Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3949 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie
Level 3949 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level and it is actually harder than it looks. It should be classified as super hard as it is likely to be impossible to complete without boosters.
The frog can be useful, but growing it seems to waste precious moves. I have tried concentrating on only growing the frog with colourbombs but this hasn't worked well enough. I think the best thing to do is concentrate on switching colourbombs with stripes and wraps and just use the frog when it grows as a result of the other combos.
Don't switch two colourbombs together as it will just bring down more licorice, much better to use them singly to either grow the frog or switch with a stripe or a wrap. The best combos to use when there are candies in the bottom section are colourbomb/wrap combos, as long as there are candies in the bottom section the same colour as the wrap you should clear a fair amount of jelly with them.
I haven't been able to complete this level without boosters so far so I have found the video with the least boosters used played by Johnny Crush.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
OK King you’ve taken away just about every advantage we’ve previously had but please explain to me why I’m losing space dash boosters when I WIN the level. That is just not right. I’m following your rules. Stop it and be fair at least. Good luck everyone.
Posting for luck.
How are you supposed to pass this dreadful level, really bad! What's up with all the licorice? Too much!!
Posting for luck
Stuck and the frog will grow one time but that's he.
Ridiculous level. Tried all the boosters. Need a lucky board posting for luck
Struggling to even clear this set of levels this week let alone another 2 ! Finger hovering precariously over the delete button !
Posting for luck
This level is so unfair. At least give us more turns.
Crap level. Need better algorithms.
Is this how ALL the upcoming levels going to be like? Nearly impossible to pass unless you're loaded with boosters! I thought playing the game would be relaxing and enjoyable, not aggravating and stressful! Not fun at all anymore!!
Posting for luck
Another impossible level!! The licorice is ridiculous!! The frog is a waste of plays. Didn't grow at all 1st try!! I don't know what boosters would help!!! I stacked boosters with bot, not even close!! This level requires more than extra moves, it requires a dozen hammers!! At this point, who has any boosters left??!! Just another way to get more money from loyal players!!
Another crap week of 2 episodes. I haven’t even come close on this level and used up most of my boosters on a few levels before. I agree with others that this is no longer fun.
This is getting ridiculous! TOO many unpassable levels and Keeps taking away advantages.
This level should be labeled nightmarishly impossible!! I don't see how it can be done without buying boosters!! All my boosters are used up from all the previous extremely difficult levels!!! I have played previous levels over & over (7) to get boosters from bot, just to have stacked boosters!!! Either it will take a lot of extra moves,or less licorice!!! Fix this king!! Or show us how to complete!!
I'm not sure extra moves would help, unless it's a lot of extra moves!! If the frog would grow easily, maybe!!
KING!! Fix the frog or the licorice!! This level is too expensive to complete!!
Finally got it! Woo Hoo! My only tip is space bot helped and make as many CB's possible to feed the frog, hand switch and a hammer, happy to be moving on ☺
I hate this game. As soon as my boosters are gone, so am I. Enough. Why do I continue to do something that just makes me mad? It’s sick. As far as I’m concerned, King has ruined this game. It’s no fun at all. Just a tease. ���� ����
I totally agree!
For 3 days I play level #606 over and over for free boosters with bot builders. I have used bonus boosters spins. I have tried every combo!!!! I used up hammers, hand switches, gold bricks for extra moves!! Nothing works!! I always have at least 9 jellies left!! This game isn't fun!! It's tedious, ridiculous, & angers me all the time!! Games should be fun!! Not irritating!!
I finally finished this stupid level. I used the CB/CB combo to begin with (had full build a bot). Used a space ship really helped. Didn't have a problem with the frog and used that to get the last jelly under a licorice dispenser. Used a hand switch to get a stripe and wrap together at the bottom near the conveyor belt and then switched them when there wasn't much licorice after using the space ship. Good luck!
This level makes mo sense!! Frog rarely grows, when it does, it takes so long to make another, & the licorice fills in. All you do is make special candies, & hope they don't self detonate before you can use them!! Package candy is good, but most of the time they self detonate before you can use them!! With so many stupid levels to go, I wouldn't waste boosters!! You can only pass if king gives you a very lucky board!!! They want you to use up your boosters so you BUY MORE BOOSTERS!!
This is getting ridiculous! Posting for luck because only a lucky board would help! Not fun anymore, just frustrating.
