Candy Crush Saga Level 3950 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3950 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3950 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect licorice, waffles and countdown bombs to complete the level.
If you normally play with the sound on I suggest you turn it off, the noise the spawners make can be quite off putting and cause you to rush your moves instead of taking your time and thinking about where to move.
The bombs are not a problem as they will drop freely as you play, however the licorice and waffles can be more tricky.
The licorice drops from the dispensers on the left of the board and enters the main playing area through the portal on the right. The waffles drop into the right side and enter the main board through the portal on the left.
On your first two moves get as many waffles and licorice onto the board as you can because on the third move the spawners will lock the squares where the orders drop with licorice locks which will prevent any more licorice and waffles from dropping. Once this happens you will need to unlock the squares again using stripes and combos. A colourbomb combo is usually the best as it will also get more orders onto the board as well as unlocking the columns. However, before you switch your combo make sure there are candies of the right colour in line with the locked cells or it will be a waste. Wraps tend to drop down the board when switched with a colourbomb so a stripe usually works best.

Every time you get the locked cells open get as many orders as you can down onto the board before they lock up again. The licorice is usually the hardest to collect as it doesn't drop when you clear it so it takes a bit longer to get enough.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Jimmy said...

You need to keep liquorice and waffles flowing like wine or you'll soon be stumped. Bombs should take care of themselves as you make moves. 1st try full SD nowhere near, next try no boosters or SD done in 16 moves and 1 hammer. Been given 3 episodes this week and not really played candy drop levels the last week lol. 3951 is special

Rick said...

Oh no! Another double episode! The levels are getting ridiculously hard. I got levels 3936 to 3948 on the first go but 3949 and 3950 in two tries. In the process I got only one hand left. I have to finish the next episode on the PC.

Rick said...

Guys, Candy Crush is going to kill us. It's not only double but triple episode this week. I was glad to finish the second episode limping because all my boosters are almost gone down to one hand and hammer each. Then the pointer jump to level 3966. Maybe I'll collect boosters first before continuing to the third episode.

Anonymous said...

Ye Gods why not just add 1000 levels and take away anything that might be remotely useful! At this rate I’ll gave no boosters left quite soon. Maybe that’s the point? Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I swear when I started playing this morning there was only one episode!! Am I mistaken or did King just add 2 more?? you’ve got to be kidding me. Everyone on this blog is blowing thru all their boosters, including me. I am truly at the end of my rope. DELETE DELETE DELETE. SEE YA!!! Thanks King for wasting 5 years of my life

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Completed 1st episode of three episodes this week

very hard

I think I will use up all my hands and hammers
boosters saved in years soon


Pjay said...

It's one thing for King to release episodes that make me feel like a sucker. This episode was King telling me to my face that I'm a sucker.

Rick said...

I finally completed the 3 episodes up to 3980. It took me most of the day. I used up dozens of hands and lollipops, first from my Samsung tablet and then from my mini iPad. My Windows 10 PC has some boosters but it does not have Space Dash. I used it only on some levels that does not need a CD combo. I used also 33 gold bars for buying twice for moves but did not get them and for buying 3 lollipops for 19. I don’t want to buy them but it’s very frustrating if you need just one lollipop to complete a level but you don’t have any. The alternative is to redo a very hard level again. At least I can earn the gold bars again.
We don’t know now what to expect next Wednesday. I just hope it’s not a quadruple episode.

Rick said...

By the way, Cookie's tips are up to 3963 only. Some videos with tips are available up to level 3980, but the tips on those levels are not as detailed and comprehensive as Cookie's. Most of the time I have to figure them out myself.

Jimmy said...

All 3 episodes complete. 3966-3980 I started with 9 hands 5 hammers. Finished with 2 hands 0 hammers. Didn't use any gold for extra moves/boosters at all or play on several devices. Ciao

Anonymous said...

Completed all levels on 1st try :), without boosters

Anonymous said...

Completed the 2nd episode of this week

very very hard


Anonymous said...

Whatever you say if it makes you happy

Unknown said...

Need better boards

Anonymous said...

completed the 3rd episode of this week

very very very hard

I think I will quit candy crush soon
once I use up all hand and hammer boosters


Roger75 said...

x3 Done

Lynn said...

