Candy Crush Saga Level 5046 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5046 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5046 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect the two cherries and clear the jelly to complete the level. The cherries are on the board at the start of the game so just need to be dropped down to the exits.
You don't really need to worry too much about the cherries to begin with, get the stripes dropping from the dispensers at the top and use them to hit the fishing floats and the spawner in the middle. The stripes will drop into the bottom and side sections so you can use them from there to hit the middle section.
The cherries will generally find their way to the bottom of the board and you will just need to check that they are free to drop out of the exits. Occasionally one of the cherries gets stuck in the middle and doesn't drop through, there isn't much you can do about this except keep trying. It isn't really a glitch and will not happen often.
The jelly is fairly easy to clear as the fish will generally target it, so the more combos you can make to hit the floats the better chance you will have of clearing the level. The combos will also destroy the spawner.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


EL BEATLE said...

Straightforward and achieved within 3 attempts. Just keep getting the striped candies to drop and then fire them at the floats. No boosters needed.

Michele said...

My cherry got stuck first time, no problems second time!

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Yep, cherry got stuck the 1st time, then with timed boosters I had CB/wrap on 1st move, finished with 18 moves to spare! Still have "build-a-bot", etc, yet never spent a penny & never will, good luck this week everyone...

Madre said...

Can't move past 5045. New episodes are available why can't I move on?

Sunny in Buffalo said...

To Madre: That happened to me several times, I tried unsuccessfully to "update" in the "play store" so I was forced to uninstall then reinstall. I got the new episodes but lost everything (and I mean everything) except progress and gold consider the risk! Hope this helps...

Sharda said...


gidget said...

posting for luck

Susan said...

It's not so easy. There is now also a nut to collect and that doesn't come onto the board until the cherries have been collected.

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please

Sindy said...


Simon said...


Barry gilbert said...

No mine is not easy .... posting for luck

Robin said...

How did you have 18 moves to spare?? I only have 19 moves to start!!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...


TRE said...

Posting for luck

Player said...

@ El Beatle Good for you, but almost 1 year later it is impossible to pass.....

Josie said...

Lucky board please

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Outro nΓ­vel de porco igual aos desenvolvedores do site. NΓ£o vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Hora de excluir o CC.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Movimentos reduzidos tornou o nível impossível. Isto não é justo com os jogadores que chegam ao nível depois de algum tempo, quando é lançado é bem mais fÑcil. Melhor abandonar este jogo em definitivo, porque é uma fraude.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Realmente agora são apenas 16 movimentos para eliminar todas as gelatinas, coletar 2 cerejas e uma noz, que só aparece depois de coletar as cerejas. Isto só pode ser uma piada de mau gosto, ou o CC acha que somos idiotas??? Por isso o El Beatle conclui os níveis facilmente, joga o nível no dia que é lançado, quando é extremamente fÑcil, assim como os vídeos postados, quero ver passar quando o nível é alterado. Que joguinho ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Sem comentÑrios um nível deste! Se a intenção do CC for de desestimular os jogadores, parabéns estão conseguindo. Muitos jÑ abandonaram este jogo, A Carol a mais velha, jÑ parou faz tempo, e muitos outros também. Acho que é minha hora de procurar jogos melhores.

Anju said...

Posting for luck plz

tonytones said...

not even close. another hate level

Brian kite said...

Very difficult nowhere near beef a lot more moved so desperate for a lucky board please

Brian kite said...

This is ridiculous now only 16 moves doesn't give.much chance of getting through desperate for a lucky board please

Unknown said...


meliana said...

Now only 16 moves but hv to clear 96 jellies???
AnD now the spawner work faster than shown on the video. So ridiculous!!
And this shd be remark as hard level

anonymous said...

its always nice to get a double color bomb
game over

Meme said...

My cherry on the right has gotten stuck every single time! I was hoping to find out how to prevent it but all I got is it doesn’t happen very often. I repeat, every single time.

Kay said...

Posting for luck

cvbcb said...

Crap level yet again! These boards are unplayable. Need very lucky board PFL

Hans Andersson said...

There where NOT twoo cherries on the board from the start😑😑😑😑😑😑!!!! Stop lying !im just getting mader and mader on Cc for these crappy games😑😑😑😑😑

Nellebel said...

AUB help mij