Candy Crush Saga Level 2882 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2882 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2882 is a pure luck level, you need to get cascades going and keep them going to have any chance of passing.
The first move will clear some licorice, then you need to make wrapped candies. Make sure the bomb is cleared with your second move, but wraps are the way to go. Whenever you have the chance to make a wrap you should do it and hope that the resulting cascades keep going long enough to collect the huge numbers of candies you need.
Video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


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Rose D. said...

Why is this level not classified as a hard level. Only 13 moves to get 800 candies, is impossible. All I get is licorice upon licorice. Tried this dumb level - not possible to do.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid game at this level! Just pure luck needed to get through.

Anonymous said...

i swear i feel like we had a level like this in the past. it was just as awful then

Anonymous said...

This is the same as level 2838 and I think the order was reduced from 800 to 400 but 2 moves less (13 instead of 15) than 2838. There is no strategy here but just pure luck. If you are down to less than 50 it is worth it buying extra moves if you have gold bars as I did, because you don't know when you will get lucky and might spend more time playing this. Rick

bc said...

I am just happy this blog is back. It is the only one that offers legitimate help and if this is a pure luck level, I will just keep going until I get lucky.

Anonymous said...

When is got to 150 approx. each blue and green needed I used 3 hand switches (easier to pick up than gold bars) which are basically extra moves and passed

JaneM said...

I prefer skill or skill+luck, just luck is no fun.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggestion Rick. Used hand swaps at the end to clear up the last few. Indy

Anonymous said...

Identical to level 2838. Same number 400 each of green and blue. Except 2882 has two moves less. What's going on?

Anonymous said...

Really..... this was a level in the not so distant past! It was awful then it is still like wtf..... no more creativity with this game

Anonymous said...

What's the point of this, no fun!

Unknown said...

I reckon the only reason this level is not called Super Hard is because its is purely luck - no skill required. This is a money making level - and I refuse to pay!! Just gonna wait for a lucky board (if I can be bothered, that is)

Jake said...

Come on king... do us a favour and skip this crap. Same level as before, and even more difficult. Can't you understand we like fun and challenging levels? This is pure luck and boring after 3 days, oh sorry already boring after 3 minutes.

Anonymous said...

This level is pure luck - plain and simple. After trying it roughly 30 times, I did get a lucky board and the cascades just kept going and going. Passed with 3 stars and 3 moves left. Like I said, pure luck.

Matt Bayley said...

I hate these pure luck levels. This one seems way more difficult than the last one. I keep getting licorice to fall every other move that shuts down my board or wastes my moves.

This should be labeled hard at the minimum.

Matt Bayley said...

Yeah, played it a bunch more times. Licorice kills it every time.

Oh well, only play a couple times a week now, so glad to be phasing this game out anyway

Anonymous said...

Full space dash gave me lucky board.

Anonymous said...

No skill needed for this level, just luck.

Anonymous said...

Surprised this isn’t labeled hard.

Anonymous said...

I don’t get the point of this level. Is is all luck and no,skill used. Very frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Can’t get to under 100 for each color. Waiting for a lucky board like in the video.

Anonymous said...

Used 5 hand switches to get extra points.

Anonymous said...

Some of these levels are ridiculous. They are hard and not fun at all, relying only on a lucky board. 😡

kk said...

Boring level - Candy if you can't produce. I'll rather wait and replay interesting levels than crappy levles like this

Ray said...

Help, please.

Anonymous said...

Not only is this level undoable (pure luck if you pass), IT IS A REPEAT of level 2838. Once was already one time too many on this utterly horrendous level, but twice..? This is utter contempt for their fans by King!

Anonymous said...

repeat!!! king think we aRE STUPID???

Anonymous said...

It makes no sense just keep pressing the buttons as there is no way to do this unless they throw a lucky level at you.
Come on CC you guys are better then this.

Emsa8 said...

