Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4455 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4455 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect waffles and stripes to complete the level.
You can't make stripes and you can't clear the waffles by using combos so how are you going to pass???
The answer is fairly simple but by no means easy. You need to collect keys while at the same time controlling the bombs which have a very short countdown.
The keys drop from the dispensers as you make moves and you need to collect them until the coconut wheel on the right is uncovered. Use the coconut wheel as soon as it is unlocked and that will give you three stripes and three waffles.
Repeat the moves and collect more keys until the second coconut wheel is unlocked and use it to get the remaining three stripes and waffles. Job done!
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»Posting for luck.
Ridiculous level , no skill just pure luck, 5 lives gone in 2 minutes. No fun in this one at all.
Posting for luck
Yikes! This is very difficult!
I had the full bot, but found that using the 2 CB combo did not work. On my fifth try, I did use a check mark booster. I also made sure that I had a CB next to a stripe with the most colors on the board. That seemed to also take care of the waffles, too, because it surprised me that I had actually finished this level with that one move. Must've had a lucky board. Good luck - Jen
Worst. Level. Ever.
Please help! Lucky board please
Impossible! Sucks!
Just luck ,no skill.
What a ridiculous level. No fun at all. Posting for luck.
No skill , just luck !!!!! BORING !!!
Dummest. Level. Ever. What a waste of time and a source of frustration. There have been useless levels in the past, but this one takes the cake.
I go back to level 3711 and bot doesn’t fill .. doesn’t give me boosters for passing .. anyone else?
The day after I said this was the dummest level ever, the Candy Crush Gods presented me with the infamous lucky board, and I was able to pass on my first try this morning. My Candy Crush career continues...
No doubt, the developer of this level was drunk or who knows under what.. The question is does the developer has a supervisor with active senses...??
I Also go back to Level 3711 for a long time and my bot does Also not film anymore.
For this stupid boring level a lucky board please.....
Questo è forse il livello più brutto,ci vuole solo fortuna!Datemi un po' di fortuna !!!
È forse il livello più brutto!Serve solo fortuna!Datemi un po' di fortuna !
Posting for luck
Impossible without boosters.
Well this level absolutely sucks!! I've been on vacation and with impossible levels like this I'm NEVER going to catch up!
Posting for luck ...5 lives gone in les than a minute with this level !!!
Never have I posted here, but now I have to say .... this is utterly ridiculous! Sad that a game that was fun and enjoyable has become greedy and downright frustrating. Some of us are homebound and are looking for a distraction, not more aggregation. Good job candy crush!
Waiting for a lucky board?
This level sucks! No way to finish it before a bomb explodes!! Waste of time!!
What does the “Lucky board” I read about look like?
They cannot be serious with this level by far out of all the levels that I have ever dealt with this one is the most Ridiculous level they have ever created.... no skill I don’t even know if luck would be on your side with this level . Even checkmarks don’t work very well on this level made for some but didn’t for me
Posting for luck
Ok, it's a mere pure luck level but it's also useful if you use your brain. You need to focus mainly on the countdown of the bombs, pick keys only by the way. As soon as the first coconut wheel is free, use it (as Cookie said). In my case, it also hit fortunately some bombs. During the last moves focus on the keys. I freed the second coconut wheel with 1 move left and countdown bombs = 1,used the wheel and hooray, this was sufficient.
Don't use boosters - they are in vain and useless (in my opinion). You only need luck, that's true. In total, needed around 15 attempts till a good board came.
What is this????????????????????????????????????????
Worst ever. To add insult to injury for the 1st time I got the blue gold wrapped candy. What a waste. Thrown everything at this, just cant get the keys for the bombs goung off. Give up
Impossible!!! Cannot be done with 4 move bombs and small board! Time to quit
Every time they start the bot (or whatever they call it, lucky letters etc) it runs for an amount of time. Usually 96 hours. When that time is up it disappears. Until they start it again. I've had it disappear while I was playing for it .
Posting for luck, again! I’m am wondering if this can be finished. On the bright side I’m not playing very much! 😁
Got the lucky board next try 🤔
Ridiculous level, I hate levels where you finish the game in 1 minute and I hate even more levels where all you have to do is waiting for a lucky board. No skills needed here.
This is one of the stupides levels I have ever seen.
Posting for luck
Agree with all,comments, dull, boring and no skill required.
Waiting along with everyone else for the lucky board.....
Total and utter rubbish. Basically, but dozens of hammers or wait forever for a lucky board.
This level has probably done me a favour.
