Candy Crush Saga Level 4422 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4422 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4422 Candy Crush Saga is a jelly level and it can be quite tricky. You need a bit of luck, especially at the start, to get the combos needed to clear the jelly. There are two popcorns at the bottom of the left section which are extremely helpful when grown into colourbombs, but you will need some combos to grow them and this means trying to make colourbombs yourself.
A colourbomb/stripe combo early in the game will help clear a lot of the licorice from the conveyors and should also give you some fish, which will also help to clear blockers.
Once you have candies on the conveyors a colourbomb/stripe combo will be more helpful as it will finish off the licorice and jelly and also hit the floats and give you a few fish.
If you can manage to get two colourbombs together this will be best of all as it will give lots of fish as well as removing all the licorice from the conveyors.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck x

Snowy in Buffalo said...

If possible start with CB CB combo, done!

Anita said...

Need a lucky board please!

Unknown said...

This is some b*. This level cant be completed without boosters. I'm done with this game!!! I can be doing better thing with my time.

Anonymous said...

Boosters don't even help on this nightmare level!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone start with double chocolate sprinkles .i can’t since level 606 doesn’t work anymore for bot combos. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board please!

Anonymous said...

Not easy to finish the level๐Ÿ™

Matt Bayley said...

Wow, this level is so hard! Why is it not labeled as such. Good thing I can go back to old levels and get boosters, oh wait. I forgot. King screwed many of us over.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely despise levels with aimless moves!! That’s exactly what this is!!! Soooooo boring, step it up King, or its bye,bye,bye!!

Becky said...

Please, I need a lucky board! This is or has been impossible for me!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't make sense to classify the levels as normal, hard, super hard, etc. ALL levels are nearly impossible. This one is not particularly difficult, but there are too few moves. The kings tactic to oblige players to buy extra moves is easy and quite ridiculous. This level should need at least 10 to 15 more moves just to have a little chance to pass it. They do like this in all levels, these stupid guys!

Anonymous said...

This is a tough level...I need a lucky board please!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Sharda said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!! Not a very fun one, and the board has to keep resetting for lack of moves. Ready to move on!!

Erick S said...

You need to be able to make or bring in boosters to use early. The licorice are a big problem, but the stripe dispensers are a big help. They can be used to hit the floats and/or strike the popcorn (or blockers). Once you make space it's easier to make and combine special candies, which gets the damage done. There are limited moves in this level, so you need to really get a good start to complete the level. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

hillie said...

4422 just a nother inpossible level i am don whith playing c.c. the level,s are hard and inpossible it,s time to say good by i have better things to do jou can ongly pass this hard level,s if jou by manny gold bars i play it ongly when i have nothing to do and say goodby king after 6 jears playing c.c


Pati said...

Trying for a few days with and without boosters. Okay King this old lady needs a friendly board going to be, thank you

faith said...

Why on earth is this not classed as a hard level ? I'm not even getting close despite days and days of trying. HELP please, posting for a lucky board

Getting tired said...

I can’t even come close.

Anonymous said...

Bye Felicia.

Anonymous said...

AND Another Asinine level.

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

Nowhere near... Help please

Flippenheck said...

This one is breaking my heart... Help please

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Not enough moves..

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck....need more moves and boosters to pass!

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Please i want lucky board .

Dolly Bluejay said...

Getting closer to you!! Thought it was cool when you posted, “Ta” when you completed a level!! Happy Crushing!! ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ˜Š

Eliza h said...

Posting for luck again!!!

Deb V. said...

Impossible for me, posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck again

Sue Harvey said...

Impossible, posting for luck

Player said...

Yet another level that is impossible to pass. Can't get near the bottom of the board. Not enough moves!

Anรดnimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Nรฃo vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridรญculo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Anรดnimo said...

O comentรกrio acima tem razรฃo. Por que perder tempo com um jogo que e uma fraude? Estou fora desta arapuca.

Suzie Meara said...

I'm stuck!! Posting for a lucky board please!!

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for luck again please!

Jan said...

Lucky board, please!!!

Laura said...

No way to earn boosters anymore except one measly daily spin which always gives me yet another wheel. Mad as hell. You can't make special candies on this restricted board. I didn't even get out of the top right section. I'll use my 5 lives, now 4, and be done for today.

Jan said...

I am getting so tired of these levels that are impossible without a lucky board. How about changing the game that requires skills? Now that's a great idea! I have been stuck on this for a few days and totally fed up!

Laura said...

Well, used my 5 lives on 4422 again. Done for today. I have contacted King and told them they should not have taken away our opportunities to earn free boosters until they add new ones. It doesn't much matter how great their plans are for later in the year. It's no fun NOW! I encourage you to contact them yourself. There is power in numbers.

Jan said...

Getting really discouraged with this impossible level!- don't see any point in playing this anymore. Perhaps it is finally time to move to a game that loves me more!

collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level.

Unknown said...

Nightmarishly hard this One!!!! Very few moves...seems impossible... Posting for a miracle maybe... Babis from Greece.... desperate...

ram said...

how to u get so many boosters and what is the king .posting for lucky board plz

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. ๐Ÿ™

Sab2 said...

keeps reshuffling and reshuffling, only 1 move most of the time for the first 5-10 turns... Only way to get thru it is getting a lucky board. plz lucky board cc

bonita said...

Begging for an easy Lucky BOARD. Games are getting harder & CC took away the daily spin & not even watch a video for moves or boosters. ABSOLUTELY NOT BUYING ANY MORE---------MY ACCOUNT WAS HACKED & CHARGED had to cancel c card. Help Please, thank you

Aisha said...

No hope
I think this same type of level I have played before also

jasebo said...

Posting for luck p.please

VIRGINIA said...

otra vz 16 movimientos imposible

Westcar said...

After playing this level for several days I am convinced that the only thing left for me to do is to play and wait, play and wait, play and wait. Eventually something will emerge to give me a chance to complete. So I will play and wait. And build up my free daily boosters. And wait.....

Westcar said...

As I continue to wait I reviewed the video explaining how to conquer this level. The video shows 55 jelly that need to be removed and 30 moves to accomplish it. My game of Saga on the pc asks me to remove 110 jelly in 16 moves. Now there seems to be a major difficulty here. Thus shall I wait......

Julie joel said...

The same as westcar 110 jelly in 16 moves this is pathetic whe video shows 55 jelly in 30 moves such a difference those who played ages ago had an easy ride but not us fools cos candy crush just make them harder for us this game is horrible

Unknown said...

Ridiculous level. The vรญdeo shows 30 moves and i only have 16. Why??????

Rena said...

Posting for luck please ! Can’t pass this level with out a lucky board !

MicT said...

Well, the moves have halved and the jellies doubled. I pity the people starting at level 1 on candy crush right now, by the time they get here, they’ll only have 1 move to clear 220 jellies.

Anonymous said...

Really need a lucky board please king ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€

pkinbergeaauk said...

Forget if! Impossible with 16 moves. Goodbye cc

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨ ๐Ÿ™