Candy Crush Saga Level 3921 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3921 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3921 Candy Crush Saga is a score level, you have to score 183,000 points to complete the level.
The bombs which are on the board will give you the score you need if you can clear some of them using a colourbomb, so look for chances to make them whenever possible.
You shouldn't need to worry too much about the bombs counting down as they have quite a long countdown so you should be able to clear them in time.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Rabster said...

Cleared the bombs had 5 extra moves various sprinklers and nowhere near

Anonymous said...

Cleared all the bombs, but got a very low score.

Anonymous said...

Impossible. Obviously a glitch.

Carol the elder said...

Use your sprinkles individually on the color with the most countdown bombs. Do not combine two sprinkles. Even after you collect all the time bombs, you have to complete the moves. I had to use two hammers to get a countdown under jelly before it detonated even though I already had the points I needed.

Anonymous said...

I just have to comment. I started with SD and 8 bombs the same color. I jused a CB on that color candy and after everything cleared on my 1st move - I had 311,000 points. I made more CBs cleared the remaining bpmbs, made tons of special candies and ended up with ONLY 388,000 !?!?!. So if you don’t have a lot of 1 color of bombs, then you shouldn’t play the board.

Sultanate said...

Need a lucky board posting for luck

Donna said...

I’ve cleared the bombs within the first moves with colorbomb and stripe/wrap combos, made multiple special candies and still can’t get close.

Donna said...

Didn’t do anything differently and passed on my next attempt. Lol

Brown dog said...

Need lucky board.

Brenda said...

Thanks Carol the Elder

Anonymous said...

Vaak bommen weg maar niet de score behaald.
Op een lucky bord dan maar

Anna said...

Posting for lucky board

Emsa8 said...

Nobody who is able to read must "post for luck". Its exactly as Mrs Cookie and others explained - you MUST hit the bombs via CB. Then you get enough points. Period. And this is not only luck, but in your hand, too, as CBs are not easy but also not difficult to make,

Emsa8 said...

The second time you obviously hit more bombs with CB than during the first attempt.

Mezzanine said...

I have followed all recommendations and cannot get anywhere near. Once bombs are cleared and no more appear there seems to be no way to increase the score. Posting for luck

Cathy said...

Cleared all bombs, but still didn't score enough!

Monorma said...

I cleared the bombs with combos but didn't get the score. The most usual is to have 1 or 2 bombs left on the upper side when the countdown expires. Boring.
Need a lucky board!

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jan said...

Posting for luck

Aussie said...

Clear the bombs - low score.
Get high score - bomb explodes.

Anonymous said...

"You shouldn't need to worry too much about the bombs counting down as they have quite a long countdown so you should be able to clear them in time".

Cookie's key word is "shouldn't"

I am being killed by countdown bombs every time I play. Grrrrr

Anonymous said...

I started with a CB/Wrap which cleared all but one bomb and gave me 72,460 pts. No additonal bombs fell, so we have to depend on the small board to give us the remaining points required.
This seems pretty much impossible unless we can have more bombs (for points) or more moves.

Anonymous said...

Hard level
Need help to clear this
Posting for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

cleared the board a few times and niot even close and I guess no more countdiowns fallk...posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board please as with the other comments cleared the bombs early on but nowhere near the score required

Anonymous said...

I too, cleared all the bombs, seperately, and not even coming close to score needed. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Impossible to clear all the bombs and get the required score!
Please send us lucky boards.

Jim said...

I started with a color bomb wrapped combo and didn’t get anywhere. Next started with just. Color bomb and didn’t get anywhere. Tried it with out boosters and got 3 stars. Color bombs kept dropping.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous .. used all my extra boosters as SD no longer available and can’t build a bot on old levels ..not even getting close ...either the bomb go off before I get score or get score and need one or two more bins and can’t get at them ... grrrr. Lucky board please

Grandma said...

Keep clearing bombs but can't score enough. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Same as Grandma above ☹️

Anonymous said...

Then passed on the next try, go figure!

Anonymous said...

I can’t score enough with the bombs...finding colorbombs hard to make. I’m just waiting for a lucky board to appear...not happy :-(

Anonymous said...

Seems impossible to get anywhere near the number of points needed. This has to be a glitch. Please help!

Anonymous said...

Can't get the score! Need some luck please!

Winegums said...

I cleared all the bombs and still didn’t score the required amount.

Winegums said...

Just got the score required and King didn’t give it to me. I’m rotted. I thought you said this was an easy level? Maybe for you Cookie because you just happen to have all the lucky candies dropping. You didn’t even make the lucky candies on your own. They just appeared on your board. Coincidence? I think if you reach the score required you should get Candy Crush right away instead having to continue playing.

Jaybee said...

I cleared all the bombs several times but still did not get the score I needed.
Please do something about it!

Linda Maitan said...

Cleared all not enough pt
Next time cleared all but one Got tons point but the one bomb went off
Need luck

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


CidDeMizar said...

Cleared all bombs. Far away from requested score. No more bombs appear. Another lottery? Or maybe we have to play this level again and again until King decides let us pass?

Blueblood said...

Clear all bombs and can't get the score or get the score only to lose because G can't get all the bombs. Frustrating level. Lucky board please.

jan said...

If I get all the bombs, I don't get the score, and if I get the score I get killed by the bombs. :(. Please I need a lucky board!

Shunga said...

Can’t even get close. Help please!

Sue said...

Gonna try this approach.

Sue said...

Not sure what to make of all this advice and probs with lack of points to pass level??? Doesn’t seem to be a clear way to pass unless the powers that be shine down on your board??

Bonnie said...

I passed, but have no idea how!I'd been stuck on it for 3 days. Wasted lots of boosters. Then just now it let me pass, somehow. The game began with 25 moves with 20-move bombs. I did not use up all the moves and did not clear the bombs, and most of them still had marmalade. I forget, but I think all the bombs still had 5 moves on them. I did make and use two color bombs, and cleared all of one color of the move bombs with them (orange). All of a sudden the board erupted like it does when you meet your goal, and I was like, what the heck..... I didn't pay attention to what the score was at the end. I've been playing a lot less over the past couple months, so maybe it's the game's way of getting to come back? Seriously, I should not have passed.

Greylady said...

I've cleared the bombs twice and finish moves with color bombs and stripes but still got no where near the points needed. What gives??????

Phil said...

Cleared the bombs, did all moves, not enough score.

Marwanjo said...

Posting for lucky board, beging for a lucky board, What a shit. This game of ccis on his return.

Silvia said...

Cleared all the bombs, and got 15 extra moves. Only 115000 points. You can only win this level with a lucky board.

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Laura said...

I'm not sure what I did differently on about my 5th try. I made a match of 3 with no special candies near the bottom and everything exploded and that was it! So, don't give up!

Pinky said...

Bombs keep beating me, posting for lucky board please !!!?

Foxdean said...

I could not win this level despite numerous attempts even with boosters and it was looking impossible and then I started with a colour bomb (which I had tried before) and suddenly after one move lots of cascades and I passed!

A Morton Way of Life said...

This level only has 18 moves now. I occasionally get just over 100000 points, but usually between 0 and 70 thousand. Have been stuck here for over a week. I can not see any way to generate more points.

Unknown said...

This is not a points level. It's a clear all the jelly level. Bombs go off before that can happen. Strictly luck is involved

Unknown said...

Changed to a jelly level with lots of bombs.