On a really tough level, I want to keep trying.
This is just a joke - I'm finished in 5-8 moves every time. Just an excuse to make you buy bonuses.
Helps me decide to quit and do something more useful.
wow is this a jokes, i just lost my life for every four moves.
i have 30mis wrap candy and i use that to start the game i dont see any different to pass the level with CB or not ! this is just stupid.
44 comments pretty much sums up the annoyance with such a stupid level.
We lose lives quicker on this level than we did back in the day we had the hated Timed Levels.
How dumb is this? Like, really.
Waiting for the elusive lucky board again.
Used a check mark booster, and started with a sprinkle and stripe combo, got it the first attempt.
Another easy great lovely level !!!
What is this?
Posting for lucky board
This is awful! Need lots of luck to pass this level!
Don't think I'm going to be able to take this one much longer! Please a lucky board!
So ridiculous! Praying for a keyboard please obviously that’s what you need to win this one! 🙏🤦♀️🤗
this is the final straw....only allowing 4 f@%*ing moves truly proves CC wants us to quit...what the hell happened to game enjoyment...it's obviously been gone for some time & now it has gone to ultimate boredom & annoyance...here's hoping the developers office burns to the ground with them in it
This one is ridiculous !!
From the comments, I know I will be on this level for a long time . Posting for luck.
No skill. Just luck.
Impossible level . I think it’s time to,leave CC Unless I get a lucky board soon.
Most ridiculous level I’ve seen. No skill needed. Probably played over 100 boards on this level. Posting for a lucky board.
Ridiculous level. No fun at all.
Used check mark candy and needed two hammers. No skill required.
There is a difference between super hard and super stupid. Not sure why King gives 20 moves if your lucky you get to use 6
We must be really stupid to go on playing this shit.
O que é isso? Uma proposta para parar de jogar? Stressante, angústia nesse nível
Ridiculous stupid level
Omg ridulous level can't get more than 2 keys before bombs explode getting tired of trying perhaps it's time to go elsewhere and play other games as cc seem to making it more and more frustrating for their loyal players �������� going to try few more times then I'm off
I feel like every time I come to this comment form to post for luck it is to say that the level was the worst level to date. Here I am again, but absolutely certain that above all the others, this is by far the most ridiculous, frustrating and absolutely impossible level. Im so done with Candy Crush and posting for luck one more time. Ugh. WTH!!
Dreadful!!! Absolutely impossible, ridiculous, dreadful level. Really bad. All luck. Five lives in 1 minute. Why do they do this to us???? Guess I'll be stuck on this for two weeks. Refuse to purchase a single gold bar or booster. I'll just wait for the lucky board. UGH!!!
Posting for luck
Three potentially helpful words: (that are NOT "pfl" Grrr! to people wasting space with that nonsense!)
Hammer! Hammer! Hammer!
Then Hammer some more! Use your skill combined hammers and switches until you get wheels released. I ended up using 5 hammers on bombs and 1 switch. It was well worth it to get past this god forsaken crap a$$ level.
Oh, and I don't recommend buying the hammers. Earn them by playing levels with candy drops and make use of any "freebies" offered in this game.
Please don't pay King any money!!
Posting for luck pls
Posting for luck before I go back to toy blast
Usually I can figure out the object of the game. This one makes absolutely no sense. Begging for help
Five games gone in a couple of minutes. The keys don't drop but bombs do. The board shuffles and moves the bombs to places where they can't be matched. Is there any point to this level? It's not fun and there's almost no skill. Waiting for a lucky board.
After being stuck for two days I finally managed to set off both coconut wheels (don't usually get any) but there was still one waffle to get and no hammers left. FRUSTRATING!!!!!
Posting for luck!!!
I haven’t had it since level 3700
Seriously??? I hate levels that are pure luck!
I just would like to say...what a stupid level. I'm not wasting all my lives on this level..well I already have. Can I please have a lucky board?
Posting for luck!
What kind of crap level is this?? Seriously!! PFL
Craziest level ever. Guess I need a lucky board. So..... posting for luck
No use trying any more. 2 UFO"s. dr
Posting for a lucky board please
Oh mylanta! help me!
It feels really terrible to have come this far and have to quit over a stupid level like this. No longer have a reasonable space dash, can't replay old levels for sugar drops, they fixed the level 2000 goldmine. Getting boosters off the spin (and face it, we've all spun a billion times and never hit the jackpot) doesn't help. CC has turned into nothing more than a scheme to try to get us to buy boosters, moves, and lives. No longer even remotely fun.
