Candy Crush Saga Level 3798 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3798 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3798 is all about the keys. Collecting the keys will unlock the yellow candies at the bottom of the board and release them onto the conveyors. Once the yellow candies are travelling around the conveyors you can switch the ingredients with them and out of the exits.
The strategy for this level is fairly simple, but getting it to happen not so much! You are likely to run out of moves regularly until you get the stripes you need to get a good start.
First of all clear the blockers under the stripe dispenser at the top of the board, then you need a bit of luck as you need a vertical stripe to unlock the key in the middle. Once the first key is unlocked work on any moves that will unlock or collect others and look out for the first yellow candies to unlock in the bottom left section. Once the bottom left ingredient is unlocked, switching it with the yellows will unlock the ingredient on the right, switch that one and you have completed the game.

Video by Kazuohk
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anita said...

Please help! No boosters, need a lucky board .

Anita said...

Please help with lucky board, thanks!

carlton said...

if you have sd not not start with double color bomb will lose the yellow candy on the will not fall in the right must get rid of the left ingredient first

Brenda said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you 🙏

Anonymous said...

Thank you Carlton!! I couldn't figure out why my left yellow candy wouldn't drop. It was because I started with 2 CB's together. Read your comment and passed!

Vivien said...

Thank you Carlton I to followed your advice 😘

anonymous37 said...

Thank you, Carlton! Your tip was a huge help. I had Mort's helmet and added a coconut wheel. I was able to combine the sprinkle with the coconut wheel at the top of the board which gave me all stripes and a good head start. I finished in only a few moves.

tr6465 said...


Anonymous said...

Thankyou Carlton ..i was starting with a double colour bomb till i read your advice..perhaps you could start your own blogspot i can move on

Happy said...

I found away to back out and NOT lose SD. on PC. Go ahead and click on the X to quit the game... when it ask if you are sure or you will lose the space dash, back out of the game. When you re-open the SD is still intact. At lease that works for me on my MAC desktop. Good luck

Anonymous said...


LouLou said...

Enjoy this blog It is my go to help site! However I wanted to share something. I had to reinstall my app...and ALL boosters disappeared. I was heartbroken. Continue with the helpful hints!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Can't even get close with so few moves...

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a lucky board.

Unknown said...

16 moves tooooo less😞

Anonymous said...

Only 16 moves
Vidéos shows more
This is not fair
Need more moves
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Vidéos shows another games as we have
A lot of keys and blocks

Anna said...

This level is so lame. Over too fast. Not interesting at all. Gonna be stuck here awhile. Would be nice if it were fun at least.

Anonymous said...

What a fake board. All the yellows are under padlocks but on this board they are all visible! And there are only 16 moves. This website is so out of date i have never ever come on here and found a level that matches what is actually there. No help whatsoever. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Dolce’ said...

They are just so predictable! You can’t even get anything close to breaking the blocker on top so special candies fall down and then if you do get it broken nothing comes out! Ugh Frustrating level, 15 moves is not enough at all! 🤦‍♀️ got to pray for a lucky board please! 🤗

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Jax said...

My board is completely different to the one in the video.

After trying for quite a few times and not seeing how you could get the keys with so few moves I got bored so I matched a colour bomb with a wrap which was the same colour as two of the keys.

After that it was easy to pass.

shelleyjim said...


Dben said...

This level doesn’t match the helps for 3798. They’ve changed the board.

grama V said...

Different board...Very boring. Posting for luck🍀🍀🍀🍀

Unknown said...

the level has changed a bit. Can you please update your strategies; they/your advice is often what I rely on to pass some of the levels. Thanks for your time and effort!