Candy Crush Saga Level 4933 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4933 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4933 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect yellow candies to complete the level. The yellow candies will be provided by the lucky candies which drop from the dispensers near the bottom of the board and travel up the conveyors to the top.
Try to change as many of the lucky candies as you can as they travel up the board and once the yellow candies get to the top section they will match with the first key and begin to unlock the top section which contains a colourbomb.
The keys will also unlock the bomb dispenser in the middle of the board and these bombs only have a 6 move countdown, so they need to be kept under control.
Once the colourbomb at the top is unlocked save it and try to get a yellow candy sitting beside it. Avoid using the colourbomb if you can and keep changing lucky candies into yellows. Once you have enough yellows on the board you can use the colourbomb at the top to collect them.
If you lose the colourbomb it doesn't matter too much as you can still collect enough yellows by changing as many lucky candies as possible into yellows and many of them with match together as they get to the top.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Raangle5 said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Rick said...

This is the hardest Level in this episode. Although I passed all the levels in the episode on the first go, this is the only level I have to use a hand and hammers. I have to use them to collect the last 7 yellows to complete it. You have to collect the yellow keys as soon as possible. A check candy booster will definitely help.

Elektra said...

Thanks, Rick. Check booster really helped!!! I didn't find this one nearly as hard as 4929, although I had full bot, plus timed boosters for this level and only timed ones for 4929. So really apples to oranges....

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Yep, check mark booster got it done, perhaps a lucky board too, lots of CB's formed on there own! "Build-a-bot" is back and can be grown when playing earlier easy levels.

Erick S said...

Challenging but fun level. Having the bot helped me with converting the lucky candies into yellow candies. As mentioned in the comments, collecting the keys early is critical, and the build-a-bot lets you go back to previous levels again to build it up. Levels 3711, 1955, 1476, 1168, 906, 666, and 281 are my personal favorites (all but 3711 are sugar drop levels as well and are usually good for collecting them without losing lives). Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Ramona said...


MissyM said...

The yellow key at the top row fell down into the space below. When I had a yellow on each conveyor I tried to switch the key upwards but it wouldn't move. I don't have any hammers so I had no way to collect it as vertical stripes from below won't pass the containers.
I played for sugar drops this morning, and again, got only timed boosters, which are useless most of the time.

MissyM said...

In my previous comment I should have added that when the key fell down one row it was stuck between the container on either side. The containers should have disappeared but they didn't so nothing could drop off the conveyors.

Raven73 said...

Typical!! This level is hard

Susan said...

I don't have the space dash and virtually no boosters as every few days the app crashes and when I restart all my boosters have gone. Seriously frustrating.

I once got down to one yellow remaining but only after getting an extras five moves with the wheel spin. I couldn't use a lollipop on the last one because I don't have any.

Then I got lucky. With still a load of yellows to get, and with quite a few on the conveyors, I used the colour bomb at the top on a yellow wrap right next to it and the resulting explosions on the conveyor finished the level with 12 moves left.

Anonymous said...

Tricky...waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

liloldlady said...

This level is very hard. Hoping for a lucky Biard.

Jewel Shaw said...

I am stuck!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Donna said...

That looks pretty easy on the video...pfl

TRE said...


Deb V. said...

No boosters left, posting for luck!

Anne said...

I am having a very hard time with this level. The candies turn yellow but then again to their original color making it impossible to complete the level. Is this a glitch or am I missing something?

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for a lucky board please!

Suzie Meara said...

It's SO boring to just wait for a lucky board!! Posting for a lucky board AGAIN!!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível de porco igual aos desenvolvedores do site. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Hora de excluir o CC.

Marwanjo said...

Try it once. Haha, as soon as possible I left this game to play the better games to play! And… they are not kingsize games!!🤣