Good luck to those of you staying on.
Posting for luck
Not fair, got all the stripes and keys and down to the second coconut wheel and as far as I thought had finished the level cos it said I had one waffle left even though there was nothing left on the board !!!!!! So annoyed !!!!!
What a stupid BS level...really King...this is how you treat your players??? CC isn’t fun anymore, in fact I’m finally getting close to quitting. Post for a lucky board to stop my boredom. King has taken away all of our opportunities to get enough boosters to get past this horrible level so posting for luck is my only hope.
Jeez. Never seen this amount of comments on a level. It is the most dumbest level of the lot.
I just found out the trick to pass this. I worked in the top left square only. Collected the keys and kept the bombs under control. Coconut wheels sorted the rest. Good luck everyone.
How is it possible to pass this????? There's always a bomb exploding without going anywhere....... really dumb, I agree.
Absolutely impossible and fu.... boring...
lol...one life left...fastest games I ever played..posting for luck...the last level took three days...not much fun
This game is so boring,posting for luck.
Stupid level,no skill required, posting for luck
Posting for luck.
Ridiculous level. No way without a lucky board
Help please King need a good board
Ridiculous. 5 moves and game over. No strategy needed. Please fix this level King
posting for luck
No challenge here. Nothing to think about. Lost a whole bot. What a waste
This level is both impossible and zero fun. I blew they 5 lives in one minute. No skill required. The worst one yet.
Very hard...waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(
Quitting again!!
Posting for luck yet again. Utterly ridiculous level.
CB next to a stripe plus a tick booster if ya have and all rest will be easy. If no boosters then not a chance to do without a very luck board
I guess people eventually make it through this level but I’m bored and frustrated. No skill needed. Posting for lucky board
Wat een narigheid is dit spel, en als je alle reacties leest wordt je ook niet blij!
AUB posten voor geluk.
What on earth are we supposed to do with this level? It's 5 lives and out in about 5 minutes. It's not even worth opening the game to be done this quickly. I'd pay money to just totally skip this bore!
Had to use all 3 of my precious hammers and a switch but I passed.
I would have burned everything to get by this disaster of a level.
Oh crikey help please
Dumbest level ever!!
Ridiculous. Only a lucky board can pass this. Posting for luck
Terrible level. Posting for luck!
Posting for luck
HELP!!!! Posting for luck!
After being stuck for days I used my second last hand switch to clear a bomb as I was close to getting the second coconut wheel (I usually lucky to get one), but I failed the level as there was still one waffle to get. Seriously peed off about it. How many more days is it going to take before I get a lucky board?
I used some tricks to get through.
With a full robot, I started with a cb/ stripes combo, so I had the stripes.
A also started with the check booster, which gave enough extra waffles.
So I didn't have to mind about the keys and coconut rolls, but only had to control the bombs and reduce/ destroy the waffles from the check booster. It cost me one hammer and with some luck I was through.
Lord have mercy! Need a little LUCK. Mr. King! Pretty please???
Posting for luck again please
Pretty much a pointless level. Close to impossible. 5 lives gone in minutes.
Posting for luck! Impossible level!
Posting for luck! 5 moves?... boosters needed or fix the level...
I know right
Posting for luck. Need the elusive lucky board. What the actual hell, King?
Zero skill required. Zero.
I don't usually complain, but this is no fun and no skill involved. I like to look at a board and figure out how to pass it... the three fun of it. I had a full bot after playing 3 games in a row and they were all gone in less than 5 minutes. I know I will eventually pass this level but it's really stupid and boring. Hope I get the lucky board soon.
Can’t get anywhere with this one! The bombs go off before I can get started. Please help 😢😢
Now I’m asking for a lucky board, please!!!!
this is no longer fun to play. what is the point if one can only beat the game when King decides to give a lucky board. No skills needed w ith this level, it sucks King, shame on you.
What a ridiculous level. 5 goes takes about two minutes. No skill, pure luck. Where’s the fun in that? Why do I bother!
Still trying. Absolutely no fun at all
I don’t believe it, the Gods finally had enough of my whinging and have let me through to the next level. Don’t give up people, the law of averages says you must get a favourable board once in a while.
OK I see I am not alone in thinking this the most waste of time. Lucky board please
Are you F’n kidding me with this board??
The Worst Ever!!!
No way! Ticked that I rarely spend money on this game, just spent $2.99 on a “special sale” and now I’m on an impossible level. Are they trying to get me to use what I just bought? Fine. I won’t make that mistake again. No more money from me!
