be necessary if the bombs are getting close to exploding.
Look carefully at the whole board before every move and don't ignore the bombs, if you get a chance to clear them take it as you may not get another in time.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

any body have any clue? I watched and cant get anywhere near finishing

Unknown said...

This is clearly another very difficult level!

Rick said...

I passed this on my 5th attempt 3 stars. The only way you can get a good score on this is by matching a color bomb with candies with the same color as most of the countdown bombs. Make matches below the 2 dispensers of the mystery candies on the top right. When the mystery candies drop, they can turn into color bombs which you can use to unlock the countdown bombs. If you can get another color bomb, you can match it with a color of most of the countdown bombs to get the required points.

Anonymous said...

I had the top level magic helmet and was able to start with a stripe wrap combo together in a good spot in the lower center of the board. The sprinkle luckily did not get exploded in that cascade so I still had a sprinkle to use against a countdown bomb. I got the points very shortly and then just had to play out the remaining moves keeping a close eye on the count down bombs until I had fewer moves than showed on the count downs. So far all hard levels in this episode. I hope that doesn't continue! Carol the elder

Aussie Mouse said...

Great advice. Gotta love the helmets. I did it. Thank you and Good luck

Anonymous said...

Having a hard time with this one! On another note, has anyone EVER got the "Jackpot" on the spinning wheel ? I've reached tis level and never got it even once!!

Anonymous said...

I have only gotten the jackpot once!

Julie d said...

Jackpot only once for me too.

Unknown said...


PyroDecor said...

I have managed to get it twice in the years ive been playing

Anonymous said...

Just cannot pass this level. The bombs get me every time. I have only hit the jackpot once and that was three weeks ago.

jonithorne said...

They must've made it easier because I passed it on the first try. Two different color bombs appeared-first one unlocked all areas under dispensers. Second one I matched with predominant color of bombs. A few more stripes did it.

Anonymous said...

Not easier. You luckier.

FreeCellPenguin said...

Never... I end up on either side of it at least once a week, though.

Unknown said...


nineyoubzness said...

First time commenting on any level. Level is fucking bullshit. Will not pay another dime on Candy Crack.

Unknown said...

okay...the lucky candies NEVER turn into sprinkles

Anonymous said...

Impossible level

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've had it three times

Anonymous said...

Never and I'm on this level so obviously been playing a very long time

Anonymous said...

Posting for impossible luck.

Marielle said...

Find it difficult ...hate these bombs ...always one remaining ....luck will come soon hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Had magic helmet, got two colour bombs together to free all the bombs, kept playing on lower section, three colour bombs later 392220 point, passed first time! It is possible..

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

liloldlady said...

So boring having to wait for the lucky board that Never comes

Unknown said...

I only get 12 moves not 25. Anyone else?

Annonimus said...

They have changed the level now you get 12 moves and the bombs are on 9.

Candy crusher said...

Hard level!!! Posting for luck. Can not get past the bombs

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Anonymous said...

Very difficult. Seems every level need to post to get any kind of luck. So here I am...posting for luck.

Candy Thompson said...

Only 12 moves on my PC...YUK!

Denise said...


Stefanie said...

It has completely changed. It is a lot harder when you have only 12 moves. Ai think a new walkthrough is needed.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, not getting anywhere on my own.

Unknown said...

ever hit the jackpot I have spun te wheel everyday since it started

Tammy Caison said...

Level after level I'm here seeing impossible situations. No luck yet' guess I used it all on the last level' sigh

Anonymous said...

This is very bizarre. My level 2336 is completely different than this one. Anyone else experience this?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Completely different level.

Unknown said...

I only got 12 moves ??

snow said...

I used 3 hand switches to make color bombs and I also started with one

Unknown said...

I only have 12 moves and bombs are set to 9 and i have no boosters, when you watch the video they have 25 moves and bombs are set on 13. So why do they show videos where the bombs are set on higher levels? I wonder

Unknown said...

Right. I seen that too. How am I pose to pass this with 12 moves

Jathy said...

Lucky board please

Allie said...

This is obviously another one which has been altered since the blog video was made. 12 moves and bombs on 9, not even immediately accessible. I am baffled as to why it is not classified as hard.

Mala said...

My response on my own website. Appreciation is a wonderful thing...thanks for sharing keep it up. Candy Crush Saga Crack