Candy Crush Saga Level 4408 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4408 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4408 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect red candies to complete the level.
This is a very frustrating level as the spawners continually replace the candies with licorice, making it very hard to get anywhere. There is no need to destroy the spawners completely, although slowing them down by blasting them with wrapped candies helps a lot. You don't really have enough moves to clear all the spawners so it is best to concentrate on making wrapped candies as much as possible. Stripes are easier to make but less useful as they are blocked by the licorice.
Try to use wraps and double wrap combos to work your way down into the bottom part of the board, it doesn't matter if some of the reds are eaten by the licorice as you will get lucky candies dropping from the dispensers once the candy curls are cleared from under them. However it is important that you manage to clear a good number of the red candies before they are eaten so you don't need too many from the lucky candies.
A good way to hit lots of reds is to hit a colourbomb with a stripe or a wrap, this will cause it to clear any reds that are free on the board or unlock any locked ones.
Once you get into the bottom part of the board keep making combos if you can to prevent the licorice from taking over and blocking your moves or eating the reds and lucky candies.

Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck 😣

Anonymous said...

i am missing Roger 75

Anonymous said...

Cookies advice correct. Hit the colorbomb with a stripe (NOT the other way around). 1 move & done. She mentioned this trick before, now I get it.
Started with boosters & 2 stripes were lined up with the cb. Hit the two stripes together that hit the cb

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Mary Lou said...

Yes, as Cookie and "Anonymous" report, if you can hit a colorbomb with a combo [NOT switching colorbomb with a stripe or a wrap], the colorbomb will attack the reds [even on the first move when they are still locked] .... I passed it in 3 moves.

Anonymous said...

Colour bomb and wrap switched together and it’s level completed after one move .

Anonymous said...

Just continuing from my last comment , make sure you use a check booster for the colour bomb and wrap to work in one move . There are only 20 reds on the board and you need 21 . The check booster will give you the extra red .

Roger75 said...

Sorry people, I'm a little bit late.
Posting for luck. :)

Roger75 said...

Crap level!

Roger75 said...

Got a lucky board and fortunatelly passed! Not so crap as I was thinking... but spent some hands.

Anonymous said...

Posting 4 luck

Anonymous said...

Thankyou cookie & anonymous for the tip ...had tried this level a few times & thought i was going to be stuck here for ages but passed 1st try

Agnes Power said...

Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck pk69

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Did as Cookie, Anonymous and Mary Lou suggested. Used a hand switch to put a stripe next to a wrap and then combined these two boosters which hit two colourbombs at the same time. Game over. Wonderful tip. Indy

Anonymous said...

Used the tip from anonymous. Used hand to move stripe next to CB. Moved stripe to CB and cleared board with first move. Thank you for the tip! Jerseygirl

Tuulsa Einar said...

Used 2 cb together and done in one move ��

Melanie said...

2 colour bombs together got the reds unlocked but not hit, the licorice eats the reds plus most boosters I can make. This level is the pits! I’ve gotten down to 7 reds left then I’m out of moves. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Completed without any colourbombs or boosters. If you can use stripes to clear the centre column then get a few more combos to fire down it, all the generated candies are red and you can win without unlocking any other columns or hitting the spawners.

Anonymous said...

Wish i could get a board like the video. Cant make combos and after a couple of moves the red candies are covered in licorice. Hopeless

Anonymous said...

I started by taking a CB + a Stripe/Wrap from my saved Boosters (hoping to be able to hit the CB with the stripe. Alas, my CB landed down at the bottom under the spawner where it was virtually impossible to hit.
The licorice swarmed the board and it was game over.
Tooooooooo many licorice.

Anonymous said...

i am done with king bye rubbish game

Anonymous said...

This level is nuts. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Use boosters but no way
Impossible to get it close
Need help
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...






Unknown said...

Que nível e esse? Sem chance de diversao, stressante.

Unknown said...

Não tem como passar, poucas jogadas. Cansativo, frustrante, stressante, stressante, chato.

Sharda said...


Unknown said...

Excellent advice! Got it done in one.

CC Rider said...

Tried hitting the colorbomb with a combo then with a stripe only then a wrap only. Been here for days. Any other helpful advice? I’m getting nowhere.

CC Rider said...

Never mind. I got down to 3 reds and used all 3 of my precious sugar drop hammers. Either semi lucky board or I posted and King had mercy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Seriously!! Come on king this is ridiculous. Play peak games people they are alot less frustrating. Stop wasting your time on levels like this and begging for lucky boards I'm done!!

