Candy Crush Saga Level 3700 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3700 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3700 is classified as a super hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it. it is a dual task level, you need to collect ingredients as well as clear the jelly to complete the level.
You need to collect keys to unlock the board and some of them can only be collected using stripes or wraps as they are yellow so can't be matched with anything else, this is why the level is harder than it should be.
The first key is yellow, so look for special candies to clear it, then the second key will be unlocked on the right and this can be matched with other candies. The third key is yellow again and also the fifth, so you need to plan ways to clear them. If you have a combo in the left side save it for the keys while you work on the right side of the board.
The ingredients will be collected as you work on collecting the keys so you don't need to worry about them too much.
Once all the keys are collected you can finish clearing the jelly on the right side of the board. Don't ignore the bombs, it is easy to forget about them while you are collecting the keys but they will kill the game if you do.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Level 3714 is IMPOSSIBLE!
Don't waste any of your boosters or money until it is fixed.
Many of us have been on it for over a week! (Even Johnny Crush)
King is not responding to messages.
kik :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Carole the Elder
Try a level without your "start with a double colour bomb" and let us know how you get on

Unknown said...

Why do I always have to wait for new levels to "open"? If people can already play them, why can't I?

Unknown said...

This was a horrible level, impossible without boosters and extra moves

Mariellen Jordan said...

Anyone have any help for this one. Posting for luck!!

anonymous said...

I love her advice! I read cookies advice before each level plus any comments & watch the video. I also start most with 2 colour bombs then take my time playing. Just got through this one first time also using 2 hand switches. So by following all advice given I've gotten through 3681to 3700 on first try. Maybe just luck!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous 8/29 @ 6:53 ....why knock someone when they are trying to help...if you don't won't advice DON'T come here !!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 12:51 - because a lot of us don't have the option to "start with two colour bombs" because believe it or not, there are still some of us playing at this level who have never had Mort's helmet, or space dash or whatever else gives you this advantage. And because OF COURSE you will finish every level when you start with two colour bombs, so it's not really a tip or advice, is it?

Anonymous said...

Help. Impossible

Anonymous said...

To anonymous who thinks you can win every level OF COUSE if you start with a double color bomb. I’ll answer that. Nope not even remotely. But it does help most of the time though not always. I’m just posting for luck. I doubt I have enough hammers to finish this level unfortunately. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Such a difficult level. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Bombs getting me every time. Posting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Even with double chocolate sprinkles and three extra moves, no success. Frustrating and difficult. Need some suggestions or a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for a lucky board like the video, everything lines up so nicely.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 14:24 just because we have space dash or helmet does not always mean we can win the game...I have started many times with double CB and not won...don't knock someone for saying how they's all part of the game....I for one am grateful to read any hints people dash, morts helmet or on their own with NO boosters...

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that anyone can get this far without space dash, mort's helmet or boosters. They must be much smarter than I am. I appreciate the tips I get here.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck!! I got through the bombs but couldn’t clear the jelly on the bottom right! Just not enough moves. :(

TC53 said...

There is no reason to not use the tools you have. As most thing in life, it is a choice. As is the choice to be kind and considerate or not. She is sharing what worked for her. I appreciate her sharing.

Anonymous said...

I don’t have enough hummers to beat this level easier. Posting for a good luck!

Billium said...

Another vile level requiring better algorithms. Posting for boards.

Elisabeth said...

I got so frustrated that I used gold bar for hammers and extra moves. I couldn't see any other way of completing the level

Anonymous said...

Yea...i just finished was tough.many lives and boosters


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck really hard level even with boosters and helmet

Victoria said...

Hey, Bear, Carol the Elder,and Sharon - you have just reached Elite Status! You have joined Gil, Rick and others in this exclusive club! It is apparent that these children (mentality) become so enraged at your expertise and success that they have to resort to bullying! But please keep the tips coming, and pity the ones who feel satisfaction at making these nasty, jealous comments. It is sad that playing a game can make some sink to such low levels.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck ...using boosters to start but not getting anywhere so waiting for that lucky board

Anonymous said...

Double CB got the first yellow key and used hammers on the other yellow keys. Fish booster helped a lot and strategic use of a couple more hammers helped me finish the level.

Anonymous said...

To Unknown, I'm with you. I have to wait also. Don't know why the others don't. Really hard level, posting for luck. Boosters didn't help me any.

Schuckerboat said...

Horrible level..please get rid of the bombs King. Posting for luck

Dowerland said...

In all my previous 3,699 games I have never given up, but this one has got me beat. Nothing falls in the right column to help you get the second key, I used all my moves and not once did I get the second key. Bye King.

Anonymous said...

Really hare this level just can’t do it used so many lives etc. While I am having a moan I also hate this two level every other week, so many of my friends have given up because of it, any one else feel the same.

