Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4406 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4406 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you are likely to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it. This is an ingredients level, you have to collect 4 ingredients to complete the level.
The ingredients travel down through the squares within the candy canes, so these are the only squares that need clearing. Concentrate on the ones in the middle of the board where the exits are and the ingredients will eventually make their way to the exits.
To begin with your moves will be very restricted and the board may shuffle a few times, but you should try to look for any special candy or combo that will hit the waffles inside the candy cane fences. The candy curls will be cleared as you play so once the board opens up a bit it will get easier to make the combos you need.
You will only get two ingredients on the board at a time so the faster you collect them the better chance you have of completing the level.
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»Lucky board please CC
Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!
Posting for luck pk69
Posting for luck
Please need a lucky board.....
Is EVERY level in this episode going to be classified as a HARD LEVEL, what's up with that?!?!
Is EVERY level in this episode going to be classified as a HARD LEVEL, what's up with that?!?!
Good to have hard levels otherwise they are all done on wednesday.
Please, please need a lucky board
Any suggestions on how to get this level, really bor8ng ! I never get more than one of four , very frustrating! Don’t have any boosters left!
King should rename this game "Skull crush booster saga". Getting bored of playing 3711 in order to pass levels.
Posting for a lucky board please
Yes, I also need some luck here, not easy at all.
It worked - very next game :-)
Lucky board please. I need to catch up.
Oh dear. What happened to tips and moaning. Now the comments are endless pfl every level. Getting tedious.Annie
Not really sure best way to play this. I see where the exits are but have onle managed to get one out so far. Getting a bit boring now.
Esse nível é muito difícil, já estou a vários dias parada nele. Sem ajuda de boosters não tem como passar 😥
A muito tempo que eu não ganho ajuda extra, nem mesmo a roleta da sorte está aparecendo pra mim, só se eu tiver barra de ouro, mas não tenho. Preciso de ajuda, teria que ter mais movimentos.
Preciso de uma placa de sorte pra poder passar esse nivel. Está perdendo a graça pra mim ja, acho que vou desistir
Preciso de uma placa de sorte pra poder passar, esse nivel é muito dificil, está perdendo a graça pra mim, Por favor!!!
Se eu não passar dessa fase hj abandonarei o candy crush na fase 4406.
Só pode ter erro, pois até o vídeo modelo já começa com uma roda de coco. Injustiça pra quem não tem boosters.
Quando vai ajeitar o nível 4406, não tem como passar dele, já gastei tudo que tinha de ajudas. To pegando abuso desse jogo já
Speak English
It is rude to tell others to speak English..
Impossible level. Don’t get this level. Trying to make combos but difficult. Posting for luck.
Ready to call it quits. Been on this too long. Don’t get this level at all. Posting for a lucky board or it’s goodbye.
Don’t understand why isrequired to clear the ingredients. Frustrating and about ready to call it quits. Posting for luck.
You have to use boosters in combo with a lucky board. Just strategy is not close to enough! Although without it, it will be impossible. Waiting on that lucky board.
Posting for luck! So frustrating to finally break down and use boosters and get so very few on the board!
Lucky board please!
Lucky board please
You have GOT to keep both middle waffles clear for any of the ingredients to fall off the board. Coconut wheel is a must.
Few boosters left. Posting for luck
Next game I got it! I used my one wheel, only booster left, I paired it with a stripe to start things moving then worked the middle of the board. I did luck out with 3 moves left and paired wheel with choc sprinkle. With one move left I used the flying saucer and that finished it off!!! Glad to be out of here!
Posting for luck
Another impossible level. Need to find a new game that is more relaxing.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't figure this one out. Posting for luck, please!
This is beyond frustrating
I'm not certain but I think the ingredient that falls down on the right will go to the bottom right and then over to the left column and down and then into the center column and exit. I had trouble seeing the exit.
The left ingredient follows the same path but on the opposite side.
I found the coconut wheel helpful.
Ok used all my boosters and stillil can't pass. Frustrating
Impossible abandon !!
Impossible level
Give up
Bye bye
Impossible and boring!!!!!
