Candy Crush Saga Level 3701 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3701 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect fish to complete level 3701 Candy Crush Saga.
The fish are provided by the lucky candies which drop from the dispensers on the right of the board and will drop through the portals to the left side where you can change and clear them.
You won't be able to collect enough by making simple matches, and even stripe/wrap combos won't do the job. You need colourbomb combos to have any chance of getting enough fish.
A colourbomb switched with a stripe or a wrap will be the best options and as you get more fish they will help to change more lucky candies and collect more fish.
It can be tricky to make the combos you need but if you can keep the licorice under control you'll have a better chance of making them.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anna Errington said...

I got by 3700 on first try. Surprised that they did not label 3701 as super hard. 3700 must have been a lucky board but I did have to use a few hammers at the end now down to one(hammer). Since I cannot easily keep the sp d I seem to use a lot more boosters. So all my sugar drop playing paid off. However, 3701 is a different story. If I could have done this level 3 weeks ago on Windows 10 which I probably had (this level) It would have been a breeze. I could have still made fish and would have kept the space dash. If I had only known (20/20 hindsight) I would have gone to the top on Windows 10 when I still had fish making abilities and sp d. Oh well... It keeps me now more with the Wednesday club here.

Anonymous said...

I never got any cascades going because the licorce was always in the way. Made this very hard, had to use a switch to create a CB and things got better.

Anonymous said...

What the heck happened? I play on the PC app, and now all of a sudden when I close the game out before it's over, I lose my space dash. Blah!

Anonymous said...

wow, either i had the luckiest board of all, or they changed the game. I did start with one color bomb from a space dash, and added one as a booster (and added a check mark too). But I finished with 16 moves left. The board required no switches or hammers - made its own combos and reshuffled a few times, which also created some hits. As we always say, nothing beats luck.

Schuckerboat said...

No option to change my inactive buddy in the buddy challenge. Please a King bring back that option or do away with the challenge. Tired of doing all the work!

Emsa8 said...

Every some days CC takes everybody the dash or helmet away (I think on Sunday the helmet and on Friday the dash). Then it takes some hours and you can gain the other option back (by either simply wining each level 1st try or going back to a simple level like 606 and play it several times).

Emsa8 said...

Thank you, Mrs Cookie, for your hints. Tried several times with and without boosters in vain and then read your comment, started with CB+Wrap, controlled the liquorice (= hitting it if possible) and looked more thoroughly on combos.... and it was quite easy (2 moves left) Very helpful were combos with fish (fish+Wrap or stripe)

Tox said...

This is a super hard level

Anonymous said...

Nasty level wish it was marked as such .... ugh

Anonymous said...

Finished first go. Started with 2 CB's side by side and added a check mark.

JaneM said...

I do not like this, the fish take ages to swim by.

Agnes Power said...

I don't like this level either. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

sheflys said...

Did it. No boosters. So it can be done.

hs said...

Thanks hints in this blog. I add extra colourbomb and mystery candy with the magic dash. Luckily, have two colourbomb up and down in the start. I use fish and strip combo, colourbomb strip combo.complete the level with 13 moves left .

Anonymous said...

This level is making me so angry. Often only one available move at a time! Sometimes I don’t even get one fish! This game is no longer fun.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This level is far harder than the previous very hard level!
Awaiting the lucky board by the looks of things.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Nerf it boring!!!!!!

Jan said...

Same for me

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck !!

Anonymous said...

I managed to combine a colour ball with one of the fish along the way and that helped a lot.
Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

king is such a jerk, the fish are basically useless and can they make the fish swim faster, is so annoying

Anonymous said...

Cant even get close!!! Posting for luck!!

Anonymous said...

Not getting close. Never get to make combos. Help!!

Anonymous said...

This is hopeless. The mystery candies turn into chocolate, blockers, licorice, marmalade and bombs. I have no room to make moves, never mind create wraps, stripes or sprinkles, and the boards shuffles and shuffles again. More often than not I still have 20 or more fish to get when the game ends.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention the waffles.

