Candy Crush Saga Level 2856 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2856 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
As you would expect on such high levels the game is getting pretty hard to pass without boosters, mainly because the moves are becoming less and less so every move has to count. This is true of most levels now and this is certainly no exception.
It may seem like 35 moves are plenty, but I found this to be quite a hard level.
You have to collect the 8 cherries and clear the jelly. 
The fish from the fishing floats are helpful as they always target something that you need, they will go to the blockers first and once the blockers are gone they will either clear jelly or hit the square under one of the cherries to help them on their way to the exits.
Try to make combos as much as possible to hit the floats, stripe/wrap combos are best as they will clear blockers and jelly as well as give you lots of fish.
Video below by Skillgaming
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

No comments or hints for this board. Am I the only player that cant complete this one or have other players quit playing? Are all the boards now going to be impossible? If you have completed this one please help.

Anonymous said...

I am with you and looks like we will be here for a while.
Sure hope they help us a little.
Will play for a few more days.

Anonymous said...

I finally completed this using one switch. You have to figure moves to hit fish floats. Only way to complete it. Of course I have been trying for a week. Don't waste boosters unless you are hitting fish floats. As cookie said best hits are with wrapped and striped candy combo.

Anonymous said...

feeling defeated.
Congrats to the people that have passed this one.
Waiting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

boring level

Anonymous said...

boring level

Danielle said...

UGH! No luck....need more moves. Not even close to completing this level.

McT said...

I know where everyone is coming from here...I have no boosters left and just can't get the combos one sad story is that I cleared the cherries and had 1 jelly left at the top, and with 2 moves left, I hit the fish twice and they did not go to the jelly....frustrating, "oh, yea"...waiting for luck, once again.

Anonymous said...

Finaly finished this level after numberous attempts and a lot of frustration. At the end you must have a strip/colour bomb, or a double wrapped combo to remove the last jelly. Needed one switch. Horrible level and probably one of the hardest in the last few episodes.

I see more and more levels that you can't finish without boosters.

Good luck from the Netherlands!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Ray said...

Need some luck on this one.

Anonymous said...

Another ridiculous level. On my way to being done...

Anita said...

Please help. Need a lucky board.

Carol the elder said...

Third try using the space dash and fish booster, the board opened with the sprinkles together so I matched them. That cleared a lot of the board and set off a swarm of fish. It also released most of the fruit. One fruit was stuck in the spot above the hole so I used a swap to move it over. I also used a swap to get a stripe and wrap together left of the center bottom. That dropped the fruit and set off more fish which finished it..

Grandma said...

Lucky board please. I'm low on boosters and money! Help needed

Anonymous said...

Another level to keep us lockerdfor a week KING!???? What a waste of time playing this one! Already bored and just waiting for a lucky board.

Tuulsa Einar said...

Wow. Not even close and I have alot of boosters and the spaceship 😩😭

Crushmom7 said...

Posting for luck....ready to quit.

Unknown said...

Finally passed this level. I got a double wrap combo near the bottom float which released lots of fish. I then used a switch to get another double wrap combo together near the bottom float for more fish. Then I got a stripe/colour bomb combo which got most of the remaining jellies. The last few jellies I got with stripes so my lucky board I guess.

Grandma said...

Posting for luck. Still can't get anywhere near! This is a really hard board.

Anonymous said...

Used boosters with no help. Seems I have better luck with no boosters but need help please. Having trouble

Anonymous said...

Seriously! This level is impossible! Getting very bored. Been playing forever and only came close 1 time.

margaret said...

HELP posting for luck

jackluver said...

this is complete BULLSHIT!!!

jackluver said...

Not even with the UFO booster, fish, stripped/wrap combo, a lollipop hammer and a hand switch used together in one level, I STILL FAILED this level. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! Not even boosters can get me out of this miserable POS level. Posting for luck... gonna need tons of it!!!

Unknown said...

the fish didn't eat the jelly above..they Just simply eat a color tp clear top jelly

Kevin said...

This one would be easy if one of the fruits didn't keep getting stuck by the central floats. No way of getting it out without a hand switch and I currently don't have any of those. I've played 4 times with no boosters and got the jelly and all of the fruits bar one on 3 of those tries. Pffft.

Kevin said...

Next try, no boosters. Onward...

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

cvp said...

Again!! So tedious!! Day 3 on this level!! I collected boosters with space dash!! I can't strategically use them!! Because the fish from the floats detonate them!! They do NOT clear blockers first!! I don't think sales on piggy bank filled with gold bricks to buy extra moves is a coincidence!! I am sure the difficulty will increase when party boosters are available to buy!! Wish the game would be fun again!!

Pissed said...

If i don't pass this level soon i will be deleting this app. CC not fun any more. Does anyone have a suggestion for a fun game that I could play instead?

Anonymous said...

Please can you help me on this

Anonymous said...

Not possible...for a long time already stuck.

anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Come on lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Awful level. Not getting anywhere close and the fish do not hit where you need them to! Anywhere but in fact!
New years Eve tomorrow and I'm planning to delete my game off all my devices.
Might get back in my husbands good books!

Deb said...

As much as I like Ms. Cookie by the time that I get to play this round it has changed so much and is harder. . . .. WHY!!!!!!!!

