Candy Crush Saga Level 4081 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4081 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4081 is a straightforward jelly level with the added difficulty of the four spawners which will cover the candies surrounding them with chocolate.
There is jelly under the spawners so they have to be cleared, but the good news is that you get striped candies dropping from the dispenser in the middle of the board that you can use to hit the spawners.
Be careful if you get special candies, especially colourbombs, don't try to save them too long if they are anywhere near the spawners as they will be eaten by the chocolate and lost. If you can't get a combo together straight away use the colourbomb on a single candy so it doesn't get lost.
Stripe/wrap combos are fairly easy to make and they are the most useful for clearing the spawners as with one move you can hit all four spawners at the same time.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Sandra Nottestad said...

I will admit I used a couple of hammers at the end to kill off the spawners.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Carol the elder said...

I did not get stripes dropping from the dispenser. I had many tries with color,bomb and stripe/wrap boosters from the beanstalk and on the 10th try got the silver bows which gave me a piñata. I still had to hammer two spawners many times.

Anonymous said...

Carol, I’ve asked many times for someone to explain the ribbon candies... how do they work. I’ve matched them, blown them up... but I never get the piñata. Can you please enlighten me. Many thx

Never pay a cent Bobby said...

I don't know of any connection of ribbons and pinata. Just random. Last time I got the pinata it destroyed the only chocolate I needed to grow.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck again

Ed Zamoe said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board and a bloody miracle please please

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

How many blasts do those spawners need anyway? They just don't go away :(

Tou52 said...

Spawners need six hits to finally blast....impossible...

I'm giving up for tonight.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck again

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board, please.....

EL BEATLE said...

Got it on my mobile 'phone. I used 1 hand switch and 2 lollipop hammers. Very pleased to get that one out of the way!

Anonymous said...

Spoiled a lot of boosters but can’t get more than 2 spanners.

Wishing for a lucky board to come.

Emsa8 said...

For me, almost NEVER a stripe fell from the dispenser!!! Not so nice. And the spawners are really difficult to hit soooo many times. Still working on this. Starting with CB+Wrap instead was a perfect choice and only had 3 spawners to remove with around 10-15 moves, but failed miserably. Don't want to use an unpredictable number of hammers, so I must play old levels for a half SD and play again (better to start with Cb+Wrap, no double CB needed)

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Emsa8 said...

Like I said, tried many times with half SD+wrap to start with (and 31 moves). Always failed, as very few stripes fell from dispenser and I could not do many combos. Final try was a start with CB+Stripe and this was really good! Obviously hit the spawners more often than the wraps, so after quite some good combos could finish with 3 moves left (= the given 28 moves)

Crushed said...

I actually played just the center of the board to see how many stripes would drop. Out of 5 games, with no less than 20 moves in the center I averaged 4 stripes. Which was about 15 less than the video.
So frustrating when the board is nothing like the video.

LMK said...

You get the pinata with a bow on blue candies

Veronica said...

Frustrating level. Trying to destroy spawners. Every time I see a good possible next move it gets covered in chocolate. Lucky board or pinata needed to help me. Used all my hammers for now

Anonymous said...

Again... Kings wants absolutely people playing CC to quit. The previous level, just to see, was classified "hard", then "super hard", then "hard" again. I made an experiment, and counted how many times I had to play it. 377 attempts! Then without boosters, only one color bomb to destroy the yellow keys, just starting with a super-lucky board I made it. This level will be the same and the following, too ... Does it worth while to start a level around 400 times to go ahead? Surely not! No fun at all. Until level 3800 (around) I was able to complete 70-80 levels per week, now in one week I go two, max three level. Should I continue like this? with my eyes going to hell seeing always the same board. But Kings, You should go to hell! Goodbye

Anonymous said...

10 days now on a level thats is not even called as hard!
gone is the fun:-(

Anonymous said...

Agree that the fun is gone. This is now insanity. Now, I do not get space dash, rami or the wheel spin! This game is now more about luck than skill. I’ve had it. I wish they would have ended when we all loved cc. Then, we would have missed it and remembered how fun it was. Now, it’s just ridiculous, maddening and not fun. I can’t take it anymore. I’m done. I’m ripping the band aid off!

John said...

If I posted what I'm thinking about this level I would get blocked

Anonymous said...

When I first started this level I was like, ok hard but fun! Now 5 days later bored to death!! The spawners need to be hit WAY TOO MANY TIMES!!! Always left with the two side spawners!! Move it along King, enough already!!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me how to get those side spawners. I find this level impossible. Posting for luck

mzbliz said...