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Cher said...

This game is just a pure waste of time . It all gets eaten by licerice if you don't get a good start .
Give us a break .

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board,tried for ages nowhere near

Nana said...

Nana again posting for a lucky board please finding it impossible to get anywhere near

Cris said...

Many spawners, no chance to finish without booster, when I can make wrapped candies, they have seen licorice.

Cris said...

How annoying these levels are ... Poorly elaborated :(

SammyJo said...

Luck pls !

MADFREE said...

I tried the tip about the striped candy and color bomb and still can't get through it. I HATE THIS LEVEL.

liloldlady said...

Posting for luck please

Marylou said...

Have we 2 marylou on here. Hi sister.

Marylou said...

What a waste. Ffs

Donna said...

I have tried with and without boosaters. The sprinkle ball just gets covered with the licorice with no chance of even using it. So no sense wasting it. There has been little chance of making any stripes or wraps and the licorice just goes to the top. Very frustrating level. Am also using a heck but it is really doing nothing either. Posting for luck

Maiga said...

Posting for luck

Donna said...

Still at it. Taking too long. posting for a lucky board

Donna said...

Tried with the sprinkle, wrap and stripe and check and this time the sprinkle fell beside a changed check and I only needed one to go...

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Guest said...

Crazy level.POsting for luck.

ZZ said...

Looking for a lucky board. I hate this level.

Mimi said...

Posting for luck

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level not enough moves. Spawners are ridiculous

Lauralu81 said...

I love that people are trying to help by sharing their strategy however what's not so helpful is that these techniques all require boosters. Unless you can get a colour bomb, striped and wrapped candy all on the board at the same time you wont get anywhere at all. it's like all you need is to combine one booster you don't have with another booster you don't have and hey presto! ������

OB said...

Frustrating is not a strong enough word for this level. I have made it this far, solving many difficult levels. 4408 is a different kind of animal. Not even getting close, especially since I am out of boosters. This could be the level that breaks me after 5 years of playing.

By the way, does anyone else thing the winning the jackpot on the free daily spin is just rigged to the level of a criminal offense? Let's see....365 days per year times at least 5 years, nearly 2 thousand spins. And I've landed on the jackpot a total of 1 (yes ONE time).

I have spent money on this game. Not a lot, but some. I
think it's time to put that money towards an IRA instead, and giving up on CC altogether. A lot of time invested here, and you give us a level like 4408? Thanks so much.

OB said...

Well, it looks like someone is passing this level, but it's not me. Terrible level. And I'm not novice or else I wouldn't be here. I'm pretty much out of boosters so there isn't any help there. This could very well be the level that does me in.
By the way, let me mention the daily spin booster wheel. Yep it has a jackpot stop on the wheel. I wonder just how many times I have spun that wheel (been playing since about 2013). I landed on the jackpot a total of 1 (yes, ONE TIME) many years back. Do you think that might be rigged?????? There are only so many spaces on the wheel. The odds of getting a jackpot just don't add up.

Yep, I have spent some money on this game. Not a lot. But it just might be time to be putting that money into an IRA.

Flippenheck said...

Oh crikey... Help please

TRE said...

Posting for luck

debkibs said...

Just feel you shouldn't have to start with boosters. That being said, I've used most up. UGH.

Samiam said...

The kind of level that makes you want to stop playing. No skill. Pure luck. Hate it.

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck...boosters needed! said...

Good Lawd! This level is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level. No use using boosters as unless they are in good strategic position, they are wasted. The days of being able to reset are long gone. Just waiting until the board lets me pass

Unknown said...

Posting for luck.

Grandma said...

After hundreds of goes on.y got to the bottom twice. Lucky board needed ASAP please

Grandma said...

Still here and fed up. This is the worst level ever. Help PLEASE

Grandma said...

Just wasted my space ship blaster and switch all to no avaIL HELP PLEASE

Grandma said...

Think I've just had some lucky boards but all help quickly eaten with licorice. Think I'm missing something here. Have never got to the bottom of the board and ticks just get eaten with licorice! I'm soooo fed up with this level

Grandma said...

Oh wow thank you thank you thank you. Finally rid of that awful level. Wonder what the next one has in store. Expect I'll be back.

Eliza h said...

Need some help!!!

Eliza h said...

I have thrown everything I have at this level booster wise and can’t even get the reds down to single digits. This one might be my last level.

Eliza h said...

Please need lucky board! The licorice are killing me!

Eliza h said...