You are right. Weird that 2838 is labelled as hard level and 2882 with 2 moves less (!) as normal... Strategy is the same, wraps can minimize the "luck part". Don't combine stripes with wraps,leads to much liquorice. Make a wrap when possible and don't care too much about the bombs, they are not too important and no problem when cascades are going on. Cascades are the solution

Still trying said...

Read the comments and tried one more time and got it. Weird. Good juju worked again.

Still trying said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Impossible! Help!

Brown dog said...

This is next to impossible to do with so few moves. I just keep wasting all my lives on this.Without lucky board I will never pass this

Ellie said...

Once again follow Cookie’s instructions. Make wrapped candies every chance you get. It creates cascades. Don’t waste any boosters

Ellie said...

Once again follow Cookie’s instructions, make wrapped candies every chance you get. It causes cascades. Don’t waste any boosters

Anonymous said...

Posting för luck.... superboring level :(

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

LBC said...

Exact same level as weeks ago and took me days just to get a winning board. Indeed stupid. Candy Crush has reached the end of its useful life in my opinion.

Anonymous said...


Lucia said...

I don't expect to pass this one any time soon. On the plus side, Cookie actually admits it's pure luck and doesn't condescendingly tell us to plan our moves carefully!

Anonymous said...

Impossible way too hard!

Anonymous said...

I've played this level now for days, on mobile and on pc. Not once even close! So where is my lucky board? It's not fun to play these levels when you don't get forward.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Retarded developers from King can only come out with retarded levels like this. F*** King

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!!!!!!

Martha A said...

Posting for lunch. What a really dumb level!!!!!!

slychard said...

The sheister scam that is CC, got down to 12 greens before running out of moves and spun the extra wheel, of course I land on anything but the extra moves. This game is so fixed it's insulting. They just too crooked to take seriously. Guess I have to wait a million times trying before program figures I won't shell out cash and they let me move on. Can't wait to pass level 3000 so I can delete this load of sh!t.

Marylou said...

Not another crap level. Just as hard last time it was out.

Anonymous said...

This episode has been one stupid level after another......just pure luck needed.......tedious...

Susan said...

Weird. Right after I read these comments I passed with 3 stars and 7 moves left!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have been trying this level for like one hour with unlimited life. Come and read comments here passed with 5 moves left. I always come here for the lucky board. Why? It doesn’t add up. I get stuck for like 3 day as soon as I open this site I pass the stupid levels.

Unknown said...

Lol. I hear ya. This entire episode is agonizing. Not fun anymore. Ready to stop wasting my time and delete this, once and for all!

Unknown said...

Right? I've had similar experience. Lucky board please King. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has gotten this far deserves much better than this mindless piece of crap level. I am so disgusted I'm ready to quit rather than play skill-less game after game waiting for a lucky board. This is ridiculous already.

Anonymous said...

More moves pls!

Anonymous said...

total luck. total boring

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good grief. What a heaping pile of garbage this level is. Come on, King. If you all are waving the white flag just tell us and we will gladly give up as well.

Kaja said...

Well the next ridiculous level in this episode. This is boring and I hate levels where you loose all your 5 lives in 5 minutes and you have to wait a few hours before you can try again. And again this level has nothing to do with skills again you need a lot of luck, just like all the other levels in this episode. This is really the most stupid episode ever! There is not 1 game in this episode where you have to think what your next move will be. You only have to look if you have a lucky board or not. You know you can give up halfway the game when you have the wrong board.

Kat said...

Wraps the way to go. Makes cascades and keeps licorice at bay. Good luck.

Unknown said...

This level is like a slot machine. Based on random luck and watching for features.

Anonymous said...

Just curious,has anyone ever had the Jackpot on the once a day free spin wheel,after 2882 levels I'm still waiting?

Anonymous said...

Crazy, crazy level.

Grandma said...

I get the cascades until I have about 3moves left and then no more. Funny that! LUCKY BOARD PLEASE

Unknown said...

need lucky board again thank you

Clara said...

I've spun the jackpot at least once but it was a very long time since now as I am now on this awful level.
I hope posting this will give me a lucky board 👍

Grandma said...

Please please lucky board. Im really bored with this level

Anonymous said...

