Candy Crush Saga Level 2337 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2337 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2337 is a dual task level, you have to collect one ingredient and clear all the jelly in 30 moves.
The ingredient will drop from the dispenser in the middle, but only after you have destroyed the Evil Spawner. This needs to be hit five times with stripes or stripe/wrap combos to get rid of it.
Work on clearing the jelly using any special candy or combo you can make and at the same time look for stripes to get in line with the spawner in the middle. You can use the conveyor to get the stripes and combos into position to hit the spawner or clear the jelly.
The ingredient shouldn't cause any problems once it is released as there are plenty of exits for it to fall through, the hard part can be clearing the jelly in the hard to get places.
Most of the time you should work at the bottom, but often the best moves are higher up so you need to look at the whole board before every move.
Colourbombs will get the awkward jellies if you can make them.
A good booster to help with level 2337 is a jelly fish booster and even a coconut wheel can be good.
Video below
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Lucia said...

The hard part is NOT clearing the jelly. The hard part is getting rid of the stupid spawner. I can't do it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's all about the spawner. Took maybe 8 tries but when I cleared it that was that. Strange thing was that a second cherry came. I cleared it, but goodness knows what would have happened if I hadn't.

Good luck from Manila

Rick said...

Got it on the 2nd try without boosters. I was able to create 5 stripes hitting the evil spawner. Once it exploded, the cherry came out and it is just a matter of clearing the jellies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rick - I followed your plan and focused on making stripes that would hit the mixer. It took about 10 games, one time it happened too late, but eventually I got the cherry out with about 8 moves left and that was enough to finish off the game.

Anonymous said...

This section of the board only opened on my Kindle this morning. On the Kindle, level 2337 has no conveyor belt, making it very difficult to make striped candies. After checking this site, I played on my desktop computer, passing on the second try without boosters. Don't get stuck playing on the wrong device!!

Anonymous said...

iPad does not have conveyor AND fruit does
NOT drop when cleared....must be a glitch

Anonymous said...

I was resetting board to get chocolate sprinkle next to wrap making sure it was same color as at least one of candies directly under evil spawner. Instead I got chance to make another chocolate sprinkle beside the one I had. So used that and got a stripe/wrap combo and three other stripes to target spawner. Also used a fish booster as I have 350 of them. Finished with 12 moves left.
Playing on Android and had a conveyor top and bottom.

Van5 said...

Got this second try. I'm on iPad and mine DOES have the conveyor. Used a fish booster, and lined up the stripes to get the spawner. Needed one more hit on it so I used a hammer, and the cherry fell down and pretty much out on its own. Good luck everyone!

Aussie Mouse said...

Great advice. I reset until sprinkle with wrap and then concentrate on stripes to kill spawner. Thank you

Anonymous said...

The spawned is a bitch to,knock out post for luck

Anonymous said...

The spawner is a bitch to knock out grrrrr posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This is nigh on impossible on my iPad as there is no conveyor belt. Much easier on the PC.

Anonymous said...

Finding this boring, waiting it out

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First attempt cleared the spawner with 21 moves left but couldn't get the last jelly. Thought it was going to be quite easy, but no. Next attempt got all the jelly but couldn't get a hit on the spawner. It was downhill after that. The jellies weren't a problem but I couldn't get the spawner. Finally got the spawner and all but one of the jellies and was ready to use a hammer to pass but I managed to move a strip across and drop a wrap next to it. Three stars with no boosters.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else had problems getting the magic helmet from playing level 1 repeatedly? It seems we re only allowed to do this once, the you cannot get into any of the levels 1-10 to repeat.

Anonymous said...

Android doesn't have the conveyors, and no matter what you do, the cherry won't cascade down. You can wipe out every candy below, and it just sits there not moving. I hope they fix this glitch soon.
I'm building up a lot of boosters at the moment though. :)

Anonymous said...

No conveyor belt and so hard to hit the sprawner 5 times.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous on April 3, in regards to King blocking levels 1 thru 6 or any other levels reboot your device. This is helpful when you are collecting sugar drops! A few times I had to reboot a couple of times. So far this has worked for me! I also want to thank everyone for all the helpful hints and strategies. MOUSE

slychard said...

First time I cleared all the jelly only to realize I totally forgot the spawner holds the ingredient back. I've used bombs with stripes on the other games but they seem to hit everything but the spawner. I've also gone the single stripe route but it seems like you need to hit it 20 times and not 5. Ugh.

slychard said...

Once again posting my frustration worked. I went the single stripe route with a bomb stripe combo to finish it off. That left me 5 moves to kill off 2 of the hard to reach jelly spots but careful maneuvering got me through this. Thank the Universe.

Anonymous said...

gioco con un lumia nokia , e sul mio schermo non esiste la striscia trasportatrice e soprattutto anche quando rompo lo spawner la ciligia poi non scende e rimane bloccata

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck since I've been struggling for 4 €π|¥€× days now!!!!

Gabsgran said...

Can't seem to clear the spawned no matter what I do..tough board!

Anonymous said...

Posting for magical luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

What is a quick way to get to level one to earn magic helmets?

Unknown said...

I have had to advanced to the next levels

Anonymous said...

Anyone else have problems getting the stripes to "take" on the spawner? I have hit it with stripes but it doesn't "flash" like they normally do when you make a match next to one. I've hit it more than 5 times with stripes but none seemed to count.
The same thing seemed to happen on an earlier level, but I ended up getting it with wraps there. Not so easy to do that here.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess the stripes did work on it. I ended up using a couple of hammers on a board where I had cleared all the jelly and had about 8 moves left so there was enough time to drop the fruit. I only needed 2 hammers (was prepared to use 5 - after all that's why we spin the wheel every day, right?) but I guess the stripes did work because it only needed 2 more hits. Not a fun level at all.

Anonymous said...

Defect on level I hit the right middle jelly and it doesn't burst, should also be a count down on sprawns Ian sure I hit it more than 5 times and it doesn't burst, fed up

Anonymous said...

Hardest Part is definitely trying to kill the spawner! I am sure I have hit it more than five times even with my only hammer and it still doesn’t go so I’m hoping luck might help me!

Anonymous said...

How many times do you have to hit the spawners to destroy it? Can’t pass this level!! Completely frustrating!!

Denise said...

Posting for luck! It’s hard clearing the spawner!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of tips, thanks y’all... maybe lucky board will follow;)

Anonymous said...

I hit the spawner more than 5 times and it didn't explode , this level is really hard . Posting for tips and luck !!!

snow said...

coconut wheel and fish booster are a huge help

Robin said...

Trying to pass this level having trouble, snow I'm a few months behind you I don't have the coconut wheel, I think that would really help, I have choc sprinkle, stripe wrap combo and instead of coconut wheel I have fish, I'll keep trying

Robin said...

I used choc sprinkle wrap stripe combo and fish kept trying to hit spawner as much as possible,
Cleared all the jelly so just needed that one ingredient so used 2 hammers hit the spawner and passed the level, now on to the next

Jathy said...

Need lucky board

Bill K said...

It was hard enough to get the Jackpot on the daily spin. I probably only got it 5-6 times total over several years. Now, several days ago, they changed the wheel to reduce the size of the jackpot area, making it virtually impossible to get it. What's up with that!!!

Unknown said...

I have no problem clearing the jelly but every damn stripe pr combo never lines up with the spawner have played 30 times easy ugh

Becky said...

I have played level 2337 for over a week and cannot get to the fruit.
Posting for luck.