Anonymous at 10:19, stop speaking all together.
here is another level which gives you the measure how desperate Kings is. After passing prebious levels I was thinking: "they will stop to build up impossible levels in order to try to steal money" ... I was wrong. Every new level is the evidence that this game has become just crap. And those stupid designers didn't understand that simply creating levels like this one they get the opposite of their desires. People is not playing CC for money, it makes no sense. Just for progressing to the next level? Just to say that I am now at 4407 and not at 4406 any longer? Bu tkings is oublishing levels every week so that you should spend thousand of euros to stay at the maximum level, because every new one is worse and worse than the previous. So, I'm tired, I have no fn in playing hundred of times this stupid level, I quit.
Tired of playing this level first of all it's a very boring level and on top of that almost impossible too wasted so many of my wheels on it still cant get it done.pls stop making such levels CC let the game be for fun not just money.
Help please!
J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide
Lucky board please. 🙏🤦♀️🤗
Posting for luck....exhausting level
This is impossible. Time to give up
Tried many times with no boosters, not even close. Then I followed advice above and started with coconut wheel and a stripe wrap combo boosters. Reset multiple times until the coconut wheel and stripe candy were on top of each other in the third column. That started me off. Had another coconut wheel that I matched with a stripe, which resulted in candy instead of waffles in the middle squares. From there I was able to make combos and finished with moves to spare.
Colorado CC
Have been on this for days it is so boring! I just can’t and don’t even want to take it anymore! Ugh!
This is not a game, this is just a pain-in-the-ass trick.
Why are we still here? We must be stupid.
Onde está o divertimento? E pra relaxar e não stresar, ta difícil ficar no jogo.
Bullshit! Once again!
Por favor, que nível frustante.
I can’t go on. This is too frustrating and hopeless. I have better things to do. I’m done. Good luck y’all. Don’t waste your whole life here.
posting for luck
Stuck too long on this level and still waiting
Time to give up cc for good and real with peak games.
Imagine that another impossible level this is why I play peak ganes instead
Can this game be any more boring? Not fun any more
Difficult difficult difficult, no other words for this level🙃🙃🙃
What a difficult level🙁🙁🙁🙁
Unbelievable help please
Left side fruit drop through the top exit.
Posting for luck! Thanks!
I just dont get this level at all. Posting for luck
Hated this level, was stuck for days. In the end only a lucky board made me pass.
And yet another hateful level King! Thanks for the few tips. BTW this game us played around the world so instead if criticizing folks for writing in Spanish.learn it!! Ok King i thought we were friends, wheres my friendly board
What an awful level. The last ingredient will not fall...time after time. I’m more than discouraged! I’m beginning to hate CC...posting for luck, what can it hurt?
I've used the coconut wheel.....no luck....color bomb....no luck....not even close.....come on CC...do you want players to start leaving
Ive been stuck for days also. Saw on another blog that this level has been made easier!!!! Don't know what they're talking about but watched the video and it sure did look easier. His middle waffles were cleared and gone very quickly,after only a couple hits. Mine just fill back up with more. So yea i guess it was easy for them! Please send the lucky board
Luck please !!!!!!
I am confused with this level...why do the squares fill again when I clear them...I finally know where the fruit goes but the top square in the middle keeps filling with more waffles. Wasted lots of wheels. Posting for luck
Plz help
Posting for luck.
Not if you are trying to understand what they are ssying.
I had the option of matching a sprinkle with a stripe or a wrap and I chose the wrap. After all the Boom, Boom, Boom...nothing happened! I still had all the fruit on the board..sigh..
Gonna be here awhile.
This is not a hard level, it is a HATEFUL Level.
I can barely get one fruit down and my moves are gone. I have never ever posted for luck but posting for luck now. Never had SD,letters, the bot, or the helnet... - Diana from Texas
Strope and wrap together a must.
Well after reading the tips I was still no wiser as how this level worked so I watched the video (Not something I usually do) low and behold at 1 point they had 3 CBS on the board!!! I'm lucky if I make 1 stripe...so alas still don't know understand how this works but I will just carry on hoping for that lucky board and for the record after 2 days of play I haven't even managed to get 1 fruit down....gonna be here a long long time xx
Well 3 games after posting on here i miraculously passes the level...dont ask me how but the board just kept dropping wrapped sweets and bingo it cleared it....no skill no strategy just pure lucky board xxx good luck all xx
Another impossible level...waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(
Can’t figure out how to get ingredients to candy cane squares, then suddenly they move to another candy cane square, but I don’t know how it happened. Somehow I’ve been one ingredient away but can’t get that last one. No idea how to proceed.
