Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2852 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
I found this level to be quite hard without boosters as you have to collect the three keys before you can collect much of the licorice. The keys are sometimes the same colour but usually they are different so can't all be collected using a colourbomb.
The best way to collect the keys, I found, is to make a stripe/wrap combo in a position where it will collect all three in one move. This took a lot of games to get the combo in the right position, but if you are patient it will happen eventually.
If you can make a colourbomb this can be used and switching a colourbomb with a stripe may well take all the keys if you are lucky.
Once you have unlocked the locked cells you can then start to collect the licorice using any move you can make. Wrapped candies are good for collecting licorice, stripes not so much, or simply making matches close to the licorice will work if you have enough moves left after collecting the keys.
Video below
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the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers
have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me
know in the comments and I will try to change
You failed to mention that you had better clear at least one of the mixers. If not, they spit out licorice and eat your combos making it impossible to make a move. I used a color bomb and stripe/wrapped combo booster and thought I had it made. They took out all the keys leaving the board wide open. Before I knew it, the board was covered with licorice with no moves to be had. Ugh!
Where are all the other comments? Does that mean people have passed this level easily? Well, I hate this level-not enough moves at all!Fed up of mindlessly shuffling candies around. Need that lucky board I guess as I'm sure not coming near passing at the moment.
It's only 17 moves now. So it just got much harder again like many other levels.WTF!
Horrid level.You for sure need to get rid of one of the spawners. It ended up being the middle one all three tries and I still got smothered by licorice twice. Third time lucky.
Posting for luck
I am posting for luck!
Come on Candy Crush we need more moves it is not possible with 17 moves.
Going nowhere with 17 moves. Impossible level. Posting for luck.
I won 3 hours of free Candy Crush.....didn't even come close to winning. Need more moves.
Either can’t break the keys or the licorice overwhelm the board until no moves available. Posting for luck.
So frustrated with this level.boring . No skill needed but luck.
!!!!!!17 moves!!!!! Impossible
This level is bullshit- dont waste your boosters!! Even when I get the keys I cant manage to get 35 liqurice in 17 moves. One of the most annoying and frustrating levels ever. Awful. I give up
another level where luck is needed or you are stuck ... give us a chance to get by these levels without a lot of frustration ..luck as usual please
This is not doable. Not with 17 moves.
Help us I am getting so tired of this one
Here we go again......
This is a ridiculous undo-able level. Even when i got lucky and started the game with a color bomb and three keys of same color i could not finish.
This has to be one of the worst levels ever. Too much to do in 17 moves. Just designed to eat up boosters. Also, these videos have become a waste of time. Always more moves. Why?
Second attempt with a sprinkle ball as booster. Pure luck
Finally got sick of this level and used my extra moves to beat this level.
Level is horrible 17 moves when video shows 35, are you kidding me,,not even getting close.
Yup, me too. Very difficult level and now I've used all my boosters.
Posting for luck.......
Posting for luck. I need it.
Nasty level with evil mixers! Posting for luck!
Horrible, madness, annoying, impossible,ridiculous, bullying, boring,......It would be nice if KING would take notice and learn something of the comments here. 50.000.000 minus 1 from today!!
Of all the stupid levels lately (and there have been quite a few) this one takes the cake !! Boring is an understatement!!
WHAT??! 35 moves down to 17? This is probably my fourth/fifth whinge on this site ever - sorry - sheer frustration!! I can’t see how I can possibly complete this level. King will eventually realise the error of their ways no doubt (as many times in the past) and rectify this crazy, stupid, frustrating level. But until then I’m just stuck here throwing a hissy fit! 🙀🙄 I need to race ahead on my pc in future rather than waiting for dastardly Wednesday additions on my iPad!
Haven’t looked to see how many levels have been released on pc - what is the highest level released so far?
Sorry to moan . . . . . . .
My iMac is stuck on level 2825 - why doesn't anyone explain why? As many others have said my browser is up to date and has passed the HTML5 test.
