Candy Crush Saga Level 2435 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2435 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 22 moves to collect 3 ingredients and complete level 2435 Candy Crush Saga.
Once again you will have to switch ingredients into the exit columns, if you are not good at moving ingredients you can use a hand switch, but you should be able to switch the ingredients with a bit of careful planning.
First drop the ingredients from the top conveyor, wait until they are close to the middle of the board so you don't waste too many moves waiting for them to climb up on the bottom conveyor.
You need to switch the ingredients into the middle of the board as they move up the last three moves on the bottom conveyor, if you don't switch them in those three moves they will go back to the bottom and you have to wait for them to move back up.
It is also possible, and possibly easier, to get the ingredients to slip diagonally into the middle by making matches in the middle bottom when they are beside the "hole" as they move up the conveyor.
If you find one of the ingredients goes back to the bottom and you have less than 7 moves you won't be able to complete the game so you may as well quit.
You can use hand switches to move the ingredients if you are struggling, but it is possible without.
Video below

Below is the original version without licorice.

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Anonymous said...

I used a hand switch because I was ready to finish this level. Went back today to try it without boosters and won it after 2-3 tries. As Cookie says, "It is possible." - SN

Lucia said...

I got tired of it and used boosters. (Just one or two, I think.) One note: when an ingredient is sitting on top of the "chair" at the bottom and next to the background square, if you can remove the candy diagonally below it the ingredient will slither through and into an exit column (where the cherry is in the picture). This is very hard to do, of course, but if you have a match down there and you aren't forced to use it, it can be an easy way to get an ingredient into position.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of levels like this. Not enough moves to get all three ingredients, and it feels impossible without hand switches (which I don't have anymore because of levels like this). Not especially hard. Just boring.

Anonymous said...

So, as my pal MB said if you get the ingredient 5 up on the belt you can move it over by switching above the exits like mentioned in the post above. I did that, but I also needed a handswitch. Sort of a fun level, I thought.... a tad of skill required..... ah... sitting back and waiting for tomorrow. Onward Crushers!!!

Anonymous said...

You don't need to wait until the ingredients are on the top 3 levels of the conveyor to pass this level.
The best way to pass it is to get the ingredients onto the conveyor level with the first holes, so 4 from the bottom. if you have a colour bomb or another combo what can blow up any of the bottom two lots of colours then the cherries or nut will fall thru past the hole and into the bottom part of the board.
It took me about 30 goes of trying to switch the cherries etc before I realised there is a far easier way to do it.

Unknown said...

So much easier to slip the fruits diagonally when they come up from the bottom and reach the first square 'hole'- did it first time with no boosters trying this method after wasting load of lives on the other method.

Anonymous said...

Lucia's comment above is very helpful if you can possibly hit the candy sitting below and diagonal to the ingredient when it is above it in the "chair" position. With luck it should slip off the conveyer and drop to the lower section just above the exit. Unfortunately I think you need to hit it with a wrap or stripe though because I tried this with a hammer and ended up wasting it. Grrrrr --Karina

Anonymous said...

Karina here again. If you use a colorbomb to hit the candy below and diagonal when the ingredient is above the "chair position " it doesn't work either (lolly hammer also doesn't work). Stripe/wrap combos take it out- if you're lucky to get one in the right location. If anyone doesn't understand what Lucia meant by "chair" position, look at the board and see there are open areas on either side on the board at the bottom which vaguely resemble a chair design, each facing outward to the sides. Hope that helps. Good luck all. -- Karina

Bill. said...

Used a few hand switches on this level. No timed levels or hard levels in this episode completed in a couple of hours. See you Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

An enjoyable episode completed in an hour and a half surprisingly. A few tricky levels that really took careful thought with each move. Thankfully no timed levels again. Time to build on my booster bank. Until next Wednesday!

Rick said...

Glad to finish this episode. I thought Mort was gone for good but he appeared on the 7th level. I finished this episode with one life but have to complete the 1st 6 levels without Mort's help.
Till next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^. To 'RICK' above this comment. Getting Mort's helmet is MUCH easier by just replaying level 1 over and over until the game opens saying 8 moves as opposed to 5. No need to play the 8 moves as you are done. Just exit that game! So much easier than playing the following levels which have been changed.

