Candy Crush Saga Level 3178 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3178 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Only 10 moves to collect all the blockers and complete level 3178 Candy Crush Saga.
To begin with you the green candies will settle into some special candies, but they don't always settle the same way, so you might want to back out and restart the game until you have a combo that you like the look of. My preference is a colourbomb/wrap combo as this will clear most of the blockers in one move.
Once the board has resettles go for moves that clear the most blockers, don't waste moves trying to make special candies or combos, just clear blockers and you should complete this level ok.
I would not recommend using any boosters on this as they are not needed and could spoil the green candy combos that you get anyway.
Video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it


booklady said...

Played this many times on PC and nowhere near. Started with spaceship but as cookie says the sprinkles and wraps went off by themselves. Even with the 3 extra moves I couldn't pass. Harder than it looks, I am still stuck.

Anonymous said...

Wow we need a lucky board at the start here!

Francisco Diego said...

First go with CB/wrap combo

Anonymous said...

I started with space dash and an extra CB, courtesy of CC. I wanted until a board settled with a wrapped candy. made one more and finished in 3 moves, but I looked at 11 boards.

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Scott said...

Here's an interesting find, I started this level with the space dash and while it was starting (before the greens all exploded) i noticed that I had two sprinkles side by side and was able to switch them very quickly just as the greens started to go off, this cleared a lot of the board and made room to then make combo's and finish with moves to spare.

Gigi said...
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Gigi said...

I started with a full space dash. Got lucky on the way they landed (a colorbomb and green wrap next to it). 2 more moves took out all the blockers and game over. But I did back out and restart the game several times to get the combo.

Unknown said...

My 3178 is not the same as in video pls help

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This level looks like King is giving us all the "finger". Seems fitting based on all of the cursing of King that goes on in this blog...

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Scott 15 March! That‘s it!!!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Scott 15 March! That‘s it!!! Matched sprinkle with wrap before the explosion.

Een vrouw said...

I guess I was very lucky. I finished this level at the first go! Three stars, no additional boosters, although I started with a bonus colourbomb and the board at the start settled in such a way that another colourbomb and two wrapped candies appeared spontaneously side by side. The easiest one since a long time, at least, that is how I experienced it!

Anonymous said...

As Cookie says, starting with boosters can mess up the level. My first attempt I had the single color bomb that I got from completing the previous level, but it was in the way of getting the greens to settle into a nice combo.
On my second attempt, with no boosters, the top settled into a color bomb next to a wrap. After that it was only a couple more moves to pick off the rest.
I guess it's just the luck of how the first few settle.

Hubblebubble said...

Thank you, I tried this with a sprinkle and a wrap side by side and finished the level.

Flippenheck said...

Ok..Won't use boosters and see what happens thanks

Just me said...

I have a feeling I am going to be here longer than I want to be. I don't think there are enough moves for me to get thru this level. I have a feeling I am going to need a lucky board and soon.

Sparkyjo said...

It looks really easy on the video. Looks like I need a lucky board.

Rena said...

I need a lucky board

Trini said...

In 1. Got a cb an wrap to start. Thanks cc

Joosy said...

Hahaha. As someone commented above, yes, it does look like King giving us the "bird". Good one.

Joosy said...

Straight after I posted the comment about King giving us the bird, I passed. Go figure.

Tga said...

Wasted many boosters on this absurdity. I’m not getting anywhere except annoyed

Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck please