Candy Crush Saga Level 2622 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2622 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 100 chocolates in 17 moves to complete level 2622 Candy Crush Saga.
You will need some of the spawners to get the chocolate orders, but not all of them, so you need to destroy at least half of the spawners to have any chance of completing this level.
The first thing I would suggest is that you turn off the sound so that the noise of the spawners doesn't make you nervous and rush your moves.
Destroy too many and you won't get enough chocolate, but if you leave too many on the board when they start to spawn the chocolate will take over and you won't be able to make moves. This will happen very quickly!
Your first moves should be to try to clear the spawners in the top half of the board, on both sides if possible, this will prevent the chocolate from blocking the top part of the board and stopping the candies from falling.

Don't try to clear the blockers down the middle, the chocolate will cover them quite quickly anyway so it's a waste of moves to try to clear them.
Look for combos which will clear the largest amount of chocolate, don't just make matches of 3 next to the chocolate as you will soon run out of moves.
The most important thing to remember is that the chocolate will only spread when you make a move, so slow down and think about your moves, it's easy to panic and rush when the chocolate seems to be taking over.
The video below starts with 20 moves but is completed in 18 so you should be able to do it in one less.
This link will take you to a video on YT with 17 moves Original video below
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msnega said...

Got it the first time with the Space Dash. Don't know how I would have did without it. My PC says I have 18hrs to use it so I will take advantage of it.

Anonymous said...

Another stupid level which requires pure luck!

Anonymous said...

Agree, luck is need on this dumb level!!

Anonymous said...

All this chocolate isn't helping my diet any..posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

CB and Wrap together with several candies of the Wrap colour adjacent the top two Evil Spawners. Indy

Anonymous said...

Another bullshit level from the assholes at king!

Ellie said...

Good suggestion to clear the blockers at the top on one side. Won the game with mostly hitting 3 candies at a time, ow score but I made it

anon said...

4-5 Days of of around 50 games a day and I'm tired of it. It not a non-fun level like some others, but I'm tired of it. Nothing helps.

anon said...

2 plus weeks now getting old.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely un doable Guess I am done finally with Candy Crush.

Anonymous said...

Totally impossible and boring. No skill needed just luck. I like a challenge not luck. Why change to 20 moves. No doubt a grab for cash

Anonymous said...

Total bullshit

Anonymous said...

this is no longer a game of skill it is King tying to make money from people who used to enjoy it

Anonymous said...

Been stuck on this one for ages like a few before on this level too..time to chuck in the towel I fun when your stuck on same level for days hoping for a miracle board.

gary astbury said...

3 weeks now not anywhere near with only 20 moves this is now fun anymore its totally shite would love to see the creator o it in only 20 moves come on give players a chance

Duffer said...

Been playing this level for weeks and I swear it's unbeatable. Twice now I've gotten magically 2 colour bombs beside each other and wait until I must switch them, but once I clear the board there aren't enough chocolates left to win. Think I'm actually done, they will not get a penny from me.

Anonymous said...

Why change the number of moves from 30 to 20? This is insane.

Anonymous said...

This one is totally undoable. Even with 30 moves. 20 is sheer impossible. Time to let go of this addictive game. No fun anymore

Thirdhalf said...

Someone actually beat this level! (Ellie, Aug 18th) Quick King, drop it down to 10 moves before someone else wins!

Anonymous said...

I guess all players on this level have abandoned CC because no new comments have been added for a while now. I've been on this one for weeks now and I'm fully fed up with this one. It'sthe hardest ever. No fun at all and that is putting it mildly. Yuk awfull King. I'm not throwing money in anyway. Bye bye

Anonymous said...

This seems to be King's way of ending the game. My guess is that no one has passed this level after the moves were reduced to 20. And that seems to be excactly the way King wants it!

Anonymous said...

I passed this with no boosters on second try by just matching 3 at a time but quickly. Just keep clearing what you can fast and it will happen. I had no idea what was happening so just kept matching whatever I could fast. There is no strategy, just be fast.

Anonymous said...

Haven't come close after 2 weeks yet it isn't a hard level???? Either I'm missing something or this is impossible.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Been trying to get this level for 2 weeks. 2 weeks!! Never get can I get this level done??? Now it's no fun after 2 wks of torture.

Anonymous said...

Over a week and playing nearly all day along...ashamed to say and getting no where. You have really took the fun out of this game...I know every level can be passed easily but this has been a bitch...ready to give up. There has got to be some other game more fun or even just ready to get my life back. Tired of the over and over and not even close.

Anonymous said...

Week four!! Cant seem to get even close to getting this one. ACK!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's me again complaining. What do you want a kidney, my first born, the rest of my life? I am so tired of this.

Anonymous said...

Always come here for tips when I’m stuck. Just wanted to pass on, I actually won the jackpot on the wheel today. It’s been years of spinning that wheel and I thought it was a con because it never stops there, but today it did. Off to buy a lottery ticket now.

Anonymous said...

Is three weeks on this level not enough. Why is not listed as an impossible level. Fix this or just let me get pass this one. This is ridiculous and not even listed as a hard level. Is there such a thing as a lucky board???????

Anonymous said...