Rick said...

To Anonymous above, usually after playing level 1, you get Mort's green helmet right away, the blue helmet with striped and wrapped after 3 rounds, and the red helmet with 3 additional moves after 5 rounds. I played level 1 several times and the helmets did not appear so I thought they are not available anymore.

Anonymous said...

Rick, I've never had to do that. Usually after five or six plays of level one,just exit the game by clicking on the 'x' and the three helmets are yours.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lucia for that tip. It worked perfectly on all three ingredients. Finished each level on 1st try with help of Magic Helmet. Used a few hands and lollipops on a couple of levels. Overall an enjoyable level. But, just looked at my star average. It was only 2.4 this time. Til next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lucia, for the chair position tip. Even with the red helmet, I needed to use a couple of swaps, but glad it's over! To the above person who wondered about the magic helmet, I wasn't offered it until I was several levels into the episode. I just got two free hours with the stars thing which I don't need. See y'all next Wednesday. Carol the elder

Cybelle said...

I've tried 3 times to wait until the ingredient was beside the hole and played under it to make it fall down and those 3 times it didnt work at all, the ingredient did not fall. I even tried with a color bomb and it still didnt fall, so whats wrong ??? help someone, thanks

Anonymous said...

Aargh!!!!!! Help!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont even understand how this board works. Very frustrated.

didueverdoubtme said...

Watch the video read blogs and you can see the arrows

didueverdoubtme said...

Happy to get this with no boosters. Gave up trying to move fruit instead kept any CBs and wraps etc that fell near bottom to let the fruit falls in that one spot as described above..took about 15 attempts. Unless you get 2 fruit down early you are wasting hand switches otherwise as the last fruit won't drop till others are thru and there are not enuff moves to get it out i found

didueverdoubtme said...

Happy to get this with no boosters. Gave up trying to move fruit instead kept any CBs and wraps etc that fell near bottom to let the fruit falls in that one spot as described above..took about 15 attempts. Unless you get 2 fruit down early you are wasting hand switches otherwise as the last fruit won't drop till others are thru and there are not enuff moves to get it out i found

Rosalye said...

Once again penalized on iPad with licorice covering the squares inside the conveyor.

Emsa8 said...

Think exactly the same like you

Emsa8 said...

The solution (if you don't want to spend the hand switches) is in fact the "chair trick" = what happens to the SECOND nut in the video. Thanks for the hint!!!!

Netski said...

As mentioned above, the whole of the central section is full of liquorice on my uk iPad and even if you get the ingredients into the centre it's hard to clear the exits. A coconut wheel proved useful for me together with a couple of hammers to finish

Anonymous said...

Thk u Lucia for the tip! Wasn't sure at first what you meant by "the chair" but I did figure it out and it worked like a charm!

Francisco Diego said...

Lucia's comment with the "chair" position helped me a lot. Needed only 2 hammers to finish the level. Thank you

Unknown said...

So I am in wait for new level and try to spend the time gaining boosters. That is fun. Today there are no helmets but I did manage 6 hours of extra time collecting strips. Cannot get more boosters right now so I decided to do something I had not tried before. I went back to replay a level I just squeezed by with one star. Played two hours at this trying to get at least two stars. Well, I am still a one star squeeker. Only managed to improve my score by 1320 points. May try again later, but without boosters or an incredible lucky board or if King gives more moves, I just don't see it happening. Sometimes it is good to squeek by with one star. I am happy to move on.

Sami said...

All done and dusted till next episode. Not a bad level. I finished it by the slide

Anonymous said...

Just venting for the moment. Every Monday morning, the Magic Dash opens for me, but the next episode isn't available until Wednesday! Is it the same for everyone else because this really bigs me! Mort's helmets are virtually useless all day Monday and Tuesday. ((sigh))

Anonymous said...

How far behind are the levels on mobile devices/tablets? I only can get to 2435 even though it looks like there are levels to 2465. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Waiting for 3days now for levels after 2435 to load what's with that

Anonymous said...

New levels available on Mobile devices every Wednesday and are two weeks behind PC.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to get that lucky bored where it lets me switch right in the middle. Crossing my fingers! Good luck!

