Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3320 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3320 is a jelly level and all the blockers and the spawners have to be cleared to complete the level. The candies drop through portals into other parts of the board as you clear the blockers.
The candies start in the top right section, clear the blockers along the bottom and the candies move into the top left section, as you are clearing the blockers you should also clear the top spawner.
Look for combos the clear more blockers and get the candies dropping into the bottom sections. You will get countdown bombs dropping from the dispensers in the bottom left section but they shouldn't cause too much of a problem if you keep making combos to clear the jelly.
The spawners should be destroyed as you clear jelly and blockers so shouldn't cause too much of a problem.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Another fun level. I had the CB from passing the last level, but it really didn't do much good; ended up playing this one a couple of times without boosters before I finally beat it. Concentrated on clearing the blockers and hitting the spawners, once the board was open a bit, had lots of cascades and wraps & stripes.
Level 7475 will be the final level of Reality!!
That's a prediction.
Thanks king, 2 really enjoyable levels. More please.
Level 7475 will be the most enjoyable level ever!! Also, Level 7475 will be the final level of CCS!!
Done with this Wednesday!! See you on Coming Wednesday!!
I really enjoyed this episode!!!! See you next Wednesday!
One of the easier levels. Finished in under an hour. 3 stars but not all gold.
I hate waiting a week.
@basha ...delete and start again
Stop please your annoying
Done! Waiting for next Wednesday.
I tried to complete this episode without using a hammer or a lollipop and I succeeded. I don't have much anyway, just about 20 of each. However, by doing so, I lost some lives and was not able to complete 5 levels on the first go.
Till next Wednesday.
Another enjoyable episode. Once again super easy to get three stars on every level.
Til next Wednesday.
Overall an enjoyable level. See you next Wednesday.
completed episode this week
I got 223,541,660 points in level 3309
until next Wednesday
I got through this episode quickly because I was stuck at home. There was a bad wreck on the street leading out of my neighborhood and the street was blocked all day. Too bad, I couldn’t get out to my usual workout. 😉 Beautiful weather this week, so golf tomorrow, at last! Have a good week everyone.
Nice day in Georgia right?..well today in Boston it was 90..2 weeks ago we actually had snow
Carlton, it’s summer suddenly. Late news is now reporting we’ll have a smog alert tomorrow and the high pollen count is not kind to me on the golf course! I may not last for 18 holes.
Fun episode... fairly easy!! Now we have to wait till next Wednesday... really wish they would give us more episdes!!
Posting for luck
finished the episode last night. then did the six-level thing to get prizes. they said they were all hard levels. and my space dash was not there. But I had lots of colour balls stashed away. (It's important to remember to spin the wheel etc every day) Although I have up to 3380 on one of my computers I chose to stay with you guys and play at levels you are at. So my comments can be relevant. In the episode just completed I had trouble with a couple of levels but enjoyed the episode. So I will go to the next episode on Monday for a couple of levels so I can have space dash. Then I will wait till Wednesday to make any comments. So you all then.
I see that if you have Magic or Space Dash it now shows up under the trophy cup on the right of the screen.
I wonder if our ranking level has something to do with whether or not we get Space Dash. Just a thought. It's just not fair that everyone doesn't have it.
So apparently there are no more timed levels....King has actually removed all previous time levels..but as they say nothing is forever and whether they bring them back will depend upon our reaction....and btw to those who are predicting the imminent ending of CC ..did you know that for 2017 CC was the top grossing mobile game ..so it's not going away anytime soon
So, Carlton, Carol thd elder and everyone else how do you feel about King removing all "previous timed levels"??? I am very happy that thrre are no more timed levels ahead of us but I also believe that everyone coming up behind us should have to wade their way tbrough any timed levels we had to pass. Just saying
So sorry about all the spelling mistakes above. Old age typing on a small device.
