Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3358 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 28 yellow candies in 16 moves, although this could change any time.
First clear the chocolate to uncover the frog, use as few moves as possible and if you have a stripe and wrap combo booster use it. This is possibly the only way to clear this level in the few moves available.
Once the frog is uncovered you can grow it using a colourbomb if you can make one, although this shouldn't be a problem with only 4 colours on the board. Don't worry too much about the keys, they will unlock the candies on the right, but you shouldn't waste moves trying to collect them, concentrate on moves that will make combos.
Use the frog to clear some of the licorice in the bottom left and free up the lucky candies so that you can begin collecting the yellows.
Look for colourbombs with every move and you can use these to convert the lucky candies and grow the frog at the same time. The frog can be used to collect yellows or convert lucky candies.
Here is the most up to date video for the moment, with 33 moves and more orders and blockers.
The video by Kazuohk was completed in 18 moves and has less yellows to collect but it is the best one at the moment.
Here is the most up to date video for the moment, with 33 moves and more orders and blockers.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Started with a check mark and two cbs together. This helped open the board, it grew the frog and got the check mark candies to fall. I didn’t use the frog right away. I made matches with the lucky candies and got them on the conveyor.. I used wraps and stripes to collect yellow candies, then used the frog to collect a lot of yellows in the bottom left and had to use one hammer on the last yellow to finish within the allotted moves.
Hi Bear with me. Thanks for the great helpful post.
Posting for luck
posting for luck.
Sharon - I’m glad that some of my tips have been helpful. I appreciate all the help you,Rick, Carol the Elder, Carlton and all the rest of the gang provide. I try to check Cookie’s blog first before attempting a level but sometimes I’m too impatient and don’t check first (occasionally to my detriment).
16 moves are not enough for 28 yellow candies. Please fix the problem
CB/CB start from spacedash and won, lots of moves left
Posting for luck.
Hoping for a lucky board. Seems this has been made more difficult. The tipps are not working for me.
Started with basic space dash and added a CB and check booster. Reset until 2 CB together. Grew the frog but never used it. Also didn't unlock all the keys and still completed on my first try.
16 Moves not enough for 28 yellow
16 moves not enough..
With only 16 moves, it seems impossible. Been on this level for days!!!
the video is 25 Moves for 20 yellow
my phone candy is 16 Moves not enough for 28 yellow please fix the problem
Posting for luck
First try with space dash and 1-hour CB I won from reaching a treasure chest. Combined the 2 CBs, and had a few stripes and wraps form which helped me get all the yellows.
There are a a lot of helpful posts, but what shall we do when we don't have space dash?? You are privileged players
Freakin impossible to do in 16 moves, game is really starting to suck. No money going their way, either.
16 moves, 28 yellows.
Another level impossible without boosters.
Just how many keys do I have to collect to open the lower-right chamber?!
These levels where you don't even see a glimmer of hope are beyond frustrating. Waste what boosters you have, and simply hope for some fantastic cascades and luck. Nearly impossible to do the things you are supposed to do in so few moves...Free the frog, free and get the keys, get rid of the licorice, free the check marks, and then turn them into yellow candies and collect 28 of them, and all in 16 moves. Ridiculous, unless you are simply extremely lucky, or have 50 hammers to waste.
I was the person with the frustrated remark just above this. I was just able to pass with "luck", but I think you can increase your chances by doing certain things. Free and feed the frog as quickly as possible. Then use it to clear out the bottom left so the check marks can fall. Then you have to simply be lucky and hope for matches with the check marks or create ways to clear things out. Ignore the keys---they take too long to gather. Good luck.
Sick of this one. You know that feeling you get.....no
I've played this level dozens of times, and am lucky to get even a single yellow candy. I'm not going to continue throwing boosters at it, as they haven't helped. I really hate playing those levels where pure luck is required. Yeah, I could buy boosters, but where is the sense of accomplishment in that? I mean, buy enough boosters and you can solve any level. No, I'll just continue using those that I gather from playing the game, and if I ever reach the point where I feel the need to buy any, I'll find something else to do. Which, of course, will suit King just fine. If I'm not buying anything than they don't need me around. C'est la vie.