Tinalp said...

It's Wednesday and I don't have the new episode. I tried shutting down but that didn't help. This has only happened once before and shutting down took care of it. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Not so much fun with 2 less moves and all the liquorice. Looks like I may have to head to the pc!

Marie said...

PC has liquorice all down the middle.....makes it very difficult!

Zenith said...

I used the coconut wheel booster (as I have over 50 of them) and that did the trick right away. Quite a few came down, and I used them whenever the ingredient was in the diagonal position so that it just dropped into the right spot.

Note that I played on iPhone, the PC version sounds incredibly difficult from the comments I've seen here.

Anonymous said...

What happened! Now the board has black licorice going all through the middle. Made a impossible game totally impossible.

Danielle said...

Just started this level yesterday......thanks for all the tips.

Crusher said...

Lucia - GREAT tip! I only focused on the "chair" 4 tries later I passed the level w/o boosters! Thanks

Unknown said...

Im Off to look for "the chair..... still hopeful

Unknown said...

Im Off to look for "the chair..... still hopeful

Unknown said...

My episode looks nothing like the above video. I have licorice from top to bottom in the middle and the fruit cannot go down and out unless you clear all the licorice. Impossible to do in the amount of moves they give you. Seems unfair that some people have no licorice and some have it. Wish the developers would give us all the same board

Anonymous said...

On iPad have back licorice all down the middle. This adds another layer of difficulty not shown in video.

Anonymous said...

So unfair that some of us have black licorice and some don't. Have to spend too many moves clearing them first. This level is impossible with this added piece. Very frustrating and ready to call it quits.

Anonymous said...

Never been so frustrated with alevel before. Don't see a strategy that will work when you have limited moves and all the licorice.
Will be n this level for ever unless I get a lucky board.

Unknown said...

I also had licorice on my iphone...only play on iPad and iphone. I finally passed the level when I had a somewhat favorable board and used one two switches and one hammer and passed. Frustrating!

Maureen said...

Frustrating. Have wasted wheels n boosters or is just I'm thick

Anonymous said...

Und wieder mal Verarsche - wo ist hier im Beispiel das Lakrittz?

Anonymous said...

Well I passed but only because I used a boatload of boosters. I simply don't understand how the sliding thing works. It happened twice but I was always looking somewhere else so I don't know what caused it to happen. The two times I thought the ingredient was in the right place and I used a hammer nothing happened. I finally used a hand switch to get the last nut to the middle. The most important thing though is I started the game with two color bombs next to each other (one from helmet and one I earned). That cleared all the licorice and I don't see how you can win this level if you don't get those out of the way at the start. There aren't enough moves. I also threw in a coconut wheel because which helped get the fruit down once it was in the middle. Hats off to all of you who understood the whole chair thing and could finish without boosters (except for the foul mouthed people).. Good luck to the rest of you.

Anonymous said...

On android the center has licorice, impossible in the amount of moves.

Anonymous said...

On this level for over a week. If only my game looked like ms cookie's version, it would have been a piece of cake but licorice fills the entire center. Why did you have to change it??? Wasting all my boosters...thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

This has to be in the top 10 of most ridiculous levels!! Stupid & boring! Why would anyone think this is fun???

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Debbie B said...

WTF?? Let's see Cookie do this with the board we get on any mobile device, where the entire middle is filled with licorice!! Impossible- not enough moves to be able to clear licorice AND swap ingredients to an exit column. If King doesn't want people playing on mobile devices, just stop making levels, don't screw over loyal players by punishing us by making mobile levels so different from PC levels.

Wendy said...

My game board has licorice filling the bottom where the exits are which is very hard to get rid of.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why doesn't she have any blockers at the exit columns, this is a bunch of crap. Not fair Candy Crush! Did you just want to make it harder jerks. Posting for luck, this is not what we have to play with. Lori

Unknown said...

No hand switches left very hard level with out so posting for luck

Bill said...

Done and done!!!

Anonymous said...

My board looks different and the center part is filled with licorice. Like it's not a hard enough level anyway. Why did they have to change it?

Unknown said...

My board has licorice all down the center. Ugh

Anonymous said...