Ok. Take it back. Got the right board right after I posted that.
I've never done this before but I'm posting for luck
Exactly what worked for me!
Start with CB to stripe and check mark booster!
Desperate for hammers! HELP
I am BEGGING a for a lucky boars🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
I agree. 😡😡😡 impossible time pass no fun at all!!
Unless you have 100's of hammers......don't Even try!
One and done!
Perfect strategy!!
I think I will just beg now...luck!
Great. Wasted my hammers
Always have one waffle last ti get. Bomb explodes. Need a gammee to win. Going to play something else for a bit. Good luck all
Did the bomb with stripe method approx 30 times. Finally got lucky board that let me get the wheels to explode waffles. It is a luck gane.
Is King losing his grip on games? What a rediculous level. I watched the video and king had all the right candies falling in the right place at the right time. Fixed level if I ever saw one. M finished with these outrageous and frustrating levels. Gone forever. I’m not wasting my time that has no skill level. Just a game of fixed candies.
I started the game with 5 color bombs, 3 wrapped and striped and the board gave me striped candy and color bombs side by side so i matched the color bomb and stripped so i finished collecting the striped candy order then i had 2 waffles remaining i hit them the hammer and i finished the level on my first try
Post for luck
Posting for luck
No fun. Just trying to get me to buy. Posting for luck
Miracle required or a lucky board!!
Posting for luck, I need it!
I never have posted before but often just reading the tips page and browsing the comments leads me to my lucky board. And I have noticed that if in the next round I play immediately after visiting here, I use all the optional starting boosters (this case chocolate wrap/stripe and check) I almost always get the lucky board on that go.
Posting for luck
I agree with others. Completely ridiculous level. One life gone in 2 min. All I get are bombs and no keys. Will need a really lucky board to finish this and maybe find some fun in CC again. Help me please. KS
Posting for luck
Can't add anything to comments here. What is the point of any game where you can only play for two minutes. Luck needed
Worst level yet. Not wasting money buying lives! Boring. Dumb. Not fun at all.
Posting for luck ....
Worst level yet.
Agreed. Daft level very frustrating
Well said!
Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem quer ficar.
The last several games have been more fun than any in weeks. I've passed several levels fairly quickly. Then I hit this one. If Kings I'm going to pay money for boosters, they're wrong. I will just have to wait on a "lucky" board. BORING!!
174 comments, the most I've ever seen on any one level and totally agree with everyone, this level was totally created to make people spend money!!! I've already used 14 bars for extra moves only to get nothing more than anything ELSE, FU KING, not spending another F*&^%$#@ dime you greedy bastards.I'm just going to sit here and wait for the stupid lucky board you will eventually give me after being so frustrated. Someday SOON I'm going to quit this shitty "make me money" Bull CRAP!!!
Need only luck not skill.just irritating and boring level.posting for luck
Ridiculous level. No fun at all.
Fix level 4455.
They need to fix this level 4455 immediately.there is no way to win I just might be done King!!!!!!!!
After 5 years the worst level ever no skill no fun time to leave unless a lucky board turns up quick
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Why! Horrible level ! Posting for luck !
I desperately need help!
Can’t seem to win this one! Need free spins and a lot of luck!
What a ridiculous game, bomb explodes every time with 15 moves left. I have no boosters left so I cant even try with them. These ridiculously hard games spoil the fun playing CANDY CRUSH. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck. Finally got a lucky board. Cleared all the waffles and it said I didn’t 😖
Oh come on! This is the worst level ever! So boring and utterly impossible, give me a break!
I need luck CC-Please send some my way.
This level is beyond boring..who ever made up this level should be fired..is it even possible without a lucky board??
Posting for luck
20 tries so far... no result!!! Boring and disgusting level!!! No keys.. only bombs that explode quickly!!! No meaning... posting for luck... or for bombs to collapse.... Babis from Greece...
Posting for luck! Boring and impossible level over in a minute. Only luck needed. No skill whatsoever.
niveau completement stupide!!! pas de reflexion juste de la chance....
ca va etre long pour le passer. en plus la partie dure 30 secondes...amis developpeurs que vous arrive t il?
Posting for luck
This will be the one to make me delete cc if the lucky board doesn't materialise soon.
lucky board plz
OMFG King. What a ridiculous level. No skill what's so ever. Just reshuffles all the time. I'm done c u bye ;(
For the love of God, what kind of level is this??? HELP!!
I hate this level! This level needs unlimited lives like we had like three weeks ago?
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