Candy Crush Saga Level 2570 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2570 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Clear the jelly in 40 moves to complete level 2570 Candy Crush Saga.
This may seem like a lot of moves for a simple jelly level, but it takes quite a few moves to open up the board enough to make useful moves, so you will need to look for some powerful combos once the board is more open if you are to have any chance of clearing it.
Try to work towards the bottom as soon as you can, although this may not be possible to start with.
If you are struggling with level 2570 you could try starting with a colourbomb booster to get rid of some of the licorice locks and give you more options.
You will need to look really carefully at the board to begin with as it is quite hard to see the patterns when the candies are locked in licorice.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

This level took me several tries, but at least they weren't really frustrating. I had several boards with just one or two candies left. I could see that at some point, it would come together without boosters which is what happened.

I didn't find any advantage in moves at the bottom part of the board until the pathways for the candies to drop were open, so I concentrated on opening those pathways as soon as I could, which turned out to be part of my winning board.

Anonymous said...

King changed the level (playing on PC). Now you only have 25 moves to clear the jelly. It seems impossible now. I played a couple of times and couldn't clear half of the jellys.

Rick said...

I played the1st 2 levels of this episode on the PC and had a hard time on level 2558. After playing it several times and did not even get close passing it, I waited for it today to be available on my iPad. I completed level 2558 and all the following levels on the 1st attempt and got 3 stars on all of them except on 2 levels. I don't know if this episode is any easier than the previous ones but I managed to complete it without reading Cookie's tips or the blogs. For the 2nd time, Star Chaser gave me a color bomb every game for 6 hours and In combination with Mort's Helmets, made it much easier to finish the episode.
Till next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Well that was an interesting episode. Again no timed levels (hooray) and no hard or very hard levels either. There was some monotony in that the same types of games were quite repetitive. Not much need for personal booster. I found that sometimes choosing the check booster kept creating more and more popcorn but not the other orders required. I didn't always opt for it as I normally would. Good luck Crushers until next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Another enjoyable episode. Some challenging levels due to different board configurations. Must be a new designer in the studio. Liked the two and three colored levels. But, with the new Space Dash, Star Chaser, ranking up and Lantern colored candy challenge there were more than enough boosters to use without using any of my stored boosters. Til next Wednesday.

carlton said... of the most enjoyable episodes and with Morts Helmet and the Star Chaser not too difficult. .in fact if not for a phone call would have been record time. No hard levels...hate to say it but I almost missed the frustration that is associated with the time levels...ehhh..maybe not.BTW what is Space Dash?

Michelle said...

Finished the whole level... Sigh
Another week of waiting
I am growing bored always waiting
Easy level....

Michelle said...

Oh 1st try on this episode.. Not hard

Anonymous said...

Space Dash is a step up from Magic Dash. It has five levels. Chocolate sprinkle, stripe/wrap, 3 plus moves, a 2nd stripe/wrap, 2nd chocolate sprinkle. I got it Monday on both Samsung tablets and Note 4. Not only that but it was pre-loaded on two of the devices. Then after getting required stars in Star Chaser a 3rd chocolate sprinkle which basically was a waste. Thought for sure you would have had it Carlton. That's why I didn't need to use any existing boosters.

Gil said...

Is the combination of the helmet + Star Chaser gives you 2 CB to start?
I tried it once and it didn't.
Anyway, after completing 2 episodes without using any of my own boosters, only the helmet, King decided to harass me and I don't get the helmet for 3 weeks.
I find it much more challenging although, I need to use few of my own boosters.

Gil said...

I don't get any of the "Space Dash, Star Chaser, ranking up and Lantern colored candy challenge" for 3 weeks.
King is challenging me...
I have to get it all by myself.

Lucia said...

I'm glad the rest of you enjoyed yourselves, but I found several levels very hard, especially the one with the reds and yellows. I'm finding this one hard also with 25 moves and no boosters.

I've been saving levels to play during Dexter time because new levels give 10x the stripes. This may not be the best strategy as the levels are often made much harder by the time they get to the mobile app.

Rick said...

Gil, glad to hear from you again. I think you haven't commented on the last 2 episodes. Yes, I used one CB from the Magical Helmet and one from the Star Chaser to have a CB combo. You have to complete Star Chaser first by filling all the stars (I think 12 of them). In other words, you have to play 4 levels and have to get 3 stars on all of them. Otherwise you have to play additional levels to complete the 12. Without it first, I have to use my own CBs for the 1st 4 or 5 levels.
Not everybody gets the Magical Helmet. I don't know how King determines who gets it. My iPad has it but not my Samsung Android tablet. I haven't encountered the Space Dash Sharon is talking about,

Rick said...

Re Lucia's comment, I don't waste anymore time playing Dexter Stripe Contest. The rewards are minimal. Playing new levels give you 10x but you don't get that many stripes on new episodes. Besides, you have to complete the levels for the stripes to count. Playing level 1955 which is a timed level, you can create as many stripes as you can and the level will be completed for sure. You can get boosters without sweat through the Daily Spin and the Daily Treat calendar.

Danielle said...

Not enjoying this level....not even close!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH

Anonymous said...

I miss timed levels...

Anonymous said...

sorry caps . not going to type over

Anonymous said...