Dowerland said...

Definitely agree.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Been stuck on this level for days. I've thrown everything at it and nothing at it. Nothing works. Any hints....ANYBODY?? Posting for luck, PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

I know this level is a super hard one but like others i have been stuck on this level for awhile
..nothing works even using boosters & like another has commented please get rid of the bombs ..that would help us..hopefully ..posting for luck a 2nd time

Mart said...

I'm here looking for advice how to pass the level. Using 2 vb or numerous hammers is not helpful. We all know if the board was half cleared then its easy. Im not willing to buy my way out as what's the point. Use the tools in the right way yes. But to crack a nut with a sledgehammer what's the point....

Anonymous said...

I passed this nasty level only to go on to another nasty level 3701 but there is no help for 3701 it stops at 3700.....


Anonymous said...

Never mind I found it lo, duh

Anonymous said...

Help help help for this horrible level ...been stuck on this one for awhile now ...have started with boosters ...without boosters to no avail ...think alot of swaps &!hammers are needed ( which i havent got ) to get rid of those bombs & to smash those keys to get anywhere ...posting a 3rd time for luck

Anonymous said...

I started with a spac dash and reset till colour bomb was next to first key. Got lucky as my second color bomb was near a wrapped candy which took our second yello Key. The wrapped candies cleared a lot of the board, jelly and bombs and I finished level with a few moves left. Got lucky

Soaplady said...

That's what I want to know

Cathy said...

Jesus! This is freaking hard! This is not fun at all.

Aussie Mouse said...

Great tips. Worked for me 1st try. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Lucky board Please, very hard level....

Anonymous said...

I have tried everything! Lucky board please.

Anonymous said...

Posting again for luck, really struggling with this one.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck again, really struggling with this one!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck for a 4th time !!! Really stuck on this horrible level & have tried everything from boosters ..swaps & hammers ...need that lucky board

Anonymous said...

Really stuck on this one, posting fir luck again!!! Ugh!!!

Anonymous said...

So much for Candy Crush helping relieve the stress of the day!!!!!

Helen said...

Just can't pass this level, even with boosters, not got any hammers or hand switches left, wish I could get a board like the one in the videos, don't know how much more time I can waste. I wish people would stop being nasty to those trying to help with tips and advice, this is a game after all!!

Anonymous said...

I love the tips from both Carol and Sharon!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Talk about some nasty people
They are truly there
If you really hate the game
Then why are you still here
Take a hint And take a break
Relax and maybe then
You can rejoin society
And act like a human again!

Anonymous said...

P.s....posting for luck!

Sultanate said...

Stuck on this level. Gave in all the boosters. Need a lucky board posting for luck

Anonymous said...

SAD. I have enjoyed candy crush saga until now. It always helped me relax but since they updated the last time I don't get get my coloured balls etc so I guess it is good buy after a week of trying I give up. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Its time to stop CC
This level is boring and frustrating
Need to much combos to finish
No fun , no relaxing, only stress
Bye bye

Pascorp said...

Posting for luck please...

Anonymous said...

This level is really impossible
Posting for lucky board

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jax said...

This level was so easy for me - somehow I passed it first time. I just had a SINGLE colour bomb to start and did it with lots of moves left over. I have never had helmets, dashes, blah blah and yes I have passed every level.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I wasn't expecting that .. after reading all the comments I passed first time.
I have a free colour ball for an hour and added one of my own.
Luckily they were side by side as I can no longer reset my board without losing a life.
Added fish and stripe/wrap combo for luck.
Clearly it was just a lucky board and I hope some of you will take encouragement that they do come along.

Never had Space Dash said...


Never had Space Dash said...

King doesn't give SD to everyone.

Anonymous said...

So, people shouldn't share that they won a level with space dash, or that they reset the board, or got a helmet? Just to avoid hurting the feeeelings of those less fortunate who don't get space dash or board resets? Get over yourselves. You must think that space dash or helmet or board resets or whatever are an absolute guarantee that we'll win. Well, that's ridiculous. We can share too. Believe it or not, this game is difficult and frustrating for us too, and we quite often need game hints. Why do you think you are the only ones worthy of advice? Knock it off.

Flippenheck said...

Oh help please

Anonymous said...

Really hard level...can’t get past the bombs...need a lucky board for sure :-(

patti said...

i followed the tip on getting your colorbomb next to the first yellow key.. worked for the .. thanks for the tip.. i do appreciate helpful tips that help those of us who do not have space dash and such .. but that was not nice to bash carol the elder .. give a lady a little respect. and do not bitch when you come for advice and you never give any after you pass a level..

Laura said...

Well said.

Laura said...

Well said. Stop the ever increasing ugliness. This is a tips site. If you don't like it please somewhere else.

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Not enough moves posting for luck ✨