Candy Crush Saga Level 3629 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3629 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3629 is a dual task level, you have to clear all the jelly and collect three ingredients to complete the level.
The track of the ingredients is quite tricky to work out but I will try to make it as clear as possible in these tips.
The first thing you need to do is collect the keys and destroy the spawners using as many combos as you can make. If you are lucky you may get some matches next to the spawner on the left which will help to clear it once it is unlocked.
You don't need to worry too much about the jelly as it will be cleared as you work on clearing the spawners and collecting the ingredients.
The ingredients, once unlocked, drop onto the bottom left conveyor and from there it travels through the portal into the bottom right section, then the top right and from there it will travel to the middle left section and through to the top left and the exits.
To get them through the portals you need to make moves when they are in the correct position to drop through when you make a move to let them drop through.
There are not many moves to spare so this can be a hard level to pass without boosters.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anna Errington said...

If you don't clear all the spawners you are not going to get all the jelly. I could have used a couple of hammers to get down the ingredients but I am glad I had the presence of mind to check the jellies. Saved a couple of hammers. I did have a chance to get that spawner (duhhh!) when I could have used a colour ball beside stripe but because it was beside another colour ball I used the 2 cb's together. Didn't even touch the spawner. Oh well wraps would have been better as it was the spawner to the left. And wraps have more hits. So no first try for me on that one.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Definitely posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

This is a very hard level! Timing is a must and a lot of luck is required to pass with so few moves available. Doubt it can be done without boosters.

Carol the elder said...

I got it on the first try and I'm not sure how it happened! I started by trying to get wraps close to the spawners and combined them with CBs. I just kept clearing areas for the ingredients to drop, but wasn't sure of the path. It's very confusing and obviously luck is needed!

Lynn K said...

Finding this level very tough. Not sure where the fruit is supposed to drop into so hard to make happen. Have played at least 20 times so far and not even close.

Anonymous said...

Very difficult level. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Hard to get ingredients in correct positions. Not enough moves. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board.

Kathy said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Need luck please

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Very confusing path and hard to figure out where matches need to be made to let the fruit drop. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck *******sigh*******

Anonymous said...

I finally passed it using one hammer and a full space ship. I found the best 1st move it a color bomb and a wrapped candy as long as there is a key of that color. That will open up the entire board on your first move.

Judie said...

I had tried more times than care to count. I do have full helmet but got nowhere. So I finally added fish booster and used 1 or 2 lollipops and a cb with strip was close enough to finish it off with another move or 2. The fish did not do much but did help.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck again.

Anonymous said...

Ok - I'm finally done. Good luck to all !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One of the toughest levels ever. Not even close.this game is loaing its fun. Posting for lucky board.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Finding this IMPOSSIBLE 😡😡😡

Anonymous said...

Sage here: posting for luck because luck is what I need.

Michelle said...

Has the update made this easier

Michelle said...

Very stuck. .I need luck

Michelle said...

Still stuck. . Have not updated. ..Does ut make this one easier? said...

Again for the love of my sanity..... tried color bomb with wrapped... two color bombs.... sheesh.... I'm over it!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck again, can’t figure out how this one works.
Please help...

Anna said...

Ugh! I did super well, totally by accident (=lucky board), so still had lots of moves after keys and spawners. However, silly me, I never come here until I have trouble. I managed to waste all my moves trying to figure out how the heck the darn doo dads get to the exits! PS: Did anyone else ever think they were cherries and apples?

Anonymous said...

Very very hard level
Don’t find solution
Posting for lucky board
Posting for lucky board

Jan said...

Posting for luck

A2 said...

Come on King. Ffs.

A2 said...

I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything.

A2 said...

Posting for luck.

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Agnes Power said...

Confusing level. Posting for luck and a lucky board please.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jules said...

Lawdamercy, this level is brutal. CC gods, shed a little luck my way, please...

Anonymous said...

Twice you have tried to give me 30mns of striped/flat item and twice I have had
To turn my iPad off and when I go back on cc the gift has gone.
Could do with this freebie as this game is sooo hard

Veronica said...

How do you unlock the ingredients? If i have a lot of combos it seems to happen but dont know how but then tryinh to get them on the pathway to get out is doing my brain in. Too many things to get done in order with not enough moves.posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Ness said...

King says each level can be completed without boosters🤣

Anonymous said...