Can anyone recommend a new game? I’m using up my few remaining boosters and walking away if I don’t pass. 4 out of 5 times that I have used a colorbomb, it is placed under the spawners and eaten in first moves. Ridiculous. I know it’s just a game, but I will miss it a bit. Not enough to be stuck on this level for any longer, tho.

Eliza h said...

Make that 5 out of 6 times. Just started another round and colorbomb is unusable AGAIN.

Eliza h said...

Worst level ever. Shame on you king!

gus said...


Lymbo said...

I am not even getting close. Damn that liquorice! Help!

shelleyjim said...

Need lots of luck 😡😡😡

AEF said...

Wow I think I’ve finally been broken! I cannot make any progress on this one at all - my whole board gets covered with licorice. The video unfortunately didn’t help because I don’t get that lucky . . . The tip about hitting a color ball with a stripe is awesome, but I don’t have any boosters left. Totally stuck. I’ve never done this before, but I’m finally gonna say. . . Posting for a lucky board! Please!!! I want to get on to a fun level - this one is NOT!

Bum said...

Posting for luck

Winegums said...

Watching the video is very frustrating as the video gets all the colorbombs and lucky candies appearing from nowhere. What is going on? I can’t even get one colorbomb let alone clear the bottom of the board. I’m sick of this two tier game. King controls what candies I get and I don’t like it one bit. It’s a complete scam on your part and a waste of time on my part. King has to stop interfering in the game and let players play the game fairly or lose its players.

Unknown said...

Here we go again, posting for luck!

candy crusher said...

Been on this level for a couple of days. I don't see anyway to pass this level without a lucky board. I am asking for that lucky board.

candy crusher said...

Been three days and I'm still at this level....soon will get tired of playing. No challenge here. Just hit and smash and wait for the lucky board because there is no planning moves on this level. The licorice multiples so fast, you really don't have a chance without a lucky board. So, I'm asking for a lucky board.

Popmeg said...

Yet another frustrating level just requiring luck. Need some please

Jo said...

I like this but getting a bit frustrated with it Luck please

Player said...

Another discouraging level. Havent got one chance yet to pass it. Getting fed up with these kind of levels. you want players to quit? Because designing this kind of s#%t wont help loyal players to stick around. Is that what you want king? I never bought boosters, but did you earn enough from players who do and want them to quit? And stop playing this game king...let the players do their thing!!!! 👎👎👎👎👎

Player said...

I am done for the moment. Cc gets more and more ridiculous. I will not recommend this so called game to anyone who is thinking to start playing it. Because it is only fun in the beginning and after a while it isnt fun all! Just stupid non playing...wanna force you to buy levels..It really is a shame, because it really was fun....a loooooong time ago.

Player said...

After a break of a couple of hours i am trying AGAIN. But after playing at least 30 times AGAIN still nada. 30 times plus countless times makes a sum of annoyingly many many times of discouragement. A even abort this level time after time when i see it is going to be a 100 % failure. What is wrong with you king. You made your point by not giving people a pass. Sorry to dissapoint you...i am still not going to buy boosters. So i guess i have to wait AGAIN for you to give me a pass or quit this game. I am on the verge of quitting cause you are not much of a help by making up these impossible levels. A big 👎

Player said...

New day new chances 🤨. But no...already 30 attempts and still no pass. I am heading for 200 attempts!!!! This isn't normal. I guess it is not allowed to be critical. So i am stuck forever. Pffff....what a joke.

R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck !!!

Marwanjo said...

You waist your time playing CC. Thats why i hold on to play my other, better games. This game and the levels are all the same boring levels. Difficult, easy, nightmare levels, its only shit. Glad i still have other games to play.

Cmp said...

Its sad that it doesn't take skill to play anymore, just have to wait for a lucky board to pass as you get bored playing the same level over and over :(

Anônimo said...

Curioso que muitos passaram no primeiro movimento, ou eles mentiram ou o nível mudou, porque não estou conseguindo passar. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

avs said...

Thank you for the tip. As well as you said I hit a colourbomb with a combo!! Excellent tip

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Brian said...

Awful level never get the colourblind stripes etc at same time only a lucky board will do it hope there's one around

Jan said...

Stuck on this level, please help!!!

Jan said...

I have been on this level for so many days, and have tried it so many times, and it is judging greetings boring. I hope I get a lucky board soon, otherwise look for a kinder game.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

KiKi said...

Been on this level forever!!!
Nothing I've done has worked-frustrating to say the least...hard to beat if your only plays are in the top of the game...

Crushed said...