A solid month on this level and mean playing most of the day, sad to say. It's not even listed as a hard level. Fix this damn level, 20 moves is not enough...tired of this crap.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice to throw in the odd doable game every now and then just for fun. I'm so bored with one ridiculous level after another with no let up.

Anonymous said...

This just might be the last of candy crush for me. So frustrating. This level has nothing to do with skill. Luck only.

Anonymous said...

Over a month playing this level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can that be????????
What will it take to get out of this level!!!!!??????????? Tired of this

Anonymous said...

Is Candy Crush broken???? I have been on this level since June!!! So odd..I cant get close to getting out of this level. I'm mystified.

Anonymous said...

this is level from hell

desita said...

Не зная кой е авторът на това ниво, но не мисля, че е създадено да бъде преминато. Играя тази игра вече 2 години и мисля , че това ниво ще ме накара да намразя шоколада. Просто трябва нещо да се промени...Обичах тази игра защото ме караше да мисля, за да мина напред до тук ниво 2622... жалко ще играя още няколко дни?!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Dont even try this level, i Am out for quite a long time, to busy with my other better games.

Anonymous said...

I reach this level now, try iT to times, already fed up with this game. Thats why i stop now, no fun at all. For me cc is Bey Bey forever. Dont want to waist my time on silly games.

Anonymous said...

I understand the players, the levels 1 to 1000 was fun, the thousand to two thousand were difficult, After 2000 they are horrible. Of course many players say goodbye . I dont knowone who play this game. Comments, most of them one year ago. Seems cc is on his return. Beside that. Game become to boring for most of the players. Will they ever change? I dont think So. Will i go further playing iT? I dont think So.

spike1 said...

Do any of the boosters help? I can’t figure this one out!

Anonymous said...

The chocolate is relentless, lucky board please...

Anonymous said...

Reading comments looks like I will need a lot of boosters and luck

Unknown said...

I'm done with this stupid game. I have never spent a penny on CC, and don't plan on ever doing so. Level is virtually impossible.

Sharianne said...

I love chocolate but not on this game!!

Teena said...

I HAVE 17 moves on this impossible game.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! ��

I'm keep getting "video not available". ����

merlion said...

Android. I started with 20 moves (due to booster bot) and a wrap/stripe near the top. First destroyed the spawner at top left then destroyed others on left side which worked well. The chocolate took over the right side but I could create stripes on left to destroy them on right. Only just passed on last move.

Anonymous said...

Know I now what happened to the players in front of me. They just quit.

Anonymous said...

This level is not a game, just a (short) waste of time. When all you can ever do is the one move on offer. Very tedious. However, after posting here I fully expect the magical lucky board to appear within the next couple of turns, but honest, no connection lol

Tammy Caison said...

Still need more chocolate, sigh

Anne said...

Ah come on folks! This was an hilarious romp! I only got 1 star but who cares? It was actually FUNNY!

Robin said...

I watched the video looks like Choc can really take over board, and reading posts First I thought I would be here for
Awhile, but I read what ms Cookie wrote and video, I just played first time, no boosters, I knocked out a few spawners, kept choc. At bay made a few specials and passed first time😊👍 i am very happy to say., now on to the next, remember if u can hit some of them spawners out makes a huge difference Good luck everyone👍

Unknown said...

I read the posting from the guy who said he was over two months on this level and I thought there was perhaps a bit of hyperbole going on. Now I'm thinking 'wow he did it in under two months! wow!' I'm almost at the end of month three on this level which I hit just before the pandemic got in full swing. This would have been a perfect time to give candy crush a rest for awhile but being stuck in the house I find myself gravitating over to CC several times a day for my 5 attempts. The closest I've gotten in this many attempts, is 12 chocolate left to collect. A 'good' game is down to 50. A great game is 35 to 40. A fantastic easy board, is 20 to 35. Their categorization of 'bored' vs woohoo should be a 'frustration' level. Even what I recognize as a lucky board isn't lucky enough. Very frustrated.

gp8656 said...

Impossible level!!! Posting for luck!!! Please help!!

gp8656 said...

Been here forever!!! Posting for luck on this one again!!! Help!!

Unknown said...

Its given me 17 moves to do it in utter impossible

smith girl 44 said...

This level is so mind numbing it could give you alzheimers playing ad nauseum without using your brain.

Cmitch said...


Ccmadness said...

17 moves 1 spawner removed did not get
100 chocolates spawned until 1 move left, 38 out of 40 needed with 1 move tells me impossible with 17 moves.

Ccmadness said...

Got it done in 17 moves no special items except 1 colored at start,
.destroyed 1 spawner first 5, kept removing center of board chocolates. 5 moves left had 8 candy left to match. Lucky board dropped matched candies down after a match. Key is to remove chocolates without matches touching spawners. Matches made without chocolates will fail by not enough spawned or no candy left to match. Listed as hard, sb very hard.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck please king let me have a lucky board.

Kathy said...

Definitely need help on this one.

Annie said...

Totally different board now. I really hate these ones that are just designed to entice you to buy extra moves. No skill involved, just luck. So I'd love a lucky board please, King. I've been stuck on this one for long enough