So, I'm playing on iPad with only 17 moves on this level - it sucks! Impossible and no fun!
Impossible until you get the lucky board, without booster there is no way to make strip/wrap combos on the conveyer. Stupid level!!!!! Another one !!!!
I got q key with a stripe, one with a colorbomb and one with a hammer. Used a hand switch to set up a stripe and just got lucky enough to finish. Tough level.
There is something very wrong with this level. I've managed to take the keys in the first 2 moves but I couldn't take the licorice. I'm guessing that KING wants us to wait until their next episode is ready!!! Shameless and very unfair to the people who love to play this game. I think I might just wait until the release of that episode and don't waist my time or money on playing!!
This is another level where you know within 4 moves if you make a chance to beat it, also if you should waste any time for it! Is this what they want !!! Ridicoulas and boring!!
Same with me... Thought I had it after collecting the keys and made a CB instead just three candies next to liquorice and until I realised how quick the liquorice spreads it was too late
You MUST destroy the keys with the first one or two moves (CB booster + all keys same color) and then immediately destroy a spawner (every hit gives you the possibility for the next hit on the same spawner, otherwise they spawn often immediately and it's difficult hitting them again. Needs luck, too). With 2 spawners left, always try to hit as much liquorice as possible (and don't get nervous, you have time to check the best move). This was at least my way to do it within 17 moves
Seriously, who designs this stuff? Some of these levels are ridiculous. Posting for luck or better yet, a revision of this level.
2 free hours on this? Not a chance!
Horrible level!!!!
Can't beat this level!
what a joke....17 moves versus 20...Cookie fails us yet again with another bullshit video
I can only get one key so the spawners aren't a problem! Think I need a very LUCKY BOARD PLEASE
Can’t be done even if you get the keys early. The spawners fill in so fast you don’t stand a Chance with only 17 moves. It’s a set up to fail!! Stupid stupid level!!!!!!!
KING must hate us very badly to gives us these kind of levels!! Even if we have to wait because we have finished an episode it' s not that worse as being bullied the way we are now!!
Need some help with this level please.
Got within 2 liquorice, used gold bars for extra moves and still failed. Have deleted the Candy Crush app. Pure luck and even then this level is pretty much impossible.
Damn it. Hate this level. Wasting time.
Further to the comment I added above (Got within 2 liquorice, used gold bars for extra moves and still failed. Have deleted the Candy Crush app. Pure luck and even then this level is pretty much impossible). For what it's worth - and can't quite work out how this happens, but you don't always have to get all 3 keys before the liquorice is unlocked. This has happened a few times but the spawners mess everything up even with 2 colour bombs side by side!
Posting for luck!!
Oh come on King. This level is crap. Wasted all my boosters and bought bars like a eejit
Posting for luck
This is a totally frustrating level. I'm just moving candies around mindlessly. No fun. I'm done.
Posting for luck!
Followed Cookie's advice and started with a stripe/wrap combo on the conveyor to clear all the keys in one move. Then focused on clearing one spawner. Then made moves as low as possible on the board to create Cascades to collect more licorice. Good luck all. Zee
Oh no... such a difficult level! Posting for luck! Fingers crossed.
Not enough moves on iPad. So frustrating to get the keys and then be overwhelmed by spawners. Don’t mind hard levels but this is ridiculous. On another note, after playing for 4 yrs I still have never got a jackpot on my free spin. Not one! No more gold bars for me until see at least one.
17 moves to clear this stupid level. The designers and QA from King should seriously consider a profession change to eating shit.
Such a boring level. Posting for luck
posting for luck
boring boring boring boring
posting for luck
Will end this awful level!
Posting for luck
Not enough movs for sure!
have mercy....help....for crying out loud: help!
posting for luck again.
Posting for luck
Well this has got to be the most difficult and frustrating level so far. I never had the opportunity to play it with 35 moves as in the video only with what has now been reduced to almost half of the moves that are on this video. And it is not even classed as an extremely hard level!!!! I hate to think what the next level will be like that is classed as extremely hard! I’ve not even come close to even managing to get to the liquorice as I can’t even kill all three keys. Tried all my boosters now except one and no, King, I’m not buying more.