Thanks 'Bear with me for the good advice, cleared this level straight after reading your tips
I'm afraid that Bear lost me when his instructions started with "...two CBs together." That's real nice, but all I can do is start with one CB. I've tried starting with a wrapped-striped combo to take out all of the chocolate the first move, but that's about as far as that goes. So it's pointless to keep throwing boosters at this level. I played this level a dozen times today, and never got a single yellow candy. It's an idiotic level. Oh, well. I've thought that before and have (obviously) managed to make it past them. But it's becoming increasingly frustrating to mindlessly play these levels waiting for some luck. Maybe King will adjust this one a bit.
That is also my mind. What will be, if King take away the space dash?
I have good news : after a lot of attempts I got 3!!! yellow candys. Now I am working for 5. Wish me luck please
Something odd. I have been playing Candy Crush exclusively on my iPad for a couple years now. But for the heck of it, I opened it up on my iPod. I saw that the game had 22 moves, and thought that King had taken pity on us. I completed the level my first try. I then checked on my iPad and saw that the game on that platform still only has 16 moves. Strange. So if you have an iPod try that.
I've played this level 25 times so far today, give or take, and if you were to add up all the yellow candies from those 25 attempts, I'd still be nowhere close to the needed 28...
WTH is this? Another level of bull. 30 yellows in 19 moves? I have the full dash several times, no help. Why are these levels getting so ridiculous?
Another impossible level without boosters specifically without space dash. And I am from the group who have never got a space dash. Have used numerous boosters by collecting them with the help of sugar drops but in vain. Please make changes in the level. Posting for luck
This is the most unfair and dumb level design in candy history!
Not one single yellow. Have been playing since 2 days with all my boosters. Now I don't have any nor have I ever got a space dash. King how do you expect us to play these levels. Please show some consideration to the sincere players who have come this far without the help of helmets and space dash. Posting for luck again
Rediculess level 3358, can't even grow the frog with 16 moves, not to mention collecting 28 yellow candies.
King.... really?? I can't even break through the darn chocolate in 16 moves, let alone get to the yellow candies! Something's gotta give.... I'm not even getting close! How about giving us at least 25 moves like the video??? Please do something about this one... it's not even fun anymore....
I really thing you are taking the piss
16 moves, a lot more jelly, many more keys to break through and 28 yellow cadies. No way to finish, even with plenty of boosters, just uninstalled it from my mobile. Will wait till tomorrow to uninstall it from Facebook. Cheers
This level now only has 16 moves and the bricks hav to be hit 3x before disappearing....bring back 25 moves and bricks gone in one
OMG :0 :-(
Fix it please as another boring game
This blog is not run by King. They most likely do not read the comments. Go to king.com and post in the official boards how freaking stupid these higher levels are. There is nothing relaxing or stress-free about Candy Crush anymore. It’s obvious they are doing a money grab by forcing the use of boosters. Funny thing is, when I was enjoying the game, I’d buy boosters. Now... screw them. I’m no longer spending a dime.
I just played 5 straight games and I got the total yellows left down to 28....WAIT A MINUTE.....I NEED TO GET 28 YELLOWS....WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!
Aww come on wtf? 3358 ? Keep on keeping on zzzzzzzzz
I wrote King about this level, especially for those of us who don't have Space Dash or Helmets. Even with boosters I have never gotten close. I have never ever even gotten the locks open (does it take like 20 keys???). They wrote me back and told me it was possible to win with a little luck and some strategy, and to Google the level for a video without boosters. Every video is 25 moves and 20 yellows. I am going to write them back and ask exactly how much money I have to spend to be blessed with the lucky board. I find the boosters difficult to make, the stripes usually go down and when I actually get stripes and wraps together, they go off on their own before I can even get a shot at combining them. I think the best I have done is 22 yellows LEFT! So frustrated.
Another level with not enough for moves for what you have to accomplish. please king, get it together with this it’s just not right. 😢
Impossible again with less moves! Not 1 yellow candy yet😠
Impossible level and too few moves! Pls make this game more fun like before
I agree!
Wish my board looked like the one above..why do u have to change it..the one above looks like fun mines just impossible..need more moves
This is definetley the worst level I've come across! Whats wrong with CC theese days,its totally ludacris!!
Not even worth trying with or without boosters. i used to play 8 hours / week...now it's 20 min / week...just have to wait until they make the level playable. Surely the end is near...last ditch attempt at fleecing players before it ends?
Yet another ridiculous level. I got a free sprinkle and actually managed to make another one and swap them together which cleared all the liquorice and chocolate and still came nowhere near getting enough yellows. This game is getting so stressful.