Been trying for days, but level 4406 has me totally stumped. How do the ingredients get out of the candy cane boxes???? Keep using up lives and boosters and get nowhere. So ready to quit.
Really dislike this level... no fun and just need luck.
Tricky level. Posting for luck!
Sage here: posting for understanding.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
So my coconut wheel ends up in a candy cane box. . SMH ugh
Posting for luck! I don’t understand this level it’s impossible to clear without boosters!
Still posting for luck...day 4...bored..l
Learn spanish
Posting for luck! What happened to. My boosters? Impossible level without boosters!, 4 days is ridiculous!
Posting for luck again...day 5...impossible level!
Please,help.posting for luck
I would quit if I could find a great game to replace it. CC was really good for a long time but it’s not fun any more. Any suggestions for a really fun game?
Posting for luck!
Passed by using coconut wheel...combine wheel with CB or stripe...only work in middle of board to clear candy cane squares so items can drop through. Others will clear as you go...
Posting for luck. I don’t get this level. I try to clear middle but waffles appear over and over in the candy cane squares. ?
Absolutely absurd level. Can't get even close. Posting for luck....been stuck FOREVER
Well, I could use some boosters for sure. Without boosters I can’t get more than 2 candies down. HELP PLEASE.
Also need lucky board
Need luck for this one !
Watched your video and from my game aspect I see this level is totally fixed. You can’t possibly get all those colorbombs in one game. King is cheating it’s players by showing them videos that are unrealistic. I’m fed up and quit this game.
Got it !!! You have to clear the middle....did it using a color bomb with a wrap . Did that twice and got it .Good luck
Luck please
Lol...no way to do this? Couldnt clear middle waffles even after making 3 cbs ouch
You should be allowed to pass after trying 100 times!! PFL
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Here we go again! Kiss imaak!
Another rubbish level waiting for lucky board. No skill required, just luck. I need some now please
This level is never ending. Like some other comments, I do not understand how you can clear the waffles when they get another layer instead o disappearing. Get so excited when I get a combo or a color ball only to end up with a bigger mess. Don't understand. I sure need help with this one. Getting fed up waiting for the lucky board.
I agree and really bored with these fences. Luck please
I'm just moving round the board aimlessly cos I don't get it
I agree. Waste of lives and waste of time
Right that's it goodbye. Don't get it can't do it had enough
Boring and Impossible!
Still waiting for lucky board if not leaving tomorrow
Just 3 words...freakin impossible again!
So confused. Don’t understand how to move candies out of cages! Post for luck
Still stuck because of the lack of combo's and ofcourse i have to wait again for a pass. BORING!👎
This is a level that wants you to quit cc. Because you don't have ONE chance of passing it. Shuffling again and stupid enough to expect king to give me a pass. I gueuss i have to try this one for at least 200 times. Quite normal nowadays isn't it. Real fun and relaxing. Give players A BREAK king. This is getting more and more ridiculous. Is this the way you want to "recruit" new players? We are lost already in keeping playing and playing and waiting and waiting. And ofcourse investing time in this so called game. Real fair game. Hmmmm...maybe i should play mahjong again. That is a logical game and quite relaxing. Just tell me on what average i am trying to pass levels...150...200...times?????
That's it. I quit for today. This is a very discouraging level. Just move the candy like an idiot, You don't need any skills, just play hundred and hundred of times. Maybe then you get a pass. And don't use any boosters, because that doesnt do the trick either. So far my tips to pass this one. Good luck!
Please a lucky board!,
This is the toughest level I have encountered. I need a lucky board by all means. I have spend a lot of time on this level and it has become very boring to try over and over again.
A lucky board please, I have been enjoying the game till now and don't want to quit the game after reaching to an advanced level. Thx.
Dont even start playing this, to many comments, same old story by the cc shit levels, boring. Back to my other games and leave this one behind me.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏really need help with this one.
🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🙋♀️Really needing help. Desperate!
Not giving up! Pleas help! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️Please help!
I have been stuck here since Jan 10, am not a quitter. Please let me move on. 🙏🙏🙏
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Impossible for me. I've been on it for weeks. I just can't get it. I've watched the videos, studied the videos several times, read the All Help, nothing helps. Please help.
I have been on this level for a few days now, and it is oh so boring! Help!!!
