Candy Crush Saga Level 4405 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4405 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4405 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you may lose a few lives before you manage to pass it. It is possible to complete this level without boosters with careful playing and patience.
You will have to clear the chocolate and prevent it from spreading, but don't waste moves just chasing chocolate, try to make special candies and combos and use them to clear the chocolate. This will give you a better chance of completing the level in the moves available.
As with most jelly levels the only strategy is to make as many combos as you can and blast away until the jelly is gone.
I used one lolly hammer to complete the level.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Rp said...

Boring level. Minimal choice of move.

Anita said...

Need lucky board please. Very frustrating.

Anita said...

Oh my goodness. Please help.....need a lucky board.

Anita said...

Okay, ready to quit candy crush! That’s it! Had enough!

Bun said...

Hideous level. I'm with you, Anita. They just keep coming. Only difference is now the software is funky and full of glitches. Jellies don't get broken. Tally doesn't change. Special candies blow up or don't register. It's turned into the twighlight zone.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe we have yet again, another boring, frustrating, agravating level that's totally impossible to pass without boosters, this game has become nothing but a nightmare!

Carol the elder said...

Full Bot plus all boosters. Started with wrap/wrap combo on left side, then CB combo on the right. The fish booster also helped.

cedarberry said...

I started with the three boosters at the beginning of the game and kept re-setting until I got the color bomb with the wrapped candy (about 5 resets). It gave me lots of space to work. Try to make moves at the top right hand side, the cascades from making matches up there really help to clear the rest of the board. I used one hammer to complete.

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please!

Anonymous said...

Help!!! Watched video and read all tips but i cant even clear 1 fruit, no idea how to play this level. Idiots guide needed.

Ian said...

Another impossible board, annoying, time to quit

Anonymous said...

I'm having difficulty clearing the top right corner.
Any ideas?

Francesmenth said...

Thanks to Cedarberry for helpful advice and no whining.

Anonymous said...

Horrible frustrating level
Can’t again get it close
All levels are so hard
Give up
Need help
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Again Kings need money and build impossible levels. It should need double of moves to finish it. Boosters also are not helping too much. I tried CB + wrap, the result was that I finished with 7-8 jelly left instead of 14-15. They want you to buy extra-moves. I will not buy. To be honest I am wondering why I'm still playing this ... game. Is this a game? Maybe it is just like a slot-machine for the fools who find pleasure in progressing by... paying. As for me, I really have enough of it!

Anonymous said...

What a nasty level! I have been on it for a week and haven’t been close. Just needed to vent (whine)

Kevin said...

Possibly the most boring level in the history of Candy Crush...

Sharda said...


Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Pati said...

Wow! Hey King wheres my friendly board?

Sindy said...

Lucky board please!!!

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please

Sindy said...

Posting for luck again and again and again!!!!

Marylou said...

Nailed this 1st try no boosters. Lucky morning I guess

Nidhi said...

Send help n luck

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again

Anonymous said...

Very frustrating level.....waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

TRE said...

Lucky board needed

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck...need more moves...

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible without more moves or boosters!

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck... impossible level...

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Day 3...impossible level!

A2 said...

Lucky board please. I have been on this level for a week. A bloody week. I must have played a hundred times. Tried with full booster bot, fish, everything. Not. Even. Close. I will not have passed even one level this week. Posting for luck but I don’t hold out much hope.

Tammy Caison said...

Luck please

He said...

Posting for luck

Shunga said...

Terrible level! Need a miracle!

Alessandra said...

Who designs this kind of crap
It’s mimd numbing. I didn’t even get my space dash
I can’t get a combo to save my life
Jeez . πŸ™„

Zabeth said...

Marre de gΓ’cher des vies et gaspiller le peu de boosters que j'ai :-( Et surtout pas envie d'acheter des lingots proposΓ©s Γ  2,29€ Γ  un dΓ©butant que je suis :-) Alors que je suis au niveau 4405 !!! Il ne me reste plus que l'affichage de la chance πŸ€ Merci 😊

Laura said...

King is messing with me again! Give me back my bot!

Crushed said...

Posting for luck

Carole said...

Impossible please help

Carole said...

Can’t get any where near. Please help as this is an impossible level

DeefenbΓ€ker said...

And again.... Its an AAARRRGGGHHH from me!!!

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. πŸ™

RJ said...

Can’t make special anything, one lame move after the other. Puts me to sleep. PFL!!!

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Pinky said...

Posting for luck please, getting no where !!!!

Pinky said...

Second time posting for lucky board please HELP. ,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silverdollarbill said...

Finally got it after playing it about a week. Started with all three boosters. Early made a stripped wrapped combo toward the right side of the board, then a stripped wrapped combo toward the left side of the board. Then a CB stripped switch. All three of these in a row. Made a stripped, and a few 3 candy combos, leaving me with only one jelly left. Made a CB, switched it with a candy the same color as that last jelly, to finish the game.

Hans Andersson said...

Lucky board PLEASE CC, Lucky board PLEASE CC, Lucky board PLEASE CC. Posting for luck!!!

Lili10 said...

PubliΓ© pour la chance Merci

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Nellebel said...

Het lijkt zo makkelijk. Maar te weinig zetten. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