Candy Crush Saga Level 2749 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2749 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 7 yellow candies in 22 moves to complete level 2749 Candy Crush Saga.
Colourbombs! This is what you need to complete level 2749. Look for the colourbombs right from the start of the game.
Once you get a colourbomb try to switch it with a stripe, but only if one of the keys is the same colour as the stripe, this will turn that key into a stripe and usually it will be a sideways stripe and will clear all the keys and unlock the lucky candies.
Once the lucky candies are unlocked more colourbombs will change them and if you are careful, or lucky, they will be matched as they change.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

PC has 25 moves

Van5 said...

Space dash and the check candy certainly helps! Got this with 5 moves left. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Just use a lucky candy and they all will turn into yellow candies.....

Kevin said...

I second the comments above. I started with a check booster and then concentrated on making a colourbomb and stripe combo. When I'd done that everything opened up and i got a stripe/wrap combo to clear. Glad to be done with it to be honest as it's a tough one without boosters.

Anonymous said...

18 moves only. Impossible, only with to colourbombs together there is a chance. The tip with check booster is super.... only I have no boosters left.

cvp said...

I used my lucky candies (checked) if I would get more than two, maybe it would help. One or two isn't enough. Now I'm out!! I don't want to buy more boosters!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one having trouble with this level???Wasted so many boosters already. Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Level 2749. I already spent more money than I ever want to again and I am not buying any more boosters. They should add more moves to this game. Even with using all of my boosters, there weren't enough moves to clear all of the yellows. I'm pretty much done with king making millions or billions by making these levels that are near impossible to pass without spending lots of money.

Anonymous said...

I'm not getting anywhere on this level. Used check booster, choc ball booster, too. No lucky boards happening here. Using stripe/wrap combos do not get rid of the keys.

Never had a helmet said...

1st try no boosters, don't know how I won because I wasn't really trying to do anything special.

Unknown said...

Im so stuck on this level...I worked out using colour bombs and sripes but always running out of moves.

Anonymous said...

Playing on iPad. Why are the episodes so far behind others?

Anonymous said...

Finally youade it..... i dont like to play this game anymore - it is no fun to play leveles like this over and over again and wait for the lucky board. The only thing what i want to tell you King - people i reached this Level without spending a single Dollar / Euro - bye bye i find myself a new game - for sure not from King.

Anonymous said...

This is an extremely hard level. I have played it over & over! I guess it is back to Sudoku!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing working here!

cazzie64 said...

Why why do King keep moving the bar for completing these - its pretty impossible anyway and then to knock off moves from 22 to 18 makes it another stupid level that will make people stop playing. Pack it in King - this is becoming a joke!

Anonymous said...

Stupid level yet again! Posting for luck

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck.

Francesmenth said...

Interesting that in the video popcorn not popped and double wrap combos got the yellows.

Unknown said...

Right...where is the 22 moves? 18 is what i have. I am losing interest in this crap

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Another bullshit scam level with only 18 moves! BURN KING!

Turkeylady3 said...

Once again this God awful dishonest app cut moves from 22 to 18 With popcorns to burst by hitting 4 times Do the math 4 popcorns need to be hit 4 times each Does anyone really enjoy this I keep doing and have for a long time to warn players with each dishonest level where they cut moves to get players to buy boosters which never do any good

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jonah said...

Need a lucky board

Sue Harvey said...

I only have 18 moves and its driving me mad. Posting for luck

liloldlady said...

NOT enough moves. Hoping for a lucky board

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another BS level. Thanks King. Time to call it a day and start the new year without CC.....

janski said...

Impossible level ... just not enough moves ... looks like KING have no loyalty to their long standing players, aiming to force them into paying for boosters ... well, thats me done on here! ... wasted a big chunk of my time on this game & certainly won't fall for it again ... especially with KING games!

Mason barge said...

Used a color bomb/stripe&wrap/checkmark triple booster, finished it in 4 moves.

- Mason

Flippenheck said...

Okay will try tips

Anonymous said...

This is a joke...wasted time!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Passed with no boosters but got a stripe and a colour bomb together and that wiped out the keys then got lucky with a stripe and packet to wipe out the yellows.

Elke said...

das macht keinen spass tagelang zu spielen mit so wenig zügen!!!!!!
wie soll das funktionieren?????? scheiss level

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

On this for days and getting no where. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

22 moves??? I only get 18!! Very deceiving of King....can you tell me why that is?? Printing false information by a large company.... Surely there is a law against that?

Anonymous said...

This level is horrible! Tried different ways but getting nowhere. Need luck

Anonymous said...