Please KING make it easier or put it back to 35 moves. I’m about to stop playing this now as it has gone past the point of being fun which is what a game is supposed to be about.
How many Candy Crushers has King lost in the last few months? Loads I would think as a lot of people will think that the ‘game’ has now become too serious, too hard and lets be honest - ‘there is more to life’!
still hoping for the mercy of CC.
asking for luck, no.....begging for luck.
get me out of this frustration. please.
posting for luck
Not having much luck or fun ;( posting for luck
BORING!!!!!!!!!! Just when I thought levels couldn't get more stupid, pointless, and mind numbingly boring they make a liar out of me. They need to stop making levels. This game is NO FUN anymore. Either that or get new programmers!!!
Now this is what I call a BORED game!!!!!!!!
why don't you help all these loyal players a little with this frustration level.....
posting for luck
Posting for luck, just impossible
Geez KING. Were you having a bad day when creating this impossible one.
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!
I still can't get into the position to remove all the keys. I've used boosters and many lives, but I've only been able to clear two keys at most. Impossible level for me.......
still here.....awfull.....where are the days ths cc was so much fun....
posting for luck
Only way was to booster the heck out of it. Used colourbomb and stripe/wrap and got lucky with the keys all being the same colour. Finished on the last move with only one move possible due to liquorice. Phew. Onward.
my day is starting very frustrating.....
It is raining in Amsterdam and I am hanging on this level for days and days...whenn will this end?
posting for luck.
Slow and incredibly boring.
Posting for luck! Enough is enough
Really discouraged after reading these comments. Decided to play a couple of games and I got a sprinkle with the stripe that Out the keys. But then the licorice started to overrun the board. I use that new booster that looks like a ice cream cone or confetti, and it took out all licorice and I passed the game.
Another impossible level!! Posting for luck again!!
Tried loads of times. Hopeless now used my boosters
Posting for luck. Please help,
This level seems impossible. Please please help
I have 20 moves. Posting for luck.
Play 606 eight times to get the full helmet, then restart 2852 until the two color bombs are together. This wipes out all the keys at once and weakens the spawners.
I beat this level on the first try with this method after reading comments here.
Mike Margolis you have saved my sanity. I did just as you recommended. I got maximum boosters from playing an easy level 8 times and then reset a couple of times to get a decent board. Even then I needed to win 5 extra moves to do it first go but I can see it was at least doable using your tactic. Happy Christmas to you!
With the help of space helmet manage to finally clear this with 5 move spare. Need a bit of luck too. Started with one additional colourbomb. Use one on the keys colour collected 2 keys. Wait for spwaner to spwaner then swap 2 colour bomb together which also collect the last key and collect about 12-18 licorice. Need to destroy at least one spanner. I destroy 2 spwaner.
KING IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I did exactly as you did...played 606 3 times to get all boosters and extra lives. Still had to use 2 lollipops but passed on first try after hundreds of unsuccessful tries.
Just need to wait for lucky board... easy to loose interest
Come on fellow crushers, there are no “Impossible “ levels! Every one is quite possible albeit with boosters and luck. Starting this one off with a full helmet and positive thoughts. I truly appreciate all of the helpful comments. I find myself reading them before each level in hopes of benefiting from you my friends!
Need a lucky board. Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Aweful level posting for luck
Very tired of trying this one, wasting too much time on it, not fun at all, about time to say bye to candy crush!!!!
Linda, brilliant!
I also found this very difficult. Went to level 1 to get magic helmet. Took out the keys, once board was close to unplayable, used the party booster and that did it, game won!
Posting for luck this is impossible without xx
one WORD! SUCKS!! AWFUL!!! DISCOURAGING!! DUMB! ok more than one word!
