Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3101 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
There are only 2 colours on level 3101 so the special candies make themselves, besides this there are 2 stripe dispensers, one each side, so you can switch the stripes together or use them alone to hit the orders in the middle section of the board.
However, with so few moves just using stripes is unlikely to get enough licorice and yellow candies so you are going to need much more powerful combos to have any chance of passing the level.
The best combo is a double colourbomb combo, which is not hard to make and quite often makes itself.
Next is a colourbomb/stripe combo, although not as good as the double colourbomb combo as you have no control of where the stripes go and they don't hit so many of the licorice and lucky candies as the double CB.
The moves have been reduced so below is the new video by Skillgaming
The moves have been reduced so below is the new video by Skillgaming
Original video below
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Really stupid. Collect all my daily stuff, no new levels yet. Win 6 hours of free play, but have to go to work! When do i get to play my 6 hours? Apparently never! Should be able to choose when to log in and play, not everybody is out of work or on a pension and can play their earned reward time all day. What a stupid rule that you have to play your win time immediately!!!! AnneV
That has to be the worst level I have ever played. Specials did not make them selves. The stripes from the dispensers were the only specials I saw. I finally ended up using 26 gold bars and endless hammers and switch hands just to be moving on.
You may have to update candy crush like i did it's morning which opened up the next episode. Go to settings then apps then candycrush then click on update. Sometimes app updates itself sometimes doesn't
Posting for luck, lost all my SD boosters on this one, not enough yellows coming up!
Very hard level . . . too many licorice. Hard to get more than one star!
Horrible level. Can't get yellows with this many moves. Going to be awhile on this one! May resort to buying moves eventually.
Double CB and check/tick booster. Indy
not getting anywhere
Started with a cb/wrap combo. Used the stripes that fell to clear as much licorice as I could, then got very lucky with a spontaneous cb combo.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck.
Not even double colour bomb and stripe/ wrap getting me anywhere. HELP!!!!!!!!
"The best combo is a double colourbomb combo, which is not hard to make and quite often makes itself."
WTF. Cookie is in dreamland. The only place this will happen is in the middle and if you are lucky enough to blast licorice, the checks just turn into more licorice until you have enough and only THEN will they turn to yellow and by that point, you're out of moves so as for colorbomb combos "making themselves" I really do not see how that is possible.
Really?? Smh another ridiculous level. Ugh
Started with a double colourbomb and a check mark. Finished easily on first try with a couple of moves to spare.
Good luck to anyone trying without boosters though.
I just removed and re-installed but I still only get 14 moves instead of 17 like in the demo !
It's a plot to make you buy the piggy bank!!
I started with double colorbomb and check booster and it did jack. Didn’t even touch the center licorice. Rubbish!
So having wasted many boosters, I gave up and played it straight, no boosters, no magic hats or space ships, and out of pure luck I beat it. It’s absolute chance.
Really ??? Posting for luck ....
Had enough , this level is not doable, not enough moves , think it’s time to look for a new game , love a challenge but the odds are impossible .
Sage here: not enough yellow candles fall not nearly enough. Posting for yellow candies. Posting for luck. Posting for luck.
I only have 14 moves not 17.
The most absurd level yet!! How is this suppose to work???????? 14 moves 25 yellow and all the liqurice??? Absolutely ridiculous!! Not fun at all! FIX it please. Im not playing until its fixed
I still cannot believe I've gotten this far....this level is difficult, no doubt, but even more so when you have different difficulties...on the desktop, I can sometimes get close, but on the android, there are hardly any yellows...why?...I would like to at least get as many opportunities as I can for this one..
Started with 2 color bombs and check mark....done! Good luck!
I love Skillgaming video. One colourbomb with a Striped candy brings the number of yellow candies to 11. Seriously? Same move attempted 3 times number of yellow remains 25. Again there seems to be a serious glitch on that level. Usual by Candy crush developers'standards? Absolute joke.
What a stupid level..... All you get is licorice, lucky to get 5 yellows! Who ever is coming up with these levels needs a crash course in how to make the odds work! Just ridiculously BORING!!!
I don't understand the video of Stillgaming. He needs 25 yellows. In the third move the yellows go to 11 and he did'nt hit a yellow.
Marder than it looks. Too many licorice for number of moves. A little luck please.
Posting for luck
Help needed for this one. Thanks
Not even close, posting for luck
Colorbomb/wrap to start did the trick. It pretty much played itself after that.
Can’t even get close! Help!!
CB next to a wrap worked for me with many moves to spare. Good luck!