I'm just glad that I don't have to see any more timed levels ..but some of the recent licorice levels havecbeeb as difficult as any timed level..but with every time level there was always that fear..beating it in one try or a hundred tries.....Btw..what are you talking about "old age"..prom season is on the horizon and you should be concerning yourself with your prom dress....just saying
Well, never did go to a prom or any other school dance. Just saying! Oh well, too late now...lol
I’m glad to hear we won’t have to deal with timed levels going forward. The evil spawners and nasty candy fences are more than enough trauma! At least they don’t have the timing pressure. I think I went to prom a few times. It was so long ago, I don’t remember much about it. Heck, even my grandkids are past prom season!
So I see Ms. Cookie is two whole episodes ahead again. Do you think that means we might get two episodes opened up to us tomorrow??
Posting for luck
Sharon, you guessed correctly. I don’t like so many levels at once. 15 a week is plenty for me!
I'm glad that King have seen sense and removed all the timed levels. It was really spoiling things for people who have difficulties of whatever kind with their hands or co-ordination - or indeed anything else which makes such things hard. It doesn't affect me and I'm grateful, but I read so many comments from people - usually those more senior - for whom the timed levels made the game impossible to play or enjoy.
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck as not getting any🤔
I think I must be playing a difficult game to other people...this is the worst episode that I can remember! And I am still stuck on this level after several days (which was true of several others in this episode).
I agree with Divinyl... I really see nothing "fun" about this level, and to kill the spawners wastes almost all my moves and I have nothing left to go after the other things I need to clear off the board. Not even coming close yet.
Posting for luck
Level after level BORING. Call it superdifficult !
Yes, they must have changed this level because it definitely is neither fun or easy. Can’t even break into the bottom left section. Come on, lucky board!
Need a lucky board please!!
Not finding it easy! Need help please.
Posting for luck
Need a Lucky board Please. Stuck for days now
I don't know how you guys did it, not enough moves. Posting for luck...
posting for luck
Posting for luck!
Let’s see if the conspiracy theories are true then. Posting here for the first time ever. I have never spent a penny on CC. Also by the time I end up clearing most levels I have no boosters left. I clear most hard and super hard levels with no boosters. It is possible. This one has taken days and days of trying though...
It has taken me 7 years to get this far though!
And strangely enough, two games later...the infamous lucky board!
Send me a little luck please
This is definitely a fixed level. I’ve been on it for days and had all the right moves with no success. Hit two colorbombs twice and still left with one jelly. What a scam.
Oh no..not another one....help please
Posting for luck :( can't even come close
...posting for a lucky board ....no more boosters ...
Posting for a lucky board please!
Post for luck
Posting for luck!! Had 4 boosters, didn’t help at all!!! Not near enough moves to win this level!! Help please!!!
Totally agree with you guys not enough moves once again cc no chill + relax playing this level posting for luck
It’s hit and miss. Use boosters and get nowhere. Use no boosters and come close but no cigar. Need some luck!
I will never pass this level! Aargh!!! Posting for luck! Whoever said this was easy and fun must have been joking.
Need some help, posting for luck please!!!!!
No es un nivel facil como dicen ,es muy dificil ,o fue cambiado con suerte despejo algunas jaleas ,no llego a sacar todas ,publico para la suerte ,gracias !!!
Como alguém pode dizer que é divertido? Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.
Begrudger!? Think of people with med conditions. You would probably be first to shout "it's just a game!"
Horrible level
This is a terrible level , it's not easy not very many moves , all the people at the beginning saying it's fun and easy ... bull , it has since been changed in a bad way ... Also King CC has changed their format games home page ....don't like it !!!! Please need a lucky board , couple of days is enough ......
They are all horrible levels. One bad one after another.
I think I need to find another blog. This one has a lot of stuff but not many helpful hints.
Level 3320 is the most redicious level yet. I played gor weeks without getting close. Then finally one night you LET me win. I started to play the next day and guess shat —- you had me back on ghis same stupid level. So now I have been playing this level for weeks again and not coming close. How long can one keep playing without even coming clise???????
il gioco bara.... non è serio così
Really hard, waiting for lucky moves
Posting for luck
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