This level needs a category all to
itself! Have used so many boosters it's untrue!
Sick of scrolling back to play 606.
Sugar track seems rigged towards any boosters I actually need!
I finished it with 2 UFOS. The fun has gone.
Just did it. Combine CB in the beginning n fish combine with wrap candies. Work like a charm
I have used bot builders for 4 days!! Lucky if I get half the jellies cleared!!
I have tried that multiple times!
Used the full BOT, got down to one jelly and didn’t have hammer to finish it. I was so tempted to purchase boosters! Just on principle, I just couldn’t do it! Looks like I will be here a while..ugh!
Another absolutely impossible level! I have no boosters so I guess the game is over!
Taken me ages to get through 3947 which I needed loads of boosters for. Now this. So fed up with playing 606 just for space dash. So bored of playing impossible levels. Seriously had enough of this game trying to cheat you out of money. I’m afraid my candy crushing days have come to an end.
Thanks for the reminder about spaceship. I started with all boosters available. After a few mi es used hand to get 2 CB combo. Cleared bottom. When licorice grew, I used a spaceship on bottom. Used hammer to hit Candy under licorice dispenser. One jelly , containing licorice, remainiwd under the licorice dispenser. Tried a hammer and another licorice dropped. Tried spaceship and it blew away remaining jelly! Thanks again!
I agree with lots of others, the levels aren't fun anymore. I don't have boosters to pass so I will have to wait on lucky board if there is one
I just read all the comments on this level. I think this game of Candy Crush is destined to end soon. Comments used to have helpful hints and players posting happiness in winning the level. There’s none of that now. People are just annoyed at King and how impossibly stupid hard these levels are to pass. Wow, I was just shocked at the level of negativity. King, you gotta do something cause everybody hates you.
After 4 days, & a 2 hour unlimited playing time, 2hours of fish boosters, which means only 1 fish per game!! The best I can do is within 6 jellies!!! So tired of playing past levels over and over for free boosters
Been stuck on this level for 2 days. Thrown everything at it and still can’t pass. King seriously do want all the players at these high levels to quit. I agree with the majority there is absolutely no fun in this game now, we must be mad!. If anyone knows a good alternative please let me know. Thanks
Posting f lucky board
I can’t get past this level. I have used all my boosters! It is not fun to play a game when there is absolutely no way to win and only makes you MAD, I THINK MY BLOODPRESSURE WOULD APPRECIATE ME PLAYING SUDOKU,
I’m so digusted with this level that I don’t even care anymore. I’m sick and tired of playing 606 and I’m done going back and playing it. It’s insane. When my current boosters are used up, I’m quitting too. Thanks King for nothing. Nice way to ruin your brand. I wouldn’t start “the new candy crush” if YOU PAID ME.
I don't if they changed this level to make it easier or if I was just lucky but I finished this on the first go with a full space bot and fish booster. Had 8 moves left too.
one thing I noticed is that the Frog no longer tells you that it's ready to be used by pulsing. and it seemed to be ready to use after one hit from a combo. so my tip would be keep trying to use the frog after every move you make.
You know you are in trouble when you look at Cookie’s blog and see 44 comments. Using more hammers and switches than I wanted to finally got down to one jelly. I couldn’t hammer because the frog was on the square with jelly. So be careful where you place the frog.
Posting for luck again!
This is getting ridiculous
all I do is get rid of my life's and get no where near winning. If all the games are going to be like this I may have to just quit. Not fun anymore
What is the BOT? My space dash and magic helmets disappeared weeks ago - no way to build up boosters any more!
Waiting for lucky board ..
Posting for a lucky board π
Omg finally done had to buy lollipops to get last jelly but done
Well this is my third or fourth day to work on this stupid level! I just finished off 2 hours of free play. Only one time I got down to one jelly left and couldn’t get it because I have no boosters! What a crook!
P.S. There is entirely to much licorice!
horrible...Just horrible.. Even growing the frog 3 times did not help me clear this HORRIBLE level.. Licorice keeps coming down, therefore impossible to clear jelly. Did i mention HORRIBLE!!!
Posting for much needed luck!
Just as I was about to give up on CC I got a luckyish board. However I hadn’t realised you CANNOT hammer a jelly with a frog in it. Who knew? So having used 3 hammers on 4 remaining jellies I had to buy with bars (luckily had enough) 5 more goes. Thankfully killed that last jelly. Just want to make 4000 then I’ll quit.