If I had a hint to share, I would definitely share one....however, my conclusion is that there is nothing you can do about this level, except quit....I think we should all boycott until they either change this level or up the lives to about 40....in the last 24 hours, I think I have had 28 yellows left in each game I've played....why waste our time?....we have had impossible levels before, but changes were made; otherwise, how did we get this far?....something has to give here, don't you think?
have the same problem, pls fix it asap
No way to do this one impossible with 16 moves I can’t even collect enough keys to unblock the right side..please improve this one..posting for some luck
Same here..King say watch videos!
No good as 25 moves on each one!
Need lot of luck
There’s absolutely no way this can be done in 16 moves! please King do something about this I hate posting for luck all the time! Thank you.
Seriously, if King doesn't want us to play anymore, why not just shut down our accounts?...they know who we are....I really think that if we had twice as many moves, this level couldn't be beat....my opinion...
Posting for luck
Sorry, but this makes no sense
Well after a few doable levels CC threw a curve ball again
Gee by the time you can get the blockers and chocolate that keeps spreading there’s not enough moves left for anything else
Come on king u need to improve this level not even getting one yellow..feeling disappointed with this one
dear king, the level is very difficult and you used to give 28 moves and now you are giving only 16 moves and the level is becoming impossinle to complete . please do something about it otherwise we won't be able to complete the level.....i have wasted many days by stucking on this level .... now the last option for me and my many friends is to leave the game ... so please do corrections
This level is utterly ridiculous. Half the time I cant even uncover the frog. They need to remove the chocolate from this level. Even using boosters doesnt make any difference. Not passable until they change it.
Woke up this morning in the hope that something had changed on this level, but was disappointed once again...however, for the first time, I was actually able to get 2 cbs together and I thought this might be the salvation....it cleared the board, which opened everything up...but, since the concentration has to primarily be in the bottom left corner, the board didn't cooperate further and give me matchups when needed...I was still left with 5 yellows...the conclusion is that unless you get 2 cbs together at the beginning, you probably will never win this level...and what are the odds in that happening again...
You only get 16 moves with this, why does the video show 25. It should be consistent. There is no way do to this in 16, you are lucky to get 1 yellow. This should be changed. Obviously people that have reached this level have been playing for a long time. I have even tried boosters and still cant get it and im not going to keep throwing money away. I'm thinking of ending it here and im sure a lot of others are too!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posting for luck
I am desperate enough to finally buy some aditional booster and moves. Then I face the next level and feels like they will make me pay again TT
I don't even know what happens when the keys unlock the boxes. With 16 moves, I've never made it that far. I guess I should watch the video to find out even though it was done with 25 moves.
Level 3358 - the one to make us all say...
Impossible. So disappointed in the stupidity of trying.
And really how many keys do you need to open that up, you can never get far enough to find out! And why do they keep changing the amount of moves you have, they should be focussing on making new levels!!! this is so ridiculous. I’ve really had it, too stressful!
this level is going to make me delete this game. impossible and obviously they want you to spend money on booster and extending play. whoever invented this level needs to be put in solitary confinement forever
Well I got 3 yellows it’s a start..it’s really p***ing me off now..waste of time and moves..posting for luck before I quit this game
Yet again another impossible level without boosters. 16 moves to collect 28 yellow candies. Seriously? I’m lucky if I clear the chocolate in 5 another couple to feed the frog leaving about 7 moves to collect the candies. Ridiculous level.
Getting really frustrated with this game now.
most stupid level yet, can hardly get the right matches to grow the frog, never mind release the checked candies ☹️
Yeah it feels like winning when you can feed the frog in time!!!
How many keys you need because in 100+ tries I never managed. hahahaha. But I'm also a bad player. The story continues; a no thinking designer who sees someone can manage the level in a few steps, then he thinks, does he think? if this person can do it then everyone can, hahaha.
Test IT if you buff, brainless
Posting for lucky board as 16 moves is impossible.
I have been playing this level for awhile now....once, I got 2 cbs together, as previously mentioned, and still wound up with 5 yellows left, so this is how you really need to start, yet it is near impossible to get this combination once, let alone twice....AND, once, I actually got enough keys to open up the right side of the board and it seemed to generate some combination opportunities...however, I opened it on my last move, so there goes that since we all know how hard it is to collect the keys....long story short, and based on my many experiences, this level cannot be beat....I agree we should all boycott, I agree that King is being sadistic, and I agree that if we are not all given a lucky board here, King has seen its last share of us...or me, anyway...
