Candy Crush Saga Level 3813 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3813 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect one cherry to complete level 3813 Candy Crush Saga.
Before you make a move look very carefully at the board, you can see there are two keys to clear, the first one at the top will unlock the cherry and also the licorice dispenser.
The second key in the middle will unlock the chocolate in the bottom left and also a stripe/wrap combo.
You need to be very careful about when you collect the second key, this won't allow the cherry to drop into the bottom conveyor unless you can have a second stripe or a stripe/wrap combo to hit the blocker beside the key twice, this will allow the cherry to drop into the bottom conveyor. BUT you need to clear the blocker when the cherry is on the right side of the conveyor so that it can drop down onto the bottom one. Wait a few moves if needed to get it in position.
While all this is going on you will have unlocked the chocolate and it will eat the wrapped candy as soon as it is unlocked unless you can clear some chocolate with the same move that unlocks it, a stripe/wrap combos will do the job, then you can use the combo at the bottom to clear a layer from the waffle over the exit.
Once you get the cherry to the bottom conveyor and some of the chocolate cleared you need a bit of luck. You need the stripes at the bottom of the board to be sideways so you can use them to hit the waffle. When you get to the final layer of the waffle don't clear it until the cherry is directly above it or you will get licorice dropping into the exit.

The video below by Kazuohk shows very good strategy, but he is also quite lucky with the stripes.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Unknown said...

Need better boards. Diabolical level.

Emsa8 said...

When you read Cookies' advice and / or watch the video carefully, you can understand quite well how this level functions and its all more or less a question of timing.

Anonymous said...

Need to use stripe to hit the licorice on the right at the right timing to allow the candy to drop to the bottom.
Was lucky to have 2 horizontal stripes on the last row, use a hammer on a wrap just above them and out go the cherry (' ^ ' )

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Diabolical, in the video the bottom stripe dispenser dept dropping horizontal stripes, I kept getting verical, finally used a hand to finish!?!

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck.

Brown dog said...

Another level that depends on a lucky board. Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Another awful level not marked accordingly......

Donna said...

It’s not fun anymore.

Donna said...

Ha! Passed right after I posted that. Used full space dash and added a coconut wheel.

Unknown said...

King has taken away being able to go to previous easy levels to get the booster helmets. Now if I close the game, I lose the helmets. Most of the levels now require the boosters to pass them. I guess I'm done with playing because I don't want to keep playing the same level over and over without the chance to pass it for weeks and weeks if ever. Now when I'm able to collect a booster from the machine, it seems to always be fish. Good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Had to get passed this awful level so I used a hand switch to get the cherry off the first belt, a hammar to get it on the second belt, and then used another hand to switch the cherry and the waffle.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Unknown. Totally unfair. Cannot pass this without earned bolsters and ready to quit.

Anonymous said...

only 22 moves :(((

Anonymous said...

Would love to move on, but this is IMPOSSIBLE

Ruby said...

I need luck. Why are so many boards taking so long King? Not fun

Anonymous said...

Agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

In 22 moves.. you really got to be kidding..used to be 34.. do u people know what you are doing??

Anonymous said...

I'm really feeling like this level is impossible!

Anna said...

Posting for luck

Anna said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, please 😥

Anonymous said...

I’ve had it. I have persevered thus far. I don’t give up easy. This level has made me not even want to open the app and try anymore. I’ve tried with booster...without boosters...and nothing works. I have really enjoyed playing, but now I’m done. Goodbye CC.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck especially now that King has reduced the number of moves!
The game has become very frustrating. No fun anymore.

Anonymous said...

Given the importance of timing in this level, I’m not sure it can be done in 22 moves. Have yet to see a video which doesn’t start with 34 moves and uses most of them. It feels hardly with playing

Hubblebubble said...

I've been stuck on this level for days, no fun. I don't know of any other similar game that gets like this. Very frustrating.

Anonymous said...

22 moves
Vidéos shows 35
This is not fair
Need really more moves to get this level
No fun
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Also agreed! I need at least 1 booster to pass any level. I am so sick of scrolling waaaay down to play level 606 to collect boosters!
No fun any more... .