Ms. Cookie, could you please post a new video showing tips to pass this level with all the licorice on the board? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great tip about sliding at the "chair" -which took me a while to figure out exactly what that meant. I also needed to use a sprinkle booster,reset until the two sprinkles were side by side to clear out all the licorice in one shot, which then enabled me to focus on getting the ingredients into the right position. Glad this one is over!

Unknown said...

Still on this level impossible time to quit not even one fruit down

Lorraine said...

WTF impossible. Centre just fills with licorice. Been on the stupid level for over a week. Then today i become close. But then the game crashed. This has happened 3 times. Don't think King wants us to pass ;(. Im over it. Cya bye

Lorraine said...

WTF impossible. Centre just fills with licorice. Been on the stupid level for over a week. Then today i become close. But then the game crashed. This has happened 3 times. Don't think King wants us to pass ;(. Im over it. Cya bye

Anonymous said...

This level is crap. Nothing like the video. We have licorice blocking the centre which makes it impossible. How is this fair King. You are going to lose alot of players over this one. I'm one of those players unless King get there act together.

Anonymous said...

This level is a bloody joke. With the licorice in the centre. Been on this level for way over a week. I'm done. Cya bye.

Unknown said...

Thank you that worked

Anonymous said...

Finally got a lucky board after 2 days. Made lots of special candies and managed to get a wrapped just above the exits and 2 ingredients in the conveyor together. When they were stacked on the chair and blew up the wrap they both slippedout.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Josephine1949 said...

I don't get it. How are you supposed to clear all that licorice? And even if you do, with a coconut wheel, it's very difficult to make the switches. I'm extremely frustrated. I'm glad some think this level is easy. Not for me. Posting for luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's much more difficult to do with liquorice. By the time you get that anywhere near cleared, there aren't enough moves left to collect ingredients.

Anonymous said...

UGH!!!! Wish I had some hand switches 😢

Anonymous said...

Oh CC god......I need HELP!

Anonymous said...

Also posting for luck. We need a video Cookie of how to do it once they change things. My board is full of licorice too.

Anonymous said...

Just can't pass this one!

Helen said...

Pure luck required on this level, no hand switches left so feel I will be on this level for some time, already been several days!!!

Helen said...

Also the centre column and exits are filled with licorice ( not shown in video) therefore these have to be cleared if you have any chance of getting ingredients out of exits!!

Unknown said...

The center of my board is filled with licorice! Not so on Cookie's video???

KiKi said...

My board is also blocked in the center
Been on this several days & have NOT had any luck...this is beyond frustrating!wheres my lucky board??!!

KiKi said...

Finally beat this level BUT used my last 3 hand switches,1 hammee & broke down &used my gold bars for extra plays...:(
Will not let me advance to next level??????!!!!!!!
Anyone know why??
Never had his problem before!

Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations, candy crush. You FINALLY designed the perfect quitting board. I've come close to quitting many times before, but there was always at least some tiny sparkle of fun, even in the most ridiculous levels. But this one...this is the one that does it. It's the most pointless and boring level I've played. Just one pointless move after another, over and over and over... for days... Tic-tac-toe is 100 times more intellectually stimulating than this garbage. BYE!

Anonymous said...

This level is the worst. I too had the board with all the licorice. Absolutely ridiculous. Was stuck for a couple weeks. Any time (like 3 times) I managed to get the first ingredients out the exits the stupid game wouldn't release the final nut till there were about 4 moves left. Impossible. I passed, but I spent about 6 hand swaps just to get it over with. Next level isn't any better. Starting to lose interest. It's not fun.

Wanda said...

Please help . Really stuck here

Unknown said...

please help...this is just impossible.

Anonymous said...

Have lost countless lives on this level and haven't come close. Posting for luck.

Katie said...

Mine has licorice on my iPhone it is so annoying

Anonymous said...

This one is absolutley doable. First clear as much licorige. Then get the ingredient down on the belt. Wait until they can slide sideways to the middle part and make them slide anyway you can. Get the third ingredient down in time by removing candy under the dispenser. get it down the belt and let that one slide sideways as well. Doable dispite the licorige. Hang in there. JJ from NL

Patti said...