Posting for luck!!! By the way, how do you get a space ship booster? Only by buying it? Or there is another way? Thanks for help!!!
Posting for luck, been stuck here a week
Things may have changed since this was released but swapping 2 CB's to start is the way to go. It cleared the licorice for several moves so i could knock out more jelly. Took me about 10 tries with full SD but I eventually got it.
Feed the frog with colour bombs. Had to make 5 or 6 to clear it and used a hand switch but got there..,,
Totally impossible. I am so done with this game. I don't mind a challenge but this is ridiculous.
Ridiculous. Posting for luck. How the hell many times do you have to hit the bloody frog color in order to finally grow it? Need a lucky board.
Enough is enough with these incredibly awful levels! Whoever constructs them Must honestly hates us!
Level after level after level of these nightmares! Makes me really want to walk away....
Posting for π€
King, I’m losing the will to love. You need to fix this garbage. I’m not buying your damn boosters to pass this impossible sh*t. I must have played over a hundred times, with every boost/combo/trick known to man. The frog is useless. Give me a lucky board and sort your sh*t out. π‘π‘π‘
I have never ever commented before but I just beat this level, with NO boosters!! I found that using two wrapped candies together, right at the bottom of the board, helped me a lot. Good luck all!!
Posting for luc
Posting for luck!!!!
Half the time the frog won5 grow??? Wth?
I started with ZERO boosters, and got the board down to ONE jelly left. It was under a licorice. I thought, OK...I'll use a precious hammer to finally finish this level. Guess what? Another DAMN licorice fell down and covered the jelly. I could NOT believe it. I used yet ANOTHER precious HAMMER to clear the DAMN licorice, and guess what again? Another licorice fell over the jelly. What a waste, and just so you know, KING, you are not cool.
Posting for luck.
I hate you King you are evil
I don’t think I have ever seen so many comments in this blog. I hope you are listening King because you are losing favour with many of us
Posting again for luck.
The licorice has to go!!! Or else I will!
Finally made it with colorbomb combo and flying saucer to finish it off
Posting for luck for the third time, this one really truly might do me in 9n candy crush. It's an awful level!!!!! Ugh!!
Another impossible level.
Please lucky board .
Need more moves please!
This is not possible even
With boosters,
Lucky board please!
I read this blog before attempting the level and passed first time with 9 moves remaining. I had full space ship build and also used a fish booster to start. As advised above, i didn't use the two colour bombs together but used one to fatten the frog and the other i matched with a colour bomb. Probably a large dose of luck helped too.
Nightmarishly hard!!!! I’ve been stuck forever. Tried every possible booster combination. Sick of this level and very bored. Lucky board please!!!!!
I did it without boosters.The colorbomb does grow the frog, sometimes in only one time sometimes two. Two colorbombs together is working great and no I don't have space dash or anything that will let me start with that so have to make them. Colorbomb with stripe of wrap does not do much in the bottom. What does work is to wraps together close to the fence and they blast a lot of the liquorice away, if you do this twice you are almost done. I keep the frog on the moving line and let it always clear the most right or left liquorice and keep it on that line to almost the end because colorbomb with wrap or wrap will let it grow better there.
Agreed. I haven't been able to pass any levels without boosters for a long time. Come on, King! It's not fun to keep replaying old levels for candy drops and boosters. Your strategy will not get me to pay for them, either.
Frustration builds for me on this level....I cannot get enough combos in the right places to succeed...one trick seems to be that when growing the frog, you should use it to block the entrances to the 2 bottom levels...so, place it just below where the licorice drops to the bottom 2 levels...this will prevent that stupid licorice to drop and MAY help you get the jelly...at least in that area....my problem is 1) I have no more weapons to use and 2) Getting the combos necessary to get past whatever licorice there is and get the remaining jellies....I, too, feel I may be here for a looong time...
just cannot see how this can be done ..... have tried and tried - posting for luck x
Thank you for this comment, because I had exactly the same situation after starting with full bot for the 1st try without reading this blog... and I had 24 moves (!!!!) to clear this 1 last jelly, and every try to clear it was in vain... so I am glad now I didn't buy hammers...