Just WAITING, and WAITING, and WAITING..............and then again WAITING!!!!!! For a lucky board!!! Rather awkward if KING cannot come with anything else these days!! Boring as hell!!
Oooo.......and indeed: I have NEVER EVER won the jackpot by spinning the fortune-wheel either!! Strange isn't it??!!!!! Or maybe not!!?

Frustrated said...

I have gotten the jackpot twice and I have been playing since Candy Crush first came out. Pure luck just like this level.

Anonymous said...

I finally finished theirs level and even played level 2883 BUT!!!!!!!.........when I took a break and came back the PUT ME BACK AT THIS AWFULL level AGAIN!!!!!!! What the f*****!!!!!!!!!
It's obvious that KING doesn't want us to enjoy this game anymore!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hard level. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Pure luck, make a move and let the game go. Had several unlimited live's, plan on using them. Waiting for the lucky board!

margaret said...

Posting for luck

Melanie said...

Posting for luck as that is the only way to pass this level. I’ve never said I would leave candy crush before but if this is all better it gets what’s the point!?

Lou said...

Lucky board now please!
Been on this for days, got down to 51 blues, used booster wheel in the hope I would get 5 extra moves but of course NO, I got a fish instead. Aaarrgghh, waste of my 7 gold bars......

Zenith said...

When I first clicked on this level I literally backed out to the main screen to see if I'd accidentally scrolled down to the other level that was exactly the same.

Not only is this level not fun at all, but it's unoriginal if it's almost identical to something we played quite recently.

The only saving grace is that I lose very quickly and can go and spend my time doing something more valuable than playing this silly game! Hope they aren't paying their product manager too much.

Anonymous said...

Once in a long time playing.

Anonymous said...

Crazy. Pure luck needed. And the falling licorice block everything!

Anonymous said...

What is the point in these stupid levels. They are just so boring.

Anonymous said...

What is the point in these stupid levels. They are just so boring.

Lizzie said...

I did the exact same thing. Cannot stand levels that have zero skill involved. Been stuck on this for a week

Anonymous said...

I thought the same too that we've had this level before ...��

Mangesh said...

level 2882..... one of the most irritating level... no skill just luck.... not fair king

Anonymous said...

It's same as level 2838 with 2 lesser moves

Anonymous said...

So bored with this stupid pointless level. Hoping for the lucky board soon or it's gonna have to be the end of CC for me.

cvp said...

This level is just as ridiculous as it was when I played the exact game at level 2838 with less moves!! Seriously??!! Repeat another stupid level!!

cvp said...

it's level 2838 with 13 moves instead of 15

cvp said...

This is level 2838 with less moves!

cvp said...

This is level 2838 with 13 moves instead of 15

cvp said...

This is level 2838 with 2 less moves!

Anonymous said...


cvp said...

I hate levels that are pure luck!! Hated it when it was level 2838 with 15 moves!! More obvious that it's all about selling bricks for the extra moves!!

LynnKaiser07 said...

Classified as Super Hard.....more like Super Stupid. I have never left a negative review of a level, but this one, as well as the same game played on 2838 needs absolutely no skill and leaves me looking for a lucky board. Ugh....

Unknown said...

Beat it with 6 moves left!!!

Anonymous said...

Another dumb luck board. Posting for that illusive "lucky board" as I can't even get close! Stupid Level!!!

Anonymous said...

All I can do is shake my head with boredom!!!

liloldlady said...

OMG that boring level again and even harder this time!
Didn't like it then, don't like it now. Especially now without enough moves.

Anonymous said...

This is the same stupid level as 2838!!!! Are these assholes kidding!!!!! Cant even come up with new levels just keep adding the same bullshit stupid ones!

Anonymous said...

I won 15 extra moves on the spin and I thought "yeah, this is it. Now I can do this awful level." But after only one more move I couldn't get the bomb and it was game over. WTF??? In the next game I managed to get all the greens and ran down to 8 blue candies when my luck (and moves) ran out. Never came this close ever since and I've been at this level for almost three weeks now.