My board starts with three rows of black licorice that you have to get rid of before you can move anything into the middle. Video doesn't have that.

Anonymous said...

The entire center of my board, from top to bottom, is filled with licorice. I haven't played for weeks because I am beyond frustrated and annoyed with this level. I come back this morning and remember why I haven't played for weeks. Completely ridiculous board. Bye, candy crush.

Patti said...

This level is impossible with the licorice in the middle blocking the exits. I've never given up on a level but I think it's time for a break until they change this to be like the one in the video. ☹️

Patti said...


Unknown said...

Have lost countless lives on this level and haven't come close. Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Still waiting for that Lucky game!

Anonymous said...

I have been on this level over a week and it says I have passed it several times. When I press the next button it just keeps me on this frustrating level!! How do I move on?

Tissy kossey said...

Am I the only stupid one that can't figure this game out. I had to get a new phone and I had over 200 ttys in my envelope box. Now I have 2. Help. I've spent neatly $100 and still nothing. Help

Anonymous said...

Finding this very difficult. Get one in the middle if I'm lucky. Posting for a lucky board. Need it will never get through it.

Kathy said...

Cookie, please update your help video using the board we have now - with licorice blockers in the center column. The board is way more difficult than the board on your video and we need help!!!

Unknown said...

Sugar candies. Gone again

Anonymous said...

I have liquorice too spend most of my moves trying to clear it so the fruit can get down. Can see me getting any further in candy crush this is too impossible

Unknown said...

Has anyone passed this level . I think the liquorice makes it impossible.

Anonymous said...

Impossible. Hate this level. Seriously, there is no way to beat this board with all the licorice.

Unknown said...

I'm with y'all. I'm fixing to uninstall. I just can't do it. I've

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment about the chair I had been trying for ages but with a coconut wheel (lucky to get three) I managed all three ingredients through the chair.

Anonymous said...

Please CC get me out of this horrible level. Stick for 2weaks now and even coming close. HELP

Unknown said...

I guess I'm the only one that can't do it. I've spent a lot of money and nothing.. quit I guess. Or skip

Anonymous said...

First time posting on here. Can someone please explain "the chair"? This level is awful!

Lynne said...

For me switching did not work at all unless you have a ton of free hand switches which I did not. I did not understand the whole chair explanation but now that I passed it I think I get it and will explain it a little differently. You need to get each your ingredients down to the conveyer belt until it is on the 5th move from the bottom. Try not to make each one move 5 times to get to that position though. Once the ingredient is in the 5th spot next to the blank space ( hopefully you have cleared the licorice near the exit path) you need to make a match in the exit column under and to the right of the ingredient and the ingredient will slide diagonally into the exit column. From there it is easy to get down. This was far simpler than making moves in the middle of the board. It is fairly easy to get an ingredient onto the conveyer belt. Hope this helps as it was the only thing that worked for me. Also I started with a coconut which helped get the ingredients to the conveyer belt quickly

Marielle said...

Impossible to finish it !!!!!! Please help me with a lucky board!!!

Marielle said...

Impossible to finish it !!!!!! Please help me with a lucky board!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for much needed lucky board

liloldlady said...

Another level created to make us lose our boosters and make lots of money! So frustrating......

Marielle said...

Impossible to finish this level!!!! Help, help, help!!!!!! Please....

LynnKaiser07 said...

I have been on this level for days. Even with a full helmet of boosters and a coconut wheel, I haven’t come close. Posting for a lucky board.

Twinpletmom said...

Ridiculous level. Getting old

Anonymous said...

Hate this level! Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Been stuck here for two days! Need a lot of luck to finish!

Anonymous said...

Disgusted. Wouldn't mind if it was fun, but just over the top stupid. No challenge pure luck.

Wpalatka said...

Another awful level. Without the licorice there was actually some strategy involved. But the licorice just turned it into a "Luck" game - - as have been most hard levels these days. What happened to the interesting levels that were hard but required strategy. Only strategy required here seems to be "posting for luck". That is sad.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.....

Unknown said...

Posting for LUCK!!!

Caro said...

This may be the one that does me in. Have no boosters - lost them when I had to reinstall - and I can't get more than one down. 😓🙁

Anonymous said...