Anonymous said...

Oh great! Another level where I have to wait a week just to pass, why the heck am I bothering anymore? Most comments now are ppl begging for luck, honestly that just sums this game up now LUCK!

Anonymous said...

wish i had 36 moves to do it, but no, more discrimination, just 22, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stupid level, IMPOSSIBLE! You have become an utter joke CC, This is no longer a game but about making profits only (especially this level) I for one have had enough of this tripe and thank god every person I know has quit your ridiculous game who got fed up of waiting weeks to pass one level. Should of quit long ago. If any one else has sense they'll quit too! RIP CC

Anonymous said...

As I have stated before, I find not being able to get space dash and other boosters. Should be e to all! Done with CC!

Anonymous said...

Not do-able, its impossible to pass. I have started with 2cb, 2 wrapped bombs & 2 striped bombs plus 6 extra moves and a roller yet didn't even come close?
Time to hang the gloves up on this game not willing to spend anymore. Adios CC it was fun but last 100 or so levels just killed it of for me!

Anonymous said...

Just passed this level. Managed to get cherry down to the bottom, but hadn’t cleared the waffle. When the cherry was above the waffle I tried a hand swap and it worked!!

Dolce’ said...

Oh wow the hand swap works for me too thank you anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I might be able to do it if I had nore moves and could still get a helmet...just boring now...over six days...need a lucky board..oh right said that days ago....boring boring

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Yet another level that if u don’t have boosters to help along u are doomed

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Another POS level compliments of the A-holes at KING

Lou said...

Utterly frustrating level.
What is the point of the wrapped candy under rather the candy cane bottom right? The minute you see it it gets covered with chocolate so no chance of using.
Lucky board now please!

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Boring impossible

Anonymous said...

Stupid 1 option per move level.
Like other levels I wonder, do they ever try the levels themselves before publishing it....
This is stupid and boring to the max.

Unknown said...

Not even close ;(

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Trina said...

Another impossible level from cc too much chocolate which is blocking any chance of achieving posting for a lucky board soon as I've to much time trying to win

Michelle said...

Thank you for the hand switch hint
I used it to switch licorice and the cherry to finally move on after days of trying
I quit playing weeks ago after we lost the ability to keep the helmet.
I have had to deplete my stash on the last levels
No fun...time to really say enough
King got greedier...

Shelby Milford said...

Someone up there said it: hand switch with the waffle does it.

Anonymous said...

First free the cherry. When it gets above the second conveyer use a hammer so it can drop. Repeat when it's above the third conveyer. When it moves just above the waffle, use a hammer again until it clears and the cherry will drop. This may not be the purists way to complete a level,but I wasn't about to spend days trying. Lucky to have enough hammers, finished with 19 moves left.

Anonymous said...

Terrible level! Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Fed up said...

Yikes I need lots of luck

Anonymous said...

Lots of comments means terrible level. Posting for luck. Not fun at all.

Fed up said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fed up said...

IMPOSSIBLE so tired of this one

Grandma said...

No fun. Impossible. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE

Anonymous said...

You have 34 moves. I only get 30

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Another impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Think that’s me finished. Glad to have got this far but been on this one for over a week and no where close

Anonymous said...

They just can’t leave a hard level hard they have to make it impossible by cutting moves pretty sickening if u ask me

collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level.

Anonymous said...

Publicar para la suerte

Anonymous said...

Impossible without boosters, can occasionally get the fruit down to the bottom but then not enough moves to clear the waffles and licorice, really starting to hate this game!

nicx said...

cc est de moins en moins amusant
toujours besoin de chance

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Cindy said...


Rosita said...

posting for luck

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Anonymous said...

I used several hand switches and hammers to win this level. That's all we can do now, no other way to win.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck a really horrible level not fair need more moves going to quit not getting any better with these levels

Jelly said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

So tired of this level!

Lady Larkin said...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I was so tired of thi level... chocolate blocked, waffle full! Used one hand switch flipped the cherry had 8 moves left! Thank you so much for helping!

Anonymous said...