I am so frustrated with this level. All my boosters have gone and I have been left with one yellow so many times. Not fun any more

Anonymous said...

Postando para dar sorte.

Anonymous said...

Really need a lucky board, getting frustrated now

Fräulein Pop said...

Posting for luck. This is a tough one.

Disappointed a said...

You need to sort this out CC..showing videos with more moves than your supplying is surely wrong and misleading..The Jackpot???all these years I have been playing and have only landed on it twice!!!!!How many times have you other peeps got it in say..the last three years!!?????

Anonymous said...

None...never got a jackpot :-(

Anonymous said...

I have used up all my boosters on this level. I am not even getting close to beating this level. I need a lucky board more than ever now. Please lucky board come and pay me a visit.

CidDeMizar said...

Always less moves than we actually have on our boards. Another "Lucky" table. Mates of King: do you really think this kind of Game is funny, just a player waiting for luck?

Donna said...

Posting for luck!! So many lives and boosters lost

Nancy said...

After reading the other hints at the top of the page, I think the game has changed!
I have played over and over again, no where close🤔

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, as strategy isn’t helping!

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here:
Hellish level.
I played for 2 days & numerous times used all 3 boosters for the game & got nowhere.

You all know that you'll need a colour ball/stripe combo, which will knock out the keys & expose the lucky candy down the bottom. You don't need to pop the popcorn and getting one or two of them won't help anyway.
You need a stripe/colour ball combo.
Getting such a combo is another thing.

Here's my advice. If by chance you do get such a combo (which I just did, no boosters), use your lollipop hammers to hit the yellows or lucky candy.
I usually, on principle, will only use up to 3 hammers in any one game & yesterday when I had 4 yellows, refused to use my hammers. Big mistake.

Today I had to use about 6 hammers as the lucky candy take 2 hits, one to turn it to yellow, the next to collect it. I am now down to only 85 hammers left in my kitty but it was well worth it.

Repeat-this is a game where it is worth using up to 10 hammers if it will get you through.

Anonymous said...

No nightmare games for me. Fed up, Beside that i go for a long holliday, no stress and no game jippie .

Anonymous said...

I notice, the comments become less and less, the players become less and less. The fun of playing this game is gone. Like many other players i heard on word, done, and they mean the game.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Good comment, why should i believe in a game when no one does?

Anonymous said...

Reaching thisevel, see the comments, its the sameshit over and over again. I dont even try this stupid level.m

Anonymous said...

This game even diverse my attention. Bad game, Seems cc is hopeless and i Am, like a lot of players who left this game, fed up with iT,

Anonymous said...

Why should i waist time on a nightmare level? Most players lost the interest of playing it. Becomes very weird. The fun is far, far away.

Anonymous said...

please I have only 18 moves,,,,please to give me at least 22 moves

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! ����

Anonymous said...

I totally agree!!! I'm very frustrated with all the hard and ridiculously hard levels. It used to be fun, but not anymore!!!!

Sparkyjo said...

Please people quit whining, no one is forcing you to play the game just don’t play anymore if you get that upset. It’s a game!!!!
Now is level seems like more luck. Definitely have to have two colour bombs to start to open up the lucky candies. I can’t see any other way of doing it.

Sparkyjo said...

Here’s my tip. Started with CB, stripe/wrap and check mark. Boom done.

Anonymous said...

Comparto para la suerte porque hasta ahora no puedo pasarlo

Anonymous said...

Used a hammer to get cb an stripe at starr. Another at d end. In 2 tries

Maddi said...

OK been here for days now!

Unknown said...

The fuck is this shit again.18 moves.ok,give us 2 moves, think we can manage,looooooosers uvkers.enjoyed it,but now is sooo boring

Mom A said...

Well this is fun

Robin said...

I passed first time used my choc bomb, wrap and added a check, ty for your advice was a big help 👍😊

Unknown said...

This is a hard level i am stuck :(

John and Regina Zdravich said...

My color bomb and strioe/wrap boosters explode before I can do what I plan to do with them. I don't have a check mark booster. This level is really difficult..

King is corporate greed said...

What an utter BS level need to start with all boosters and get lucky lucky lucky! Boring

King is corporate greed said...

Scam level!!!

gp8656 said...

Posting for luck. Not enough moves!!!

LD said...

Luck please

Aisha said...

Luck please
Otherwise it us impossible

Unknown said...

No luck whatsoever with this level.

Vicki said...

When will this madness end.

wtrc said...

Used every booster I had, plus gold bars I have none left so this game is impossible for me now 🤔 without some help or a lucky board please👍