Posting for luck
I just beat this level with no boosters (after about 25 or 30 frustrating attempts), in the browser version on a pc with 17 available moves in the game. I lucked out getting a stripe/wrap combo in the 4th or 5th move that then took out all three keys, and ended up with a number of strips and wraps in the remaining moves that helped keep the licorice at bay. I didn't manage to kill any of the spawners, and I thought I was going to come up short needing 5 more licorice with one move remaining, but I tried the best move available and got a few lucky colors drop that took out enough licorice to beat it.
I have 17 moves Scum bags Sick of It speckled bomb I set off only got rid of one key that color not both Oh so many ways they cheat Just finished a hard kevelmthat took me over 100 attempts just to get to the super hard level as they labeled it They’re after players deleting so dont have to put up with their cheating
The keys don't really need to be cleared. What worked for me was getting lucky enough to make a wrap-wrap combo, twice, as far down on the board as possible. But you have to make sure the licorice fills up before each combo. The problem with a wrap-stripe is that it only takes out at most 3 licorice. Good luck all!
A very hard and frustrating level with only 17 moves.games are played to be relaxed not to get even more frustrated.need loads of luck for this stupid level.still trying
The trick is to get your hat and wait until you get a board with a stripe/wrapper combo in the middle of the board to release the keys straight away and free the board.then use collarbone to free jellies and hope for a few combos.I needed a few tries but it worked and I had 6 moves left.don't give up now you've got this far all these levels are achievable and you know how to play this game by now.never give up on a good thing and remember what makes you happy ha!!!
Una sola vez he conseguido las llaves, pero el regaliz me ha dejado sin opción de movimientos 😭😭😞
Imposible! Olvido mencionar que hay que eliminar al menos un mezclador...😥
como hacer comentarios positivos si últimamente solo avanzo a traves de los paneles de suerte...
En el video usted tiene 15 movimientos cuando comienza a despejar la regaliz, yo tengo 17 movimientos cuando comienzo la partida :(
Por fin! Gracias, gracias, gracias. Al final he tenido suerte de despejar las llaves en el 5 movimientos con los otros 12 y utilizando un chupachup y un interruptor lo he logrado
Another level with not enough moves I thought I’d done it when cleared keys straight away but the spawners give you no chance 😡
Think this level will finally make me quit! 17 moves? Come on!!
Worst level in a long time. Really getting tired of this one. Not even fun to play anymore.
Absolutely horrid level. After so many failed attempts I started with a sprinkle and stripe wrap combo and reset until I had 2 keys the same colour and the stripe on the conveyor towards the middle where I could make another stripe. Plan was to take out 3 keys on move 2. Wrong! The stripe on the conveyor jumped a space so ended up at the top. But after using 2 hand switches I did get rid of the keys by move 4. Took out the middle spawner after another 4 moves and had 9 moves to collect the liquorice. Managed with 1 move spare. On one of my earlier tries I took out 2 spawners and the one left couldn't generate enough liquorice. So bottom line, don't give up, use boosters and a few handswitches if necessary and think about each move carefully. Only 2 stars but feel really chuffed!!! Nanny Annie
Frustrating!!! I hate this one... thinking of stopping it all!
You are taking the mick now, King. Posting for luck.
This is killing me. 17 moves? how is that even possible given that you need to open up Three keys in different directions plus clear 35 licorice? that is at least 2 per move.
On IPad, started with 2 CB from helmet. Reset until keys were only 2 colors, and CB were beside those 2 colors. That left plenty of moves to get enough liquorice.
BS level! I started with 2 sprinkles, was going to use one to take out 2 green keys and the other one to take out the blue key. So I switched the first sprinkle with a green candy. It took out the Green keys, sure enough - AND the other sprinkle! Stupid shit game cheats so bad. Makes me so mad! It kept cheating last level too, giving me horizontal stripes when I'd made them vertical. What a bunch of lying, cheating, creepy jerks.