Posting for luck

Crushed said...

Me too. What happened to him?

Mama said...

Not even close 🙄

lorraine said...

Here we bloody go again. Have a boring wait for that lucky board. Come on King these levels are getting ridiculous. I'm over it ;(

SoulrRunner said...

Another stupid impossible level. You get a color bomb and it gets eaten by licorice. You get a combo wrapped and striped eaten up by licorice. No momentum possible. So I will post this for luck and most likely pass in a few more lives.

Austinm said...

The video proves you need a lucky board to pass this level. I have yet to see a board for this level that rains down color bombs, wraps, and stripes with impunity. And even then it was closed completed with only 3 moves left. So what does that say if you don't have boosters or a lucky board?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck said...

What a ridiculous level! This isn’t fun at all!

Anju said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

I hate to say this After many years of playing I am done with this level.

Unknown said...


Cathy said...

Ugh. This level sucks. I will try cookies tips. Hope that works!

LJay said...

I have been on this level 4408 for 2 solid weeks!! Playing 4408 at least 5-6 times a day sometimes more. I refuse to use any more boosters.

Deefenbäker said...

Must just be luck. I've played since the beginning and have probably had the jackpot about 10 to 15 times all in. I even got twice in one week so I guess like most of the levels lately, its pure luck.
Keeping fingers crossed you get it again soon 🤞🏽🍀

Deefenbäker said...

Best I've got so far is down to needing 13 reds. Once they reds are off the board there's no chance of getting lucky candies drop because the spawners and licqorice are relentless. The playable board gets smaller and smaller and I can't make 2 special candles to switch together
I guess you've got to just keep playing and wait for that ever elusive lucky board. And try not to lose your 💩 waiting!

Deefenbäker said...

Like 90% of them lately lol

Deefenbäker said...

I totally agree. There's often no chance to even try and plan moves. Oftentimes there's only one or 2 possible moves. Any special candies I get are immediately eaten by the liquorice. Well, that's this level but most levels these days there's no skill, no planning moves, no strategising, it's just a waiting game for the lucky board. Half hour for a new life is no good for this game any more. You can lose all 5 lives in less than 5 minutes, where's the fun in that, in fact, where's the fun period!

Deefenbäker said...

What a surprise, apparently I've failed this level again! 🥱 🥱 🥱

Carole said...

Impossible. Please help

Julllie said...

Posting and begging for the luck needed to pass this level. Please please

Julllie said...

This level is insane. After three moves every possible CB, stripe or whatever is covered by licorice as soon as they show up. Posting for luck please.

Sab2 said...

utterly impossible... Not even close... posting for lucky board.

Joanne said...

Posting for luck

Jo said...

Ayaya my god quel niveau extrêmement difficile 😥 je vous demande de l’aide 🙏🍀🍭merci beaucoup

Pinky said...

Another difficult level, getting no where , posting for luck please !!!!!

Pinky said...

Second post for lucky board, spawners r crazy !!!!!

Frustrated said...

Posting for a lucky board please 🤞

Charper223 said...

Help please - I finally completed 4408 successfully and the system acknowledged it with multiple stars....and then refused to let me move on to 4409. This was a very, very difficult level I was relieved to successfully complete - and now am so frustrated at being stuck on 4408, prohibited from moving on, even though I won the right to do so. Can you please help resolve this glitch and move me to 4409? Thank you.

Hans Andersson said...

SAME SHIT as with all levels nowadays. 25 moves reduced to SIXTEEN ON a level Cookie
Consider Impossible even before???? WHY CC???? POSTING FOR LUCK. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC

VIRGINIA said...

siempre lo mismo 16 movimientos tenes que gastar cuanto para pasar es aburido

Candy Thompson said...


dawn said...

If ad 26 moves like the video I would no doubt pass this level sooner. Posting for luck

dawn said...

help posting for luck this is making me crazy

dawn said...

before I EVEN START I am posting for luck. Yesterday I was in tears and pulling my hair out, twice I had on red to go had no boosters. If I don't get it today I am done and no more candy crush for me not worth the stress

Rena said...

This level is IMPOSSIBLE without a lucky board. Posting for luck!!!!

Rute Lima said...

Hey guy, you used to be of great help. But you are not anymore, since your posts are from 2019. This level, for instance. You keep saying do it do that, since you have 26 moves. Now are only 16, impossible without boosters or a very lucky board. Not fare.

Unknown said...

Help. Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck.

C said...

Posting for luck, please!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨ 🙏

Unknown said...


red said...