Anonymous said...

Two times I came down to one (one!!!) candy left when I ran out of moves. This is ridicoulos. I even tried the magic helmet a few times. But every time I got even more licorice and I could hardly form a wrap. Even with three more moves I finished with more than 200 candies left of each color.

Lynne said...

I didn't think I was ever going to pass this level. I used the helmets numerous times and got nowhere. Then I added extra boosters and didn't do any better. I think it is luck but I also think the following might be helpful. Try to start out with the helmets but always use a wrapped as soon as it is available. Don't think you are doing yourself a favor by swiping two color bombs together(which I find useful practically every level but definitely not this one). Form wraps every single time you can unless you have a bomb ready 1 ready to explode and the wrap is at the top of the board and unlikely to destroy the bomb. A color bomb swiped with a wrap is good and two wraps together are good. If those are available, then make those moves. I won on the last move when I still had over 100 blues to collect so don't exit to soon. I think as someone earlier said if you are down to a few moves and you think you could beat it if you had another move, then try a hammer or switch. Otherwise don't waste your hard earned hammers switches etc. I'm sure my game was lucky but I won on the last move and used some strategy. It wasn't the kind of lucky board where whatever you did you would win. Good luck everyone. Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Stupid. It would be more fun if it just randomly popped up a "you win" or "you lose" as soon as you click play.

Anonymous said...

Tedious tedious tedious

Anonymous said...

Once about two years ago and all you win is one of each bonus don't win more completing the minigames without losing a life!

Phil said...

Got it first go with Space Dash colour bomb. Added wrap/stripe combo and reset to switch the cb with the wrapped. Cascades died around 6 but picked up again on 3. Over the line with 2 stars on zero. Lucky or what?

Pjcambra said...

Instead of being labeled very hard this should be labeled very stupid! Wow, who wants to sit and wait for lucky board! Very disappointed CC........

Anonymous said...

luck is needed again....

Stacey said...

Stupid..... why would they put a level that is almost exactly like an earlier level knowing everyone hated that level?!?! Bored, again.....

Tox said...


Tox said...

Пиздец а не левел

Wendy green said...

Sigh. Luck please

RM said...

Got it on the second try with a move to spare! No jokes.

Jonah said...

And so it goes on....lucky board needed

Anonymous said...

Never gotten the jackpot all the years I've played this game and this level shows why we all need to find another game to play. Hard to believe I've stuck around this long. Stupid!!

Anonymous said...

How can CC call this a super-hard level when there's no skill involved? Colossal waste of time and rather insulting to players, I'd say.

Anonymous said...

Not even close. Have no control over this one so it is just pure luck if you beat it. Not sure I have any more patience for this game.

Linda Maitan said...

I had about70 left on each and the cascading stopped!
Need luck

katericia said...

Gracias por todos vuestros consejos a todos de veras, pero... yo creo que solo se avanza con suerte. Muy frustrante y aburrido

Anonymous said...

I have been on this level for 6 days now. Come on - if I haven't spent money up til now do you really think I am going to? Get over it & give me a damn lucky board - maybe I will spend money on the next impossibly stupid level... but you won't know if I can't get past this one.... :p

Anonymous said...

An hour and a half left of free play and I don't even feel like using it. The most boring, luck-only, tedious level ever.

Anonymous said...

The MOST asinine level ever! And just when you thought...

Anonymous said...

Annoying level, posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Wat een stom level, op goed geluk dan maar

Anonymous said...

Alweer dagen in dit stupid level, mag zeker niet passeren. Dan maar stoppen

Anonymous said...

At least you die quickly, but still frustrating when your luck is bad. My first cascade got me down to needing only about 150 candies, and then I couldn't get a decent cascade to save me. Thought I had it won, but bad luck can kill things very quickly.

Anonymous said...

The one person shown above me in levels has posted a high score of over 800,000 points for this pure luck level... I can't begin to get my cascades to last that long. Jeez...

Anonymous said...