Jee niet te harden deze....Op een lucky bord

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck....finding this impossible

Anonymous said...

Am I crazy but did I just notice I lose my boosters when I reset the board.

Anna said...

Posting for luck

Maj said...

Can't get close with this one !

Kevin said...

Not too hard. I had the benefit of a stripe/wrap combo to start (which I had 2 hours of for some reason). Once you've worked it out it's a case of getting rid of the spawners asap and then using combos (or fortunate switches) to get the fruits moving towards the exits. Not the easiest, but there have been much harder levels. Onward.

Becky said...

The routes are awful and very confusing! Going to keep trying but would love some help!

jenn2727 said...

posting for luck...glad I'm not the that is confussed lol I can clear all jelly no problem it's the fruit I can't get

Anonymous said...

How can I even get past this level if I don’t even have a bottom left conveyor?

Robin said...

Posting for luck please!!!

Laurx2 said...

Yes, lol!

Fed up said...

Makes no sense to me cannot complete if you can’t understand what to do

jackied said...

I can't pass this and I'm tired of it. Help please!

Grandma said...

Help please need lucky board stuck for days and getting bored

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very hard level .Posting for luck .x

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck...

Catherin01 said...

Posting for luck I want to delete app come on !!!

Catherin01 said...

Help ! Lucky
Board bored bored

Catherin01 said...

Help !

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck!

Deb V. said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for lucky board please

Cordella said...

Definitely need a lucky board, PLEASE HELP.....

Anonymous said...

Confused. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

shelleyjim said...

This is impossible 😡😡😡

Winegums said...

FIXED, FIXED, FIXED! What a stupid level. King is in control here and I hate that! No matter how many lucky candies you get the gamed is controlled by King. I’m out. Finished with this nonsense. I’m not having a game control my skills and abilities. Absolute farce of a game.

Flippenheck said...

Can I have an extremely lucky lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Try what I've written in the comments for level 2 about how to get extra lives for free?


rosereddragon said...

Ow! I had plenty of boosters but still can't clear that spawner on the left side - posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Very hard level...have used all my boosters....need a lucky board to pass...not happy :-(

rosereddragon said...

Finally succeeded - what a struggle! Boosters didn't seem to help at all.

Anonymous said...


Fräulein Pop said...

Posting for luck.

Francoise said...

Candy crush made for relaxing ? For me it's just to become mad . Impossible level ...

Trinity! said...

Yuck, didn’t like this level for sure. The key is to clear those spawners ASAP. I started with a CB wrap combo and an extra fish booster. I ended up using a hammer and a hand to finish this level.

Anonymous said...

I’ve kept with Candy Crush until now! Think this level has finally finished it for me. No dea how to finish this level. Getting no where near and have now used all my boosters.

Anonymous said...

Stuck,stuck,stuck please help

Zabeth said...

Comment voulez-vous terminer le niveau si vous ne comprenez pas le chemin à prendre pour les ingrédients :-( A moins que la chance me sourit... Merci pour votre aide !

Zabeth said...

Very difficult ! Posting for Luck...

Anonymous said...

Been on this level for a couple of days now. Figured out how to get the candies to the right side of the board, but find it almost impossible to get them to the left side. I run out of moves before that can happen. Really getting tired of this level. I need a lucky board soon.

Anonymous said...

All the levels seem impossible now. Hoping for some luck to get this one!

Anonymous said...

I have this tried this level so many times, but finding it impossible. Getting very frustrated. Help!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board to pass this level please

Anonymous said...

Horrible level, only way to pass is if you get a lucky board or have plenty of boosters! Luck please

Mand said...

Cleared spanners with 23 moves left and still couldn't get ingredients out. Confusing.

Sue said...

Played enough times and finally came her to find out how the ingredients moved thank you!

Anonymous said...

Really? Just really? Help!

Anonymous said...

Been playing this level waaaaay toooo long, moving to a new game after several years or asking for “luck” in spite of.😥

Mark said...

This is unusual- a level which is virtually impossible because there aren't enough moves. Whatever will they think of next.
I'm bored of this game

Mark said...

Has angibe actually finished this level?? If so- HOW??? I have used all my boosters and im getting nowhere near. Help!

armate1hernan said...


Marielle said...

Too difficult ...need help!

Marielle said...

