Candy Crush Saga Level 2572 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2572 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 25 moves to collect the three cherries which are already on the board at the start of the level.
First collect the keys to unlock the locked cell which is holding back the cherries. The cherries will then drop onto the conveyor at the bottom. From there they will travel up to the conveyor top left of the board. You have two moves to drop them off that conveyor into the main part of the board before they travel back to the bottom.
All this time you should be clearing the blockers on the right which are blocking the exits.
Once on the main board get them onto the bottom conveyor and when the cherries are over the portals make a move in the right side of the board to get them through the portals and in line with the exits.
The image below shows the track the cherries need to take to get to the exits.

The portals are "in line" with each other, that is the one on the right corresponds with the one on the far right, the middle one corresponds to the middle etc. So you can plan your moves accordingly.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

Well we have another one of those awful levels sure wish I could pass this one.
Lucky board please

Cybelle said...

Posting for luck...

Cybelle said...

Very very difficult level...crazy...

Cybelle said...

Got it with taking time to analyse the board, thank you cc

Anonymous said...

This is the most mind-numbingly boring level I've seen in a long time. Just waiting to get lucky I guess.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Boosters don't help.

Anonymous said...

please give me a lucky board as Cookie had!

Unknown said...

Coconut wheel really helped!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck ... good board really needed. I've been trying this level for quite some days now.

nodrog said...

Struggling with this level.

Anonymous said...

If you are helping with lucky boards.....will you please help me to?

Anonymous said...

On iPad, the space helmet and a couple of swaps to get the fruit into the column did the trick. This was not a fun level! Carol the elder

Anonymous said...

I Need a Lucky Board please

Never had a helmet said...

2 stars, 5th try, no boosters but used a hand switch on the last fruit because it was my last move.

Redjam said...

Been working this one for a few days now...I had all the boosters from the "space ship" or whatever..tried coconut wheel...nothing is working!

Lucia said...

All levels are easy for Cookie. For me, not so much.

Anonymous said...

I wasted two coconut wheels and a colorbomb booster on this. Then when I used no booster, stripes and wraps appeared out of nowhere and switching them enabled me to get the 3 cherries out. Whew! Thank you for the occasional lucky Board. I do think before the lucky board, I get very close to finishing and feel hope.

Fuzia said...

No boosters to start but used 2 hand switches after many tries. Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

Cant seem to get the last one.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boringly ridiculous!

Anonymous said...


Lorraine said...

Another horrid level. Really need a lucky board please ;(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stuck on this for days. Struggling to get all 3 cherries onto the conveyor. Mindnumbing level!

Anonymous said...

I hate this level!!!!! Help!!!!

Anonymous said...

This one is impossible!!!!! I hate it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very difficult Posting for luck.x

Pascorp said...

I can't see how I will win without a lucky board. Posting for help...

Pascorp said...

I can't see how I will win without a lucky board. Posting for help...

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

Very frustrating level. Have to get each cherry in place with no moves to spare. Bring me lucky board, please.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Nothing works after days of trying. Tried all the boosters.

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

After days of boring, repetitive waiting, passed this level first time on the PC!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a PITA!!

Anonymous said...

Not again!

Anonymous said...

Followed instructions, which were very detailed - thank you, but still not getting it right. Have only been able to get one cherry through. The others are never in the right place. 😳 Going bonkers here.

Anonymous said...

Posting for lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Another boring level requiring a lucky board.

Debbie Holden said...

Give me a break cc

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Hope it works

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I can’t imagine that anyone could ever pass this level. Help!!

Spin said...

Ridiculous level. . Hand switched are the only things to get you through this hard level which should in fact be marked as a super hard level.

Anonymous said...

I am thoroughly SICK of this level ! I don’t even have any interest in playing it anymore. What a waste of what was once a great game . Hire new people King !

Anonymous said...

this level sucks!

Denise said...

Posting for luck! This is really hard!!

Denise said...

I give up! I’m tired of wasting my time. I’m not even getting close!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Anonymous said...

Forget it !!! I’m not going to waste my time on this one !! I’ll go play Cookie Jam instead ! Ridiculous waste of time .

Anonymous said...

Need luck. Been playing and can’t get past this

Anonymous said...

Very frustrating level! Posting for luck!

Susan said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I have played this board for over 100 times
Impossible for me to move on

Nancy said...

All the times I played this level, I only got close once! Struggling isn’t a strong enough word!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Can’t even get close posting for luck !!!!!

Sparkyjo said...

Finally one that requires some strategy. I have to slow down and look. Or will cc just let me through. Lol

Anônimo said...

Nível ridículo. Postando por uma placa de sorte.

snow said...

Such a Terrible level , There are way to few of moves here fr all that has to be done. I used 7 hammers and one hand switch to pass. So Sad they need to put more moves here

Cmitch said...


Cgibrall said...

I know I am late to the game posting on here but I have been coming to this site reading the tips and comments for years and this is my first time commenting and I just wanted to say thank you to both Cooke and everyone on the blog y’all have been such a help!!