I am totally confused with this level. I want a board like Candie gets. I have licorice in the center that makes it almost impossible. Maybe a lucky board will help.

Anonymous said...

I've been coming here and reading posts for luck. This level is so bad I'm now actually posting for luck.

JC said...

I figured out what Lucia said and came here to share 😝 but sill having trouble with this one! Luck please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

What, so confused need luck

Debbie Holden said...

What's with these ridiculously hard levels that take all the fun out of Playing. Going to uninstall it from my phone if i can't do this level after another couple of tries

Anonymous said...

This is by far one of the most ridiculous levels! Over a week and cannot get one ingredient to drop. And I didn’t get this far by not knowing how to play! Biggest issue is I used all my hand switches on the previous level. Stick a fork in me; I think I’M DONE!

Candy crusher said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Oeps heavy level op goed geluk

Anonymous said...

What happen to the board designers that made the fun and challenging boards that weren't just relying on luck? This might be the time to uninstall! So stupid!

Anonymous said...

I can see I'm not the only one having trouble with this level. I too, can not get a cherry or nut to drop into the right place. I need a lucky board. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

I hate this level. Absolutely hate it. Definitely not enough moves allowed. Having a terrible time. Did I mention I HATE this level. Posting for luck so I can move on.

Anonymous said...

I've been outrageously lucky for a couple realms, so I knew it would end sooner or later. These boards where you have to line things up before they drop, are almost as bad as timed levels to me. Again, I guess I just wait for a lucky set-up.

Anonymous said...

Well this is probably the level that I stop playing cc . It’s totally impossible to pass and it’s equaly boring. So sad. I really loved this game, but it’s just not fun anymore. I’ll try a little more, but I think I’m finally getting tired of it . Good luck to all .

Anonymous said...

Might be the level I quit! I hate the conveyor levels more than the timed ones! I also dislike the levels which are based purely on luck! Posting for luck so I can hopefully move on!

Anonymous said...

As far as I can see there's only one way to beat this level. (it worked for me) Lucia posted earlier the same thing but instead of calling it a chair it's more like steps.
When the ingredient is at the very bottom of the conveyor you let it get up to the fifth step. When working the left side of the game you will see to the right of the fifth step a "clear" block. This "clear" block can not be moved or cleared however the licorice block directly underneath the :clear" block can. With the ingredient on the fifth step hit the licorice block below it with a hammer. This will let the ingredient slide between the fifth step and the "clear" block down and to the right putting it one licorice block away from the exit. Do the same thing on the right side. You'll need some hammers and a coconut wheel would help in the end.

Anonymous said...

Hoping some of these tips help or I’m compley done with this game. Not fun anymore.

Judeye said...

The whole middle of my board is full of black licorice. Need to clear all of them before trying to move fruit to middle. Anybody else have to deal with licorice

Denise said...

I am really getting frustrated with CC! The further you get the harder it gets and that is no longer fun!#timetomoveontoanotherfungame

Denise said...

I hate this level. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do! This is really hard!!!!!

Denise said...

I’ve tried everything but nothing is working 😠😠😠😠😠

Denise said...

This is the stupidest level I’ve ever seen and based on all the comments, I’m not the only one that feels that way. I don’t even know how to play this level. I’m done!!!! I guess King is trying to run his veteran players away. If so he’s doing a good job because it’s working!!!!

Denise said...

I can’t even get one ingredient much less four 😳😳🤔🤔😠😠

Anonymous said...

This is one of the WORST levels!! What moron came up with this plan? There is no way to get this level accomplished without at least 50 moves! Come on King, let’s get real here!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How in the workd do you move on if you can’t pass a level????
You just quit the game? Crazy- how? Or better why? Does CC do this? Don’t have time for this stupidity...

EGH said...

Now I understand what Lucia was saying/ thanks.. couldn’t figure it out. Going to try bc otherwise...

Robin said...

Tried everything else. Lucky board please.

Robin said...

Thank you. Had to use a couple of switches but DONE!

Anonymous said...

I have no hand switches left. I have had to use all of them and I am not getting any closer. If I have managed to get the fruit to the middle, I can't get them thru the bottom. and by the time I do that, I don't have enough time to get the third fruit down. I am hoping for a lucky board to help me out. Please lucky board pay me a visit.

