Candy Crush Saga Level 3079 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3079 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to clear all the blockers and collect bombs to complete level 3079 Candy Crush Saga.
The bombs will start to drop as soon as you begin to make moves and they will drop every move until there are no more spaces for them to drop into, which will happen as soon as you break through the marmalade and get candies in the bottom half of the board.
Because there are only 18 moves and you need 18 bombs you need to make sure that you leave room for a bomb to drop with every move you make. Until you break through the blockers that isn't a problem, but once the bottom half of the board is full of candies you have to make a move that allows a bomb to drop.
Look for colourbombs whenever possible, but only if your move allows a bomb to drop, if you miss just one you won't clear the level. which you can use to clear the bombs with the lowest countdown, otherwise the bombs will explode and splat your game!
Stripe/wrap combos are also good for clearing the blockers and bombs.
The final bomb relies more on luck than skill as it has to be cleared as it drops because you won't have a move left to clear it. If you have a wrap on the board near one of the dispensers exploding it on your last move should do the trick.
Video below

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Very hard level will need a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Money level. Another very eazy level. The game basically plays itself. Your only challenge is to find where the one possible move is before the game shows you where it is. No skills required. So you buy yourself to the next level or wait for that magic board where suddenly everything falls into place. Cc became too predictable. Time to find something better to do.

Anonymous said...

Especially when the video shown has twice as much time before the bombs explode as the game actually has....

Anonymous said...

Only 9 moves till the bombs explode, and the number of moves reduced to 18 - with 18 bombs needed - so I'm not sure how it's even possible to get that many bombs to drop, since a cascade doesn't cause more to drop. This one may take a while. - hbk

Anonymous said...

I think they only way to defeat this now that it's reduced the no of moves is to buy extra moves - it's the only way to get enough bombs to drop. If you go one move without a bomb dropping, you can't win. So go play old levels, get the sugar drops, build up enough gold, and when you have a good game going, with 2 or 3 bombs left at the end, use your gold. It's terrible that they force you to do it, but I don't see how you can get it done otherwise.

steve said...

I agree with anonymous I cleared all the jelly but where were the bombs needed 5 with 6 moves left and 1 bomb came out very hard level could be here sometime!

Anonymous said...

Hard level...I only get 18 moves!!!!

Ellie said...

I combined 2 color bombs and played only in the bottom half, still had to use one hand switch and one hammer to win. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Buffalo, NY said,
played 606 9 times and got 4 of each booster, added a check mark and finished with 6 moves to spare!

Maor Avni said...

On Android if you combine color bomb with a striped or a wrapped candy, if you have a bomb in the same color it will become a striped/wrapped and the order counter will not reduce the # of bombs needed. How frustrating!

steve said...

I must have played this level 500 times where's the lucky board can't see a way through this very frustrating!

McT said...

This is not an easy level....unless you get lucky enough for the right combinations to be created, which is most likely the board's lucky creation and not a skilled one...working at it, but it is frustrating when the combinations just aren't there....hope this isn't one of those ARRGH!!!! levels again...

Jax said...

Easily done with a checkmark booster and a wrapped/strip booster. I reset until the wrapped/stripe were together.

Anonymous said...

To the Fheads who designed this level with so few moves and bombs that go off after only 9 moves. Thanks for wasting my time to get to an impossible level unless I want to spend some money to get enough boosters to get past this stage. Here's news to you I will NEVER I say NEVER pay $ for your stupid game. Go F yourselves and come up with some other scamming way to make a buck.

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to have full love letters and space dash but even with 4 colour bombs at the start I couldn't get all the bombs in the moves available - has anyone actually done this level since it was revised? It isn't even marked as Hard! the video is absolutely no help whatsoever

Naz said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

did they ever play the level before release the game once i finish my booster is bye bye to CC, almost there !

Anonymous said...

I did what another said they did with level 606 and it was all I needed, those boosters and extra 3 moves.

Dolce’ said...

These levels are rediculous when you have to rely on luck, and don’t require any skill!

McT said...

Can't be done without luck and/or a lot of boosters (and I don't have any)...I am getting real tired of not being able to at least go far enough to get to zero lives...this is one of those levels where you are about ready to give up again...a little longer???...could really use help here, for sure!!!!

Dolce’ said...

It’s funny how when you’ve got all the blockers cleared no bombs come out. Real nice...

Maor Avni said...