I commented just above, and was getting nowhere, then suddenly I got lucky and passed the level with 10 moves to spare. 99% luck, but it helps to start with the free boosters you can get---it at least clears off the board, and if you get the 3 free moves, that is a big bonus too. Try to use and create wrapped candies at every chance you get, and then just pray for long cascades and little licorice. Frustrating as hell, but it "can" be done.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck . Wasted all my boosters

Anonymous said...

My level 2838 is different

Teresa said...

crazy stupid!!!!!!!!

Bev said...

Seriously?????? what a mess !!

Anonymous said...

this level is crazy !! posting for luck...

Anonymous said...

Never. Booooooored

Anonymous said...

Loads of tries but Never got below 100 of each colour left so bored with it now. need to find another game. anyone got any recommendations for one?

Douggieboy said...

I completed level 2838 without much notable difficulty. This level 2882 CANNOT be completed by using strategy of any hind. It helps to make and use wrapped candy when you can, best I’ve done in dozens of tries is about 50 of each color. Those bombs are even worse than running out of moves.
This board has taken the fun out of the game.
There should be an option to skip boards like this— it’s impossible to progress, or in this case to play at all, when something like this is thrown in my dog dish. Better to go gnaw on a nice, big bone.....

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Jules said...

Another post for luck so maybe I can pass and start enjoying the game again. As it is, I'm down to only attempting this once a week or so

Unknown said...

Passed it first time with 2 moves to spare and no boosters. Pointless level.

Anonymous said...

If this game needed any confirmation that it’s all to do with luck these days, level 2882 is it. What is the point of this level? The only way your are going to get through is when candy crush deems you have played enough pointless games that you suddenly get a board that lets you through. No skill, no challenge, just BORING.

Anonymous said...

Stupid level. I refuse to purchase any booster or additional time for a level like this. I’ll play it off and on until I get lucky and pass. Otherwise I’ll spend my time on other things.

Kay said...

Why does it have to be luck! Again, King in control of deciding when you will pass instead of it being about skill.

Kay said...

This has been my complaint for a year. It’s all about paying for boosters and I’m not going to pay either.

Kay said...

Never received one and I have been playing over 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Kay said...

I can’t even believe you have the nerve to put a level like this twice in the game and it is nothing but a lucky board. I’m out! I’m going to reclaim my life from this game! Going to find something else better to play.

Kay said...

I’ve deleted the app! A game should be about fun not frustrating. It should definitely be about skill because that’s what it is all about! When you have a board where you are literally told it’s all about a lucky board for days on end. I have not patience with that. Do me a favor, don’t buy boosters. It’s a scam!

Kay said...

No patience!

Anonymous said...

153 comments pretty much sums it up.
This one is just plain silly. It plays itself.
Why not just have 2 Start Buttons. Pick one. If you pick the lucky one you win. If you don't you have to try again.
Losing lives faster than in timed levels.

Mesekukac said...

Reminds me of a slot machine. Stupid, whoever made it. Reached 2 remaining when run out of moves. Come on, respect you players a bit more.

Mesekukac said...

OK now... the minute I posted as above, I passed this level straight. Seems you must complain...

Jules said...

Posting for luck. Again.

Marielle said...

It seems funny ...but it’s not at all!!!!! You just need luck ...that’s all please lucky board

Flippenheck said...

Ah for feck sake...can I have a lucky board please

shelleyjim said...

Stupid level very hard to get 😡 just like all the other ones😡

Anonymous said...

Stupid level no way of completing it so it's bye bye unless I get lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Also posting for luck. Please deliver me from this boring level.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Need some pure luck for this one....lucky board PLEASE!!

Anonymous said...

I can't win this one without a lucky board.....send now please!!

Anonymous said...

I need a lucky, lucky board please so I can get past this level!!!

Jim said...

This is nothing like 2838

Jim said...

For all the people saying this is like 2838. It isn’t even close to the same level.

Cmp said...

I think this will be the level that makes me quit. Posting for luck is an understatement

JanJan said...

Posting for luck!

newhorizon said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Stupid, stupid level! Again!

Anonymous said...