Please send me a little luck. I've tried it all and just get blocked by the licorice
Really! If I got the right colors fall, I would be able to win too! I don’t even come CLOSE. I never get yellow candies, only flipping licorice. Been playing for days now and used so many treats that I feel it’s on.y WHEN THEY let you win. I USE to love to play it it’s not even challenging anymore😬
What a bloody joke. Come on King who ever makes these levels need shooting. Bloody impossible.;(
Posting for luck
Another totally ridiculous level. Is anyone getting this without buying boosters? I refuse.
Boring boring boring
I'm slowly giving up on cc
Posting for lucky board
Help! Can’t get close...
Impossible! Help!
I’m ready to quit! Lucky board please!
I have had every combo!!! Still cannot pass this ridiculous level! Help!
I give up... impossible...
Still cannot pass this! Help please...
Am I missing something on this level!!!!, 2 days and can’t pass it!!! Help!!! Need lucky board!!
Wow this is the WORST level this high up . I gave up
I don't think you can win by combinations on the sides. I finally got it by only making moves in the center. It still takes a lucky board, but it's the only way to match check marks and get more than one at a time.
Very difficult level. I get the licorice cleared but then I do not have enough moves for the yellows.
This seems impossible, get no where near collecting yellows
Just unbelievable. I really think they're trying to wind this game up and just putting the most ridiculous levels possible forward. Annoyed and bored.
Help please
Ta so much
Brutal level...I can’t get anywhere close. Loosing interest!
Hard level?? More like impossible! Posting for luck, this one isn't even fun to play :(
Posting for a lucky board.
Is this even possible??? Need a lucky, lucky board...PLEASE!!!
Posting for luck. I'm going to need it. I haven't even come close to finishing this level...even when I did get a color bomb combo...I'm actually not even seeing how this is possible. Hopefully the luck comes soon!!!
Till now got only 1 yellow candy, how the hell are u supposed to get 25 of them?
Need more yellow and luck
Posting for
Luck most ridiculous level
Yet !
I have used sooo many boosters , also double “”Candy bomb .. nothing! How do you
Get a tick ✔️ Posting for advice and lucky
Board .. bored
Could use a lucky board!! Didi is hungry!! Please???
Still here!!! Lucky board please??!!
This is an impossible level’!!! If I don’t get my lucky board by the time I use my 4 lives I am done with this game that is NO FUN anymore!!
Posting for luck. This one is tough.
Has anyone actually passed this level..???!! Been on it for days.. :(
Where is carol the elder? I need her help.
Too few moves to pass this level! Lucky board please!
Been on this level too many days to count. Really getting down. I need a lucky board really quick!
Where are all the yellow candies, ridiculous not even
Coming close
Ridiculous! Terrible level!
Horrible level!
Too few yellows. Terrible level. These luck only levels are ridiculous.
In the demo, in the first couple of moves, players goes from 25 yellows to 11 yellows without a yellow ever appearing on the board! Please Mr. King, could I have a board just like that? Pretty please???
King is the master of cheating. Instead of makig high quality levels, aiming to enjoyment, just makes stupid levels which are nothing but a kind if lottery.
Nowhere near enough moves to get the yellows required. Ridiculous level. Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
use a color bomb and a blue package together. i ended up with 6 move left
Absolutely impossible!!!
So here we are.....this is the one that will finally do it for me. Almost out of boosters completely and will not spend any more money on gold bars . After 7 years of playing what was once a fantastic game , sadly it has become boring and most of all the developers have become disgraceful, greedy and incompetent. So when I get done with my last booster, I’m leaving the game. It’s sad. It really was my favorite. Not anymore. Bye-bye CC.....YOU USED TO BE THE BEST IN TOWN......long long ago .
14 moves to collect 50 orders? Seriously? Boosters are gone, don't have the time to do 2 daily SD challenges. Just not fun. Done
If they would replace my boosters and gifts that went away when I had to replace my phone I might have a chance, I like playing more than five minutes at a time posting for luck on this one,😣
Posting for luck
King calls this a "nightmarishly hard level." Really??!! What about a nightmarishly STUPID level. No skill, no strategy and no chance without the Candy Crush gods providing the lucky board. I think its time to find a new game to play.
Help. Need lucky board.
Yet another asinine level. You'd think they'd want people to enjoy their game. Posting for luck.
Yawn..another level where the moves have been lowered..This game is a joke now,someone puts a video up giving you an idea how to complete level then you read since then the moves have dropped..So disappointed with this game that we was originally told..each level could be finished WITHOUT boosters, remember that anyone??
Lol..no,I'm getting nowhere with this level,I just don't see a way to get past it,had double colour bombs,used my ticks,I just get nothing..
I don't see how to pass this one. I used all my boosters and still cannot get past it. Not enough yellow candies. I need a lucky board to help me out. I have tried and tried and I am stumped. Help me lucky board please.
The level that finishes me with cc.
