Candy Crush Saga Level 2347 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2347 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2347 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose quite a few moves before you manage to pass it.
You need to look very carefully at the board and plan your moves using the conveyor, watch the candies on the conveyor to see what candies are coming up to the playing area where you can match them.
The sideways stripes which drop from the dispensers at the top can be dropped down onto the conveyor and used to hit the popcorns. If you can get a wrap on the conveyor and let it move around to match with a stripe this combo will hit lots of the popcorns as long as there is no licorice in the way.
Once you have a colourbomb from the popcorns try to switch it with a stripe or wrap for the best results. Switching 2 colourbombs together may also be helpful.
With so few moves you will need to take your time and think carefully about every move. I used a hammer to complete this level but it is possible without boosters as the video below shows.
Patience is the key.
Video below by Skillgaming

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Anonymous said...

This video is for level 2351, not 2347...... I would like to see a video of someone beating the correct level... because I'm not getting close at all.... help, King!!

Anonymous said...

Wrong video!

Unknown said...

Seems impossible not got close after over 50! Goes need one hell of a lucky board & plenty of boosters!! Posting for luck

Unknown said...

My god it actually works posting for luck next go got it 3 stars & no boosters lucky lucky board !

Anonymous said...

Of late Cookie is posting wrong videos. I that intentional?

billyrabbit said...

Not getting anywhere near this one yet. Post for luck.

Anonymous said...

Com on Candy Crush all these errors you guys are making time to hire new programmers.

Impossible to do fix it please.

Anonymous said...

Not fun. Boring. Stupid, stupid level.

nodrog said...

Finding this level really tricky.

2sweet said...

Needs modification... not even close! So boring aswell

Anonymous said...

First time, no boosters, easiest hard board ever. But I'm owed many from CC gods.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

first time posting for luck....been on this level forever!!! fingers crossed

Anonymous said...

just when you thought it couldn't get more stupid, up pops the next hard level

gus said...
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Anonymous said...

Need some hints for this tough board. Help!!!!

Anonymous said...

This one is completely impossible - can't even clear the basics let alone the popcorns. Hopeless.

Anonymous said...

Need some help. Can't get close. Posting for luck as it seems to work for other crushers.

Margee said...

No skill involved - just another level that depends upon luck. Come on, King!!!!

Unknown said...

Challenging to say the least

Zenith said...

Definitely not enjoying this level, hopefully it gets easier when the iPhone version comes out (although they usually get harder!)

And not sure what is up with Cookie lately, this is something like the third level in the last few that I've seen her post the wrong video.

Anonymous said...

Folks, please be kinder to Cookie. Anyone can make a mistake. Think about how helpful this website has been. I know I would not have come this far without this assistance.

Lisa said...

This one is (was) a fun level the first 25 times, but now it stinks...

Anonymous said...

May the Candy Gods have mercy on me...

RedMo said...

This could be my release from CC addiction. 5 more tries when my lives replenish then I'm off.

Martha said...

This is a miserable level. I'm thinking I will wait until the level is available on iPhones & iPad.

Anonymous said...

Got a lucky board (after posting here), yet still had to use 3 hammers. But it's done!

Martha said...

Finally got a lucky board. Had to use a one hammer at end to finish it off. This one was miserable!

Anonymous said...

post for luck...?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

SharonH said...

Posting for luck on the correct board, not the wrong one above...Also getting no where fast on this level! LUCK LUCK LUCK!

Gil said...

No proble at all, passed it first try.
Swithed the CB with strip (both from the Magic Dash) that have many candies of the same color for a start.
Few moves after, used 2 hammers to blow a popcorn and take the CB one row down next to a second CB and switched them.
Thay blow more pop corns that alow me to switch 2 CB again.
From there it was easy.
3 stars with 14 moves to spare.

Good Luck from the Land of Milk and Honey.

Anonymous said...

Next to impossible level. Now that CC has eliminated my ability to collect sugar drops, there is only daily spin to collect needed boosters. Another problem is that I have never had the magic dash/helmet appear on my I-pad. No hope, no fun, no luck.

Never Pay a Cent Bobby said...

Extreme luck needed or boosters. When level came out on iPad, I combined two speckles, one from the helmet. Then into game I had to hammer three popcorns 1-2 times, combining with stripes if time. Not enough moves to solve on my pc with the 6 popcorns.

Anonymous said...

Super Hard means Super Boring. Another lucky board game that bores me after 2 lives.

Anonymous said...

Nasty level! After reading the comments, I used at least one swap and 4 hammers to get it done and that was with the top level magic helmet! The stripes seldom lined up to hit anything. There's a reason to bank sugar drops if they are available! Carol the elder

Julie d said...

Went back to level 1 and played til,I got the top helmet. Then used all 3 of my own available boosters. Reset board until I got a chocolate bomb next to a wrap that had a few of that colour on bottom section of board.this helped massively and cleared board with 3 moves left. Hope this helps. Very difficult level.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of having to depend on getting a lucky board. At this point we should be past needing luck!!!

Crushmom7 said...

Posting for luck!

Crushmom7 said...

Lucky post...

K2H said...

Posting for LUCK

Tweetib said...

This board is ridiculous! Seems you need plenty of boosters (in which I don't have) So here I go.. Posting for luck! *fingers & toes crossed*

Unknown said...

C'mon!!! Impossible without boosters, which I have ZERO of because King decided to take away our sugar drops... If it's no longer fun, why would we continue to do it?!?!?

Cher said...

This level is so bad . Nothing works . Not enough moves . I'm sick of it .

Maureen said...

My God what's happening to cc... Boring and frustrating level. Can't even get close

Sborn4 said...

Finally got a lucky board. I figured I'd be on this level for weeks. I was on it for one week anyway

Anonymous said...

no sugardrops anymore?

Unknown said...

I still have them

Anonymous said...

Boring stinker of a level and i've had it up to here with the licorice. I would be done with CC if they'd stop telling my friends i need help every time i try and take a break. Extremely hard levels are not fun or challenging, they are dumb and anger provoking!!!

Anonymous said...

I am really getting tired of the too few moves on each level now. There is never any reward. Psychology tells you that there is a point where too much frustration leads you to quit. Apparently, no one at King is educated enough to know that.

Anonymous said...

Hi, is anyone getting mainly coconut wheels on daily spin ? I have about 100 but can use them so rarely.
Please lucky board, I have no hammers or switches left and my magic helmet is gone and no sugar drops available.

Anonymous said...

This level sucks. Been on it forever, no boosters left.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Wanda said...

Have been stuck. Not even close

The Posh Pearl said...

Lucky board PLEASE! ��

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck .. hope it works..x

Unknown said...

No sugar drops AGAIN

Gabsgran said...

Where's the correct video? Been on this level way too long, ready to give up!

liloldlady said...

Terrible level, need to post for .luck

Anonymous said...

Very hard level! Need a lucky board, posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck again! Have all three magic dash boosters. Fingers crossed.

Robin said...

Everyone is posting for luck so I'm going to give it a try!!

Denise said...

Posting for luck!!!!!

Crusher said...

Also posting for luck!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck🤞🏻🤞🏻

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! ��

masonma71 said...

This is another level where only a lucky board is going to work. Too few moves, and just when you think you're getting somewhere, its game over

Lolo said...

Another impossible level! Posting for luck......

Catbat108 said...

Not much in the way of tips here to pass without boosters, yet another stinker level from CC to drive us into boredom. Not fun anymore at all, bedding a miracle to pass please 😢