Even after reading the tips I still have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing here . I’ve used full space dash & coconut wheel big still got nowhere . It’d help if it was clearer to me how I’m supposed to get these wretched ingredients out.
Why do King insist on designing levels that are not only hard to pass but make it so unclear as to what strategy to use .
Posting for luck
Après un niveau très difficile, un niveau super difficile :-( AUCUN INTÉRÊT À CONTINUER À JOUER !!!! Surtout si c'est pour stresser à chaque niveau... J'espère qu'une fois de plus l'affichage de la chance 🍀 m'aidera car aucun booster et pas assez de lingots qu'il est hors de question que j'achète
I have been in this level for so many days! This is getting ridiculous, HELP!!!!!
Affichage de la chance Merci 😰😢😫
Affichage de la chance Merci 😰😢😫 Posting for luck Thank you :-(((
Jour 4 ! Niveau impossible !!! Affichage de la chance à nouveau, Merci
Posting for luck
I am not one to post complaints but CC has sucked all of the fun from the game. I think it's time to take a break. I'll check back from time to time. Good luck to those continuing.
Posting for luck and free spins. Thanks
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Need help
Seems like my comments are not getting any where!
Impossible. Please send a lucky board
Seems like another impossible level. Posting for luck again.
I've never been on a level this long.the world is in chaos, games are supposed to be fun and relaxing..its no longer either..I'm done..back to words with friends anyone?? Bye CC
Is this the w9rst level ever? Stupidly impossible. Just want to eat up your boosters. Is this'y final level?
I love it,lol!/ ¡Me encanta esto!
Posting for luck
niveau incomprehensible, plus dur que le précédent, je n y comprends plus rien à ce jeu.
pourquoi faire de si difficiles....
Impossible a finir 1 sur 4!!!!
Chance s il vous plaît
bonjour, de la chance svp.
je n' en peux plus de ce niveau!!!!!!!
lucky board please
I found this somewhat bewildering but this is how it seems to work. Top left fruit moves from there to middle right then to bottom left then to top centre fenced off square,where it disappears. Top left fruit does the opposite. If you clear the next square it is going to move to, it will drop to that square. Once in the bottom corner, you need to clear the relevant middle square and it will disappear. It wasn't always clear to me how I cleared the future square but combos of any sort helped and clearing the liquorice round the squares helped. I ended up with colours in the middle two fenced off squares and was able to dispatch the last fruit by using a hammer on the relevant square. That's how I think I did it so hope this helps.
Horrible level again? C’mon. This episode full of hard level, super hard level.
Doesnt get closer, very tired to play this impossible level
Posting for luck!
Looking to the King gods for some help here. Holy moly...
Posting for luck
Just another annoying board that can't be finished without spending money. If you are spending money to play this stupid game, you should ask yourself, why?
Enough of this rubbish King! All opportunities to earn boosters have been removed. The free spin every couple of days removed. Just spend! On the fifth day of this level, I have paid twice for extra moves and used every booster I had. No more, I am deleting today
Having a tough time getting that middle cleared. Lots of hits and still there...I am losing interest.
This level is tough indeed but my advice is to try and win it without wasting boosters. You'll need them in level 4407. At least 4406 has a fairly decent amount of moves. After about 30 tries I managed to create a lot of colourbombs+wraps combos and I won with a few moves to spare. Good luck.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck. 🙏
Impossible, impossible, can’t get anywhere near.
Got down to needing two of the waffles removed, so set off the frisbee which proceeded to explode NOWHERE NEAR THE WAFFLES. What's the b=point of having boosters if they don't work?
First time posting for luck. I don't know what else to do. 🤞
I can’t even get one ingredient t to drop...literally! Lucky board needed or something. I love when there is strategy involved.
The fact that there are 197 comments for this level really says it all. I don't think I've ever seen that many comments for any level. It's crap and that's being kind.
My tip would be to try to hit the ones in the candy canes with wrapped candies, especially the ones in the middle.
Too too difficult! Not funny at all !! I hate it! Please HELP
Been on this level for 3 effing days and haven’t come close! I’m playing less and less. PFL... come on!!!
BEGGING for a Lucky Board. Don't understand what to do to win. Instructions suck. THANK YOU
WoW quel niveau difficile ��, vraiment trop difficile �� je demande de l’aide s.v.p. ����merci ☺️
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