Sherri Page said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Quitting with an hour of free play still left because I'm pretty sure I've never been this bored in my entire life. *yawn*

Dullest, most pointless level ever, with no possible win in sight.

Anonymous said...


Lola said...

Nope. I’m stuck too. πŸ‘Ž

Anonymous said...

cant seem to get this one.. posting for luck

Bev said...

so need that lucky board. Nothing I do seems to help.. running low on boosters... posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

So, how are you supposed to do this if the game never lets you make striped candy???? posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please!!! Getting nowhere at all - even with boosters

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Flippenheck said...

Ooh this is frustrating... Luck please

Winegums said...

This level is totally rediculous. I watched the videos and can see that this level can only be achieved by King. I’ll have to wait for a lucky board as this is impossible to get on my own. So sick of this game.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck and a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Been on this level for days now impossible need lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Time to call it a day as getting nowhere near finishing this level so bye

Bliss said...

Might be the most boring level yet. Waiting for the candies to slowly drop is painful. The fish don’t always clear jelly?? And it’s tough to make any quality moves. YAWN!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level!

Wanda said...

The shame to ask for help :(

JanJan said...

Posting for luck.

Citizensmith said...

Unless you have hand switches you'll be out of luck Almost passed on my first try only to have one bloody nut stuck over the hole πŸ™ Thinkin I'll be here awhile

Jean said...

Not making any progress. The first time I tried it...I probably would have been able to clear it if the fish had gone after the jelly! But more than half the time they didn't. Know it just seems like a wast of time. No boosters...and I'm failing time after time. This might end up being the end for me.

Anonymous said...

I have 41 hammers. I'm going to use them to BEAT my way out of this horrifying level.

Anonymous said...

Impossible !!!

Unknown said...

Not only is this level impossible, it's also extremely boring. Ready to delete the app.

Anonymous said...

Posting for lucky board please!

Anonymous said...

Too many blockers

Anonymous said...

Fish do not hit blockers on board! Been playing for 3 days and still can’t pass. Lucky board please!

Anonymous said...

Just posting for luck! I've been playing a couple of days and have only once gotten the fruit down and not nearly enough moves left to fill the order. I think I am a good player but this level is a nightmare! I don't play enough to have a lot of boosters so that option is out. Waiting for the lucky board!

Anonymous said...

This is my second post asking for a lucky board! I'm really having a hard time with this level and really getting tired of playing it. Boarding on getting boring!

Anonymous said...

Me too. ��

Anonymous said...

Need help

Anonymous said...

I’ve posted and posted for luck

There’s no comments to help pass bc aren’t possible- it’s just luck.
Rarely do I complain - but when your in the weekly contests- islands thing etc- you need to live faster.. stuck! SO OVER THIS!!! It’s truly just flat out IMPOSSIBLE! Have to beg and plead for luck!
I’m begging

CF said...

Posting for luck!! What a boring level

Anonymous said...

The CC elves were busy overnight! This level is now categorized as "nightmarishly hard" with Blink the Owl winking at me! Cute, but doesn't make it any easier. Should have a devil pictured. Need lots of luck or 100 hammers! I have just one!
Sher from FL

Denise said...

Oh hell no King wtf are you trying to do???? If you are trying to run the players away you are doing a great job!!!!!

Robin said...

I agree! Awful level. Lucky board please??

Robin said...

Started with a full spaceship AND an extra color ball and STILL couldn't break the blockers. King is right about one thing- this is definitely a nightmare!!!

Robin said...

Started with a full spaceship AND an extra color ball and STILL couldn't break the blockers. King is right about one thing- this is definitely a nightmare!!!

Denise said...


Anonymous said...

Impossible, horrible level!
Not even close......need more moves!

Anonymous said...

Go to level 2000 and play this easy level, after that you've got the helmet.
Return to this level and take the chocoball booster, reset till the 2 chocoballs are together and play this level.

Shirley said...

Totally impossible. Will play for boosters and wait for my lucky board

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Me too boring level no boosters Looks like we all need luck

Catherin01 said...

Bored bored bored bored boring pleaseKing lucky board I’m ready to quit

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here:
A fairly hard level but I eventually got through with no boosters.

Here's how I managed it. Have a look at the 4th line from the top & note the squares on the left end & right end. They are covered in cream & are the ones diagonally above the top levers. Try not to clear them.

If you clear them early on, the cherries or at least one of them will fall into the spot & once that happens, it is stuck as it won't fall and you can't do a swap. And the fish won't clear the jelly from under a cherry either while it is there.
If possible (and let's face it, it isn't always) try to get the cherries down before you clear that spot. or most of them. If a cherry is stuck there & the rest is going well, use a hand to swap it asap.
I didn't get any amazing combos, a stripe/wrap was all. No colour balls. So it can be done.

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here.
Just played it again as I had that level open & got through again with no boosters. Perhaps they have made the level easier.
But really, the trick is to avoid clearing those creams on row 4 till the cherries are past, as mentioned above. The fish will take care of the creams then.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Outro nΓ­vel ridΓ­culo e nojento. Excluindo o CC.

Robin said...

I passed first time no boosters at all I read Cookie advice and a few candy blog friends and trying to keep the blockers on the top is the key till the ingredients get passed them, then everything just went into place, ty so much Cookie your help is great keep giving itπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Carole said...

Impossible, luck needed