Anonymous said...

When it asked at the end of the game if you want to Give up. I wish I could type, a big Yes! Give it up totally. I have been stuck here for a week now and I can not get close. I am in need of some help. I pray a lucky board comes along soon.

Anonymous said...

I am stuck here forever I think. I have been on this board for a week and I am tired of trying to get off of it. I pray that a lucky board will show up soon. Please help me lucky board.

Eileen said...

Without hand switching, it’s not possible, been on this for over a month, please I need help!!!!!please

Eileen said...

Please Help Me!!!!! This level is crazy, going on 2 mos😩

Maui said...

Forget hand switches, it’s all about the chair position. I used a coconut wheel, either use it to blast away the licorice or to lower the fruit. I managed to get two fruit into the bottom that were still blocked by a licorice. Got one to drop and then was lucky to get a sprinkle and a wrap next to each other. Waited until the nut came out, waited again until the nut was in the top row, but three moves over, and detonated the sprinkle/wrap which blew up everything, the last cherry blew, and on the second explosion, the nut dropped all the way out through the chair hole. I think three coconut wheels appeared which helped a lot.

Anonymous said...

Licorice down the middle bigtime.

Chair? What? LOL

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, this level. Posting again for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck impossible level

Anonymous said...

Second time posting for luck please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck been stuck here over a week

Anonymous said...

pLEASE l can’t play this level anymore posting for luck !!!!!!!!!!!

vicrock said...

Posting for luck - I've been on this level for 2 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, l have posted for luck #4 times cannot beat this level

Anonymous said...

Need help - Lucky board please!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of people are having trouble with this level, So very frustrating and posting for luck,

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous, the last three or four levels were hard enough this one is beyond stupid !! I have no boosters left so I guess I will be here for awhile ..... grrrrrr

Anonymous said...

I collect free boosters every day without playing. By this level, to many comments, Seems its no fun at all, try iT once and stopped halfwas, boring, So i go on with collectioneur free boosters and dont play. Beside that, i came far enough, must not think about trying to reach the 3000,

iMac said...

Same....I am spending so much $$$$ 😩

Anonymous said...

What a stupid ridiculous impossible level. So fed up.

Anonymous said...

What is the point in showing a video made before the game was changed? If king change the rules at least add more turns to it. This level is impossible without hand switches. Tedious.

skiq said...

Now THIS is a ridiculous level. I can't even get help. All I can hope for is the random luck Gods. Stuck here for too long. Meh.

Anonymous said...

This level is right up there with the most boring levels. There is absolutely nothing to be done but wait for a lucky board. Not sure how much longer I'm willing to wait before I move on to a different form of entertainment

Sharon said...

Stuck here a long time. No hand switches left. Ugh!

Edenia said...

Once again I’m stuck on a level that shouldn’t be difficult, but is giving me a hard way to go. I don’t know what people are talking about when they say chair? Oh well, I’ll be here until I get a luckyboard. Have fun y’all!

Carol D said...

I can't get by this level...posting for luck..if I spend another week here I am done with candy crush...and what is the "chair" people are talking about?

Edenia said...

I’m still stuck on this awful level. Please send a lucky board my way. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Gotten close a few times but this seems just by random chance. Don’t know how to win this one. Taking a break.

Deb said...

Been stuck for over a month. Grrrrr! Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck...

Anonymous said...

Are you taking the mick! Awful level bye bye King!!!

Anonymous said...

Really. I’m so done, bye bye

merlion said...

Focus on Lucia's tip above.
Get both ingredients down to bottom conveyor asap then plan moves and special candies so that as it goes up again and reaches the corner (chair), make it fall diagonal into the exit section. For this method you can more or less ignore the liquorice.

Carole said...

Easier said than done. Hard to swutch. Waiting for a lucky board

Carole said...

Super hard. Why is not labeled that way?

Tammy Caison said...

No way, going 2 b here a while. I think I need a girl scout cookie break

Tammy Caison said...

I won by accident. I used a coco wheel and it just happened to send the ingredients out the diagonal exit. Wow

cvbcb said...