Impossible to finish ...not funny! HELP!!!!

DeeBleep said...

Help!! Please Mr. King, have a little mercy. Been here for days on multiple devices. Need a small miracle or a lot of luck! pretty please?

Spin said...

Stupppiiiid level!!!!

Brian said...

Really struggling on this only once have I got two of the ingredients cleared not enough moves very difficult level going to have to wait for a lucky board

Brian said...

I just cannot get this one downto one ingredient twice but no way of getting it just will have to wait for a lucky board

Brian said...

Theres no way I'm going to get through this level down to one ingredient a few times but that one has been nowhere need a lucky board or I'll have to leave this game unfortunately

Annomous said...

Haven't a clue how to play this game, the instructions are not very clear at all. Could someone PLEASE explain this game to me. I cannot even get the keys . Really need HELP CANDY CRUSH as I am at a loss how to get through. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP CANDY.

Annomous said...


Anonymous said...

I can get the spawners but no fruit i have used all my boosters and nothing!!!! Too frustrated now it may be time to find a new game !

Anonymous said...

Another stick of dynamite needed for the spawners. I get waiting for the dratted frog with the googley eyes to pop out of somewhere. Please can I have a lucky board king before I hop my phone off the wall.

Tammy Caison said...

Luck please.

wanda said...

Help please

JBR said...

Very difficult level....posting for lucky board......PLEASE!!!!

Trini said...

Great advice. In 3

Marwanjo said...

Less comments, less interest in this game. I Am not surprised. Playing CC is no fun, seem they lose more players.

Marwanjo said...

Do i want to understand this level? Hell no! Waisting time and no fun.

Marwanjo said...


Pinky said...

Soooooooo hard posting for lucky board please !!!!!

Nancy said...

When I purchased and iPhone 10r, I no longer can get boosters with points! It is always “shaded out”
I can’t continue to play these hard levels without boosters

Pinky said...

Second time posting for lucky board hard, hard, level

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de excluir o CC. Adeus.

Hoi said...

Dit level is niet te firm je zd iet niet eens hoe de snoepjes vallen 't is echt weer z'n level waar je weken mee bezig moet zijn.yes lucky board please

Hoi said...

This level is terrible boring and very stressful

Unknown said...

Oh common! I can't remember a fun level in the last 100-getting to be a drag..

Sharon said...

Need luck! And timing!

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Shari said...

Wow, I know the games get more difficult as you get higher but this one seems undoable. Think I'll play big fish casino for awhile. Need a break from this frustrating mess!

Missymoo said...

Is that why you came to the candycrush help?why, thank you very much:-D

Unknown said...

that explained nothing!!

Anonymous said...

What a joke of a level. Truly ridiculous!

JoAnn said...

posting for luck - cant' get past this thing!

Tga said...

I will never get past this.

Lb said...

Posting for luck! CC please give me a lucky board! I have tried everything so I am NOT going to buy any more special weapons. I have read the comments to help me figure out the route that the ingredients need to go but need that lucky board to get me there! Good luck everyone! Stay safe stay healthy everyone!

Lb said...

Lynda here, and Lynda needs some luck! Please CC help me get past this hard level and on to the next hard level. LOL
I need a lucky board please! Good luck everyone! Stay healthy stay safe!

luckylau said...

Have no idea what I am doing on this level...another level to frustate me, need a lucky board I guess...

Unknown said...

This was really helpful advice - I'd never have worked out the ingredients route without it! Got it first time after reading this, helped by playing a booster and getting the extended goes from multiple tries beforehand.

Unknown said...

Interesting level lots to do in 30 moves and still relying on 80% luck to get combos in the right part of the board

Should be classed Nightmare

Unknown said...

Have to rely on lucky algorithm to get combos so game is controlled for you!!

Unknown said...

Scam mode is on with colour bombs going off on their own before combos can be made!!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...

Impossible level I am tired 😫

Stylish said...

Impossible level need algorithm board!
No strategy in this !

Jo V said...

Spawners? What spawners? Anyway, Candy Crush is not a skill game. Only luck! The higher you get in level the more unlucky you will get. Don’t buy boosters! You’ll lose them very quick! This can become a gambling problem costing a lot of money! I am done. I will look for a game that requires skill not just luck!!! Luck is something I never have��

gp8656 said...

The level I am playing (3629) is different from the one shown here.
Please help!