Started with full (level 3711). Concentrated on getting and using stripes in middle. Lucky to get a piñata (from blue candy with gold bow). From there it was just a matter of continuing to focus on the stripes, and admittedly, a bit of luck. Don’t give up!

mzbliz said...

That’s full space bot.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Having a difficult time with this level. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for much needed luck. Six hits per spawner is way too many. Insane.

Anonymous said...

Im still having so much trouble with this level and am so bored with it. Posting for luck one more time. pretty sure this is the end of CC for me. Just not fun anymore.

Anonymous said...


Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous! ��

Anonymous said...


This level is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Erick S said...

Tough level, accomplished on 2nd try with full bot boosters (2 color bombs, 2 striped candies, 2 wrapped candies, 3 extra moves). The trick is clearing the spawners, particularly the ones at the side. Cookie's tip of trying to make a stripe + wrap combination is on the money. I'd also try to add any color bomb combination (with a stripe, wrap, or another color bomb) will help in hopefully hitting the spawners and clearing a lot of the jelly. Good luck, thank you everyone, and happy crushing!

Jonah said...

Posting for luck again

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Jonah said...

Still stuck. Posting for luck again please

Sunset said...

Help please been stuck here for days

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck.

Popmeg said...

Posting for luck

CidDeMizar said...

Still stuck. No way to make necessary stripes yo make spawnwers explore. Need more moves. Veeeeeery boring

Winegums said...

It’s amazing how the videos have all the lucky candies and we are lucky to get three matches. This certainly makes me believe that the game is fixed. We try to get tips and the video is so different than the actual game in regards to special combos.

Mar said...

Another seemingly impossible level! Not fun!

Cindy said...


Shunga said...

Why all the stupid spawners? Two or three maybe, but they are situated awkwardly! I hate this level so much! Need a lucky board please!

He said...

Posting for luck

grama V said...

Posting for luck 🍀🍀🍀🍀. Very boringgggggg

Irmaki said...

I tried eveything at hand. No boosters left. Impossibel to pass.
No fun at all or relaxation as they say it is supposed to be

Tammy Caison said...

Rats need luck again

Jean said...

Posting for luck!!

Unknown said...

Siempre tengo que volver aqui ,los reproductores por mas golpes que reciben ,no explotan ,publico para la suerte !!!

Alessandra said...

Horrible level. Can’t brk the wretched spawners are back - everyone hates them . They should be eliminated. They just sabotage every move /combo & it gets too frustrating . Get rid !!

CathyA said...

Is it just me or are the levels getting harder.

Carole said...

Lucky board needed please

Brian said...

This seems straightforward but isn't I've tried all different ways but getting nowhere. I guess only a lucky board it but how long do I wait ??

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e mais inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for luck please

Houly68 said...

Another no strategy level in a game of strategy! You guys are beyond frustrating with these levels! Boring!!!

Marielle said...

Aughty level!!! Please HELP me please, no more funny!

JAX. said...

Posting for luck.

Sparkyjo said...

Posting for luck please

Sparkyjo said...

How many times do you have to hit the spawners??! Boring keep getting left with 2 spawners on the side.

Cathy said...

Posting for luck. I have been able to take down all the spawners. But still had 4 jelly and 2 were covered with chocolate.

Pinky said...

Can’t get rid of those spawners, posting for lucky board please

just me said...

I've been on this ridiculous level for a week and a half!! Hoping for a lucky board SOON!!!!!!!

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Sykopat said...

Most ridiculous level yet. Not fun. Makes no sense. Just dumb. I have very little desire to continue to play this game any more. Sad.

Hans Andersson said...

Shittty level. In The video it always drop one stripe, and no one explodes. When I play it doesnt always drop down anyone, AND they most often explodes by themselfes. This is not fair play CC. Lucky board PLEASE

Unknown said...

After playing numerous times I just noticed the four dots on each corner of the spawners. All 4 dots gone, spawner is destroyed. This will help to know how many lollipops I need at the end of game.

Unknown said...

A couple of games & passed this level by concentrating on removing dots off spawners ignoring any special candies that didn't hit a spawner (even 2 or 4 at a time). No cb or boosters needed, just striped or combo.

Unknown said...

Passed this level by concentrating on removing dots off spawners ignoring any special candies that didn't hit a spawner (even 2 or 4 at a time). No cb or boosters needed, just striped or combo.

Martinat said...

Horrible level.

arjuca said...

encore une belle

Anonymous said...

This level now has to be done in 10 moves!!!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else mentioned that we're only getting 10 moves now. Absolutely ridiculous. I'm getting more and tired of waiting for the lucky board to arrive. Why only 10 moves? Wish move to another gc"

Anonymous said...

Day 2 of this ridiculous level and I'm still no closer. I really need a lucky board please 🍀