Is the rumor true that CC will stop at 4000?

Francisco Diego said...

Ha ha good joke

Francisco Diego said...

I hope so. This would give me a lot of time

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

I didn’t search in depth through this whole site, all I know is I’m at 3950, each level is worse than the last and it seems I keep spending a mass abundance of both time and MONEY just to squeak by to the next disastrously monstrosity of a level!!! Yes, I’m a grown adult, yes I know when to say “enough is enough,” but as someone up ^ there posted “why restart a hard level when all you need is one hammer to finish it?” Frustration takes over, and utter defeat is not a good feeling, ugh! So I’m here to question both, why did not only the levels seem to get jacked up in need for “price” (every booster under the sun x10) but also the ACTUAL price of the boosters??!? Piggy bank used to be 60 for $2.99, now is 30! THIRTY!!! In game, to purchase gold bars for, whatever...used to be $1.99 for 15, in which I could usually have risidual from either purchasing piggy bank at 60, or 15 gold bars 2 levels prior so at any given current level, for example maybe I need 3 hammers, 19 gold bars, I’d usually have stowed away about 8 so I’d only need 1 purchase of 15 for $1.99, but now I only get 10! That’s ridiculous!!! I don’t understand the reason to all the sudden jack prices up out of nowhere! (Although I guess it’s not jacking prices up it’s the same price just way way less value.) VERY SAD!

Anonymous said...

Were you blindfolded too?

LynnKaiser07 said...

Posting for luck AGAIN!!

Jonny B said...

I'd like to see a feature on here, that shows how many boosters a person has, and how much $$ they have spent on CC. A few levels back, I went to YouTube for some help and found 1/2 doz videos, each claiming to have finished on the first attempt. They all had used boosters, one guy had 800 color bombs....

Anonymous said...

I must not be understanding how this level works due to my fried brain. I can’t get enough licorice to come down.
????? Is it a hard level or am I just tired?

Anonymous said...

I got a win after I posted a comment here. No Booster, No ships. Started with nothing. I don’t know how many times I said it but it’s true “Post your comment on this site and you’ll get lucky”

Rhodesia said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Finally got this one with no boosters at all! Got tired of playing to get the bots back, and just kept at it!

Anonymous said...

Pfff lucky bord please

A2 said...

You know what? This is BS. The minute you clear the f-ing block on the licorice, it pops right back up again. You don’t stand a chance in hell.

Posting for luck but I don’t hold out much hold. Such BS.

A2 said...

*hope. Ffs.

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck again

fedup said...

Oh well, yet another level that will keep me stuck for at least a week until king realize I refuse to buy boosters. You are really REALLY starting to SUCK big time king! Would just like to get to 4000 then I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Two times I had the opportunity to make a wrap that would land next to a stripe in the middle of the board. Both times the candies didn't turn into the wrap as they should have.

Veronica said...

I come on this site to look for cookies tips on this level. Not to read about how the boasters get through all the episodes.

Still Here said...

There are too few moves. I always end up only needing two or three licorice to get but the spawners keep locking the ones I manage to free.

Deadly level this one

Sindy said...

Almost done with this game . Getting ridiculous, too hard an not fun anymore . 😡

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck once again....

Cher said...

If anyone brags about doing a level in less moves . Bang that's what CC drop it to . So take head you bracers.
Not much fun playing anymore.

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to agree with these comments, the further you go, the worst the game gets. Really hating this level. May have to quit too. Not fun anymore.

Anonymous said...

Impossible impossible impossible impossible - why do you find it necessary to take all the fun out of the game CC.

Ness said...


Ness said...

And why is that stupid weekly race popping up every time you play!!!

Chrissy said...

Hate this level.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck!

Anonymous said...


jackied said...

Posting for luck... I only have 18 moves... Please help

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Ramona said...

Yes, still wondering why I continue to paly, and why these levels are not marked hard. I have no idea what triple episodes are or how anyone claims to be playing this on Windows 10 on a PC. Or why people think they can win with a stunted vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

So we get 6 hard or very hard or nightmarishly hard levels on every episode, then they throw in this POS? And do you think they care that we are ready to quit? Nope, they just care about the money. That's the bottom line with all companies. I hate this game anymore. I dont need the frustration.