In desperation I used all three boosters and passed on the 4th attempt with 11 moves remaining.

Anonymous said...

Again.... an extremely stupid and boring level.
Not coming close, and what is even more worse, most of the moves you only have 1 option. So it’s playing like a zombie untill CC give the lucky board.
No skills needed at all. Lots of stupid levels lately

Grandma said...

Despite having tons of fish go across I only get one deducted. Why! I'm never going to get it at that rate. Lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Same here. Fish are not being counted

Anonymous said...

This just cannot be done. I give up...

Giovana T. Campos said...


Anonymous said...

The fish are interminably slow in this ridiculous level - dull dull dull!

Anonymous said...

Daylight robbery... finally got it but now out of lollipops and patience. Still not spent a penny on this truly ridiculous game. ONWARDS CRUSHERS xx

Tblackmon said...

No way can this be done. Can’t get enough special candies in the play area. Need a lucky board please!

Tblackmon said...

Why do I have all these fish flying around and they don’t count???

Anonymous said...

I also have fish everywhere not being deducted, I also just live these levels where King makes the moves for you, shuffle after every move, I especially love it even the fish activate my color bomb, everytime!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I literally just cleared it after posting, used a color bomb with a checkmark, did nothing else special, lucky board��

Tblackmon said...

I can’t even get close! Come on. Lucky board please!

collenfan said...

Posting for luck with this very tricky level.

Anonymous said...

Can’t get any more boring than this level!!

Unknown said...

My fish aren't being counted correctly.. wayyyy irritating :(

Deb V. said...

Awful, posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Looks like matching a fish only counts as one, not the three it releases. Ho hum. Resigned to being here for a while.

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible to beat, CB wraps or CB stripes deducted only a few fish, never been stuck on a level so long like this one.

JanJan said...

Posting for luck.

Cindy said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do the candies in the right hand groups of three serve any purpose? I can't figure it out. Seems they're there just for the heck of it - which wouldn't surprise me,really, given how stupid this game has been lately.

Anonymous said...

If you know where each enters the play area you can plan ahead?

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

This one is killing please

Flippenheck said...

Oh ta

rosereddragon said...

It's those d....d waffles, again! Posting for luck.

Rosita said...

every level harder and harder to pass. Posting for luck again

Anonymous said...

Luck and help please

Annu said...

Just can’t figure this one out. Playing level 606 no longer allows you to earn the spaceship. May be time to play a different game. 😢

Annu said...

Finally made it. Thanks for the lucky board!

Anonymous said...


Zabeth said...

Alors que le but de ce niveau est d'obtenir des poissons, pourquoi les poissons ne les chopent ils pas ? Car Pas assez de déplacements et de boosters pour les avoir :-((( Trop stressant... Merci pour le conseil de la chance !

Zabeth said...

Pas le temps de se relaxer avec un niveau aussi difficile :-((( Affichage de la chance 🍀 merci 😊

Jean said...

Ugh! I haven't had any luck. I got within 3 one time. I need some big luck

Unknown said...

My number of fish is not counting all of them at all. I may have 6 fish and then it counts one or nothing. What gives?????

grama V said...

Posting for luck 🍀🍀🍀🍀...dying of boredom

Texas Red Rose said...

Not fun anymore. Levels don't have enough turns and most of the turns are useless. Pathetic!

Texas Red Rose said...

I don't understand why when three or four fish are hitting targets, only one is counted. That is not fair.

Meg said...

Used so many boosters - cbs and wraps plus ticks and still nowhere near. Waffles and blockers just seizing up the board. The worst.

Brian kite said...

this level is near impossible not enough fish around to do anything sure only a lucky board will do it

Brian said...

This surely is an impossible level not enough moves to get the number of fish required. I will have to wait for a lucky board I'm sure there's no other way

Brian said...

I think the time has come this is the most impossible level ever I'm lucky if I get 6 fish out of the 25 needed there's no fun at all in this just sheer boredom and frustration there is no way this can be done without a lucky board and even then I can't see how so maybe I should leave now

Mlle Miou said...

