Candy Crush Saga Level 4402 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4402 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4402 is a multi task level, you have to collect wrapped candies and clear the two spawners as well as clear all the jelly.
To begin with you should forget about the jelly and work on clearing the two spawners, use stripes and stripe/wrap combos to hit the one on the left and as soon as it is cleared start working on the one on the right. If you don't clear these two spawners fairly quickly they will block up the board with various obstacles from blockers to chocolate.
You shouldn't have to worry too much about the wrapped candies as they will likely be made as you play, especially if you can manage to make a colourbomb/wrap combo.
Once the spawners are cleared you can have a good look at the board and work out what is the best way to complete the clearing of the jelly. 

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck🍀

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Why is this labeled a hard level?

Ian said...

Impossible yet again, not enough moves! Time to quit!!!

Anonymous said...

Time to quite also
Very frustrating hard level
Can’t get it close
Need help
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Impossible level
Give up

Unknown said...

Poucos movimentos. Stress

Sharda said...


Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Kevin said...

Started with a stripe/wrap combo and fish. Finished on the last move. The trick is to concentrate on getting rid of the spawners. Don't worry about anything else to start with.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tough one not waisting my weekend

Stacey said...

Very difficult and frustrating. Posting for luck....

Erick S said...

I started with a color bomb and stripe/wrap from bot, and added a color bomb. I played before reading the blog and tips, or viewing any videos. Cookie lays it out really well, and Johnny Crush's video bring a great visual. The key is to work on the spawners first, whichever you can hit first and most frequently, then the other. Focus using special candies if you can to make big combinations to hit them, but a match of three regular candies counts as a hit as well. I believe it takes five (possibly six) hits for each booster, but I didn't count and track it. The best combinations are color bomb (with any other special), stripe + wrap near the spawners until they are both detonated, and a wrap + wrap near a spawner until both are detonated. Once the spawners are cleared, focus on clearing the remaining blockers and collecting the wrapped candies. As stated by Cookie, the jelly SHOULD take care of itself as you complete the wrapped candy order, but leave a few extra moves for cleanup just in case. Fun and fair level. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Anna said...

Ugh. Played 100 million times. Barely get 1st spawner each time. Never got 2nd one. I hate this game.

Anonymous said...

Quitting again?

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level

J.J. said...

Ridiculous level not enough moves, can't even get close 😠

TRE said...

Posting for luck

Abbegail said...

the video does not have chocolate blockers. why does King always make it much harder on the players? explain?

Retired Alan said...

Sorry King, but this level is exactly why crushers give up. Trying to get rid of 2 spawners isn't easy and most of the time the board gives you very little help and unless you do get rid of them early it's game over. Chocolate, liquorice and tied-up squares make it virtually impossible.

K said...


He said...

Posting for luck

Anju said...

I came very close in my first and second attampt only one Keely left after tha movement are restricted ans soon the board is blocked by spawner

Lukky boar plz

Carole said...

Impossible please help

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. 🙏

Julllie said...

Cookie says: If you don't clear these two spawners fairly quickly they will block up the board with various obstacles from blockers to chocolate. ????? if the spawners are cleared there will be not enough chocolate to clear. This level must have been changed so many times that no tips are valuable any longer and the purpose is to make it impossible.

If you do not clear the spawners then the board is filled with obstacles to the extent it is not possible to clear. If you clear the spawners then you wont get the final numbers of chocolate to clear.

Please give me the luck to pass.

Babby's pie said...

Incredible!!!! I finished the level but it doesn’t go head!! What’s going on! This is very frustrating after spending hundreds life ! Now I have to try again?????

Tricky said...


Charper223 said...

Please help - I’ve been stuck for days and cannot even get close to completing this level. I do. It have the promised number of moves and nothing seems to work. Thank you.

Nena said...

Pls help. Very frustrating level. Increase moves please. I have only 17 moves.
Stuck since last week.

Westcar said...

This is certainly a very difficult level. According to my calculations I (we) would need to eliminate 8.4705 jelly for each life provided. This is in addition to two spawners. 17 lives is just not enough. I can only hope for some readjustment by the providers of candy crush.....

Amanda said...

Don’t you all see. It’s kings way of getting you to spend money on finishing the game

Anonymous said...

Not nearly enough moves to complete this level. No help what so ever. Can't make soecials or get combos and it's blocker after blocker after blocker. King sucks and has for a long time. Clearly level has been changed mutiple times and not for the better. Will never drop a dime on this game as long as King continues this crap

Barbie5000 said...

Impossible in 17 moves. King being greedy AGAIN!

wtrc said...

Every level now is so hard there is no fun trying to finish it, there is no chance of wiping out the spawners.
I would really like some help or a lucky board please.

Ulbru said...

Lucky board please. I have not been able to make and combos at all

Ulbru said...

Help! 3 weeks on this level and not even close. Not fun att all.

dawn said...

it is Christmas and I hoped for a little Christmas cheer from candy crush saga level 4402 no such luck. level 4402 as shown on the video has 31 moves yet on my level 4402 I only get 17 moves this is so unfair. please help posting for luck

Rena said...

I really need a lucky board please!!!

Rena said...

There is no way to pass this level without pure luck! I need a Lucky board please. I don’t want to stay on this level forever

catb66 said...

Absolute joke again. Several hundred hits with 10 or what goes?! Got this far and not one bleedn booster. Joke!

wtrc said...

posting for a lucky board other wise no chance.

wtrc said...

With no boosters and so few moves this game is impossible without some sort of luck.

JJ said...

Stuck again, for days and days.

Are all these levels now only passable using boosters?

Rute Lima said...

My dear, you really helped me in past fases. But lately all of them are different from what you show us. I think, if you can, that is about time to review your tips. The fases are ridiculously hard to pass, each time more, no more pleasure in playing, and none of your precious tips to help us.

Unknown said...

Not enough. No boosters. Help. Need lucky board.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨ 🙏 🙂

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...

Impossible yet again, not enough moves! Time to quit!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I quit 😬

Unknown said...

Can i have lucky board please

Unknown said...

Not interested anymore 😕

red said...

17 moves? lol