Posting for luck
I give up trying to beat this level with strategy....I really need assistance here, along with an extreme amount of luck...and, quite frankly, I am tired of playing a level over and over where there is no end in sight....help me!
Oh yea, please!!
Double wrap near the fence is the solution! Plus add a fish! Had soon a double wrap directly over the fence second column on the right side, this cleared almost the whole right side and fed the frog, also the CB on the field exploded and hit jellies. Placed the frog under the hole in the fence on the left side, so no liquorice could fall down in the bottom. Some fish, some combos cleared most of the bottom. Second last jelly was cleared by a fish. The last - most left jelly on the belt - "cleared itself" as three candies same color were there by accident when the belt moved. 10 moves left, but I think this was an extremely lucky board, as many jellies were "killed" by the first double wrap and liquorice not as ugly as normal... But what do I want to say also? Don't give up, stay confident and the lucky board will come once as it did here....
This one is definitely nasty. Try to clear the bottom and more licorice fall into the space. Grrrr
$15 in boosters and still can’t pass this damn level, I’m done!
Jellies need 3 hammers. Sure they purposely left me with one jelly which i thought i could clear with my 2 precious hammers but it needed more. Frustrating!
The number of comments is indicative of the difficulty of this level. I've been stuck here for so long that I can't remember when I was not stuck.
Posting for luck because there doesn't appear to be any way that skill is going to work. There aren't enough moves to clear the licorice that keeps falling into the bottom of the board.
If the 'experts' have to use Boosters what hope is there for us?
No more fun at all anymore.
Posting for luck again....
Please King...a lucky board.
The developers of this level deserves every brickbats thrown at them. King still hasn't realize that it is these morons who is killing its marketplace
Yikes! Was hoping to post a solution but.... I noticed the frog would grow easily after two color bomb hits, then would show the number 60 on it. I used booster moves to keep getting color bombs to hit it yet, still 60? Would never grow again.
Sorry, meant to say the frog would quickly flash the number 60 on it then disappear every time I blasted it with a color bomb.
Posting for luck
I can’t understand this level, no matter how much licquorice I clear from the bottom, it just refills with more licquorice, rarely does a candy drop to the bottom, can’t see a way to pass this.
Posting for luck again.
Please King, help us all out.
Posting for luck
I agree with all comments above. Posting for luck
Oddly, on the first try after posting a complaining post here about this level, I won it with moves to spare --- no boosters at all --- on the very next try.
Lucked out with double wraps near the bottom several times, put the frog on the right and left, just under the bar, several times, and then got a color bomb next to the same color as the only square left.
Go figure.
Posting for luck again
This now the worst of the worst there is no fun in it. Posting for luck, luck, luck
What is a bot????????
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
Snurk snurk boring!!!! Nerf it
What is a space ship?
Boosters all gone again...so SD or anything others haveto beat these levels...but they have changed it to 28 moves...still working at it...posting for luck
This level down right sucks! I'll keep trying but help us all out here!!
Fish with full space dash, lots of moves left, first try. Fish were a big help.
Fish booster is the key for this level IMO.
There is a glitch in my game! It keeps FREEZING and the I lose the game!
This level is beyond difficult and now it is freezing too? King, stop this nonsense. You’
Already taken the fun out of the game.π‘
Posting for luck
posting for a lucky board.
5th try. Started with a color bomb and hit a blue candy. The wrapped candy in the bottom was blue so that cleared a bunch at the bottom. Got everything cleared except the far left and far right on the conveyor. Licorice on top of them........2 moves left......used a space ship. It hit both corners and done!
Fix the glitch please King keeps freezing and always when I am going wellπ‘
From reading the comments... nothing seems to work here, have tried without success to use boosters... waiting it out
Need double the moves! Ridiculous, IDIOTS again came up with this level. I've wasted all my boosters they are gone. This level may do me in. ����
The stupid frog only clears 1 square. ��
why is it that on level 606, that we've all played a million times, the frog takes out 5 squares but on this level it's only 1 ??? is it because licorice in the way?
posting for luck
Build a bot is certainly there, but does not work. This is rubbish!
I see the parts of Build-a-Bot, but nothing happens when I complete a level. Futile! Is this just me, or a glitch that needs seeing to?
impossible to clear the licorice, just keeps covering the jelly. another joke level by assholes incorporated
Posting for luck!