Help, help, help

Anonymous said...

Impossible impossible

Anonymous said...

Impossible impossible impossible

Anonymous said...

Impossible do ompossible

Trinity! said...

So tired of all these frustrating, impossible levels that take Luck and extra boosters to pass. This level gets me so frustrated, I’ll play one game and then close the app.

Anonymous said...

I have tried & tried but finding it impossible. Can’t see me playing much longer.

Anonymous said...

Don’t have any hand swaps and I didn’t get my boosters yesterday for being top of leaderboard.

jan said...

Please help with level!

jan said...

Been stuck on this level for a few days, played it so many times, and out of boosters. Time to get a lucky board, or move on to something more fun. This is tedious and very boring! Help!

candy crusher said...

Have been on this level for a couple of days now. I don't save up boosters so I need a lucky board please!

Shunga said...

Ridiculous! Need the sugar drop challenge back to win boosters!

Shunga said...

Need lucky board! Video is not for this level either! Wise up king! I hate these stupid levels!

Shunga said...

Okay I think this is the straw that broke the camel’s back for me! First King takes away the sugar drop challenge, second you cannot earn boosters anywhere, and finally the levels are definitely impossible without buying boosters! Well I am DONE! I would not pay one more penny on this game! Bye Felicia!

Mark said...

Wtf?? The chocolate immediately consumes the bubble wrap?? This must be a bug??
Yet again , not enough moves. Please test play these levels before you release- it's completely unprofessional !

barb W said...

All well and good saying 'do this, then wait, then do that' if you don't have the special candy on your side, then it's useless. Everything being swallowed up on both sides of the board including the cherry. I've gotten down to the waffle part several times, but never enough moves to get the cherry back down through all that licorice. Horrible level.

Unknown said...


JJ said...

Stuck for nearly a week. Without a lucky board it is impossible without boosters.

Missy said...

Posting for luck plzzzz! Seems impossible

R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck !!!!

dot said...

posting for some luck

Babci said...

Posting for much needed luck.

Anonymous said...

Here's how I beat it on 2nd try! You need 2 CB's side by side, one hammer and one hand switch. Swap your 2 CB's first, then make any moves until the cherry is above the opening to bottom conveyor. Use a hammer on the licorice under the cherry to drop it down. You need a little luck for the next need to hit the bottom conveyor with a horizontal stripe to drop the cherry onto the conveyor. Make any moves until the cherry is above the waffle then use the hand switch to drop it through the exit!!

Marielle said...

Awful level ...just need help ....

EC said...

Posting for luck

Annomous said...

Really need HELP with this game I have been stuck on this for days. I have used all of my boosters and still nothing. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC.

Tammy Caison said...

I need luck and a glass of wine

Lola said...

Ugh. Bored of losing. Not even a fun one to lose at

Lola said...

I have a bottle.

Unknown said...

After about a week being annoyed with this level I figured out your can use a hand to switch the Cheery and the waffle and did it immediately. Duh. Lessons learned.

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de excluir o CC.

meliana said...

No more playing CC, what a stupid level, moves has been reduce

Nancy said...

Not having any luck with this level! Not playing much because it is boring trying to pass a level that never happens. Hats off to any that passed this quickly, not me

Nancy said...

Well, can’t beat this level, guess I am done

Charper223 said...

Desperately need a lucky board please. I have 22 moves not the 35 advertised. This serious reduction (or incorrect assignment) of moves available vs what is advertised is an ongoing problem. Are you able to address this frequent error please?
And there is a glitch with the combo in bottom right - as soon as the bubble candy is revealed next to the striped candy it is immediately covered by chocolate - it’s literally not possible to use it in any way. Are you able to fix that too, please?

And most urgently: please, please, please send a lucky board ASAP - many thanks.

Sparkyjo said...

I wasted 3 hammers trying to get that cherry out. Posting for luck please

Joosy said...

I've been playing this level for over a week and that is just plain ridiculous. As a previous commentor said, the bottom strip and wrap get covered instantaneously by chocolate so it's impossible to use them. Surely King makes enough money off players who buy items all the time without having to change levels and make them harder so we'll spend money. I realise I have a choice to play or not but it's very disappointing that a company can be so greedy.