Bloody shit.... again easy as shown, but we have only 25 moves. This seems impossible. Why oh why do I always get a more difficult board then as shown on video?

Anonymous said...

Only 25 moved..not enough. Posting for luck.

Never had a helmet said...

Fun level and episode. Some were alittle challenging but enjoyable!

Unknown said...

Just got the space dash today (mobile only), it looks interesting... haven't had the helmet in a while.

carlton said...

Got space dash today and it appears to be a game changer. .I mean you get 2 color bombs 2 striped candies and 2 wrapped candies and 3 extra moves. .on the surface this seems as it candy crush is about to get a lot easier. Or it is about to get a lot tougher and we will need those extra boosters So looking forward to the next episode..or maybe not.

carlton said...

Lucia...get off the pc and get on mobile and take advantage of the new space dash..forget about Dexter....he takes too much time. .with the new space helmet you start off with 6 boosters on every level

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get the colour festival last Wednesday? I did as part earning all four lanterns. It was supposed to be six hours where every game would start with a colour bomb booster. All week long, every time I check, I still have 5 hours and some minutes and seconds. The clock kept resetting at 5:59:59 over and over again now this evening it seems to actually be counting down to disappear. I have two hours and a bit to go. Must have been some kind of glitch, but I managed to collect sugar drops twice a day without having to toss in the odd colour bomb of my own. I also got the space dash today. I can see the upside to passing levels once you get to the fifth stage of the space dash. But I also think that perhaps scores might be lower as you would get through a game too quickly.

Cher said...

I've been on this level for nearly a week now 25 moves is crap . But no way am I buying moves . Just another shit level.
No enjoyment anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think it is time they put in a new booster. There hasn't been one in a long time..

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? Magic helmets, star chasers, magic dash, space dash, lantern colored candy, Mort's helmets, Dexter shit... I'm not even playing the same game as you guys. This is the most inconsistently fucked up game out there. I feel penalized for using a PC. I'm curious what info the developers are getting from everyone's mobiles that they're encouraging us to play only that way.

Anonymous said...

Oh and i forgot Daily treat!!! I'm sure there's even more......

Anonymous said...

I am caught up so after I complete the latest section I play for sugar drops. Today when I went to play my favorite sugar drop levels were no longer designated sugar drops. Has anyone else had this happen? I always start with 1476 and it's now a regular level. So is 1168. Out of all the ones I usually go to only 2 were still available. I wonder if they've just taken them away from me or if it's everyone? If I can't even play sugar drops while waiting on new levels I will lose all interest in this game. Good luck everyone.

Dee said...

1476 is one of my go to levels as well for sugar drops. It does go away for maybe 48 hours after you complete it. It will become a sugar drop level again after the time passes

Anonymous said...

I've never had a problem with sugar drop levels changing and I play twice each day. I use 666 and 1476 each session without a problem. Other good ones include 281, 654, 906, 1137, 1168 and 1256 that are generally very reliable to score well.

oomasangels said...

I'm glad it was so easy for all of you...but I am having a neck of a time..arg!

Gil said...

I had the new Space Dash for 2 days (Monday & Teusday) and on Wednesday, when I really could use it, it disappeared...
Today, Wednesday, my "cup events" is grey again as it was for nearly 4 weeks.
I am on my own again, need to use few of my own boosters.
It's OK, I will manage.

oomasangels said...

After playing this level for a long time and realizing there was no way for ME to beat it in 25 moves I decided to test if and buy some moves to see how many it actually took...and low as behold if Took !40! Moves...they just want you to spend money so they almost cut your moves in half so you almost have to buy moves to beat it or wait forever for a lucky board...low move😡

Anonymous said...

This game was fun with no boosters. Have a lot of action if you try to get the stripes dropping. Lots of color bombs appearing too. Really not much skill, but always happy to pass no matter how.

Anonymous said...

40 zetten? Euhm... 25 op de laptop en 22(!) op de iPad. Dus maar eens even op de mobiel gekeken, daar gelukkig wel 40, anders is het niet te doen! Blijft raar dat er zoveel verschil zit in het aantal zetten. Laatst ook al 20 op de iPad en 40 op de mobiel.

Nickytje said...

Enjoyable level but still not so easy.

Anonymous said...

Stuck for 2 weeks at this level. Used all boosters.

Anonymous said...

Finally passed this level only thanks to the Emoji Movie Game levels on mobile. (Mine says it ends today 7/28) There are five easy levels, and you don't have to pass them with 1 life. They reward you with a color bomb, strip/wrap combo and fish. Plus, you can play it over and over again and still get a prize each time you complete the five levels. I used all 3 boosters and was finally able to beat this nasty level (22 out of 25 moves)!! Jacki

Anita said...

Please help! I don't have any boosters.

Anita said...

Please help! I don't have any boosters.

Ellie said...

Used all my boosters. Does anyone have suggestions on how to pass this level??
Need help

Anonymous said...

Give us more moves! Impossible!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I've beat this level several times and it doesn't advance me? Any advice? I've also updated thinking it was a glitch...

Unknown said...

Sorry, meaning level 2570.

Helen said...

Not a difficult level at all, enjoyable in fact, passed without boosters on 3rd or 4th attempt

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Me either