WOW, King. Apparently you were trying to set some kind of record for most boring or least fun (most frustrating? Most idiotic?) level. Well, it's definitely way up there (down there?) with the worst of the worst. So congrats, you've succeeded in helping me break the habit.
This is an absolute awful game. I read a lot of your comments and agree with your frustration. Also about to give up as with 17 moves I couldn't get near! Then I started with a colour bomb and all the keys were the same colour - what are the chances of that happening. I was determined not to be beaten and it took me down to the last move to take out the liquorice as the board became almost full with the stuff. Thank goodness that's out the way
Frustrated with the rest of you. WTF ridiculous
Went back to 606 and played it over til the helmet was full + 3 moves. Reset the game til I had a sprinkle stripe combo and passed it that way.
I had the Magic Helmet plus an extra color bomb for one hour use. Both color bombs were next to each other, so I took out everything on the board, including hitting the mixers a couple times. Then I was able to take out one of the mixers soon after. Then it was just making matches to dispose of the licorice. 3 moves to spare. Finally! This was hard and may be impossible without the Magic Helmet.
Oh no...I don't get magic helmet. ..am I doomed
Are you kidding me? Where are all the lucky candies coming from in your video? I can eve. Get enough to clear the keys and I’ve been on it for awhile. This is truly a scam.
Posting for a lucky, lucky board....please!!!
Please, please gift me with a lucky board.
Really, really, really need a lucky board, please.
This is one of the hardest ever!!!!
Posting for lucky board.
This is the worst level ever!!!! Don’t even want to play cc anymore. It use to be fun
Goodbye CC I’ve had it with this one
Help please
Posting for luck
Posting for luck!
I passed! I had a good board, and I used three hammers. Don’t give up hope.
Just started playing this level yesterday and I can see I am going to need some help or a lot of luck! Have only cleared all the keys once and had only a few moves left to collect all the licorice. A lucky board is definitely what I need!!
After many many hopeless tries followed Mikes tip of doing level 606 multiple times. With the spaceship boosts safely in my hands did it first go. What a sanity saving tip. Thanks..onwards unad upwards.
Boring, I'm done with cc
Wow everyone is having a tough time.
Posting for a lucky board
Come inn cC lucky
Board please bored bored
Bored boring !
It's an easy level... Or so is marked. It appears as a normal level ok the map. Fantastic, King, another one more time kidding st US. Thank you.
Posting for luck please
My board for 2852 is not the board described here at all. WTH?
Another retarded level. I think the people that make these games up have serious problems. Posting for luck.
I think I have lost my mind .All my devices show 2852 as 65 jellies &1cherry 30 moves
Is this suppose to be fun? It’s not even a challenge because there’s no way to win.
I was lucky to have a spaceship/ufo...got the keys, let licerous (sp) black coils build up...then bombed with spaceship.
Cant you make a level where you are not forced to buy boosters in order to have a chance to pass
If you make past this level the next couple are fun!
I have 27 moves on iPad. Only managed to get FIVE keys (not three!) once, so was determined not to lose. Barely made it though....
I made it in five or six moves. I found if you concentrate on the center key and get a vertical stripe below it it was really easy to hit it two or three times on the glass try I hit it twice and then got lucky and had two keys of the same color and with a color ball I won you do have to work fast does licorice doesn't overtake you
Why is not labeled hard? Waiting for lucky moves
I just passed this level it was my 4th try, I did not use any boosters at all, I tried to work in the middle and make stripe/wrap combos as much as possible also stripe choc. Sprinkle I used to, I didn’t take out the mixers I did try you have to leave at least one there for the licorice to grow so you have enough to pass the level. Good luck everyone😊👍
Posting for luck cc
So basically video co forms can only be completed with a lucky board to get a sprinkle and strip that hits all 3 keys as they 2 side ones are impossible without this method! Just a poor designed boring boring level! Boring!!
I have 35 moves on my android but cannot get close to taking out the keys. Just seems impossible....
Horrible. No skill only luck needed.
I hate bombs
Posting for luck. I can’t even get close to passing.
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