Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3100 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect three ingredients to complete level 3100 Candy Crush Saga.
First you need to get the keys dropping to unlock the ingredients and the middle of the board. Ignore the bottom section for now.
Once the locks are open try to get the ingredients to the exits as quickly as possible because the bombs can be a real nightmare if they get into places where they can't be destroyed.
Remember the task is to collect ingredients only, not clear the board.
The video below starts with more moves, but the game is completed in the required number of moves.
The video below starts with more moves, but the game is completed in the required number of moves.
Video below
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
I am held up on 3080...no access. This happened on 3050 for two weeks...then King released 15 levels (which took me two days) ...then I was held up for two weeks on level 3065... I am told to play old levels to collect bonuses... why would I want to play old levels? Are we at the end here?
It has been like this for ages, once you get to the end then it is every Wednesday that the next 15 levels are released. Some confusion has arisen because an extra 15 levels are released a week earlier to WINDOWS10 Users and Cookie has started reporting on those 15 levels from Windows10.
Playing the right old levels allows you to collect Boosters if you use them?..
Great level due to valentines boosters!!!!
Combined 2 CB and then concentrated on getting the ingredients down to the exit. Meanwhile watching the bombs
Passed first time- used only a coconut wheel booster. Maybe I had a lucky board
Need a lucky board please
A nightmare is right!
Started with 2 colorbombs together and had 2 stripes and wraps on the board from the super space dash and still did not come close, bombs got me
Finding this really hard unless you get a lucky board, so boring too as game over so quickly
Not near enough moves and you can’t get the keys to drop. WTH?
Please respond to my suggestion please. Please!!!
My suggestion is Level 6666 will be an erroneous copy of 666 but with 3 candy colours and no five-layered icing.
Level 6666 will be released sometime.
Level 6666 will be harder than Level 666!!
Too low count down. Ridiculous level. Bombs go off before you even get anywhere ;(
now this is a truly impossible level.. cant even get started before the bombs go off.. I wonder who thought this one up.
The b8mbs are impossible to get past. Need some luck.
What is a valentine!
Horrible 😡😡😡
Yes.. What is valentine....is this another thing I can't get along with magic helmet, space dash etc...help please
Not enough moves to collect the keys and to kill the bombs.
Very hard level! Lucky board please!
another seemingly impossible level, more time wasting.............
Not enough moves, you absolute plonkers.
Bomb fuses ridiculously short . Plonkers.
What are we, magicians???
......Real fun game, this !!
Without boosters is impossible to clear all bombs that appear in the first round, so no chance to drop ingredients
No where near every game ending with bombs exploding, need help with this one please.
The bombs have a too low countdown. This may take awhile.
This one is right up there with the stupidest levels ever - no fun, no strategy. I've played through several sets of lives and I don't think I've ever even gotten all the keys. What is the point? I enjoy hard levels where you have a choice of moves or feel like you might have a chance but this one is just ridiculous
Absolutely ridiculous. Again. Completely reliant on a lucky board when CC decides it’s time to move on. Getting so fed up with these levels. If you get some way to building the new booster bot it will all be eroded with no control whatsoever. Getting really tired of this. No fun at all.
Absolutely ridiculous. Limited moves nowhere near where you need them and the bombs go off! So ticked off right now. NEED A LUCKY BOARD!!!
Yet another impossible level,not enough moves and bomb time is an absolute joke,no skill required on this level,yet again it's bloody luck.
Just when u think they can't get any worse!!! Lucky board is the only way!!!
Less moves, Thats why this game stinks,Thats why There are only a few players left. Do they believe in CC? Like me, I dont believe either. This game is to his end.
Not enough players. Not enough moves all players left this game the same i do. Fun? No. Annoying? YES. So play a better not kingsize game? Yes !
Not enough players. Not enough moves all players left this game the same i do. Fun? No. Annoying? YES. So play a better not kingsize game? Yes !this kind of levels make iT easy to stop playing a game. Fot me i go further with none of the kingsize games, fun with my other games.
When does this stupid levels stop? Oh i think never, not enough money for cc. Hopeless game, not a game players want.
Time for my other games.at least they are not boring.
In 10 tries. Those bombs aint easy an d keys go in d corner
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.
Haven't commented in a while because the games were enjoyable and doable until now. Really the bombs are too quick, too many and need to be hit twice, and then you have to get keys and cheeries etc... This is a joke.
Does anybody notice the smaller amount of comments that's because many have left the game CC
This level is bullshit, start with 10 bombs that need to be double hit, and get 3 keys and move the cherries down the board all in not enough moves.
I did get through but here is how.
1- got lucky and got a wrap/stripe on the 4th move to wipe out the bombs but then I needed to use extra moves(as CC drops a hint I'm now one of 3000 that has) then had to use a switch. Glad i'm done with it
Lucky board please...
Another stupid bomb level.The 1 Coconut wheel u get is useless. And Candy Crush pays developers to come up with this crap!
I call uncle. Cc how much will it cost me to skip this level. Not buying boosters because the ones i win dont help anyway
another bullshit boring impossible level. Thanks for the fun CC!!! NOT!!!
I just exhausted my 5 lives in less that a minute and half! That's how impossible this level is! I'm quitting this game all together! A waste of my time!!!
Not maybe. Harder to do in 14 moves.
One of the worse levels yet. Is no one playing this game in 2020? These levels are getting more rediculous every day!
Ok so why does anyone want to play a game that frustrates them and makes them angry? Might be time to consider giving this crazy game up. Dont buy boosters its what they want even though this whole blog is filled with advertisements!
Yet again. I use boosters only for them to be placed where I have no moves in which to utilize them. Waste of boosters and effort.
Really hard level
. Waiting for lucky moves
Why is not labeled super hard???
Posting for luck please
In dire need of a lucky board. This one stinks. I can’t pass with boosters, even.
I hate bombs. Ridiculous
Lucky board please
Unreal, not even close. As far as I can see the boosters are not really and use unless you have about 50 lollipop hammers to spare. Need a lucky board please cc.
Terrible, horrible, ridiculous, frustrating, impossible level!!!
Need a lucky board please!
Posting for luck
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