Candy Crush Saga Level 3109 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3109 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie.
All the orders you need are on the board at the start of the game so all you have to do is collect them.
You don't HAVE to collect the keys to complete this level but it is significantly easier to clear if you do as it uncovers blockers which can easily be cleared to give you access to the licorice and chocolate. For this reason you should clear the keys if you can without wasting too many moves.
Once you have cleared some blockers it is quite easy to make special candies and combos to collect the orders.
Wrapped candies are always good for collecting licorice and chocolate.
Although the video below starts with more moves the game is completed in less than the 14 allowed so is still relevant.
Video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anon lafy said...

Two CBS together made it a good start, but I still needed to collect two keys which, luckily I was able to do.

Anonymous said...

And another double CB user, above. Does anyone still just play the old fashioned way?
Again, took a few tries but I got this without boosters, I think this may have been the easiest level in the episode so far. Had a CB form with a stripe next to it, that pretty much did the trick.

Kevin said...


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am thankful for the boosters.

Unknown said...

Me too. Each plays in his/her own way. No need to judge others.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

The problem is there is no real advice on this blog apart from Cookie. Don't think anyone is judging anyone Wendy. The same people just tell you that they complete a level with boosters without meaningful advice as to how complete it without them.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, I have never been offered that extra booster space dash, I even asked King why are some and not others, I pointed out that I actually spend money on their game but not anymore Im done giving them anything but my time! As long as they give those booster to no paying players that us what they will remain freebies which is fine but I would think after playing for as ljng as I hsve I would have been offered that challenge at least once? Sounds like even Cookie has used it or ar least refers to it often on some extremely hard levels!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Gonna needs some help with this one....lucky board, please.

Anne said...

I always want to go without boosters too. And it only took a few tries on this one. Maybe if I'm tired, and have played until a level becomes tiresome, I may use starting boosters, or the odd hammer, etc. I never get those bot/race things anyway, and it's so much more satisfying to beat a level alone

Anne said...

In reply to some comments above: on this particular level it really should be obvious that whether with or without keys, the aim is to break into the bottom section and create massive explosions. It's not always easy, but it will happen!

steve said...

I expect harder levels as you get farther ahead. But this is another one where if you don't start with boosters or get lucky like the demonstration video(2 cb drop next to each other)! it takes too long to get the keys and then get the ingredients needed.
Has anyone got this one without boosters?

steve said...

I guess I got that lucky board, 1st move got me a wrap, 2nd a stripe, 3rd a cb. With 5 to go only needed a chocolate. But I used NO boosters to start, so it is possible

yshuummu said...

bullshit impossible level

Spike said...

My level is different and not even enough moves to win 🥺