K said...

Luck needed

Laurx2 said...

I come on here precisely to hear how everyone beats the levels. That's where I find the best tips! Thanks to everyone who's shared winning strategies on this site!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

AGAIN CUT MOVES from 21 to 18 just enough to make impossible AH

Grandma said...

Posting for luck please. Not enough licorice like everyone else. Oh dear King. You'll be losing all us oldies.

Anonymous said...

see very little liquorice so far ... posting for luck .....

Anonymous said...

Can't get enough liquorice, help me please!

Rosita said...

lucky board pls

Anonymous said...

Treacherous disappointed in these boards...every one needs a lucky board. Hard to get the licorice on this one. Used all my luck...Waiting again for a lucky board :-(

Anonymous said...

Not getting the hang of licorice drops so always need about 8 at the end. Appreciate the hints but not getting it.

Anonymous said...

No idea where to go from here. Impossible.

nicx said...

besoin d'aide et de chance please

Anonymous said...

Presumably it is possible to get past this stupid level, or they wouldn't bother creating more levels ?

Lucy Lou said...

Posting for luck

CidDeMizar said...

As said, this whole episode sycks. It's created just for make more and more money for king. Isn't It enough?????

CidDeMizar said...

Another "easy" level. 2 days stuck here and no way to finish it. King, CHEATERS. Fair play, PLEASE. Well, actually you haven't the slightest idea of what It is.

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Frosty chic said...

Posting for luck

Cruella714 said...

posting for luck, this level is hard

DeeBleep said...

Lord have mercy, and Mr. King send me some luck! Pretty please???

Annu said...

Need a lucky board please!

Shunga said...

Seriously need a lucky board!

Anonymous said...


Hi y'all said...

Why not! Post for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

II am posting for a a lucky board. I have put in my time on this board and I deserve some luck!

Alessandra said...

Not enough moves , too many blockers . Pathetic
Will have to wait for lucky board - yawn.

I read above that they made this more difficult by adding waffles . Not a surprise there . !ts totally against their religion to create a level that’s close to impossible.

LynnR said...

Posting for luck. Been stuck for days 3950.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck Cause it’s impossible

Pinky said...

Impossible level posting for lucky board please !!!!!

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Hp.fruity said...

After struggling yesterday I managed to pass today. When the spawners blocked up I used a double wrap to get liquorice onto the board the double wrap also detonated a lot of it and the waffles. I matched the last few candies to get the liquorice and job done.

Anonymous said...

Ugh struggling for days!!! This isnt even any fun and I'm not sure its even possible!

yshuummu said...


Candy Thompson said...


Candy Thompson said...


sonbeam said...

Are you kidding??? Again with the lucky board stuff. 20 games in and counting

sonbeam said...

3 days many more rounds after the 20 and not even close I will not pay to play!!!!

Tina said...

Hate this game. Got down to one licorice and no way to get it. Bombs are easy to get. Waiting for lucky board as usual.

Edenia said...

Please help me with level 3950. I can’t get enough licorice to finish it. Please and thank you.

Nikki said...

Looks like it's time to quit CC. This world is impossible unless they gift you a lucky board. Boosters don't even help. Just ridiculous.

Edenia said...

Please help me with a lucky board! Thank you. I’ve been sick for many days.

Edenia said...

Can someone please help me get through this level? It’s horrible and not working properly for me.
I have posted multiple times and have done all the suggested thing to try and still can’t get through it.
Please send me a lucky board. Please and thank you!

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

Unknown said...

Help meeeeeee

Unknown said...

I have 16 moves only. Is it even possible to pass with this few moves?

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck....

Megan L said...

One horrible level after another. I wish King would make this game fun again. Passing time waiting for that lucky board..

Digger said...

It's official, I'm giving up. Such a shame as I've really enjoyed popping in to pass the time or take my mind off things but there's no point when it's not a level playing field. Rewards and moves are reduced, prices have increased and levels are made harder than they were for people who passed here before us. Au revoir ��

Becky said...

Lucky board please I'm not getting no where with this one!

red said...

No fun at all on these levels where you must have the lucky board. Please, may I have a lucky board?

Kay said...

Posting for luck