Candy Crush Saga Level 1050 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1050 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1050 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
You need to clear the jelly in 50 moves to complete level 1050. The number of moves may seem a lot, but they soon get used up as the board is a tricky shape and there are jellies that are hard to clear.
First try to get rid of the chocolate, once it is gone you can stop worrying about it as it doesn't come back.
Then look for special candies and combos to clear those hard to get jellies in the corners.
Stripe/wrap combos are good, but colourbomb combos are better. Switch a colourbomb with a stripe or wrap to get into the tricky bits.
Work as close to the bottom of the board as you can to create cascades, which will help clear more jelly without using more moves.
If you are struggling with level 1050 you may find a jelly fish booster helpful, but you need to get those cascades going to get more fish to drop.
Video below
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Angel said...

Hey where is everybody? I had to uninstall and reinstall this game from my tablet as it wasn't letting me connect to my facebook account. Has this happened to anyone else? In the process I lost all of my bonus boosters and gold bars that I had collected. Grrrrrrrr! This is the second time that I lost my gold bars. Anyway, this is a tricky level depending on the right board. I needed one more move and could have used a hammer if they hadn't all disappeared! Grrrrrr again!

Angel said...

And it happened again! Needed just one more move! Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Peut-être le niveau le plus nul de Candy Crush . Absolument débile, totalement stupide, on s'ennuie à mourir. Le type qui a créé ce niveau est un malade mental, qui ose croire qu'on s'amuse avec cette merde. On attends que le programme se décide à nous laisser passer au prochain niveau, et cela dure longtemps, au point qu'on a juste envie de fuir... merci messieurs les programmeurs!

Anonymous said...

Ce niveau est beaucoup trop facile, il faudrait seulement 5 mouvement, et plus de cases bloquées, et avec des bombes aussi...pff

Anonymous said...

This may be the level-that I quit CC !!Limited moves--it can switch up the board 15 times! I don't look forward to every "hard" level- that I gotta play it 300 times in order to pass! Taking too much time now--for any enjoyment...Same BS every time...I paid for lollipop hammers-and never received them--needed just 1 to win...had to get a refund...,something wrong with this game!!!!!

Glory said...

Lost so many lives with this one. The chocolate overtakes most of the time. Tried Sprinkle,Fish and Stripe from boosters. First time failed but after many days tried the boosters again and it worked. Thank you all for your helpful comments

Anonymous said...

Horrible level! @%$#)^&*(%$#!)