Candy Crush Saga Level 3078 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3078 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect the two nuts to complete level 3078 Candy Crush Saga.
The nuts can only drop down to the exits once the blockers are cleared from the gaps between the levels of the board.
You can use normal matches next to the blockers, but if you can hit the floats with combos you will also be helped by the resulting fish, they will target the blockers and help clear them.
Once the blockers are gone you just need to make matches under the gaps to allow the nuts to drop through into the bottom part of the board where they can be collected.
Video below by Johnny Crush
Original video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Unknown said...

The game told me this was a dual task level and I had to clear the jelly and get the ingredients. I wasted a couple of lives thinking there was jelly under the blockers that I had to clear. There isn't. I'm not sure why it told me to clear all the jelly.

Anonymous said...

Mine also showed as a dual task. It was an ingredient level so we should have had the option to use a coconut wheel.

Anonymous said...

AGAIN now number of moves reduced !!

Francisco Diego said...

Try with a colorbomb/ wrap combo. Did it with first attempt

Anonymous said...

Strangely fish booster is an option even though there is no jelly. Would prefer coconut booster as an option as have loads of them now which. I can rarely use.

Anonymous said...

Only 18 moves I find it very difficult!! I have not been able to make as much special candies as in the video! Guess I need a lucky board. Posting for luck

Winnie Wee said...

Posting for luck! Not enough moves again! The nut also has to be in the right position on the conveyor belt to drop down so it's not as easy as just clearing blockers

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Gemini said...

Hard level, but mainly just boring.

Anonymous said...

and again:
posting for luck

Anonymous said...

And again: you can only finish it with a lucky board. SO BORING!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Been stuck forever, so bored with this one now, lucky board would be welcome x

Anonymous said...

And then I got it! Makes you wonder!

collenfan said...

Another tricky level to deal with. Need a lucky board!

Ruby said...

Needs more moves. Help and luck please

Ness said...

Still here..week later!
More moves or lucky board needed😣

MCT said...

Tired of boards that require boosters to pass because they reduced the number of moves. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck too! Got no where near & have no boosters left ��

jackied said...

Boring as hell! Only 18 moves. I hate this level.

jackied said...

Help... It's hurting my head!

Anonymous said...

What the heck! The video has 25 moves, I only have 18. No wonder why I'm not getting anywhere 😁😁😁

jackied said...

I only have 18 moves and internet out so can't get anything at the store... Help .. 3 days and nothing close

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Another boring level

katericia said...

Porqué siguen reduciendo los movimientos?, de nuevo solo 18.

Katericia said...

Imposible para mí. Los peces no van a los bloqueadores 😥😨😨😭

Katericia said...

Imposible para mí. Los peces no van a los bloqueadores 😥😨😨😭

Katericia said...

Publicar para suerte

Tblackmon said...

Looks like another impossible level. Looking for the lucky board because that’s the only way I’m going to get past this one!

Anonymous said...

Hard level after hard level, why not a few easier ones every now and then. Posting for lucky board

DawnieCoops said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for lucky

Julllie said...


Anonymous said...

Help please!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Still can’t pass this one! Help please!

Flippenheck said...

Can't get anywhere near...need a lucky board please

Mica said...


Cmp said...

Why so many hard levels in a row? Is this a joke? Ready to find a new game. Posting for luck cause that's the only way to pass it

Cmp said...

This level is impossible. Even posting for luck didn't work. I have no boosters or money to buy any..... Time to find a new game. Too many hard levels in a row this time

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!

Anonymous said...

So boring, no choice over what moves to make. Just have to wait for that lucky board. No skill involved.

Unknown said...

No choice of moves, ANOTHER luck level...ridiculous CC. Used to recommend this game but not anymore. Second foot half out the door, if this BS continues it's good bye from me

Unknown said...

No hope of putting boosters together since King took away resets . Cannot put 2 boosters together to get through these hard leves. Lucky boards will be the only way. Will take forever . Guess they’re hoping you either go away or pay to play . I’ve spent a lot but not willing to fight against them anymore .

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck getting nowhere near

Anonymous said...

Bullshit after bullshit levels at this point.............

Anonymous said...

Not so terrible at all. First try completed. Started with a cb/cb combo and finished with 11 moves left. Made colorbombs fairly easy and used them to drop the ingredients out the bottom. :-)

Alessandra said...

Asinine bull****t.
Sick of being forced to use boosters every damn level
That means there is No challenge no skill ....the usual codswallop.

Torri said...

How the heck did you get a cb/cb ?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck and if I don't get any, I'm gone. Life is too short!

CidDeMizar said...

So, everybody needs a Lucky board. I don't know what can it means, but as far as I know, if all students fail an exam, seems as if the teacher had a problem.


Anonymous said...