I just read on King Care that they are aware that this level is impossible and they will look into it! So please friends stop using boosters or wasting money or your time on this one, hopefully it gets fixed soon!!! 🙏😀😀
Don’t know if Im playing the right strategy....I’m trying to get to the frog so that I can use it below but by the time that happens there are no more moves left
Oh they do want you to play, or pay to play more like!
Once again lucky board needed, help please
I was enjoying the game until this. . . bloody annoying. There aren't enough moves. Like others have said, I can end up with 28 yellow candies to collect at the end and that's using boosters.
Threating to quit again!! Lol
What happened to the number of yellows left in 0:19 when he uses the CB/stripe combo? They decrease from to 20 to 13 without any yellow in the board! Fake video?
finally i think the day has come to quit the game bcoz 3358 level is impossible....very less moves for 28 yellow candies .....king do something
3 days of this rubbish such a frustrating level..please improve this level to make it feel like your getting close not just 3 yellows..can’t even get enough keys to open right side..used every booster possible
This is a rort. Impossible without spending money which I refuse to do. What have you tried to do Cookie, or are you as useless as this game?
Please give me extra moves this board is impossible
King time these impossible levels so most players hit them on the weekend. More free time meanes more chance of players buying their way through this rubbish. It would take no time to add moves and fix this, what's the bet that come Monday or Tuesday this is fixed but a new impossible level will surface next weekend?
Please stop posting videos when the level has changed to what we have to endure. More colours, less moves, more blockers, etc. it's supposed to be a site for tips without boosters and all it is is a site for users to vents their frustration at these impossible levels. Maybe this site should be renamed Candy Crush Crap!!!
There's definitely something suspicious about this posted video!! It appears to have been edited to show success without using boosters!
HOWEVER, at 00:19 Kazuohk still needs 20 yellow candies...Then magically at 00:20 seven of them are gone and now he only needs 13!! What makes that seem so unbelievable?? the dispensers which release the special yellow candies are still blocked with licorice AND JELLY!!
So, Kazuohk, please tell me where did you get 7 of them???
I agree with what Stathis said...
What happened to the number of yellows left in 0:19 when he uses the CB/stripe combo? They decrease from to 20 to 13 without any yellow in the board! Fake video?
2 June 2018 at 22:53
Good Eye Stathis!!
Got 9 yellows this time
Yep, fake video! What a joke!!!
Lo conseguí!!! Después de haber jugado multitud de partidas...He tenido que usar un combo de dos caramelos y terminar con una mano y un martillo. El juego se está poniendo francamente desagradable.
Posting for luck again....
28 yellows and 16 moves...not fun anymore, Please help....
Level 3358...new day....same 'ol, same 'ol....looks like this is definitely the end...and we all know it!
Here we go again, another level they have made impossible when it was fine for people at the top of the tree. I've had 10 goes so far and haven't even seen a yellow candy yet, never mind break 28 of them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
By the look of the above complaints it is impossible to complete without extra moves or a lucky board. Please CC could I have one of the other please
KIng is apparently aware of this problem yet nothing has been done! if it’s not fixed today I am deleting this game! It’s totally ridiculous what they put people through! Guess they’re just waiting for people to buy more boosters, well it’s not happening!
Help please! Getting nowhere with 16 moves.! Posting for luck because nothing else helps.
Thank u King finally got my lucky board with a lollipop and hand swap and finally done this one..one of the worse ones
Absolutely ridiculous level. Once again, another level I will not continue to play until they fix it. On to other games until then.
I have no idea what a space dash is. Maybe that would help with this awful board. Impossible LUCKY BOARD PLEASE would seem the only way
Same for me, 16 moves and 28 yellow to collect.
How can anyone get this far level 3358 and not know what Space Dash is?
Doesn’t everyone get that opportunity?
Grandma - Space Dash is something that is periodically available. There is no control over it. I typically get it for about 90hrs (3.5 days) per week. When Space Dash is available you get s Free colour bomb in the next level when you complete the level before. If you then complete the next level on your first go then you get s colour bomb and a striped wrapped combo on the next level. If you complete that next level first go, you get the CB, the stripedwrapped and 3 extra moves on the next level.