Rena said...

Another level that depends on a lucky board. Posting for lucky board

Unknown said...

Ridiculous level. Bored of it now

Unknown said...

Yep ne too. Played candy crush for a couple of years now and every now and then, they do this and there is zero fun, quite the opposite in fact. They need to stop doing this... swipe away the stress? Swipe and get stressed more like. Finished, bye CC

MissyM said...

Unlocking the top key did not unlock the cherry (as Cookie said it would). It did, however, also unlock the middle cherry. Being short on boosters I cannot just hammer my way out as some posts suggest.

Candy Thompson said...

Posting for luck HELP!

Shari said...

Come on king, more and more people are leaving due to these utterly rediculous levels with reduced moves and whatever else you can add to make the game more difficult. The more people that leave the less you rake in for advertisements. Make this game fun again!

Dsayer1975 said...

Come on King this level is a joke! Time to move on to a fun game. Bye

Dsayer1975 said...

Absolute diabolical level - come on King! I’m so done 👋🏻

Dsayer1975 said...

Grrrrrrr I am done, Deleting candy crush after 5 years 🖕🏻

jackluver said...

Posting for luck. I hope to pass this horrible level soon. NO FUN!!!

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Terrible level! Constant reshuffling, no skill involved!

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

Megan L said...

Wow- now even the free spin is gone? So done with this game.

Anonymous said...

Just another level that requires a g@ddamn miracle 😡

Anonymous said...

Total, total CRAP!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a friggin waste of time!!! 😡

Susan said...

Posting for luck please

Martinat said...

Horrible level

Martinat said...

Shocking level..

Maddi said...

Definitely need a lucky board - here for days and not even fun to play

Heather Stewart said...

Now we only have 15 moves!!!! Seems we have to pay to pass this level now. 😢

Anonymous said...

In reading the comments above, it looks like this level use to have 35 moves. Man, I wish! Now we only have 15 moves to move the cherry to freedom. Can you please update your cheat? I need the help, please.

Anonymous said...

Sooo, I posted here 3 days ago. Today I actually passed the level which is a rather ridiculous level with only 15 turns. I do not purchase candies, so I have to save them and use them very sparingly. I had to use two lollipops on my final turn to crush what remained of the waffle. Thankfully the cherry was sitting on the waffle to allow it to fall through. I was dealt a very lucky board with several combos. Make sure to wait till the cherry is in the best locations on the conveyor belt. When I passed, there was really no feeling of relief or joy. It was a total luck of the board with several combos. Good luck!

Poonam said...


Andy M said...

The video makes it look fairly easy but shows 34 moves... there are only 15

Unknown said...

This level has changed a at 11 moves and really impossible

Unknown said...

11 moves, might be time to give up. 😢

Stylish said...

Video has 34 moves, my level has 11 moves.
Impossible to complete, so there is no way forward so that the end of candy crush for me!
Have been so fed up for weeks needed the algorithm to complete levels to move on, but this level is beyond belief!

JuleP said...

Game over, never I give one cent for such waste 😬

Nauja J said...

Posting for luck

Annie said...

Not just nightmarishly hard but nigh on impossible. Only 11 moves now. I get really annoyed with these levels that are such an obvious push for money in the way of buying extra moves etc. With such a small number of moves you lose lives very quickly. Very annoying. Deserately begging for a lucky board because being stuck on this one for too long will definitely see me quitting the game completely. Getting only 10 minutes or so of play before your 20 allotted lives run out doesn't make for a fun or relaxing game.

Me said...

Posting for luck

Me said...

Only 11 moves now . It's impossible to unlock 2 keys, which you have to unlock one before you can unlock the second one. Then there are 4 layers of blocks at the bottom. I've used all my boosters and still no luck. I've been stuck on this bullshit level for weeks and I'm sick of it. Levels like this are no fun at all. Yes there should be challenging levels but not ones that you need to purchase a crap load of boosters to pass. Time to delete candy crush.