I’m tired of spending a ton of money on this game. I’ve said it before but King has gone over the line now with constantly making levels that are impossible to pass unless you buy boosters and spend...spend....spend ! I recently bought a bunch of gold bars. I’m going to use the up and all my boosters and then I’m DONE WITH CANDY CRUSH ! You guys are disgraceful.

Disappointed a said...

Yet another impossible level,no way this can be done without X amount of boosters,there is no skill to this level,it stinks with the lack of moves to start.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes i believe i Am the only player of cc. Its not populair anymore.

Anonymous said...

WoW, Am i the only give players in 2019, Good work cc, seem you lost a lot of players. No interesting in CC at all.

Anonymous said...

Whipe, combinate and relax? Let me laugh. Other games have more fun than cc.

Anonymous said...

Useless shit level as all before. Why is this game not populair? Why So many players leave this game? Mabey cause players have brains and dont believe in lucky boards. How sad are you CC?

Anonymous said...

Who is not done with CC? Come on peoplel wake up. Worst game ever.

Anonymous said...

CC promote that most players use more extra moves, do they buy them? Stupid, extra moves wont help you. Just waiting for a lucky board. Beside that, the game wants you to spent money, i dont ask for iT. By a fair game you play on stratigy. This game CC is pure luck on the board, So why should i spent my money?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comments. Buying extra moves won’t help you at all. Just a trick from cc to get money from you. Chinese Will do iT. Europeanen are not So stupid. Beside that , your game is only basic on a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Reaching thuis level. OMG this has nothing to do how you play a game. CC say play and relax, why? You only need a lucky board, What relax? Better say What a shit game, wake up CC, your game is the worst of all other games. Even the games of kingsize are not populair anymore. . My investigation of kingsize games tell me enough.

Maru said...

Very difficult level with reduce moves! Being playing for two weeks.

Maru said...

I only have 18 moves when it shows 25. I have used up all my boosters and have not been able to pass this freaking level!!!!

Unknown said...

3 very hard levels in a row !! 10 days only to pass 2 of them!!! The situation goes worst to worst!!! Babis from Greece praying again for the lucky board....

Unknown said...

If you can start with a CB and wrapped candy, it clears the blockers and from there on it's quite easy

Rena said...

Need a lucky board

Pjcastree said...

Posting for Luck!

meliana said...

so boring!! need lucky board to finish the level, no need strategy

Joosy said...

Soooo boooooring. Slow as a wet week. It's like watching paint dry. Does CC have to make the level boring as well as bloody difficult? I don't mind a difficult level as long as it's a bit jazzy and fast moving.

Megan L said...

Went thru a few fun levels and now stuck again! I think it's good they have these ridiculous levels otherwise I'd spend way too much time playing this game. When I keep passing I don't want to stop. I don't understand all the complaints we've gotten this far.. The lucky board comes eventually

Jean said...

Hoping for a lucky board!

Anonymous said...

This level is boring and impossible. Posting for luck!

Lynnyk said...

Need a lucky board - impossible level

Lynnyk said...

4 days - still need that lucky board lol

Unknown said...

posting for luck...seems its impossible to clear this no such moves appear to go ahead

Tisha Thomas said...

Thank you, Dieter! Your tip is excellent!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.

Anne said...

I was doing so well on this episode, really didn't find it too difficult at all. Then, on my last move in 3078, a stupid bloody fish appeared out of nowhere, and destroyed my set-up! Couldn't get a decent board after that, so resorted to the CB/wrap. Got it then, but I am so annoyed with that stupid fish!!!

Granny said...

Not even getting close. I have no boosters left. Need lucky board again!!!

BarbC said...

Thanks for the tip Dieter! CB/wrap combo at the start of the game (reset til they are next to each other) did it for me first try. Was stuck for days before trying your tip!

yshuummu said...

Yet another boring bullshit impossible level. I'm done! I quit!

Blondie Blue said...

Posting for luck !!! Not ever even close , this is impossible .... this one is sooooo boring I don`t enjoy this level ....I absolutely hate when they take moves away ... King you suck for doing that !!!!!!!!

Carole said...

Waiting for a lucky board

Tga said...

Absolutely horrid. Three days, wasted boosters, and I just can’t play through any longer.

Anon said...

Worst level yet..all about luck. The game is getting worse

Maddi said...

Ok - really bored of this board!

Anonymous said...

Horrible level, no choice of moves! Bunch of cheaters!

Daniel said...

con pazienza aspetto tavola fortunata

Daniel said...

molto noioso, muy aburrido, speriamo per fortuna quando vuole cc

Unknown said...

Yes it's has only 18 moves m hv to clear 2 apples n 34 jelly... please help hv played 500 timew

Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck please

Stylish said...

Lucky board needed. Spent a week on level 3077 and used 10 gold bars to pass. Somehow my gold bars stash have been reduced from over a 150 to 34!!!!!!!!!!! now 3078 seems impossible with reduced moves. Getting fed up with cc, think I will be quitting real soon.