Absolute joke, just trying to get their hands on your cash.
Goodbye cc, it was fun but i have better things to spend my money on.
Posting for luck also
Why cant i response anonymous? Beside that the levels are to boring to play. Do i want response from cc? No way. I mark iT as spam.
For me no fun with cc. Better focus on my other games. I give up to play cc, i didnt play iT much, So its easy for me to quitt a boring game.
I stopped playing this game. Why? Players dont full yourself. Nothing to do with stratigy its pure luck waiting for a right board, is this a game? NO. Its a way from CC to get money out of yor pocket. How stupid can you be? Like the announcement: 20.3000 people use extra moves. Haha not this one, i never buy and i never Will. Better stop this stupid game. Without fun, There Will be no play.
I meed to find the button to quitt this game, quess What? I found iT. Lost from the cc game. Best thing i did.
This levels of cc does people decide to stop playing iT. Thats why all my friends stopped playing iT. They sad its a losing game. I Am follow them.
After such a long time playing i now understand why people stop playing this game. Rewards? Most of the time the box is empty. Extra moves, i never got them. And the levels now! Bullshit. I came far enough, for me its done.
So players, i stop this game, idiotic levels, les moves and nothing is up to date by CC. No fun at all, i must say spending time on other realisticus games give me more fun than waiting for cc and a lucky board. There are better games players!
I give up on this level CC. The comments are to much, the moves, only 14, not enough.. i also removed iT from Facebook. The players left this game cause its to boring. Do i say more? Clear enough for players, Well, getting free boosters every day is more enjoying than play.
I Am So glad to ended playing this game. I think a lot of players think the same way. Playing without stress is Nice, playing cc with stress is not Good for you. From now on i only play my games, not kingsize games. Cc you was the last game, for me no cc or kingsize ever. Bey Bey Bey.
Need a lucky board!
Necesito ayuda estoy convencida que sola no puedo ,ayúdame por favor ,publicó para la suerte ,gracias
I've had several double colour bomb combos and they hardly collect any yellows as it is always mostly liquorice on the board. I've had loads of colour bomb and striped combos as well sometimes 3 0r 4 in the same game and again I am lucky if they collect any yellows between them.
Can someone tell me When do the yellows start falling? I can't work it out
What's with the lack of yellows? I don't think it would matter how many moves you had cos yellows seem to be in very short supply. Posting for luck.
No yellow, ever. Need luck or I have to quit 4 today
Need lots of luck with this one! I can't even get close hoping for a lucky board
The only reason I am posting a comment is to hope it helps somebody ok. I'm no expert, but having tried this asinine level with boosters, I just unticked them all, cos it was just going to be a waste. Tried double CBs, no good. My final solution was: use a CB on blue, next CB on blue, (they keep on appearing) and from then on just use a CB as soon as possible on blue or green? It's a crazy level, just hoping to help
Don't hate me but I just passed this ridiculous level,
I started with a cb(earned), Used it with a stripe and then worked on the middle row only, and I don't know how but I did it, try that and it should be a better chance.
Not a good level. Too hard to even find yellows!!! Don't have enough hammers, etc. Just a money grabber.
How is this possible?!? Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! I guess I have to quit because its impossible. 25 yellows,c'mon!
Posting for luck ! I can only get a few yellows , impossible .....like WTF ...
They let you move on
Eventually, the candy powers will let you move on. You will get a magical game that makes it all work. How long will it take? Only the game powers know.
Posting for luck.
What an impossible level!!!!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Stupid ridiculous level with not enough moves!
Annoying level
This is no longer fun! This level is not a skills test - just waiting for a lucky board
Posting for luck
Days...literally days stuck on this level. Posting for luck
Crazy level
Waiting for a lucky turn
Needing a lucky board!!
Just pssed this level tookme a few goes if you make double coloyr bombs a few times which is pretty easy on this level you will eventually pass good luck
Despite getting several colour bombs and clearing the locked candies within the first few moves I’m still 20 something yellows short and 11 licorice short every game! It’s stupid
Posting for luck. I have been on this level for several days with no luck.
Impossible with so few moves and limited space to make good moves, this is definitely a lucky board game please!!!!
I've actually lost track of how long I've been on this level. I think it's three days and it seems to be a kinda Mexican stand off situation. No skill required for this. I've no idea how you get the yellows to finish it cos if you manage to fill the licorice order the special candies still turn to licorice anyway. I give up. I need some serious luck here please king.
Llevo días con este nivel y es imposible llegar a eliminar los amarillos en tan pocos movimientos, es desolador. El video es un engaño pasa de golpe de 25 a 11 amarillos
Don’t waste your boosters… You’ll need the lucky board. Nothing else
14 is too few. Demo has 17. I don’t know why this happens.
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