Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2846 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have only 16 moves to clear the jelly so you need to make every move count. The dispensers on the right side of the board drop mystery candies which will help you to make combos and use these to grow the popcorns and clear the jelly.
Try to make as many of your moves as possible on the right to get as many combos as possible and use the conveyor to get the combos into the best position to hit the parts you need.
Update 24th Oct. 20.
Some people are saying that they are not getting any mystery candies dropping from the right. I have tried this on the FB game and windows 10 app and it is the same as the video. It is likely that the game is different on mobile devices. I can't help with this as I don't have the mobile game.
Video below
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
And of course this level is already reduced to 16 moves. Why do we keep playing?
very, very difficult. need lots of luck
This was a fun level. Love those mystery candies. Lots of cascades. There are jellies under the popcorns and the fish from the mystery candies won't target them until the popcorn is popped.
Not many comments on this level why it is bad . As the popcorn at the top is impossible to get.
Need a mirical for this bloody stupid level. No we're near enough moves CC need to fix this one for sure .
When Will KING cut the crap and and finale stop changing the amount of moves!!! It''s very annoying and not fair too!!
Another stupid level where you have no control over your moves.
Need some help please
Got down to needing just one jelly several times, and it's almost always the one under the top popcorn. A fun but frustrating level. Annoying that the fish won't eat popcorn jelly squares. Out of hammers, so I just have to keep playing.
Another horrible level. I don't mind when they're hard, but when I haven't a clue what to do, I really get frustrated. The blinkers don't help either.
I guess being a mindless idiot is the answer. Just play until you get a lucky board.
Dumb, dumber, dumbest level. After 3 days I still haven't a clue what to do. I just keep moving candies without any idea of what will happen. I'm taking a break.
Play on the right side of the board and try to start at the top
You will get cascades and it will take care of the left side. I won with no boosters
I find this level to be very difficult. Have been stuck for a while.
1st try with the benefit of the colourbomb from the helmet. Got it with 1 move to go. Onward.
it's to get you to buy extra moves!! trying to squeeze more money from loyal players!!
Another tedious level that plays itself!! No control over the special candies! Always waiting for the lucky board!! Spending a couple days on a game that has not been fun for awhile!! Or BUY EXTRA moves!!
Seriously??!! We have to clear 60 jelly, 4 popcorn, and licorice with only 16 moves??!! Once again forcing loyal players to buy boosters or spend days waiting for the lucky board!!
waiting for that little luck CC now and than gives......
until than keep on trying without any luck.
posting for luck
How are you supposed to win when all you get in your mystery candies is bombs and licorice? Unbelievable. Maybe others are just luckier than I am but this is ridiculous.
Very hard level. Waiting for the Lucky board is all we can do here.
One word: impossible
Yakety yak...help please
You have all got to this level and yet you all still complain. Just give it a rest. If you don't have a hint or tip then don't use this page as your agony aunt. Good grief! No-one is forcing you to play. If you don't enjoy it, go away and find something else to do. King isn't going to change anything.
Ok Joanne you do get good tips from here even with the moans terrible level cc think just have to wait till got heaps of boosters for that top popcorn
Você é debil ou quer se fazer de debil?
Outro nÃvel ridÃculo e nojento. Saindo fora do CC.
I was thinking this level was impossible having tried time and time again so visited this site unfortunately not much help as this is one of those levels that needs a hell of a lot of luck. I returned to candy crush and passed first time it's uncanny
This blog says mystery candies drop out of the dispenser; the only thing coming out of the dispenser is licorice which fills up the conveyor belt and blocks the popcorn. I've used up all my boosters and nothing. Stuck. Once again, this took me out of the moon race..need a lucky board or a miracle.
Cookie, I went and played a few more times; no mystery candies. Only get licorice and every 4th move a striped candy falls onto the conveyor belt but it get blocked by the licorice. Not what's on the video.
Wie helpt mij. Wat een R O T spelletje. Komt nooit uit.
This level is impossible!!! Only licorice drop onto conveyor belt. There is NO video to show how to complete this level. I'm done.
Posting for luck
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