Having been stuck on this level for a while now, I know that the only way through it is to go back to some early levels that are easy when I have Space Dash. Once I have max Space Dash bonuses, I’ll go back to Level 3358 and also add an extra Colour bomb booster from my own stash. Then I will restart the level until I get both colour bombs together so I can start the level by removing all the chocolate and liquorice on move 1. Then I have a chance!
Good luck all.
Once again another pointless video showing how to complete the level. Why is it they always have more move? Fewer candies to collect? Fewer blockers? And somehow manage to collect 7 candies when none are available? I can only dream of having their board.
Terrible level. Single option moves, free the frog and then get no options to makes yellows. Level sux need lots of luck
No, not everyone gets space dash.
I have never had it, I have played the levels that people say to play to win it and it doesn't happen.
SD is not available to everyone so some of us have gotten this far on luck and skill. I use to be ready for the new episode to come out on Wednesday but now that these levels are harder and it takes me 3-5 days to beat a level, I am getting further behind. I play ob Android and Ipad.
The passthrough video does not match the level at all. Seams like someone made a bug. This level is impossible with 16 moves and 28 yellow candies to remove :(((
This levels a joke it has a bug. Posting for luck
Interesting. Thanks. I wonder what triggers it?
I haven’t spent any money on this game so far.Wonder if that has anything to do with it...
Hmm. I just read on the King website Q and A that Space Dash is randomly applied.
Anyone that has made it this far without Space Dash or spending money - respect!
There have been very tough levels in the past but I think this one is one step harder than even those. Without multiple boosters you need luck upon luck upon luck to get through this one. Almost impossible. King have made a mistake here with the difficulty setting for sure.
I am on day 5 of this level...
I don't spend money because most of the levels are luck or skill except this one, it's hell!!
Impossible to do this level with 16 moves and and needing 28 yellow candies.
Anybody else notice that since about level 3300 there more than the usual number of these bs levels that are all about luck and just boring .At least make it fun if its stupid difficult that you just have to play 100 times until you get lucky .
Impossible to do this level with 16 moves and and needing 28 yellow candies.
Thanks Richard that was helpful. However I seem to have a glitch I only get one game with choc candy not the hour promised. Still stuck.
Think the time has come to say goodbye, better things to do than wasting my time
Send luck
Just logged on to play after struggling yesterday to find I've now got 35 moves on i-phone. Completed easily. Looks like King finally took notice of all the comments lol.
Well thank you king!!! Nice surprise this morning!! 🙌
Why not be sensible last week. Many would have left by now
I also now have 35 moves. About time
So much easier now passed on first try
With max bonuses from Space Dash it was possible to do this level fairly straightforwardly. I found it essential to have the double colour bomb combo to remove all the chocolate and liquorice then carefully focus on the check marks. Don’t worry about the keys. They are an unnecessary distraction.
So looks like King have created a two tier game with player have and have nots. No wonder they are having trouble gauging the levels appropriately if some players can get bonuses for free and others cannot. I suggest that needs to change for a fairer game for all.
Note for what it’s worth 3361 is another very frustrating level which needs a lot of luck and very little skill.
Bored to tears with this level. You can only pass when king say so. Luck needed big time.
Posting for luck!!! Anybody got a four leaf clover?
More fun prising out my eyeballs with a rusty spoon...
30 yellow candies? Ha ha ha ha ha ......hilarious!!!
I can barely get TWO of the blasted things.
Wtf is up with this game?
I’ll swear these designers have all lost their marbles. Total BS
Posting for a lucky board...
Need help with this one.....lucky board please!!
Posting for luck....again!!!
In 1. Simple. Used d frog twice
Trini o mentiroso do CC.
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.
Gotta love the frog! Use him in the bottom left on a conveyor when it is full of yellows and lucky candies.
I am also one of those who gets NOTHING. I always try to play without boosters anyway. But it is still unfair that the playing field is not level. Is there a particular time of day/week when these splendiferous boosters are available? (BTW, got this level on 1st try, but I had 30 moves. I have auto updates turned off, so have the advantage of older versions, not all work better though)
Yes the tech's are bonkers !!! I have no space dash either , unfair playing field , not fair .... Use to love playing , but starting to lose interest .cause of all the bull , I don't like how they take moves away and give some players Space Dash and other stuff and me on my Lap top get nothing !!!
Impossible level!!!
Not enough moves!!!
Posting for luck
I don't know how anyone can pass this level as it is in 2023. No chocolate, no frogs, very different than the video and suggestions.
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