The cheating here is the frog only clears one space not what it’s suppose to do SURPRISE
And not labeled hard Dumped upon again
Use bonus fish they are a massive help.
Lucky board needed again please
Wow! Not even marked as a hard level! Help!
Stuck for days,posting for luck!
Help please
I passed this level in 5 tries with no boosters. The secret to me is the frog. I used color bombs to grow the frog 4 times. The best bang for your frog is to place him on a licorice next to a candy on the right or left of the conveyor. Once those jellies are gone, concentrate on the bottom.
Posting for luck as I have to most levels now
Kay, it was your trick with the frog that did it. I used the CB , hit it with a candy in the same color as the frog. The frog grows immidetly and you can use it to distry the licorice. Now repeat this a few times and whala, finish the level
Lucky board needed please. π€
I hope CC does end soon. The only reason I haven't quit yet is because I have spent too much money on boosters. Not enough turns. Frustrating and downright disgusted with King's developers. Yes, just end CC if the levels cannot be made more enjoyable. When it takes more than a day or two to complete a level, the level is too hard and not fun anymore.
Onmogelijk. Vraag me af waarom sommige levens als "nachtmerriemoeilijk" worden omschreven en je na 1 of niet al te veel pogingen gewoon doorheen fiets en zo'n level als dit niet wordt benoemd als" ach, we laten je 120x op de knopjes drukken, maar halen doe je het toch niet...." posting for luck! my ass!
Hoe about" impossible, bug adder a try of 200 Times....
King, this whole episode has been a boring one. You seem to have taken the thrill out of this game. How can you keep impossible levels to win? I was a great fan of this game. But now I feel it's time for me to quit and move on. No fun in this game. There is nonstrTegy to use and win. I think you want people to quit, that's why you are giving us such sic episodes. I hate you King!
I thought the last level was a joke and it took me many tries and boosters to pass. But this one is a joke as well. Should be easier to pass than so called hard levels...but NO....Sack the person who comes up with this stuff or try to play it your self. And look at the amount of comments. But still it seems you don't know what fair play means.IMPOSSIBLE to pass!!!!
What ever you try...even boosters...it doens't seem to work. Have to wait AGAIN till king let you pass. Don't use boosters for now...because i havent got many left and i still refuse to buy any. Come on king...wake up!
Be fair!?! Ive never had Space dash or the helmet!
This is surely the most impossible level ever I don't like liquorice and in this form they're ridiculous no chance of clearing them. Do I leave now before it drives me crazy or wait for a lucky board but can't wait long or I really shall go mad
Think it's time to leave no closer and no lucky board really upsetting but what more can be done
Doesn't sound like too much fun!!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck please.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck again please
You really need the fish booster to pass this. I grew the frog many times making colourbombs but still had 2 jelly’s left. I started with a colourbomb and fish booster. I kept growing the frog and the fish took cate of the last few jelly’s horrible level.
In real life licorice drops immediately so jellys are always covered and impossible to clean. In your video you can hit jellys beyond the conveyor. In real life you cannot hit beyond the conveyor. In your video the chocolate bomb always falls next to the wrapped candy of the color you need, in real life that never happens. In real life I have written comments of the same type in more than 100 levels and you never respond. so i quit
Wow this is bad. Come on king you can do better than these crappy levels!!!
Another bullshit boring IMPOSSIBLE level!
OlÑ, King!! Sorte e aluda, por favor!! Abraço, obrigada!!!
Obrigada, King!!!!!!
I need a lucky board
Colour bomb (and fish but didn't do much). Fed the frog a couple of times and used CB with striped to clear moving thing (forgotten name, lol)
Even cookie couldnt do it without boosters, so posting for luck thats all I can do.....
I don't know why they make these crazy levels, it's not like we're going to buy boosters at this point. We'd rather stop playing! I'm down to once a day, or more if I'm stuck in a waiting room. Impossible level!!
Posting for luck
PubliΓ© pour la chance Merci
Posting for luck
Posting luck
The candy crush level 3949 very hard any help to finish this level
AUB help mij. Onmogelijk om dit niveau te halen in zo weinig zetten. De kikker eet ook niets. ππΌππΌππΌ
Another impossible level to pass, so boring playing a level you know you can’t pass even with untold boosters, until king gives you the algorithm board and passes the level for you!!!
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