Stuck for 2 weeks . Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Oh smarten up King, are you guys serious? Smarten up!

Anonymous said...

Luck luck luck is why I'm posting

Anonymous said...

Just can't quite get it.....pure luck!

Anonymous said...

Yea, right

Slies said...

I’m gonna try is my posting also brings some luck, never before did that but i’ll see whats happening ???

Slies said...

Unbelieveable😲 my first try today after 2 days of lots and lots of playing, and now after the post-for-luck yesterday, finished with 3 moves leftover and 3stars
So it is working thebpost for luck 👍🏻

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Wonder how long I'll be stuck on this ridiculous level.��

Di said...

This is so ridiculous it isnt even funny!!! Lucky board please?????

Anonymous said...

Who's creative genius mind came up this one? Silliest level so far. I really don't know if I can be bothered going through days of this again. Probably the first I can remember that is completely out of my hands, 100% lucky board. Unreal.

Crussia said...

First time poster here...found I got more cascades if I swiped left and from the bottom whenever possible. Eventually got down to about 20 plus 53 candies needed and used 10 gold bars for more moves then had to use another 16 gold bars to finish. Just crazy how it’s impossible to move off so many of the ‘hard’ levels now without extra lives/boosters. Hate these constipated levels...miss the earlier levels where you could play for half an hour or longer without using up all your lives. Btw the post where ‘posting for luck’ autocorrected to ‘posting for lunch’ made me truly laugh out loud which I appreciated after all the frustration with this stupid level!

Anonymous said...

They've come up with some stupid stuff with this game but they've outdone themselves! This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

To get this far in the game and still be playing levels that require "a lucky Board" is getting ridiculous. I don't have time to sit for hours just moving candies around waiting for the lucky board. Mr. King, give us some credit.

Anonymous said...

Is it going to help to even post for luck?
How about if I BEG!!!!
Please!!! I want done with ihis evil level

JAX. said...

Yes, just another - 'wait til Candy Crush decides it wants to let you pass the level' level. Struggled through the last few and thought finally some easy levels to give me a break. Nope!

Robin said...

Well at least I won't spend much time playing the game. Doesn't take long to blow through 5 lives!! Lucky board please...

Robin said...

Still waiting....

Robin said...

And still waiting....Do I have to beg for a lucky board??? Please???

Robin said...

Posting for luck. This level is impossible...

Robin said...

Ok. I give up...

Denise said...

Now this is ridiculous!!!!!! Dang King WTF!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm just lucky because I passed this first go with 16 moves to spare. It just cascaded itself..

Anonymous said...

No. 1: Level 2838 is nothing like this level on my iPad. I have never seen this level before. No 2: my bombs keep going off, maybe yours don’t but mine do. No. 3 posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Just when you think the levels can't get any stupider. Grrr. Posting for luck.

Spicelady said...

After all these posting. I’m posting for a lucky board please

Anne said...

It's quite easy now, 20+ moves?

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Deletando o CC.

kiting_in_paradise said...

As Anne said, it is now 20+moves and easy. My first three tries I got bombed out. So, ignore the bombs at your own risk. Before I move on I'll go to level 606 to refill boosters. Easiest and quickest level to regain your boosters. Also, a comment about making wraps on this level - like you've got a choice! I only had one opportunity in four games. Another thing - no, I have never gotten the jackpot on the free spin.

Robin said...

I haven’t passed yet, waiting to reload, there are now 25 moves on this game now unless I read it wrong, so Our Candy King must of knighted us with more moves, I want to say ty King for doing this, 😊👍 maybe tomorrow will be my lucky day😊 also to my candy blogger friends you were asking about if anyone hit the Jackpot on the free spin? I have hit it a few times, it really is for real! Good luck all and good nite.

Robin said...

This morning w/my coffee, I played my candy crush and took Cookies advice abt. Wraps and specials I used a wrap and stripe booster only and first time this morning
Passed the level used nothing else, if you do have a wrap stripe booster I would try it, took care of everything.
Ty again Cookie😊

Me said...

Another crap level by King. Posting for luck

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