Just can't believe I have passed it and without any boosters after playing way over 200 rounds. My tip for you is: try to exhaust all color combination on the top section without opening the marmalade. Then the board will reshuffle and most of the bombs will find themselves on the upper section.

Anonymous said...

You get extra bombs with the checkmark. Finally passed it!

Deb said...

I used a checkmark booster and passed the first time with 3 stars . . . The checkmark gives you all the bombs you need.

Anonymous said...

Always seem to be one bomb short, don’t know how you can complete this level without extra moves. Tried using tick candy but on,y got extra blockers!

Anonymous said...

Just one tick, does the trick!
Onwards Crushers Sassie xx

KENNET4 said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Guys scroll down to earlier levels like 10 or 56 and play easy levels in a roll till you get special candies and extra moves :) Then when you feel like you have enough stuff to beat the level go back and try again. If the board isn't in a favourable position, exit via the red door where you mute the sound settings, your lives don't get lost in you can reset till you like the board.

Unknown said...

Wow that’s genius!! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you cookie it worked within 5 tries and no boosters

Anonymous said...

Many many tries & get down to 2. I cannot complete this level as I do not understand what I need to do to finish it. Never have I been unable to figure a level out.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anna said...

Need lucky board

Anonymous said...

Another awful level, only 18 moves and 18 bombs to get. Should be an easy level but each time I get close I am left with one bomb to get and no boosters. Sometimes when I get a cascade going no bombs drop. Is CC hoping I will pay for boosters as I am fed up with this.

Alessandra said...


Shirley said...

Posting for luck

Shirley said...

Got my lucky board by using all three boosters available
Good luck

Candy Thompson said...

Posting for luck

Dolly Bluejay said...

Whew!!! Thanks for the hints Cookie!!! Got it the first time as I was lucky to get three extra moves on free spin!!! Just be careful to let a bomb drop on each move ( as you suggested). Thanks again!!! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 so lucky!!! O still haven’t dipped into the 💰!!😊

Sparkyjo said...

OMG I am going to be here awhile. Wish me luck somebody!!!

meliana said...

so...actually you need a lucky board again, especially for the last step, no need strategy, suck level again!!!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.

Anne said...

Through all of these comments, I think Dolly Bluejay was probably the only person who took note of Cookie's tips. Why does anyone even come here if you are not going to read? You must destroy colours under bomb dispensers at every move! And when you get a good set-up towards the end, leave it safe for the last explosion. Tricky ok, but very possible

Granny said...

That was awful!!

Unknown said...

Just passed this level if you make as many jellies as you can and just keep on firing them near the bombs eventually you will get there enjoyable level for me anyway good luck everyone

Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck please

Caz said...

Yes you do have to make a bomb on every move but it seems they don’t drop every time you make a move under a dispenser. And if you get a cascade (easy enough to make, or rather the board does it itself) no matter how many candies drop from the dispensers, none will be bombs. I’ve been two short nearly every time.

Caz said...

(As I suspected, having watched the dispensers carefully: carefully rigged so that bombs don’t drop even when all the conditions for them to do so have been met, and so if you survive to the end without a bomb killing the game, you’ll have one or two left every time)

Caz said...

A further scenario: the last bomb won’t drop until the last move, so unless it falls well and is self-exploded (which of course it won’t) there’s no way of getting it. You’re usually left with the fact that one more move would do it. So you’re left frustrated and thinking “so close” - which of course is what King wants so you then to buy more moves to get off this awful level. In fact it works just the opposite for me: I used to spend money before, but now I see how rigged the boards are, no way am I giving King a penny now. (King insist they’re not rigged: I maintain that the way the algorithms are written do exactly that. They’re written to do things like I’ve described above.)

JJJ.FCC said...

Well... This level is what I need to uninstall this game.

Nellebel said...

Steeds nog 1 of 2 bommen 💣 te gaan. Ze komen niet op tijd, H E L P

Cmitch said...

Hard to get enough bombs. I hate bombs. Grrrr

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a nauseating level. Not enough moves etc etc etc. Need a lucky board please king.

Anonymous said...

Gosh this level is enough to send you o er the edge. Patient's at all time low too which isn't. Really need a lucky board cc.

JuleP said...

Once more stupid level, gigantic cascades, but not one bomb comes out. Offen only 2 or 3 bombs are missing, Goď please help and send brain to the King 😬