Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2858 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2858 is all about clearing blockers and at the same time you need to grow the popcorn to complete the level.
Don't worry too much about the bombs in the bottom left, you should be able to collect enough blockers before they count down to zero.
There are only 4 colours so once you get started it is fairly easy to make special candies and combos to clear blockers and grow the popcorn.
Video below
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Surprised there are no posts...my version is not like the video...fewer countdowns on the bombs and fewer moves. I cannot get down to the bombs before they explode...help!!
Sorry, but another ho hum level
they keep making this kind of stupid impossible level and expect people to cont play CC, i guess many ppl already give up.
I had luck with a sprinkleball/wrap combo. This disturbed all bombs.
Space dash is almost certain to give two sprinkles together. That clears the popcorn when there is a wrap near it. I next had a sprinkle/stripe and several stripe/wrap combos too do the rest.
My bombs have a 20 count. In the video they are at 23, and won on the last move before they explode. This level is tough without boosters.
Started with a sprinkle and stripe/wrap booster, and used the sprinkle/stripe. Opened the board up enough to get to the bombs before they exploded, then was able to complete all the orders.
Please someone tell me how to get a space dash
Another hard level. Posting for luck
Took about 10 tries with no boosters. Not too bad. Onward.
With a little help from my friend :-)
25 moves, bomb countdown 18 and no popcorn with double licorice blockers! Really?!?!
need a little help after stock for days.
posting for luck
posting for luck
How is this not a hard level?? Posting for luck
Posting for luck.
How is this level even possible? I can't break through before the 20 move bombs explode. I will not go into debt to pass a level in a "free" game. I may just sit here and just play this level into the far far future. Ugh
Here we go again. Less counts on bombs and no room to make any combos 😡
Once again the low life’s cut the moves I’m surprised they have any players left the way they screw them over just so they’ll buy boosters Once again over and over DONT BUY BOOSTERS THAT ENCOURAGES THEM TO KEEP CHEATING THEIR PLAYERS
De nuevo menos movimientos y solo 20 en la cuenta atrás de las bombas.😭😨
Need a little help... posting for luck !
Cookie, The board has changed - please try to get an updated video as it is MUCH harder!!!
I have to say I'm really not enjoying this game any more. Just playing now through force of habit. Come in, play my five lives and usually a relief when they're over!
Need a lucky bored and more fun levels
AND I got my first jackpot on spinning wheel!!
I don't see anything easy about this one...need a lucky board please as I have no spaceship, space dash, magic helmet or nothing special , whatever they are all on about
This one is breaking my heart..a lucky board is badly needed please
The magic helmet... space dash... or whatever else they are called
If you clear a board on the first try you will gain a candy bomb.... if you clear a 2nd one you gain a wrapped candy and a striped candy....the more times you clear a board the more extra stuff you get... including extra moves.
Now one way to gain those special items is to scroll down and do level one a couple times in a row... I pop out level 6 because it seems to be quicker for me.
One thing.... it is really a hassle to scroll all the way down to level one.... but sometimes it is worth it
Good luck
"Don't worry too much about the bombs in the bottom left, you should be able to collect enough blockers before they count down to zero".
Hasn't happened for me yet and I've tried quite a number of times.
Posting for luck!!!
Posting for a lucky, lucky board....please!!!
Stupid level again! Are you guys on crack!
And don't even bother making fish as they're totally useless Don't go anywhere near the bombs 😡🙃
Impossible 😡
My version not same like the video. Only got 17 moves n 18 countdown bombs ��
I only have 17 moves on this level ! Why?????
I’m passed it. Through Facebook with my pc
Less moves cannot clear before bombs explode !
Fewer moves, lower countdown on bombs. Where's the video for the harder version Ms Cookie??
Thanks for tips hard level with less moves thanks again cc waiting for boosters to build up think it's the only way to pass this horrid level. Anyone suggest another game to play
Again cc is cheating on this game, less moves, becomes to boring now. Why can other games play fair and cc not?
I don't understand how this isn't a nightmare level. 29 tries and bombs at 20. I cannot even get to the bombs.
Why isn’t this level labeled super hard? I’m getting nowhere ! Got passed the bombs one time !!!! And then couldn’t get the rest. Help! I need that lucky board!!!
Really dislike bomb levels!! No fun at all.
I hope that this will help someone! I lost so many times, was beginning to despair of ever getting it! I tried in so many different ways, but to no avail, until.....cb with a a blue wrap will blow the bombs. Because the bombs are always the same set up? 3 blues diagonally? So, blue wrap eliminated bombs on first move, then slow, very considered, moves afterwards. Good luck!
And you don't actually have to blow all the blockers either, just enough layers to get the score. Common sense obviously will will tell you to get those from the center of the board first?
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Deletando o CC.
Have not gotten all the way through the court down, only to where I still have 9 to go? Frustrating!
Olá, King!
Depois de muitas tentativas, venho pedir ajuda e sorte, por favor! obrigada!!
Since the comments on level 2858 are a year old, I’d venture a guess I’m one of the last players playing Candy Crush. That said, this level is a perfect example of why I’m alone in the this comment area. It’s a poorly designed puzzle that gives you no chance for success unless you have somehow saved lots of bonus items. To add insult to injury, this site claims it’s easy, since , at the time written, the developers allowed 35 moves vs the current 29. Not sure why Candy Crush tortures it’s players with a level like this, unless it is tired of supporting the game. So I’ll stop laying for a while and come back after bonuses are awarded and hope for the best. Seems like players stopping is a goal of Candy Crush anyway.
And why this site puts 3 year old comments ahead of recent comments continues to baffle me as well.
Hi Pete, I play this game and I’ve never seen comments below me, but I have seen them above me
Your one of them hope your still playing and a few others not many post for 2019/2020 like to read advice so I hope you keep posting👍
I wish we had the helmet and space dash that I see posted back in 2017, it’s now 2020, we don’t get that at least I don’t think so would be nice
Hi everyone after playing 45 times, I finally passed using no boosters at all, I did try on two of the 45 but I really didn’t get anywhere with such a small space at the top to work with, I did make stripes wraps and a few choc. Sprinkles on this last level on my own, used the choc. On the color that was on the bottom to help so bombs wouldn’t go off, this was a difficult level to play and I’m happy to say I can move on, good luck everyone👍😊
Posting for luck! Come on CC give me a good board please? Good luck everyone!
Robin we know your a robot or from King to balance out the 99% negative comments to try and deflect the fact you cheat the modern players massively in making it impossible the need to buy boosters!! No one llat this level gives you any money because you have made corporate greed so blatantly obvious
What utter BS this level is! Only way to win no boosters is to release the sprinkle next to a wrap the same color as a bomb!! Less moves less timer on the bombs! Boring boring boring!!
Cannot get anywhere on this one. The bombs explode before I can get near them. The number of moves does not seem to be the problem- Its the countdown number of the bombs. And not enough room in playing field to make special candies even though there are only a few colors. Boosters are no help because they cant be maneuvered to do any good - no room to move them to strategic places. Hate the bombs!!!!!
Posting for luck since I can't figure out how to beat this one...
Iv used 100 lives on this some one
help pls
Getting nowhere on this level. Can’t get to the bombs before they explode. Need help please. This one is no fun! Posting for luck.
Help please
Posting for luck
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