Been playing this game for years and never found a level so boring and impossible to finish. Guess its time for me to uninstall this game and find simething less frustrating!!!

Janet said...

Need a lucky board for this one. Not even getting close!!

Janet said...

Posting for luck!! Please help!!

Janet said...

I’m really frustrated with this one. I’m not sure how anyone passes without tons of boosters.
There typically is only one or two moves available and it reshuffles constantly. The blockers make it impossible to make special candies and a lot of the time the lucky candies are chocolate. 25 fish to collect and most of the time I can get below 20.
Not sure how much longer I can play this boring level!!

Unknown said...

There is absolutely no way to pass this level!!! No way am I even coming close. Lucky board please!!! And lots of color mobs please!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I posted August 7th!!!! Still here!!! Not possible to pass without a lucky board!! Lost all chances of the challenges! So now maybe may I have a lucky board. Been on this level almost a WEEK!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I have been on this level for a week!!!! Also the third time I’ve asked for a lucky board!!! If I don’t pass today I’m deleting this game !!! For the third time. Lucky board please!!!!!?????9'o76l’6p

Unknown said...

I first asked for a lucky board August 7th. It’s the 15th and the 4th time I’ve begged for a lucky board. Already missed all the challenges. What the heck????? could I please just get a lucky board. Getting really sick of this level!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yep, still here, been way over 10 days and obviously you guys don’t give rats behind!!!! Have begged 4 (FOUR) times and still no lucky board. Also obvious you don’t give a rats behind about your players either. As far as I’m concerned Candy Crush is a horrible game anymore!! Guess my go to will be Farm Heroes!!! At least it’s fun!! This game is getting so hard and when no lucky boards can come it’s just impossible. What’s up with this crap????? PLEASE may I have a lucky board ALREADY?????????????????????????

KySunrise said...

Tough board! Posting for luck!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de excluir o CC.

JBR said...

Need a lucky board for this one please.....

Sab2 said...

IMPOSSIBLE... Been at it for quite a few days, not even close.... Even matching a stripe w/cb, still 8 short!

benni said...

I finally got down to 3 fish with 2 moves. I hammered those fish to kingdom come. Done.

Old school crusher said...

Lucky board please!!!

Candy Thompson said...

Posting for luck HELP!

Shari said...

Yes king as everyone above stated why do only some of the fish count. Is this a glitch or a ruse?

Shari said...

Please fix this game! 7 fish go by 0 count. Terrible!!

Anonymous said...

Lousy game. So rigged, it’s ridiculous, no fun whatsoever!

Anonymous said...

How in the heck to you beat this level...not all the fish count, can't get cascades, can barely make any combos as licorice blocks everything. If you are unlucky enough to get chocolate in one of the mystery candies might as well quit then and won't get any moves anywhere close enough to wipe it out and it will grow and take over.....this level sucks, sucks, sucks.

GC said...

The nearest I got was 6 fish left. I agree with all above, the fish are not all being counted. The only fish that get counted are the actual lucky fish themselves that are hit, not the rest. That's why this is so, so hard. Most of the time all I can do is match 3 or make a combo or two, which is useless. I've been on this game for days and it's getting so, so tedious now. 🙄

Martinat said...

Horrible level

MrsOTD said...

I was on a winning streak this morning after finally paying for 10 bars to finish 3696. I needed one move, it "accidentally" fell wrong. Paid 2 bucks, made one move and passed. I won 4 in a row first go because it let me, got 30 mins free lives and boosters when I got to this level. 30 minutes straight with full boosters on CC. Closest I got was 6 fish left. Don't waste your boosters, the fish eat liquorice, waffles, mystery candies etc. Rarely other fish. Looks like this is another rigged one...

MrsOTD said...

Also mystery candies are usually liquorice, bombs, blockers or chocolate. Last 5 goes I got 5 fish, reshuffle on board 5 times too...

MrsOTD said...

Hahaha. Now the fish are eating a normal candy, then it gets taken over by chocolate or waffles in the same move!!! 9 reshuffled last go, 7 fish. What are you doing King???

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