Candy Crush Saga Level 4423 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4423 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4423 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect the two different kinds of chocolate to complete the level. The chocolate is provided by the lucky candies and chocolate machines in the middle section of the board.
Before you can get to the lucky candies you have to collect the keys that are travelling around the conveyor at the bottom of the board. Two of the keys have to be collected using a special candy or a combo, they can't be matched because there are no red or yellow candies on the board. For this reason you should look for chances to make combos and save them for when the keys get into position where they can be collected.
Once the keys are collected the lucky candies in the middle of the board can be matched and the chocolate hit with special candies and combos. There isn't a lot of chocolate to be collected so once the lucky candies are unlocked you only need a few moves to collect them.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Rp said...

Forget the keys and middle. Play with a mystery candy and there's easily enough moves to get the chocolate through those

Anita said...

Please help, need a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Very difficult to collect all the keys with enough moves left to collect the chocolate! Yet again another impossible,tedious level!

Anonymous said...

This strategy hasn't worked for me!!

Ed Zamoe said...


Jannie said...

Check mark booster helps a lot

Anonymous said...

You played hard and well, Cookie. Well done! It looked like though you’d be out of move but you came through! I hope i’ll Do as well. But I think I will go in with a check mark to be sure since I’m not as skilled as you. ;p

Erick S said...

I didn't think about bringing in a lucky (check mark) candy, that would definitely help. I played without bringing in boosters, and got through by systematically hitting the center with special candy combinations where possible (usually striped candy + wrapped candy) to build the chocolate and collect it. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Pati said...

Ive tried using check booster now ill try without! Thanks King for a friendly board

Donna said...

Looks easy but isn't. Haven't got all the keys yet and have been using the wheel. Will try without it and see what happens. Posting for luck

Teeay said...

I've tried the check mark booster a few times. I only get one at the start of the game and it's always been a colored candy, not chocolate.

Teeay said...

...and the very next game after posting, I got more than one booster and some DID turn into chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Not an easy level....waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(

Bevets said...

Is it just me, or have nearly all the levels in the past 5 or 6 worlds been ridiculously hard?
Ironically I've found the easiest levels to be the ones King consider "Nightmarishly Hard".
Are they taking the Michael out of us?

Flippenheck said...

Help please

TRE said...

lucky board needed

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Not enough moves...

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Need check mark boosters or more moves!

Popmeg said...

Yet another level where skill doesn't help. Totally dependant on a Luke board. Hope I'll get one soon cos I'm getting really fed up

Player said...

I am one of the happy few that don't get a pass. Very boring/tedious level.

Anônimo said...

Também estou farto destes níveis dependente de sorte. Melhor mesmo sair de uma vez por todas.

SoulrRunner said...

I used a double colorbomb combo. It should have taken out all the keys but instead I got 2 more keys. What is up with that.

Deefenbäker said...

Going round in circles with this one. I can barely get the keys before I run out of turns. No hope to use my skills to clear this, just need to keep plYing aimlessly until I'm deemed a passable board.

Deefenbäker said...

Very likely!

Carole said...

Impossible please help

Sab2 said...

impossible unless cc decides your going to pass. NO skill involved whatsoever. Just have to wait for that lucky borad. These last levels have been soooo boring....

AlexCrush said...

Luck needed I guess.

RJ said...

Oh come on!!!! I’ve played this more than a couple hundred times and am FED UP!!!! PFL already!!!!

bonita said...

Need help Like a super LUCKY BOARD. PLEASE I AM DOWN-HEARTED & boosters depilated. thanks CC

bonita said...

Posting for lucky board. Played a hundred times & not even close. I want a board like COOKIES, HAHA HELP

Genevieve DuTrieux said...

Posting for luck <3

Pinky said...

Posting for luck getting no where on this level

Pinky said...

Second time posting for lucky board please !!!!

Spin said...

What a stupid level! 10 moves in total??

Spin said...

How bizarre!! I post on here (above) and the next tries I get a great board and pass at last!

Barbie5000 said...

Really need a updated video. This one is nothing Ike the current levels, 10 moves is impossible!

Rena said...

I either need more moves or a luckyboard please.

MicT said...

I was unsure how to do this. however, if you can get the keys unlocked, don't wait to let the chocolate grow, just keep shooting it with the stripes from above and within 4 goes, I had cleared all the chocoalate I needed to pass. The tick candies in the box replace with tick candies when you hit them and clear the chocolate. As long as you've cleared the keys and the top section of cream blockers, above the tick box area below, in the first 5 moves, you should be able to do it. I just kept resetting if I hadn't cleared the keys and blockers in the top middle section in 5 moves.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨ 🙏

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...


red said...

10 moves????

Rute Lima said...

10 moves? why not 5? whatever, impossible any way. Maybe with a miracle lucky board